Verse 2
For a well-trained army: in a square formation, they are victorious; in a circular formation, they are also victorious; in a very uneven array, they are also victorious; and if they encounter difficult terrain, they will also emerge victorious. If the enemy is in the mountains, climb after him. If the enemy is in the depths, plunge in after him. Seek the enemy as if searching for a lost child, seek him without any doubt and fast. In this way, you will be able to defeat the enemy and control his fate. Now, one must make decisions early and determine plans beforehand. If plans are not determined first and if intentions are not decided early, then neither advancing nor retreating will be in order. When doubts arise, defeat is certain. Thus a direct army values arriving first. An indirect army values arriving second. Being first, being second – these are ways to control the enemy. Generals throughout the ages who have not understood these principles, after their first commission, rush to be first to launch an attack – relying on courage alone. There were none who were not defeated. Their actions should be hesitant but are not; their movements should be confident but are not; their movement should be at times slow, at times rapid but is neither slow nor rapid when it needs to be. These three situations drag on the army in battle.
有训练的军队,方阵也能取胜,圆阵也能取胜,在错综复杂的地形作战也能取胜,在险要阻绝的地形作战也能取胜。敌人在山上,就缘山进攻它。敌人在水上,就下水攻击它。搜找敌人要象搜找丢失的孩子一样迫切,毫不迟疑地追击,所以能打败敌人,致敌于死命。用兵必须提早定下决心,预先确定作战计划,如果计划不预先制定,决心不及早定下,就会进退不定,疑虑丛生,这样必然招致失败。一般来说正兵贵在先发制人,奇兵应该后发制人,但是,哪个先用,哪个后用,都是为了战胜敌人。 一些庸将不懂得这种奇正变化的法则,一意孤行,以先击为勇,这就没有不失败的了。在出兵时,该考虑的不考虑;进军中,该有信心而又动摇;在战斗中,当快时不快,当慢时不慢,这三种都是对作战不利的。
Chapter 19 – Orders of the General before the Start of the War
Before the commanding general is about to receive his commission, the ruler must first discuss military strategy in the ancestral temple, then issue the order in court. The ruler personally grants the Axe of Authority to the general, saying: “The Left, Right and Central Armies have their separate responsibilities. If anyone oversteps the boundary of their responsibility to seek the intercession of higher ranks, he shall be put to death. Within the army, there cannot be two sources of orders. Anyone who issues a second order shall be executed. Anyone who withholds orders shall be executed. Anyone who delays the implementation of an order shall be executed. Anyone who disobeys an order shall be executed.”
The general makes the announcement: “To those about to go out beyond the gates of the state capital, the time for assembling is set as midday. Within the encampment, we shall set up a gnomon (form of sundial) and place it at the front gate. Those who arrive past the designated time will be subject to the provision of the law.”
When the general has entered the encampment, he closes the gate and has the roads cleared. Anyone daring to enter or to leave the encampment without permission will be executed. Anyone daring to make a big clamor will be executed. Those not following orders will be executed.
将军奉命出征,君主必先在宗庙商定大计,然后在朝廷发布命令,并亲自把斧钺授予将军说:”左、 右、中三军,皆有分掌的职权,如有越级报告的处死。军队中除将军外不得发布命令,擅自发布命令的处死。扣压命令的处死,贻误命令执行的处死。”将军受领任务后,向下级宣布说:”出了京城以后,限于正午以前,树立营表,设置辕门,等待军队报到,如果超过规定时间而迟到的依法惩办。”将军入营以后,即关闭营门,禁止通行,有敢擅自通行的处死,有敢高声喧嚷的处死,有敢不服从命令的处死。
Chapter 20 – Vanguards
What is referred to as the vanguard moves off from the main force about 100 miles, arriving at a designated place and an appointed time. It carries three days of supplies of prepared food. It moves in front of the main army. Only when they have confirmed the orders and signals, do they then move off. Before they move off, one should reward them to motivate them, and deploy them as the disposition of each army changes. This is the method to move the troops.
The advance army moves in front of the vanguard. When the order to move off is raised (the proper flag), it moves off from the main force to double the vanguard’s distance – about 100 miles ahead of the vanguard, arriving at the designated place and time. They carry six days supply of prepared food. They are ordered to prepare for the battle and deploy troops to occupy strategic positions. If the battle turns to the army’s advantage, they pursue the retreating enemy; if the forces are stalemated, they race into the enemy. If the vanguard encounters anyone who has turned back, they should execute him. What are termed the armies of generals, consist of four forces and they are the main, advance, vanguard and pockets of army, and using them would allow the general to seize victory.
The army has its squads of ten and five and the methods of dividing and reuniting. Before engaging in battle, duties are assigned, and designated units should occupy the strategic locations, passes, and bridges. When the order to engage in battle is raised, they should all assemble. The main army sets out with a fixed daily ration and their combat equipment all complete. The orders are issued and they move; anyone who does not follow orders is executed.
Now determine and assign forces to the strategic points within the borders of the state. After the advance army and vanguard have already set out, the people within the borders are not able to move about. Those who have received the king’s commands and who have been given and carry the proper tallies and tokens are officers acting in accord with their duties. Officers who are not acting in accord with their duties, but yet move, should be executed. When the main army has moved off, these officers – acting in accord with their duties – travel about and are employed to ensure that army affairs are mutually regulated. Accordingly, one who wants to wage warfare must first secure the interior.
