Military theory states: When the wells have not yet been completed, the general does not mention his thirst. When the encampment has not yet been set up fully, the general does not speak of fatigue. When the army's stoves have not been lit, the general does not speak of hunger. In the winter he does not wear a fur robe; in the summer he does not use a fan; in the rain he does not use an umbrella. Such is how the general shares weals and woes with his men.
Together in danger, together in safety, his army will be united together and will never be split apart. The army can be exercised but cannot be tired out. This is because of the general’s beneficence. He ceaselessly gathers them together, and with his plans he constantly unites them. Thus it is said that when you cultivate beneficence tirelessly with one man you can gain ten thousands more.
当将帅的,必须与士卒同甘苦、共安危,才可对敌作战,这样才可使战争获得全胜,全部俘获敌人。从前良将用兵,有人送他一坛美酒,他叫人把酒倒在河里,与士卒同流而饮,一坛美酒虽然不能佼一河的水都有酒味,但全军却因此愿为他效力死战,这是由于将帅与士卒同甘苦的缘故。《军谶》上记:军井还没有凿成,将帅不说 渴。帐幕还没有架好,将帅不说疲倦。军灶还没有做好饭,将帅不说饥饿。冬天不穿皮衣,夏天不用扇子,雨天不独自张伞,这就是将帅与士卒同甘苦的准则。将帅能与士卒同安乐共患难,这种军队就能团结一致而不会离散,经常使用而不知疲倦,这是因为平时积蓄恩惠,思想一致的缘故。所以说,将帅经常不断地对士卒多施恩惠,就能争取到千千万万人的拥护。
The Upper Strategy - A General’s Orders
Military theory states: The basis of the general's authority is in his commands and orders. The basis for achieving complete victory is in competent military administration. The reason why officers are not afraid of war is because they know they are following appropriate commands.
Thus the wise general does not rescind an order. Rewards and punishment must be carried out, much the way Heaven and Earth work, without fail. Only then can the general employ the men. Only when the officers and soldiers follow orders, can the army then be deployed.
The Upper Strategy - Relationship between a General and His Army
The one who unifies the army and gains control of the situation is the general, while the ones who bring about conquest and defeat the enemy are the men of the army. Thus a general that is not able to command and control an army should not lead the men. A rebellious army should not be used against an enemy. They can neither conquer cities nor destroy a state. They would exhaust themselves without accomplishing anything. If the army were exhausted, the general would be isolated and the army would be rebellious. If they tried to hold a defensive position, their defense would not be strong; if they attacked, they would fail. They are then referred to as a dissipated army. When the army is dissipated, the general is no longer able to command and control it effectively. Once the general loses his authority to command and control, the officers and men will disdain punishment. If the officers and men disdain punishment, the army will become disorganized. If the army suffers the loss of organization, the soldiers will run away from battle. If the soldiers run away from battle, the enemy will seize the opportunity and profit from it, and the army will perish in the end.
The Upper Strategy - How Good Generals Treat Their Armies II
Military theory states: The exemplary general, in his command of the army, governs men as he would wish to be treated himself. Spreading his benevolence and kindness, the strength of his men is renewed daily. In approaching battle, they act like the wind arising; in attack, they act like the release of a pent-up river.
Thus the army can be seen but not withstood, can be tendered but not be conquered. If the general leads the men in person, the soldiers will become the most valiant under Heaven.
The Upper Strategy - Rewards and Punishment
Military theory states: The army employs rewards and punishments and these two are like inside and outside; they are two opposite sides and are inseparable.
When rewards and punishments are clear, then the general's authority is assured. When the proper administration of reward and punishment is employed, then the officers and men are obedient. When those who are capable are entrusted with this responsibility, enemy states will be fearful.
The Upper Strategy - Treating Officers, Generals and Plans
Military theory states: Where capable officials preside, the state will have no internal enemies.
