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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 17

by Shawn Conners

  To feign disorder, one must possess strict discipline. To feign cowardice, one must possess great courage. To feign weakness, one must possess great superiority. Order and disorder depend on organization and structure. Courage and cowardice depend on posture and circumstances. Strengths or weaknesses depend on the formation and dispositions of the army.


  Thus the person, who is adept at warfare, manipulates the enemy by creating circumstances that will make them conform. Entice the enemy with baits he cannot resist. Keep him on the move and ambush him.


  Thus, the person who is adept at warfare uses the battle circumstances and does not solely depend on his troops to seek victory. As such, he is able to select the right men and trust them to exploit the battle circumstances. The person who knows how to exploit battle circumstances is able to command his troops like rolling logs and boulders. The characteristics of the logs and boulders are such that they are not dangerous when not moving, but have destructive effects when moving. If they are square they cease to move, but when they are round, they roll. Thus the person who is adept at warfare can resemble that of moving logs, and boulders moving down the mountain, when he uses battle situations.


  Chapter 6

  Weaknesses and Strength

  Those who arrive first at the battleground will have sufficient time to rest and prepare against the enemy. Those who arrive late to the battleground will have to rush into battle when they are already exhausted.


  Thus the person adept in warfare seeks to control and manipulate his enemy instead of being manipulated and controlled. He can cause his enemy to arrive on his own accord by luring him with benefits. He can deter his enemy from coming by creating dangers and harm.


  Thus when the enemy is well-rested, disturb and tire him. When the enemy is well stocked with food, starve him. When he is encamped and comfortable, make him move. Attack places where the enemy needs to rush to defend. Move quickly along routes where the enemy least expects.


  An army can travel for a thousand li without being exhausted if it moves along places where there are no enemies. To be certain to capture what you attack is to attack a place where the enemy does not defend, or where his defense is weak. To be certain to hold on to what you defend is to defend a place, such that the enemy does not have the courage to attack, or where the defense is made invulnerable to attacks. Thus, the person who is adept at offence, attacks places which the enemy does not know how to defend. The person adept at defense protects places such that the enemy has no idea how to attack. Such is the intricacy, and subtlety of an expert in warfare that he appears to be invisible and without trace. Such is the mystery of the expert in warfare that he is not heard or detected.


  He is able to advance without resistance because he accelerates along areas that are not defended by the enemy. He is able to retreat without being pursued because he withdraws at a much faster speed than the enemy.


  Thus, when I desire to go into battle, even if the enemy is behind high walls and deep moats, he will have no choice but to engage me because I attack where he needs to rescue or protect. When I do not desire to go into battle, even though I may be occupying any ground and not erecting any form of defense, the enemy will still be unable to start a battle with me. This is because I contradict the normal rules of engagement and prevent him from reaching his desired destination.


  Thus, if I can uncover the dispositions of the enemy while remaining concealed myself, I can keep my forces concentrated and united, and force those of the enemy to be divided and dispersed. If I can concentrate and unite my troops at one place, while those of the enemy are scattered at ten different places, then I can use my entire force against one tenth of his. Thus, I will be able to have numerical strength over him. If I can use a larger and stronger force to attack a smaller and inferior enemy force, those enemies will surely be defeated. If the enemy does not know where I am going to attack, he will have to defend many places. The more places he needs to defend, the more dispersed his force will be. Thus, I am able to engage a small part of his troops with my full force. If he strengthens the front, the rear will be weakened. If he strengthens the rear, his front will be weakened. If he defends his left, his right will be exposed. If he defends his right, his left will be exposed. If he tries to defend everywhere, he will be vulnerable everywhere.


  The inferiority or weakness in numbers is normally associated with the defending side. The superiority or strength in numbers is associated with the attacking side.


  If you know the terrain of the battleground and the exact date of engagement of battle, your army can travel a thousand li and still be ready for battle. If you do not know the location of the battleground and the exact date of engagement, then your left flank will not be able to rescue your right flank, and the right flank will not be able to rescue your left flank. The front will not be able to rescue the rear and the rear will not be able to rescue the front. This problem is compounded even more, considering that the farthest force may be ten li away or the nearer force only several li apart.


d on my analysis and evaluation, the army may have superiority in numbers, but does this mean that it has the definite advantage in winning battles? Thus I say: victories can be created by us. Although the enemy may have a larger and stronger force, he can be prevented from engaging me. Therefore, scheme to discover the plans of the enemy so as to know their likelihood of success. Provoke him so as to know his reasons and basis for movement and actions. Know his dispositions so as to know the vulnerability of the ground he is occupying. Throw some contests against the enemy so as to know his area of his strengths and weaknesses.


  The ultimate skill in the deployment of troops is to ensure that it has no fixed or constant formation and disposition. Without ascertainable formations, even the most well-placed and observant spy will not be able to probe and comprehend, and the wisest strategist will not be able to uncover your plans or plot against you. The victory gained as a result of adapting to the circumstances of the enemy will never be understood by the troops. Everyone may know the formation that I used to secure victory. However, no one will know the ways, methods and reasons behind how I went about creating that victory.