凡宣布戒严的地区,在它的范围之内,当兴军、踵军已经出发,而主力还未出发的时候,境内的民众,一概不许通行。奉有君主命令并持有符节的,叫做传达任务的军 官,这种人才准通行。不是传达任务的军官而擅自行动的应予惩罚。当主力出发以后,传达任务的军官才离开这个地区,回去参与军务。总之要进行战争,必须首先安定内部的秩序。
Chapter 21 – Military Instructions I
Verse 1.1
Rules for instructing the soldiers: when dispersing them to their encampments, have the soldiers
assume formation; those who advance or retreat contrary to orders should be punished for the crime of contravening instructions. The front lines are instructed by the commander of the front lines; the rear lines are instructed by the commander of the rear lines; the lines to the left are instructed by the commander of the lines to the left; the lines to the right are instructed by the commander of the lines to the right. When all five men in a line have been successfully instructed, their squad leader is rewarded. Failing to successfully instruct all of them will result in being punished as though one had committed the crime of contravening instructions. If someone who has fallen ill brings it to the attention of the squad himself, and the squad members jointly report it, they will then be spared from punishment.
Verse 1.2
In general, when the squad of five assumes formation for battle, if one of the men does not advance to attack the enemy, his instructor will be punished as if he had committed the crime himself. The squad of ten protects and bonds the ten men within it. If they lose a man and the other nine men do not fight to the death in a desperate battle with the enemy, then their instructor will be punished as if he had committed the crime himself. From the squad of ten up to the subordinate generals, if anyone does not follow the laws, their instructors will be punished as if they had committed the crime himself. In general, to make punishments and fines strict, and incentives and rewards fair, they must be incorporated within the laws for instructing the soldiers.
Verse 1.3
Generals and the army have different flags, companies have different emblems. The Left Army wears their emblems on the left shoulder; the Right Army wears their emblems on the right shoulder; the Central Army wears their emblems on the front of the chest. Record on their emblems which part of the army they are from. From the front to the rear, for each platoon of five lines, the most honored emblems are placed on the head; the others accordingly place the emblem lower and lower on the body.
Verse 1.4
The squad leader instructs the other four men using a board as a drum, a piece of tile as a gong, and a bamboo pole as a flag. When he strikes a drum, they should advance; when he lowers the flag, they should race forward; when he strikes a gong, they should withdraw. When he points left, they should go left; when he points right, they should go to the right. When the gongs and the drums are struck together, they should sit.
When the squad leader has completed instructing the squad, they should be united with another squad, under a leader for a squad of ten. When the squad leaders have completed instructing them, they should be united under a platoon commander. When the platoon commander has completed instructing them, they should be united under a company commander. When the company commander has completed instructing them, they should be united under an army commandant. When the army commandant has completed instructing them, they should be united under a subordinate general. When the subordinate general has completed instructing them, they should be united under a commanding general.
When the commanding general has completed instructing them, he has them deploy in formation in the countryside. He sets up three large posts, one every hundred paces and has the army arrange into a formation before moving towards the first pole. They advance 100 paces and practice engaging the enemy. The army should quick-step for a hundred paces, and then race for another hundred paces. They practice battle tactics according to such plans. Afterward, rewards and punishments should be implemented according to how much they achieved during training.
Verse 1.5
From the commandant on down, every officer has a flag. When the battle has been won, in each case, look at the rank of the flags that have been captured and reward accordingly. Such action will show that the commanding general is determined to reward based on accomplishments. Victory in war lies in military grandeur. Establishing military grandeur lies in uniting strength. Uniting strength lies in correct implementation of punishments. To implement punishments correctly, rewards system must be clear. Today when the people turn their backs to the border gates, facing life and death in war, if they have been taught to die without hesitation, there is a reason, and that is correct implementation of rewards and punishment.
Verse 1.6
Instructed defenders set up a solid defense; those engaged in battle to inevitably fight; perverse plans not to be put in action; perverse people not to speak; orders effected without differing from the original orders given; the army to advance without doubt; and the light units to behave like a clap of thunder – to rush at the enemy like the stampede of horses. Raise those with merit; distinguish those with Virtue, making their distinction as clear as black and white. Cause the people to follow the orders of their superiors just as the four limbs respond to the mind.
要使防御的必能固守,进攻的必能备战,奸谋不会发生,奸人不敢造谣,命令贯彻不会走样,部队行动没有疑虑,轻装急进象雷电似的迅速,奋勇杀敌象惊马似的奔 驰。提拔有功的人,表扬有德的人,功过是非黑白分明,这就能使士兵按照上级的命令行动。如象四肢听从头脑的指挥一样灵活了。
Verse 1.7
If the forward units break up the enemy’s ranks, penetrate the enemy’s solid defense like water bursting through, there is a basis for it. This is the result of effective training. They provide the means to open sealed borders, preserve the altars of state, eliminate disaster and harm, and gain martial accomplishment.
Chapter 22 – Military Instructions II
Verse 1.1
I have heard that once a ruler of men knows the way to achieve victory, he is then able to unite others and become expansive and great, to unify the ordinances and regulations, and have his military grandeur prevail in the world. There are twelve essential matters to look at to achieve victory:
The first is called ‘joint punishment’ and refers to the method of joint criminal responsibility for all members of the squad of five.
The second is called ‘terrain restrictions’ which refers to prohibiting and stopping passage along the roads in order to ensnare spies.
The third, ‘chariots as a unit’, refers to the chariot commanders and infantry leaders being mutually dependent, the three officers in the chariot and the squads of five being cohesive, all coming together to form a unit.
The fourth, ‘defending strategic points’, refers to dividing the terrain with boundaries and having each man securely defending his position till death.
The fifth, ‘demarking boundaries’, refers to the left and right restraining each other, front and rear awaiting each other and a wall of chariots creating a solid defense in order to oppose the enemy and stop them.
Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 35