Thus capable officers can be deferred to and must not be treated arrogantly. The generals can be congenial, but must never be doubted. Plans can be complex but must never be doubted. If officers are treated arrogantly, their subordinates will not be submissive. If the generals are doubted, there will be mistrust. If his plans are doubted and not acted upon promptly, the enemy will take the opportunity to attack. If a general is mistrusted and proceeds to mount an attack under such conditions, chaos will result. In this regard, the general holds in his hands the fate of the state. If he is capable, he will be able to lead the army to victory and the state will be secure.
《军谶》上说:贤人所归附的国家就所向无故。所以,对士要谦恭而不可傲慢,对将领充分信任而不可使他有遭到陷害的顾虑,对谋略要深思熟虑,而不可犹豫不决。 对士傲慢,下级就不会悦服,对将领疑虑,君将之间就互不信任,谋略犹豫,敌国就会乘隙进击。这样去打仗,必然招致祸乱。将领是国家的命脉,将领能率军战胜敌人,国家才能安定。
The Upper Strategy - Characteristics of Good Generals
Military theory states: The general should be of high integrity; able to be calm when needed; able to be fair and strict; able to accept criticism; able to judge disputes; able to attract and employ capable men; able to select and accept advice; able to know the customs of states; able to map mountains and rivers; able to discern defiles and obstacles; and able to exert military authority.
Thus it is said that the wisdom of the benevolent, plans of the Sage, words of the wood carriers, opinions of court officials and the affairs of ascension and decline - all these are what the general should seek out and hear. If the general has a thirst for the capable, then strategies can be executed. If the general refuses to ask and listen to advice, then those who are capable will leave. If he refuses to take into consideration any plans set out by strategists, the strategists will leave.
If good and evil are treated alike, the meritorious will grow weary. If the general is stubborn, his subordinates will shirk all responsibility. If he brags, his assistants will not make accomplishments. If he believes slander, he will lose the hearts of the people. If he is greedy, treachery will be unchecked. If he is licentious, his officers and men will follow suit. If the general has one of the faults mentioned before, the masses will not submit. If he has two of them, the army will lack discipline. If he has three of them, his subordinates will not fight. If he has four of them, the entire state is in danger.
《军谶》上说:“将领应该廉明,能镇静,能公正,能严肃,能接受规劝,能明断是非,能容纳人才,能博采众议,能知各国风俗,能通晓山川形势,能明了地形险阻,能掌握军队权柄。”所以说,“仁贤”的智谋,“圣明”的远虑,民众的议论,官员的意见,存亡兴衰的史迹,都是将领应当知道的。将领能思“士” 如渴,就会使有谋略的人归从。如果将领拒绝规劝,杰出的人物就会散去。不采纳其计策,谋士就会叛离。善恶不分,有功的人就会消极。一意孤行,下级就会归咎于上。自我夸耀,下级就不积极立功。听信谗言,众人就会离心离德。贪图财物,就无法禁止坏人坏事。迷恋女色,士卒就会淫乱无度。[以上八条]将帅身上有 了一条,就会众心不服。有了两条,就会军无法纪。有了三条,就会全军溃败,有了四条就会祸国殃民。
The Upper Strategy – The Necessity to Keep Plans Secret
Military theory states: The general's plans must be kept secret. The officers and masses must be kept united. Attacks on the enemy must be swift.
If the general's plans are kept secret, enemy spies cannot be effective. If the officers and men are united, then the heart of the army is one. If the attack is swift, the enemy will not be prepared. When the army has these three, their plans will not be thwarted. If the general's plan is leaked out, the army will not be able to achieve their strategic disposition. If internal affairs are spied out, disasters, beyond control will befall the army. If ill-gotten gains are brought into the camp, a myriad of evildoers will assemble. If the army is marked by these three, defeat is inevitable.
The Upper Strategy - Character and Temperament of Good Generals
Military theory states: Contemplation and courage are critical characteristics of the general; deployment and anger are tools of the general.
These four are the general's most valuables assets. If the general does not carefully contemplate the course of actions, his strategists will abandon him. If the general is not brave, his officers and men will be fearful. If the general moves the army recklessly, the army will not be imposing. If his anger implicates the innocent, the whole army will be in fear.
