Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 45

by Shawn Conners

  24. Borrow a Passage to Attack Guo

  A smaller state situated between an enemy and oneself should be given immediate support when the enemy threatens to attack it. In this way, one will earn the trust of the smaller state, and may eventually exert one's influence on it. Words without action will not win the trust of the small state in a precarious situation.


  During the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Jin was eyeing two smaller states beside it, the State of Yu and Guo. The problem was that the relationship between these two states was strong; whoever is attacked, the other people will definitely send reinforcements. A Jin advisor, Xun Xi, suggested sowing discord between the two states, by bribing the Lord of Yu with a prized horse and a precious jade piece that the Lord Xian of Jin was holding. Since these were prized possessions of the Lord of Jin, thus was he hesitant. Xun Xi persuaded Lord of Jin, “My lord, there is no need to worry. You will get back your prized possessions once you have annexed the two states. You are just entrusting them temporarily to the Lord of Yu.” Lord Xian was convinced and sent someone to present the gifts to the Lord of Yu. The Lord of Yu was overjoyed when he received the gifts.

  For the next step of the plan, Lord Xian sent someone to create trouble at the border of the States of Jin and Guo, thus creating an excuse to send an army against Guo. Lord Xian requested safe passage through the State of Yu to attack the State of Guo. As the Lord of Yu had initially accepted the gifts from Jin, he felt obliged to accede to the request, but his advisors were against it. The Lord of Yu rationalized his decision by saying, “It would be stupid to honor the alliance to a weak state by sacrificing the relationship with a strong state.”

  So the Jin troops used the path to attack Guo and they scored a decisive victory. When they returned past the State of Yu, they shared their bounty with the Lord of Yu. The Lord of Yu was immensely happy and even allowed the Jin troops to rest near the capital. A few days later, Lord Xian of Jin arrived with a large army and the Lord of Yu went out to welcome Lord Xian. Lord Xian invited the Lord of Yu for a hunting trip, and the latter obliged. Before long, the capital of Yu was captured by the large Jin army that was left behind. Thus both the States of Yu and Guo were captured.




  Chapter 5 – Stratagems of Deception

  25. Replace Good Beams with Rotten Timber

  Find a chance to change the enemy's battle formation frequently, and try to take away its main source of power. Wait until it is unable to cope with the situation before attacking it. This is similar to taking control of the wheels of a wagon; one can then control the direction of the wagon as well.


  Liu Bang emerged the victor when he fought Xiang Yu, and established the Han Dynasty as a result. During the start of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang perceived that those who did not share his surname were potential dangers, and saw that dealing with them would be a major issue during his reign. Of all these lords that Liu Bang conferred, Han Xin was the greatest threat, as Han Xin was the chief commander of his army when Liu Bang fought Xiang Yu. With this in mind, Liu Bang made up an excuse to reduce Han Xin's rank, by conferring the title “Duke Huai Yin” to him and ordered him to stay in the capital.

  During the power struggle between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, Han Xin gained a lot of achievements under Liu Bang. During that time, one advisor, called Kuai Che suggested to Han Xin to rebel against Liu Bang, splitting the kingdom into three parts, each held by Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and Han Xin. But Han Xin did not take the advice which he regretted after his 'demotion'.

  In 200 BC, Liu Bang appointed Chen Xi as the Commander-in-Chief for border defense against the Xiongnus. Han Xin went to see Chen Xi secretly and reminded Chen Xi to use him as an example of what would happen. He said to Chen Xi, “See what has happened to me? Liu Bang would not trust you. Why not take the opportunity to revolt against Liu Bang and I will assist you from the inside?” Chen Xi agreed and planned the uprising for when the correct opportunity arose.

  In 197 BC, Chen Xi revolted and Liu Bang personally led an army to suppress the rebellion. Han Xin acted according to plan. The plan was to fake the edict of Liu Bang, which was to order the killing of Empress Lu and the Crown Prince, and then ride out with the army to attack Liu Bang from the rear. But the plan was discovered by the Lu Empress.

  Empress Lu consulted with advisor Chen Ping to counteract Han Xin's plan. Empress Lu began spreading rumors in the capital that Liu Bang had successfully suppressed the rebellion, killed Chen Xi and that all the officials should be in court to celebrate Liu Bang's victory. The order was conveyed to Han Xin as well. Han Xin did not know whether to believe the rumor so he attended court with Chen Ping. On his way, he was captured and was killed. Han Xin never realized that all were rumors, and the actual Chen Xi's rebellion was only suppressed two years later.





  26. Point at the Mulberry but Scold the Locust Tree

  A stronger force can use warning or admonishment to control a weaker force. A suitable display of power will receive support and the use of a decisive method will demand reverence. It is not necessary to destroy the smaller force when one is much stronger.


  During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Lord Jing of the State of Qi appointed Sima Rangju as the commander-in-chief to lead an expedition against the States of Jin and Yan, and sent one of his favored officers, Zhuang Jia as the supervisor. Sima Rangju, on knowing the appointments, arranged with Zhuang Jia to meet at the campsite at exactly noon. The next day, Sima Rangju arrived at the camp very early and ordered that a wooden pole be placed at the campsite as a time dial.

  When noon was reached, there was still no sign of Zhuang Jia. Sima Rangju sent several messengers to hurry Zhuang Jia, but to no avail. It was finally evening when Zhuang Jia made his way to the campsite, in a drunken stupor. Sima Rangju asked Zhuang Jia, “Why are you late?” Zhuang Jia replied nonchalantly, “A few of my friends and relatives came to send me off, so we had a few rounds of drinks. Since so many people came, I had to entertain them, right? That is the reason why I am late.” Sima Rangju was furious and scolded, “As the appointed supervisor of the army, instead of putting state military matters ahead of everything else, you rather bothered with your family affairs.” Zhuang Jia, taking advantage of the fact that he was a favored official, took no heed of the scolding.

