The sixth, ‘commands are distinguished’, refers to the forward rows concentrating on advancing, thereby being distinguished from those in the rear; who are not to compete to be the first to ascend, nor overstep their positions.
The seventh, ‘five emblems’, refers to distinguishing the rows, with emblems so that the troops will not be disordered.
The eighth, ‘preserving the units’, refers to units breaking up and following each other, each having their appointed sections.
The ninth, ‘gongs and drums’, refers to stimulating the troops to achievement and compelling them to great heights.
The tenth, ‘arraying the chariots’, refers to making the formation tight, with the spears deployed to the front and putting blinders on the horses’ eyes.
The eleventh, ‘warriors of death’, refers to selecting the courageous and strong from among the masses of the army to ride in war chariots. They race forward and back, across and about, using tactics to gain mastery over the enemy.
The twelfth, ‘strong troops’, refers to regulating the flags and preserving the units. Without the flags signaling an order, they do not move.
When the instructions for these twelve rules have been successfully taught, anyone who contravenes an order should not be pardoned. As such, a weak army will be able to strengthen. If a ruler does not have a reputation, they will be able to know him. If orders become enervated, they will be able to revitalize them. If the people become migrants, they will be able to attract them. If the people are numerous, they will be able to govern them. If the territory is vast, they will be able to defend it. Without sending out the chariots or taking the armor from the storage bags, your military grandeur will still spread throughout the land.
Verse 1.2
Soldiers have five commitments: for their general, they forget their families; when they cross the border, they forget their relatives; when they confront the enemy, they forget themselves; when they are committed to die, they will live; urgently seeking victory is the lowest. 100 men willing to suffer the pain of a blade can penetrate a line and cause chaos in a formation. 1,000 men willing to suffer the pain of a blade can seize the enemy and kill its general. 10,000 men willing to suffer the pain of a blade can transverse anywhere at will.
Verse 1.3
King Wu asked Tai Gong Wang: “I want to know the essence of employing men.” Tai Gong Wang replied: “Your rewards should be like mountains, your punishments like streams. When carrying out punishment and rewards, make no errors; the next is to correct mistakes immediately, if any. As such, there would not be disputes. Now anyone who, when about to be punished, requests that he not be punished should die. Anyone who, when about to be rewarded, requests that he not be rewarded should die. Attack a country when it has major changes. Observe their display of riches in order to observe their poverty. Observe their display of weaknesses in order to determine their ‘illnesses’. If the ruler is immoral and the people disaffected, in cases such as these, one has a basis for attack.”
周武王问太公望说:”我想用最少时间来了解用人的要领。 太公望说:”奖励好人好事,要象高山那样的坚定不秽,惩罚坏人坏事,要象溪水那样的通行无阻。执行赏罚最重要的是不发生差错,其次是有了差错及时纠正,这就不合使人背后议论了。凡是有罪当罚而请求不罚的处死,有功当赏而请求不赏的处死。讨伐别的国家,必须利用它国内的变乱。观察它的财政情况,看它是否穷困,观察它国内的弊端,看它有何危机,看它上层是否专横暴戾,下层是否离心离德,有了这些情况就是有了可以讨我伐的因素。
Verse 1.4
In general, whenever about to mobilize the army, you must first investigate the strategic balance of power both within and outside the borders, in order to decide whether to mount a campaign. You must know whether the army is well prepared or suffers from inadequacies, whether there is a surplus or shortage of food. You must determine the route for advancing and returning. Only thereafter can you mobilize the army to attack the weakest points and be certain of being able to enter his state.
If the territory is vast but the cities small, you must first occupy their land. If the cities are large but the land narrow, you must first attack their cities. If the country is vast, and the populace is small, isolate their strategic points. If the land is confined, but the people are numerous, then construct fortifications in order to attack them. Do not destroy their material gains nor delay people’s scheduled agricultural activities. Be magnanimous towards government officials, stabilize the people’s occupations, and provide relief for the impoverished, for then your virtuous deeds will be sufficient to spread throughout the land. Today, warring states attack each other and mount large assaults on the virtuous. From the squads to the platoons, from the platoons to the army, none have unified orders. They cause the people to have unsettled minds; these rulers incline toward arrogance and extravagance. Officials are constantly involved in disputes, spending their time investigating matters. These are entanglements that cause all parties to be tired and dispirited, thus bringing about defeat. After the sun has set, the road remains long, and when the soldiers return to camp, they are dispirited. The army is tired from the campaign, the general covetous. Thus the troops will plunder to seize material gains and will be easily defeated.