将领没有深谋远虑,有智谋的人就会离去。将领不勇敢,官兵就会恐惧。将领轻举妄动,军队不被敌人重视。将领迁怒于人,全军就会畏惧。《军谶》上说:“深谋远虑,坚定勇敢,是将领宝贵的品德。适时而动,当怒而怒,是将帅用兵的艺术。” 这四项,都是将领应当谨慎从事的。
The Upper Strategy - Motivating and Keeping Talents
Military theory states: If the army lacks material resources, the officers will not come. If the army does not have ample rewards, the officers will not go into war.
When there is bait, there will certainly be fish; when the rewards are generous, there will certainly be courageous officers. Thus, what will gain the loyalty of the officers will be the appropriate forms of propriety. What will induce the officers to fight are the rewards. Treat them with appropriate propriety, reward them with what they love, then those you seek will come. But if you treat them well at first, but later regret doing so, they will not remain with you. If you reward them well at first, but later regret doing so, then officers will not listen to your commands. If you tirelessly confer appropriate propriety and rewards, the officers will fight and lay down their lives for their commander.
《军谶》上说:“军中没有资财,士就不来归附。军中没有奖赏,士就不会勇往作战。”《军谶》也说:“香饵之下,必有鱼上钩;重赏之下,必有勇夫。” 所以,使士衷心归向的是礼,使士乐于效死的是赏。士喜好礼就以礼相招;士喜爱赏就用赏相示,这样,所求的人就会来到。所以,先以礼相待,但过后又后悔,士就不愿留下来;先以赏相示,但过后又后悔,士就不愿受驱使。只有不断以礼相待、以赏相示,士才能争着为他效死。
The Upper Strategy - Preparation for War
Military theory states: A state preparing to mobilize its army, concentrates first on making its beneficence ample. A state preparing to attack concentrates on nurturing its people.
Conquering many with few is a matter of beneficence. Conquering the strong with weak is a matter of loyalty. The good general, in nurturing his officers, treats them no differently than himself. Thus he is able to unite, in a common purpose, all his people and gain complete victory.
《军谶》上说:“要兴兵打仗的国家,必先多施恩惠。要采取攻势的国家,必先与民休息。” 能以少胜多,是广施恩惠的缘故。能以弱胜强,是与民休息的结果。所以,良将爱护士卒,要象爱护自己一样,才能使万众一心,取得全面胜利。
The Upper Strategy - Knowing the Enemy
Military theory states: The key to using the army is to first know the enemy's situation. Look into his granaries and armories, make an estimation of his food stocks, make a judgment of his army's strength and seek out his natural advantages. Do all these things to seek out and attack his weaknesses.
Thus if the state does not have the hardship of war and yet is transporting grain, the state must be suffering from lack of food. If the people have a sickly look, the state is impoverished.
If they are transporting food from a thousand miles, the people would have a hungry look. If they are gathering wood and grass for food, the army does not have enough food to last one night. If someone transports provision a thousand miles, he lacks one year of food; two thousand miles, he lacks two years of food; three thousand miles, he lacks three years of food. This is what is referred to as an empty state. When the state is empty, the people are impoverished. When the people are impoverished, then the government and the population are estranged. While the enemy attacks from outside, the people will plunder from within and the state will inevitably collapse.
The Upper Strategy - If a Ruler Is a Tyrant
Military theory states: If the ruler is a tyrant, his subordinates will be hasty to implement harsh measures. Taxes will be onerous, fines and punishments will be imposed by whim and fancy, and the people will mutually injure and steal from each other. This is called a demised state.
The Upper Strategy -Thieving from the State
Military theory states: When those who are secretly greedy display the appearance of incorruptibility; when people feign proper countenance to gain high posts; when they prevaricate to gain fame; when they steal from the state by distributing the state’s resources as personal beneficence, they cause confusion in the ranks. All these thieving actions are the beginnings of chaos.
The Upper Strategy - Source of Chaos
Military theory states: If the officials form cliques, each advancing the interest of those with whom they are in league; the state attracts and appoints the evil and corrupt while suppressing the benevolent and capable; officials turn their backs on the state and establish their own individual interests; and men of equal rank slander each other, this is the source of chaos.
The Upper Strategy - Chaos at the Roots
Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 38