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Dungeon Research [The Dom's Dungeon 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Cara Adams

  * * * *

  For once in his life, Taj wasn’t the least bit interested in the food he was eating or in choosing the most delicious dessert on the menu. All he could think about was getting Nerida naked in the dungeon and playing the scene Gavan had planned with her. It wasn’t anything very complicated. A first scene couldn’t be too hardcore. Besides, Nerida was still such a mystery to them. Knowing her favorite color was red was hardly the key to her inner soul. But still, Taj trusted Gavan to have come up with some good ideas, and the beginning of the program, the part he’d explained to Taj, was awesome. Taj was more than ready to assist in it.

  Once they’d drunk their coffee and nibbled at a platter of crackers and various types of cheese, Gavan asked, “Nerida, are you ready to come into the dungeon with us now?”

  His voice was perfectly even, and his face gently questioning, but Taj could sense the tension in his friend. Gavan was using every ounce of his restraint to ask as placidly as possible without trying to influence her answer. Taj respected Gavan for that. They both wanted her so much it was an ache in their bodies. Yet any decision had to be of her own free will.

  Nerida leaned her elbows on the table. “The concept of being freed from stress and decision-making appeals to me. It’s just that I’m not sure I’d really like the actuality.”

  Taj leaned forward and touched her arm. “That happens to me every Thanksgiving. I look forward to being with my extended family and catching up on everyone’s news. Then I walk into the room and am almost deafened by the noise level. Inside an hour I’ll have bruises all over my legs from my nephews and nieces climbing all over me, and my head will be aching from trying to hear people talk over the kids yelling and screaming. But, you know, if I relax, sit in my chair, and just let everything flow over me, I enjoy absolutely every minute of it.”

  Nerida gave him a questioning look. “Isn’t that what they used to say to brides? ‘Close your eyes and think of your country’?”

  Taj snorted.

  Gavan rubbed his fingers through his beard. “I hope you’ll be enjoying yourself too much to worry about geography. We can use the traffic light system though. I’ll ask you what color you are. If you say red, we’ll completely stop the scene. If you say green, we’ll continue as we are. And you can call orange if you want us to slow down or back off a little. Will that help?”

  Taj held his breath as he gazed at Nerida. Her face wasn’t showing much emotion, but he sensed that she was torn between agreeing and leaving. He willed her to stay. To give them the benefit of the doubt. To let them show her how much pleasure they would give her.

  When she finally gave a tiny nod, he almost exploded from repressed tension. Mentally he pumped his fist in the air, screaming Yes and high-fiving Gavan. Physically he couldn’t stop the smile he gave her.

  “Shall we move this party into the dungeon then?” suggested Gavan.

  Taj wanted to jump to his feet, but he had to wait. The choice had to be Nerida’s and freely given. When she nodded, he said, “Thank you.” His voice came out hoarse and croaky, but he didn’t care. She’d said yes, and that was all that mattered.

  He forced himself to move slowly, as if his heart wasn’t racing with desire. He smiled and held out his hand to her then led her after Gavan toward the dungeon. Gavan was the only one with a swipe card, so it was no use hurrying ahead, even though he could hardly wait. It was crazy. He’d been with Nerida only two days before, but the wait to see her again seemed interminable. All he wanted was to touch her, to hold her, to demonstrate to her how much he wanted her and how loved and cherished she’d always be with him and Gavan.

  All of which was ridiculous when she’d told them so little about herself. Taj was confident she was acting from the most honorable of motives. Likely protecting someone, possibly to do with her work. Maybe she was even going up against the mob. That thought scared him witless. The fact that she’d spoken to Allegra proved she was one of the good guys, but not knowing was almost as painful as not having her in his arms. Once she’d agreed to spend time with them, the rest would fall into place. Taj was certain.