  Therefore, the victory gained from each battle comes about because strategies and tactics are never repeated. Rather, they should vary according to the circumstances, with infinite possibilities. The principle underlying military deployment may be likened to water. It is the inherent characteristic of flowing water to flow from high places and hasten its movement in low places. In the same way, the disposition and deployment of an army should be to avoid strengths and attack weaknesses. Just as water controls its flow according to the characteristics of the terrain, an army should try to create its victory according to the situations of the enemy. So, in the conduct of war, there are no fixed situations and conditions, just like water has no constant shape and configuration. The persons who gains victories by adapting to the changing conditions and situations of the enemy can be considered a legend in warfare. Thus, there is no guaranteed victory among the five elements of nature. There is no permanency for each of the four seasons. There are days which are short and days which are long. There are changes in the shape of the moon throughout a month.


  Chapter 7

  Military Maneuvers

  In any military campaign, the general will first receive orders from his ruler. He then assembles the troops and mobilizes the people. He must harmonize these diverse groups and build their relationships and comradery. However, none of these are more difficult than military maneuvers. The difficulty about the art of maneuvering is to convert difficult and torturous routes into direct accesses, and to turn disastrous circumstances into advantageous situations.


  Thus, advance by using indirect routes, and lure the enemy by offering enticements as bait. As such, while you may set off later than your enemy, you will be able to arrive earlier than him. The one who knows how to do this understands the use of direct and indirect strategies.


  In maneuvering there are advantages to be gained and dangers and calamities as well. One who attempts to mobilize a complete and fully equipped army, so as to go after advantages and gains will be late in seizing them. One who sends a lightly equipped army to go after advantages and gains is likely to suffer severe losses of stores and supplies.

  An army may bundle up and keep wearing armor, in order to rush its movement forward through nights and days without rest, so that double the distance can be covered. It can travel 100 li to contend for advantages against the enemy. However, such an army is likely to risk having the generals of its three divisions captured. This is because the stronger and fitter men will be in front while the weaker ones are far behind. As a result, only one tenth of it will reach the destination. It can travel 50 li to contend for advantages against the enemy. In this case, the general of the vanguard will be humiliated and defeated. This is because only half the troops will arrive at the destination. It can travel 30 li to contend for advantages against the enemy, but only two thirds of the troops will arrive at the destination.

  It follows that an army without heavy equipment and supplies will perish. An army without sufficient food and grain will die. An army without sufficient stockpiles and reserves will not survive.


  Thus, if the schemes and ploys of the neighboring warlords are not known, one should not be keen to enter into any alliances with them. Those who do not know the conditions of the forested mountains, the dangerous terrain of mountain paths, and the treacherous nature of swamps and marshes will not be able to conduct the movement of troops. Those who do not use local guides will not be able to gain the advantages of the terrain.


  Thus, war is based on who applies deception best. Move when there are advantages. Create changes in situations through the dispersion and concentration of forces. Thus, when in movement, be as swift as the wind. When in slow marches, be as majestic as the forest. When raiding, be as ferocious as the fire. When not in movement, be as steady as the mountains. When in concealment, be as inscrutable as the darkness. When attacking, be as overwhelming as the roar of thunder and merciless as the strike of lightning. When looting and plundering the villages, share the bounty with the troops; when occupying conquered territories, also share the bounty. Consider and deliberate carefully before deciding on any action. Those who can master beforehand the skill of using the indirect and direct approaches, strategies and schemes will win. Such is the art of maneuvering military forces.


  According to the Military and Political Guide, “In battles, as verbal communication cannot be heard clearly, cymbals and drums are used as commands.” As visual communication and eye contact are hampered, banners and flags are used as signals. Now the purpose of using cymbals, drums, flags and banners is to draw attention of the troops and focus them for combat under the direction of the commander. Once the troops are united as one body, the courageous ones will not advance forward by themselves and the cowardly ones will not retreat by themselves. This is the art of directing larges forces in battles.

  <<军政>> 说:“作战中用口令指挥无效,所以应该用金鼓;因为看不见,所以应该用。” 金鼓和金鼓,是用来统一全军行动的。全军统一,则勇者不会擅自前进,怯懦者不会擅自后退。这就是指挥军队的方法。

  For battles at night, use more torches and drums. For battles in the day, use more banners and flags. These different means of communication can be designed to influence the judgment of the enemy.


  Thus, they serve to destroy the morale of the enemy’s army. With regard to the generals of the enemy, they serve to rob them off their decisiveness. At the beginning of a military campaign, the fighting spirit of the forces is high. As the campaign progresses, the spirit of the forces become sluggish and tiredness sets in. Towards the end of the campaign, thoughts of returning home will set in. Therefore, the adept at warfare avoids engaging the enemy when their morale is high, and only attacks them when their spirits are sluggish, and the soldiers are homesick. This is how to control the morale factor.


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