Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 39

by Shawn Conners

  Military theory states: When clans come together to plan evil; when a person without title acts in high prominence, and there are none who oppose him; when an image of virtue is created through false beneficence and propaganda; and when these practices proliferate and intertwine, they can subvert the authority of the existing officials. When they then abuse the populace causing upheaval within the state, while the officials conceal the truth from the ruler, this causes chaos at the roots.


  The Upper Strategy - Treachery to State

  Military theory states: When clans, generation after generation, act treacherously, encroaching upon and robbing district offices; when they forge and distort documents; when all their actions only serve to promote their own benefit, thus endangering the ruler, they are referred to as the state's treacherous ones.


  The Upper Strategy - Misfortune to the State

  Military theory states: When officials are many and the people are few; when there is no distinction between the honored and lowly; when the strong and the weak insult each other; and when such action cannot be stopped, then the whole state will be injured and will reap misfortune.


  The Upper Strategy - Harming the State

  Military theory states: When the ruler loves those who are good, but does not advance them; when he hates those who are evil, but does not dismiss them, those who are capable will go into seclusion, and those who are otherwise disposed will hold important positions. Such a situation will bring harm to the state.


  The Upper Strategy - Powerful and Royal Families

  Military theory states: When the ruler's relatives and powerful families are strong and large; when they form cliques and occupy positions of authority; when they grow more powerful with the passing of time; when they abuse those who are of higher authority and the ruler cannot bear to dismiss them, then the state will suffer defeat.


  The Upper Strategy - When Deceitful Officials Hold Superior Positions

  Military theory states: When deceitful ministers hold superior positions; when these ministers rely on their authority to grant personal favors and act in a manner that offends the masses; when they monopolize appointments for themselves; when advancement and dismissal lacks a solid basis; when, in advancements and dismissals, they boast of their own merits; when they seek gain by any means possible; when they slander and vilify those of great virtue and make false accusations against the meritorious; when, whether good or evil, all are treated the same by them; when they create a harsh government, changing the customary ways from antiquity and altering what was common practice; when they hinder the affairs of government so that proper commands and orders are not put into effect; when the ruler employs such deceitful ministers and fails to dismiss them, then the entire state will be clamoring and contentious, and will certainly suffer disaster and calamity.


  The Upper Strategy - Causes of Harm to Ruler

  Military theory states: When audacious men of standing in the ruler’s court praise each other, they cover the ruler's eyes, blinding his wisdom. When they present both slander and praise together, they block the ruler's ears, making him deaf to good and bad. When these evil men support each other and thus deceive the ruler, the ruler will lose the loyalty of the people.


  The Upper Strategy - How to Get Rid of the Causes of Harm

  Accordingly, if the ruler carefully investigates these slanders, he will discover the beginnings of chaos. If he respectfully invites capable recluses to take positions, he will attract those who are really capable. If he engages the capable and virtuous, then evil men will stay away. If the ruler appoints virtuous men with experience and judgment, the myriad affairs will be well managed. If the plans can be brought to down to all levels, then victory can be predicted. Then the ruler will not lose the heart of the people and his state will flourish.


  The Middle Strategy

  The Middle Strategy - Governing Subordinates

  The Three August Ones never spoke[17], but the populace lived with high morality, thus there is no one to whom to attribute this accomplishment. The Five Emperors understood how the Heaven and Earth work, spoke and gave orders and thus the world gained great peace. Great officers will not yield credit to themselves, yet great peace will prevail and the populace will not know how it came about. Therefore, in employing subordinates, they did not rely on customs or rewards. Such is accomplishment without harm.

  Kings governed men in the acceptable way, causing their hearts to be compliant and their wills submissive, while also establishing restrictive measures and making preparations against decline. When the feudal lords gathered at court, the duties of kingship were not neglected. They made military preparations, but they never suffered the misfortune of war. The ruler did not doubt the subordinates, while the subordinates had faith in their ruler. When the state is settled and the rule secure, the officers can retire with accomplishment.

  The rulers governed their officers by virtue of his authority, bonding with them through trust, motivating them with rewards. When that trust declined, the officers grew distant, and when rewards were inadequate, they would not submit to orders.


  The Middle Strategy - Full Authority on General

  Military theory states: When the army is mobilized and advances into the field, the sole authority lies with the general. If the court interferes with advancing or withdrawing decisions, the general will have great difficulty attai
ning success.


  The Middle Strategy - Using Each Type of Man

  Military theory states: Employ the wise, courageous, greedy and stupid. The wise take pleasure in establishing their accomplishments. The courageous take pleasure in putting their ambitions into effect. The greedy fervently pursue gains. The stupid have little regard for death. Employ each through their unique character; such is the military's subtle exercise of authority.


  The Middle Strategy - Using the Expressive and the Benevolent

  Military theory states: Do not allow officers who are expressive to discuss the enemy's good points, as that will dishearten the army. Do not allow the benevolent to control finances, for they will dispense excessive rewards to those of lower rank.


  The Middle Strategy - No Divination

  Military theory states: Prohibit seers from divining about the army's good or bad fortune on behalf of the officers and men.


  The Middle Strategy - Employing the Righteous and Wise

  Military theory states: One does not employ righteous officers using solely material wealth. This is because those who are righteous will not die for those who are malevolent; the wise do not make plans for an incompetent ruler.