  * * * *

  Nerida was excited to be back with these men again. She had no idea why they wanted to spend time with such an ordinary person as herself, but she’d checked them out, and they were good people and people she really wanted to be with. The dungeon was also something she wanted. She wasn’t sure exactly how she’d react, but she was ready to taste a few new and kinky ideas. Especially with two such enticing men as Taj and Gavan.

  Gavan said, “Undress, sub.”

  Nerida didn’t own the kind of lingerie she’d seen in advertisements for dungeons, but her pink bra and panties, although cotton, not silk or lace, matched her top. She removed her shoes, her jeans, and her shirt, and waited to be told what to do next.

  There was quite a long period of silence, and Nerida waited patiently, guessing this was part of the scene. She knew the gaps were meant so the sub would be wondering about what might happen next. Since nothing had occurred yet, she didn’t have much to make a decision on, but she could see and recognize some of the equipment in the dungeon and think about whether or not Gavan and Taj would use it on her.

  The chains hanging from the ceiling had a very obvious use, as did the spanking bench. Either of those would be fine by her. It might be interesting to be buckled onto the St. Andrew’s Cross as well. There were also things on the counter at the back of the dungeon, but she’d need to be closer to them to work out what each one was.

  “You aren’t naked yet, sub.”

  “Huh? All the pictures I’ve seen of dungeon scenes had the woman wearing lingerie, not naked.”

  Taj snorted and then coughed. Gavan said, “That’s just for publicity purposes. The sub needs to be naked so all their senses are hyper-alert. One of the things I’m about to demonstrate to you is how to use all your senses to understand fully everything you experience in the dungeon.”

  Nerida removed her underwear. She planned to climb into bed with these men later, so she supposed it didn’t really matter when she got undressed, and likely Gavan was right about using all her senses. The skin was the largest organ in the human body, and naked skin was very sensitive. Although it was mostly naked before. But anyway she could deal with this.

  Taj led her across to the chains and handcuffed her wrists, stretching her arms up high until they were fully extended. Then he cuffed her ankles into eyebolts on the floor that she hadn’t even noticed until right now. The floor was stone and cold, and the eyebolts were painted to match the stone and blend in.

  She was facing the side wall, which was dark gray and also looked like stone, although she was almost certain the stone would only be a layer. The Dom’s Dungeon BDSM club was in the heart of Richmond’s entertainment district and wasn’t a centuries’ old building to have genuine stone basements.

  Gavan moved so silently she was almost surprised when he appeared in front of her holding a blindfold. “On Thursday we fucked in front of a mirror so you could experience how watching yourself, as well as just using the sense of touch, enhanced the sensuality of the event. Tonight I want you to learn how removing one or more senses makes your other senses work harder to fill in the gaps. By blindfolding you and taking away the sense of sight, your other senses will sharpen and refine themselves to help you learn what’s taking place.”

  As soon as Gavan tied the blindfold over her eyes, Nerida understood what he wanted her to know. Her naked skin grew goose bumps, and she held her breath so her hearing was more acute.

  Nerida opened her mouth to help her breathe more silently and listened intently. There was the tiniest hint of fabric brushing against itself and then a whip landed hard on her ass. Her body automatically tried to move away from the whip, but it couldn’t. The chains wrenched on her shoulders, and her knees snapped back into line as she tried to step forward. There was a harsh line of pain across her butt where the whip had handed, plus now her shoulders were sore and
her knees felt tense as well. Deliberately she wiggled back into position standing straighter to take a little of the pressure off her arms. Once again she waited patiently, and only seconds later, three harsh strokes swatted her ass.

  Despite the fact that there were three hot lines on her butt this time, Nerida found the pain more tolerable. The whip was definitely more arousing than painful. The heat on the outside of her skin seemed to be directly related to the need growing inside her for an orgasm. Since she couldn’t see past the blindfold, she closed her eyes and used her other senses as Gavan had suggested. He whipped over her ass, her thighs, and even her shoulders a few times. Each time there was a burning pain with the stroke until lust flowed through her faster and harder than any punishment of the whip.

