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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 37

by Shawn Conners


  Verse 1.7

  If the army engages in a major battle and the commanding general dies, all of the subordinate officers whose commanding units of more than 500 men, who were not able to fight to the death with the enemy should be beheaded. All the troops near to the commanding general, on the left and right in protective formation, should be beheaded. As for the remaining officers and men in the army, those who have merit should be demoted by one grade. Those who do not have merit should be sent to three years’ border duty.


  Verse 1.8

  If the squad of five loses a man in battle, or if a squad member dies in battle but they do not retrieve his corpse, then take away all the merit of his squad members. If they retrieve his corpse, then their crimes should all be pardoned.


  Verse 1.9

  The army’s advantage and disadvantage lie in the strength of the state. Today if a person’s name appears as holding a particular military office, but in reality he is at home, then the office has not gained from his presence, and the household does not have the registration of his name. When troops are assembled to compose an army, it will have an empty name without substance. Outside of the state, it will be inadequate to repel enemies, while within the borders, it will be inadequate to defend the state. This is the way in which the army becomes insufficient; in which the general has his military grandeur taken away.


  Verse 1.10

  In my opinion, when soldiers abandon their units and return home, the other members of their squad in the same barracks and their officers would be punished by taking their rations, to be put into the army’s provisions. Thus a person is nominally with the army, but in reality, double the ration is taxed from the household. The resources of the state are then expended, and the harvest of the people is naturally exhausted. How can the disaster of defeat be avoided in such a case?


  Verse 1.11

  Today, if the rules are able to stop deserters from returning home, this prevents the loss of an army and is the first military victory. When the squads of five and ten are mutually bound to the point that in battle, the troops and officer will aid each other, this is the second military victory. If the general is able to establish his military grandeur and set a great example, the soldiers to master and follow instructions, while the commands and orders are clear and trusted, and attacking and defending are both properly executed, this is the third military victory.


  Verse 1.12

  I have heard that in antiquity, those who excelled in employing the army could motivate half of their officers and soldiers to fight to death in war. The next could motivate a third of their officers and soldiers to fight to death in war. And the next could motivate a tenth of their officers and soldiers to fight to death in war. One who could motivate half his troops to fight till death will have his military grandeur spread throughout the land. One who could motivate one third of his troops to fight till death is equivalent to the strength of the warlord. One who could motivate a tenth of his troops to fight till death can thoroughly execute orders given to him.

  Thus I say that a mass of a million that does not follow orders is not as good as 10,000 men who fight. 10,000 men who fight are not as good as 100 men who are truly aroused. Thus rewards should be as clear as the sun and moon, credibility should be given accurately, like the cycle of the four seasons; orders should be like the Axe of Authority that commands with authority, and regulations are as sharp and clear as the famous sword Gan Chiang. Only when such conditions are met, officers and troops will follow orders.



  The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong


  The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong (黄石公三略) is a legendary military text which focuses on concepts of government, the administration of forces, the characteristics of a capable general, and implementing a system of rewards and punishments. The strategies are divided into “Upper”, “Middle” and “Lower”. Although called ‘The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong’, there is no agreement on historical authorship. It has been variously attributed to Huang Shigong and Jiang Ziya. Other scholars believe it may be a complete forgery. It is believed to have been written during the Han dynasty (c. 210 CE).

  The Upper Strategy

  The Upper Strategy - Popular Support

  The ruler should focus on winning the minds of the capable, rewarding those of merit and having his policies adopted by the people. Thus, if he has the same wishes as the people, there is nothing he cannot accomplish. If he has the same hatred as the people, there is nothing he cannot overturn. Governing the state, and providing security for one's family, is a matter of gaining the people's trust. Losing control of the state and endangering one's family is a matter of losing the people's trust. At the end of the day, all people want to realize their ambitions.


  The Upper Strategy - Being Resolute and Flexible

  Military theory states: The soft can counter the hard; the weak can counter the strong. Being soft at the appropriate time can be a virtue; being hard inappropriately can be a fault. The weak is what the people will help; pretending to be strong is what people will resent. Soft, hard, weak and strong - each has its appropriate place, and one should combine these four and use them where it is most appropriate. When neither the beginning nor end is visible, no one is able to gain full understanding. Heaven and Earth, like the myriad of things, also changes and transforms. Thus the commander should make changes and be flexible when the situation warrants. He should change and transf
orm in response to the enemy. He does not precede affairs; when the enemy realigns, he immediately adapts. Thus he is able to formulate inexhaustible strategies and methods of control to secure victory, sustain his gains, bring tranquility and order to the whole land, and settle the Nine Barbarians.[16] Such a strategist is a teacher for an emperor.

  Everyone covets strength and power, but rare are those capable of using “soft” and “weak” appropriately. If one can use them well, he can protect his life. If the ruler can use them well, he will be able to adapt to change. Such principles can be promoted throughout the land, and threats can be met without requiring special accommodation. Using these principles, one can make enemy states submit.

  Military theory states: If the ruler can be soft and hard, the future of his state will be increasingly bright. If the ruler can be weak and strong, his state will be increasingly prosperous. If purely soft and weak, his state will inevitably decline. If purely hard and strong, his state will inevitably be destroyed.