  The Middle Strategy - Virtuousness and Nobility

  The ruler cannot be without virtue, for if he lacks virtue his ministers will rebel. He cannot be without some nobility, for if he lacks dignity, he will lose his authority. A minister cannot be without virtue, for if he lacks virtue, then he has nothing with which to serve his ruler. He cannot be without dignity, for if he lacks dignity, the state will decline. But if he is too grandiose, then he himself will stumble.


  The Middle Strategy - How Ancient Order was Established and Destroyed

  The ancient Sages, in governing the world, observed success and decline; their contemplations of gains and losses created the forms of administration. Thus the feudal lords have two armies, the regional lords have three armies and the Emperor has six. When the world is in chaos, when rebellions are widespread, when the Emperor has lost his influence, then the feudal lords will form alliances or fight against each other.

  When states are of similar strength, neither state can overcome the other. There is then a need to win the minds of valiant, sharing their likes and dislikes, and only after this, the stratagems should be used. Without stratagems, there is no means to resolve uncertainties and settle doubts. Without being shrewd and imaginative, there is no means to destroy evildoers. Without calculating, there is no means to be successful.


  The Middle Strategy - The Three Strategies

  The Sage can embody Heaven and model the laws of the Earth. The learned can find their lessons in antiquity. Thus the Three Strategies has been written for periods of decadence. The Upper Strategy establishes the forms of propriety and rewards, discriminates between the evildoers and the valiant, and makes clear what is success and defeat. The Middle Strategy marks out the differences in virtue and behavior and manifest changes in the balance of power. The Lower Strategy arrays virtue and morals, looks into security and danger, and makes clear the calamity of harming the capable.

  Thus if the ruler thoroughly understands the Upper Strategy he will be able to employ the capable and seize his enemies. If the ruler thoroughly understands the Middle Strategy, he will be able to employ and control his generals, unite his people. If he thoroughly understands the Lower Strategy, he will be able to discern the sources of success and decline and understand the regulations for governing a state. If his subordinates thoroughly understand the Middle Strategy, they will be able to achieve merit and preserve themselves.

  When the soaring birds have all been slain, then good bows are stored away. When the enemy states are extinguished, ministers should be lost. Lost does not mean killing them, but taking away their power and removing their authority. The ruler grants them fiefdoms, establishes them in his court, at the highest ranks of his subordinates, in order to manifest their merit. He presents them with excellent lands in the central region in order to enrich their families, and bestows beautiful and valuable treasures to please them.

  Now once the armies have been brought together, they cannot be hastily separated. Once military authority has been granted, it cannot be easily rescinded. When armed forces return home from victory it puts the ruler in a critical situation. He should weaken the commander by appointing him to new position and taking away his military authority, by means such as granting him a vassal state. This is called the 'hegemon's strategy' of managing generals. The reasons for creating the hegemony are very complex. Preserving the structure of the state, gathering the valiant and courageous are what comprise the Middle Strategy and make up the ruler's most important and difficult strategic choices.

  “圣人”能够体天之道,“贤者”能够法地之理,“智者”能够以古为师。所以《三略》一书是为处乱世而作的。《上略》是说设置礼赏、辨别奸雄、显示成败的。《中略》是区别德行、明察权变的。《下略》是阐述道德、分析安危、说明迫害“贤人”的利害。所以君主深通《上略》就能任用贤人,战败敌人。深通《中略》,就能驾御 将帅统率士众。深通《下略》,就能明白盛衰的根源,熟悉治国的纲纪。人臣深通《中略》,就能成就功业保全身家。


  军队一经编成,就不能仓促解散。兵权一经授予,就不能马上收回。战争结束将帅班师回朝,这是君主存亡的关键时刻。所以,要削弱将帅的实力而给他爵位,剥夺他的兵权而封给他土地,这是“霸者”统御将帅的策略。因此,“霸者”的作为,其道理是很复杂的。 保全国家,收罗英雄,就是《中略》所论的权变。这是历代做国君的的奥妙。

  The Lower Strategy

  The Lower Strategy - The Capable and the Sages

  A ruler who can save the people from peril can attain security and peace for the people. A ruler who can quiet distress in the populace can enjoy the
happiness of the populace. A ruler who can rescue society from misfortune will gain from the prosperity of the society. Therefore, if the ruler's beneficence extends to all the people, the capable will give their allegiance. If the ruler's beneficence extends to every part of his kingdom, the Sages will ally with him. Where the capable go, the state will be strong. Where the Sages go, all will be united. One seeks the capable through virtue and the Sages through the 'Way'. If the capable depart from the state, it will become weak. If the Sages depart from the state, the state will grow depraved. Weakness is a step towards danger, and depravity is a sign of doom.


  The Lower Strategy - Bringing Harmony to the Populace

  Governance by the capable causes men to submit by action. Governance by the Sages causes men to submit whole-heartedly. When men submit by action, the beginning can be planned and started. When men submit whole-heartedly, the end can be preserved. Physical submission (through action) can be attained through forms of propriety. Mental submission can be attained through harmony.

  The harmony mentioned here is not the sound of instruments but is the result of people taking pleasure in their families, clans, occupations, states, practicing virtues and supporting the orders of the government. One who rules the people in this fashion creates a harmony in order to bring balance to their activities. Thus the virtuous ruler creates a harmony to give pleasure to his populace; a debauched ruler uses his power not to create harmony, but merely to amuse himself. One who provides pleasure for the people lasts and prospers; one who provides pleasure only for himself does not last, but will perish.


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