  The whipping of her shoulders reminded Nerida that her arms were getting tired being raised all the time. She shuffled her feet a little but was already pretty much in the optimal position for being chained. Taj had done a very good job of not giving her any slack, yet not hurting her at the time. It was only now, after she’d been standing here for a while, that the position began to strain her shoulders. Nerida stretched up onto the balls of her feet, giving her shoulders an extra inch of leeway and rolled them to ease the tension.

  “Stand still, sub. No one gave you permission to move.” A paddle slammed into her ass with a dull heavy thwack.

  Well fuck. She hadn’t expected that.

  For the next few minutes, Gavan paddled her ass. It was very different from the whip. It was a much heavier and broader stroke, sending heat searing through her skin. She noticed that her entire body was hot now, not just the areas that had been punished. Even her fingers seemed warm, yet they were raised so high above her body logic would have suggested they’d be cold because all the blood would have returned to her body. So much for logic!

  Nerida tried to pay attention to her other senses. Listening hard didn’t tell her anything, but she caught the faintest aroma of sweat. She didn’t think it was from herself, so likely Gavan was sweating from the exertion of whipping and paddling her. Unless it was from Taj. She had no idea what he was doing, and she needed to remember he was here in the dungeon, too, and would have set tasks to complete.

  “What color are you, sub?”

  Hmm. What color was she? Definitely not red. She had no intention of stopping this scene yet. Was she orange? Her ass was burning hot, and her shoulders were aching. No. A little discomfort meant nothing. “Green.”

  Immediately Taj removed the blindfold and began unshackling her. She wanted to ask why he was doing that. She hadn’t called an end to the scene. But she knew the sub wasn’t supposed to question her Dom. She was supposed to wait patiently and trust him that whatever he’d planned would be very good for her. So she permitted Taj to rearrange her body and lead her over to the St. Andrew’s Cross. She really wasn’t keen on having her ass hit anymore, but Taj handcuffed her into the cross facing outward, not inward. That was interesting. What was going to happen next?

  She didn’t have very long to wait and wonder. Gavan stood before her holding a bowl and a razor. “Have you ever had your cunt shaved before?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “It heightens every sensation you will feel. Your skin will be ultrasensitive, and every time Taj or I touch your cunt or your pussy lips, your feelings will be enhanced. What color are you, knowing I’m about to shave you?”

  Nerida gulped. A surge of lust raced through her. She’d had a bikini line wax several times to get ready for summer, but she’d never had a completely naked mound. Suddenly it was what she wanted. “Green,” she whispered.

  Both men crouched at her feet, and Gavan began shaving her. Taj’s fingers on her skin were gentle, pulling her flesh this way and that to help Gavan as he shaved her. He seemed to move very slowly. When she looked down at his bearded face, she hoped he remembered how to use the fucking razor. This was not the kind of place where a shaving nick would be appreciated.

  “You’re very tense. Relax. Trust us,” said Taj.

  And she knew she could. Gavan would never have suggested this if he wasn’t sure he could do it properly. All she had to do was trust him. Besides, the slow movement of the razor and their fingers over her most intimate skin was decidedly sexy. Taj held her pussy lips stretched so Gavan could shave every single hair from them. Then Gavan crept closer to her and shaved right around her anus as well until she could feel the air in the dungeon moving over her newly naked skin.

  When he was finished, Gavan massaged a cream into her skin, and then both men released her from the St. Andrew’s Cross.

  “Kneel,” ordered Gavan.

  She dropped to her knees, surprised the scene wasn’t finished yet, but she’d forgotten how thorough both men were. They each massaged the same cream into one of her shoulders, freeing up her tense muscles.

  “Now lie on your front.”

  Nerida obeyed Gavan, but she wasn’t really into the idea. She knew the stone floor was going to feel damn cold against her skin. But perhaps that was the effect he wanted her to experience. Once she was lying down, Gavan spread her legs wide apart, and Taj kneeled beside her, pressing his hand down hard on her ass.