兴兵作战,必须详细研究敌我形势的变化,以计划军队的行动。敌我战备的程度,粮食的多少,比较双方进出道路的远近险易,然后出兵进攻,必能顺利攻入敌境。敌人地大而城小,必先占领广阔的土地。城大而地窄,必先攻占它的城市。土地广阔而人口少的,就要控制它的枢纽要害,城市狭小而人口稠密的,就构筑土山攻城。 对敌国不要损害其民众的利益,不要耽误民众的耕种,废除苛刻的法令,安定人民的生活,拯救民众的疾苦,这就是施恩于天下了。现今各国互相攻伐,往往仗恃强大,攻击施行德政的国家。军队从”伍”到”两”,从”两”到”师”,命令不统一,军心不安定。崇尚骄奢,惹事生非,官吏忙于处理这些事情,徒劳精力,招致战败。还师罢军,挫伤士气,久战疲惫,将帅贪功,士卒劫掠,�
Verse 1.5
When the general is arrogant and obnoxious, the fortifications are low, and the troop’s minds unstable, they can be attacked. If the general can be counted on, fortifications are high, but the masses are afraid, they can be encircled. In general, whenever you encircle someone, you must provide them with a prospect for some escape, causing them to become weaker day by day. When time passes, even if the defenders reduce their rations, they will have nothing to eat. When their masses fight with each other at night, it is a sign that they are terrified. If the masses avoid following instructions, they have become disaffected. If they just wait for others to come and rescue them, and when the time for battle arrives, they are tense; they have all lost their will and are dispirited. Being dispirited defeats an army; distorted plans defeat a state.
Chapter 23 – Army Orders I
Verse 1.1
Weapons are implements for killing. War is contrary to Virtue. Plundering is an underhanded activity. Therefore when a true king attacks the brutal and chaotic, he takes benevolence and righteousness as the foundation for it. At the present time, the warring states, to establish their military grandeur, resist their enemies and plot against each other. Thus they cannot disband their armies.
Verse 1.2
War takes the military as its trunk and political gains as its seed. War can be seen as the exterior and politics as the interior. One who can investigate and fathom the two will know the difference between victory and defeat. Politics is the means to discern benefit and harm, to discriminate between security and danger. The military is the means to contravene a strong enemy, to forcefully attack and defend.
Verse 1.3
One who is unified will be victorious; one who is beset by dissension will be defeated. When formations are tight, they are solid; when using weapons, it is better that the formations are loose. One whose troops fear their general far more than the enemy will be victorious. One whose troops fear the enemy far more than their general will be defeated. Thus to know who will be victorious and who defeated, measure your general with the enemy. If the general is settled and quiet, the troops are well-ordered; if the general is brutal and hasty, they are in chaos.
Verse 1.4
Sending troops forth and deploying the army have standard orders; the dispersal and density of the lines and squads have standard methods; and arraying the rows from the front to rear has appropriateness and suitability. Standard orders are not employed when pursuing a fleeing enemy or suddenly striking a city. If the front and rear are disordered, then the army loses the ability to achieve victory. If anyone causes confusion among the lines, behead him.
Verse 1.5
The standard deployment for formations is always facing toward the enemy. There are also internally oriented formations, externally oriented formations, standing formations, and sitting formations. Internally oriented formations provide the means to preserve the center; externally oriented formations provide the means to defend against external threats. Standing formations are the means to move, sitting formations the means to stop or defend. Standing or sitting formations deployed in accordance with the need to move or stop, with the general being in command in the middle. The weapons of the seated soldiers are the sword and axes; the weapons of the standing soldiers are the spear tipped halberd and crossbow; the general also occupies the middle, in command.
Verse 1.6
Those who excel at repelling the enemy, first join battle with regular troops, then use surprise strategies to control them. This is the technique for certain victory. Array Axes of Authority: make a display of the emblems and flags. Those who have merit must be rewarded; those who contravene orders must die. The preservation or destruction of the state and the life or death of the soldiers lies at the hands of the general. Even though there are those under Heaven who excel at commanding armies, no one will be able to repel an army whose general does the above.
Verse 1.7
Before arrows have been shot and cross in flight, before the long blades have clashed, if the enemy’s front lines are noisy, it means their army is weak. If the back lines are noisy, it means they are strong in numbers. If both the front and the back lines are not noisy, it means there is a plan. All three situations are typical war situations.
Chapter 24 – Army Instructions II
Verse 1.1
Units are dispatched from the main army to undertake advance preparations for defense. They should set up observation posts along the borders every three to five miles. When they hear that the main army is making preparations to advance, mount a defense, and engage in battle, they should prohibit all movement in order to provide security to the state.
Verse 1.2
When troops from the interior are about to set out for border duty, have the commanding officer provide them with their flags, drums, halberds, and armor. On the day for issuing forth, anyone who leaves after the commanding officer has gone out beyond the district border shall be liable to the law, for late arrival for border duty.
The term of border duty for a soldier is one year. Anyone who leaves before bei
ng replaced shall be punished analogously to the law for deserting the army. If his parents, wife, or children know about it, they will share the crime with him. If they do not know about it, pardon them.
Verse 1.3
If a soldier arrives at the headquarters of the Grand General a day after his commanding officer, his parents, wife and children should all share the crime with him. If a soldier abandons his post to return home for a day and his parents, wife, or children do not arrest him, hold him or report it, they should also share the crime with him.
Verse 1.4
If they should abandon their commanding officer in battle, or if their commanding officer should abandon his troops and flee by himself, behead them all.
Verse 1.5
If a forward officer should abandon his troops and flee, any officer to the rear who is able to kill him and reassemble his troops should be rewarded.
Verse 1.6
Anyone among such troops who has not achieved merit within the army must serve three years at the border.
Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 36