  《军谶》说:柔能制刚,弱能制强。柔而恰当是美德,刚而不当是祸害,示弱的往往得到人们的同情和援助,逞能的常常遭到人们的怨恨和非难。柔有柔的用处,刚有刚的用处,弱有弱的用处,强有强的用处,应该把这四者巧妙地结合起来,因事制宜地加以运用。 还不知道事情的始末,人们就不能认识它。“天地神明”也是随着事物的推移而变化无常的。所以军事上也要根据敌情而变化,不要首先行动,而要随着敌人行动采取适当的对策。这样就能图谋制胜,无往不利,辅佐君主,树立天威,拯济天下,安定“九夷”。这样出谋划策的人,就能做帝王的老师。



  The Upper Strategy - Talent and People

  The basic principle of governing the state is to rely on those people who are capable. If you trust those who are capable, and employ them as if they were your four limbs, then all your plans will be accomplished. Your measures will follow each other as naturally as your four limbs, or the way the joints work with each other, without any hindrance.


  The Upper Strategy - Handling People, the Enemy and Victory

  The essence of governing the state and army lies in understanding the needs of the people and managing the affairs of the state.

  Protect those who are in danger; bring happiness to those who are in fear; forgive and ask for the return of those who rebel; make right the injustice done to those who have been wronged; investigate all grievances that are submitted; raise up the lowly; suppress those who are strong and arrogant; destroy the enemy; enrich the greedy; use those who have desires; relieve those who are fearful; get close to good strategists; stay away from slanderers; check all negative comments; eliminate the rebellious; stifle those who act willfully; diminish the arrogant; summon and use those who turn their allegiance to you; settle those who submit to you; release those who surrender.

  If you gain a strong position, defend it. If you gain a narrow defile, block it. If you gain a difficult position, encamp to hold it. If you secure a city, cut it up. If you seize territory, then divide it up. If you obtain spoils, distribute them.

  When the enemy moves observe him; when he approaches, prepare for him. If the enemy is strong and morale is high, be deferential to make him more arrogant. If the enemy is well rested, avoid him. If the enemy has not made a move, be persistent with your resistance. If the enemy is a tyrant, use benevolence to comfort his people. If the enemy is rebellious, attack him in the name of righteousness. If your enemies are united, and in harmony, separate them. In accordance with the enemy's action, initiate relevant measures to repress him and use force to destroy him. Mislead him with false information; cause him to make mistakes and capture him when he does.

  When you gain something, do not keep it for yourself. If you occupy a territory, do not set up a permanent defense. Do not occupy a city for too long. Establish a ruler within the population; do not take over the position. The governing direction should come from you but the credit should go to the officials. Such action is where the greatest benefit lies. Allow others to become the warlords, while you yourself become the emperor. Allow the warlords to run the states themselves and set their own taxation.




  敌人行动时要注意侦察,敌人接近时要严加戒备,敌势强盛时要示弱使它骄傲,敌人以逸待劳就要避开它,敌人未犯就要坚决抵抗,敌人暴虐无道要用仁德安抚民众, 敌人背逆无理要用正义声讨,敌人和睦团结要使它分化。顺应敌之行动以挫败它,根据敌之形势而击破它,放出假情报使它发生过失,四面包围把它歼灭。


  The Upper Strategy - How a Good Ruler Treats His People

  Since ancient times, all rulers have venerated their ancestors, but few have treated the people as they should have been treated. Those rulers who venerated their ancestors did so because it was required of them by ancestral rules. Those who treated the people as they should have been treated showed the greatness of the ruler. A ruler who treats his people well concentrates on agriculture and silk production and does not disturb the people during their vital seasonal occupations. He also keeps taxes and impositions to a minimum, not exhausting the wealth of the people. If a ruler imposes few labor services and does not cause the people to be over-labored, the state will be prosperous and families will enjoy happiness. Only then, does the good ruler select officers to control and supervise the people.

  Good officers are men of valor and character. Thus it is said that drawing men of valor and character from enemy states will impoverish the enemies. These valiant men are the pillars of the state and the commoners are the roots. Securing the pillars and the roots, the measures of the government can then be implemented without resentment.


  The Upper Strategy - Attracting the Capable

  The essence of employing the army lies in respecting the forms of propriety and making salaries generous. When propriety is observed, wise officers will come. When salaries are generous, righteous officers will disregard death. Thus when granting salaries to the capable, do not begrudge the expense, and when rewarding them, do not delay. Only then, subordinates will unite together and then the enemy states will be reduced.

  The way to employ those who are capable is to honor them with ranks, and remunerate them generously with material goods, and then the capable will come forward on their own accord. Welcome them according to the forms of propriety; stimulate them with righteousness, and then the officers will be willing to lay down their lives for the state.


  The Upper Strategy - How Good Generals Treat Their Armies

  Those who command an army must share in the advantages and disadvantages of the officers and men; they must share in both safety and danger. Only then can they confidently confront the enemy, gain full victory and completely destroy the enemy. Once in antiquity, when a great general was presented with a cask of good wine, he ordered the wine poured into the river, and then he shared the drinking of wine with his officers and men as it flowed downstream. Although a cask of wine is unable to flavor a river of water, the men and officers of the army were motivated to fight to the death because their general’s regard for them touched them personally.


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