  “What color are you now the cold stone is pressing into your naked cunt?” he asked.

  It really was quite cold against the heat of her cunt, but it was just different, not bad. “Green.”

  Taj leaned over her body and rubbed her shoulders some more then unexpectedly pressed her back down flat until her nipples were pushed against the stone.

  “What color are you now.”

  A little breathlessly she replied, “Still green.”

  She certainly hadn’t expected that action, but the stone against her nipples was the same as elsewhere on her body. Cold and hard, but not unpleasant.

  Then Gavan’s hands were on her ass, and a thick finger spread the ointment down her crack and over her rosette. She shivered as he pressed the tip of his finger inside her.

  “You know we both want you, don’t you, Nerida?” he said.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What color are you when I touch you here?” He wiggled the slippery digit deeper inside her.

  She could hardly speak, but she knew what they wanted, and she was ready to try it. Double penetration. Two men at once. Hell yes. “Green.”

  Chapter Six

  Gavan held his breath as he pushed more ointment deeper inside Nerida’s fiery-hot ass. He massaged the tight ring of muscles with his thumb as he swirled his finger around inside her, softening her tissues so his cock could enter here later.

  So far she’d been a dream sub. Every step of the scenario had gone perfectly, even to her questioning the need to take off her bra and panties. It’d told him she was actively involved in the scene, not just going through the motions. She was thinking about what she was doing, and that was very important. He and Taj couldn’t have a relationship with someone who wasn’t fully involved with them. They needed a woman who was a genuine partner, not a plastic doll.

  And Nerida sure as hell was no plastic doll. She was a gift they had to unwrap layer by layer. First, her body in the bedroom, now exposing her more deeply in the dungeon, and finally she’d open her mind to them and tell them all about herself. He couldn’t wait for that step, although this time in the dungeon had been incredibly satisfying.

  Gavan’s dick was as hard as a rock just from touching her here with his finger. He knew the moment he pushed his cock into her cute little ass, he’d explode like a firecracker unless he used every ounce of self-control he could grab. Therefore he needed to arouse her to the edge of the precipice now, in the dungeon, so she was just as desperate as he and Taj would be by then.

  He dug his fingers into the jar of aromatic cream again and teased them all around her rosette before sliding two fingers inside her. She was stretched, and her tissues were softening. Fuck! She was perfect. Even here and now, her body was proving how adaptable she was, preparing her so easily to
accept both him and Taj together.

  Everything he learned about Nerida just added to his conviction that she was the woman for them. Right from the moment they’d first seen her, they’d both wanted her, despite knowing nothing at all about her. And every tiny item they learned about her just convinced them even more strongly that their original feelings had been correct.

  Tonight, after they’d given her a screaming orgasm, he’d ensure she told them all about herself. Especially why she was so reticent to give them any real details about her life. They were her men, committed to loving and serving her. Once she knew that she had to open up to them. But first an orgasm. Or, better yet, two orgasms.

  Gavan nodded to Taj and then asked Nerida, “What color are you, sub?”

  “Green.” Her voice had a smile in it. Good, that just added even more weight to his assurance that she was enjoying this time together and looking forward to both of them fucking her.

  “Climb onto all fours,” he ordered her.

  She scrambled up onto her hands and knees. Behind her back Taj handed him a toy. He smoothed cream all over it and then pressed the head of the butt plug at her rosette. He had to wiggle it a little, but it soon slid inside her. He moved away from her a few feet, and Taj slid into place. Taj unwrapped a vibrating egg and inserted it into her cunt. Gavan was at her side, able to watch her face. She didn’t say anything, but her eyebrows rose at Taj’s touch. He buzzed the butt plug in her ass, to take her mind off what Taj was doing for a moment, and she sucked in air in surprise.

  Good. He wanted to keep her aroused until they were in the private room he’d arranged for them upstairs.


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