  Sima Ranju ordered the disciplinary officer to come forward and asked, “To be late without reason, what is the punishment according to martial laws?” The disciplinary officer replied, “Execution!” Sima Rangju immediately asked men to arrest Zhuang Jia. Seeing the seriousness of the matter, Zhuang Jia's followers rushed back to look for Lord Jing.

  Before the messenger of Lord Jing arrived, Zhuang Jia was executed on the spot. The soldiers were stunned and scared stiff. Everyone understood the consequences of not following orders. Later, the messenger of Lord Jing came rushing into the camp with his chariots, carrying with him the order to release Zhuang Jia. But Sima Rangju said, “When the general is outside (the court), there are orders that the general can choose not to follow.” And on seeing that the messenger was arrogant, he again summoned the disciplinary officer and asked, “To rush into the camp with a chariot in a disorderly manner, what is the punishment?” The disciplinary officer again replied, “Execution.” Once the word was uttered, the messenger's face turned white.

  Sima Rangju said, “Since you are a messenger sent by Lord Jing, we shall not execute you.” Sima Rangju ordered that the messenger's follower and three horses from the chariot be executed, and let the messenger go. With this showing, the soldiers knew that they must follow what Sima Rangju ordered, thus the army was very disciplined and went on to win many victories.

  春秋时期,齐景公任命田禳苴为将,带兵攻打晋、燕联军,又派宠臣庄贾作监军。禳苴与庄贾约定,第二天中午在营门集合。第二天,禳苴早早到了营中,命令装好作为计时器的标杆和滴漏盘。约定时间一到,禳苴就到军营宣布军令,整顿部队。可是庄贾迟迟不到,禳苴几次派人催促,直到黄昏时分,庄贾才带着醉容到达营门。禳苴问他为何不按时到军营来,庄贾无所谓,只说什么亲威朋友都来为我设宴饯行,我总得应酬应酬吧?所以来得迟了。禳苴非常气愤,斥责他身为国家大臣,有监军重任,却只恋自已的小家,不以国家大事为重。庄贾以为这是区区小事,仗着自己是国王的宠臣亲信,对禳苴的话不以为然。禳苴当着全军将士,命令叫来军法官,问:”无故误了时间,按照军法应当如何处理?”军法官答道:”该斩!”禳苴即命拿下庄贾。庄贾吓得浑身发抖,他的随从连忙飞马进宫,向齐景公报告情况,请求景公派人救命。在景公派的使者没有赶到之前,禳苴即令将庄贾斩首示众。全军将士,看到主将杀违犯军令的大臣,个个吓得发抖,谁还再敢不遵将令。这时,景公派来的使臣飞马闯入军营,拿景公的命令叫禳苴放了庄贾。禳苴沉着地应道:”将在外,君命有所不受。”他见来人骄狂,便又叫来军法官,问道:”乱在军营跑马,按军法应当如何处理?”军法官答道:”该斩。” 来使吓得面如土色。禳苴不慌不忙地说道:”君王派来的使者,可以不杀。”于是下令杀了他的随从和三驾车的左马,砍断马车左边的木柱。然后让使者回去报告。禳苴军纪严明,军队战斗力旺盛,果然打了不少胜仗。

  27. Pretend to be a Fool

  It is better for one to pretend that he knows nothing, and take no action, rather than pretending to know everything, and rush into a situation. One should prepare his forces in the dark and not let others know of his secret, waiting for an opportunity to strike, just as lightning and thunder wait to strike in winter.


  During the period just before the Three Kingdom Periods, where the many warlords were fighting for territories, two prominent heroes were outstanding. They were Liu Bei and Cao Cao. When Liu Bei was serving under Cao Cao, he hid his ambitions by drinking and tending to his vegetables every day. Once, Cao Cao invited Liu Bei over for a drink, and the topic that came up during the chat concerned who were the heroes of that time. Liu Bei listed several names, but was denounced by Cao Cao. Cao Cao said, “The only people that can be considered heroes of our time are you and me.” This shocked Liu Bei, till he dropped the chopsticks he was holding, because he thought all along he had hid his ambition from Cao Cao very well. At the right moment, the lightning struck and immediately, Liu Bei used it as an excuse for dropping his chopsticks, saying, “I was scared stiff by the lightning. That is why I dropped the chopsticks.” With that explanation, Cao Cao laughed and thought that since Liu Bei was so cowardly, it was unlikely he would achieve his ambition. Cao Cao, from then onward, let down his guard on Liu Bei. In the end, Liu Bei managed to break free from Cao Cao, and formed one of the three kingdoms, vying with Cao Cao.


  28. Burn the Bridge after Crossing the River

  Pretend to expose one's weakness to lure the enemy into one's trap. When the enemy is within your control, cut off the supply routes, and eventually destroy him. Do not go for the small advantage, when one can go for the kill, as it may result in one's destruction.

  Towards the end of the Han Dynasty, when the warlords were fighting amongst each other for territories, there was one warlord by the name of Liu Biao. He favored his youngest son, Liu Zhong, and did not like his eldest son, Liu Qi. Liu Qi's stepmother, who is Liu Zhong's natural mother, was afraid that Liu Qi would inherit the power and wealth from Liu Biao, since the eldest son was bent on harming him. Liu Qi knew that his situation was precarious, so he sought advice from Zhuge Liang many times, but to no avail. So Liu Qi thought of a plan.

  Liu Qi invited Zhuge Liang to the second floor of a restaurant for a meal. When they were in the midst of the meal, Liu Qi arranged beforehand for someone to remove the ladder that led to the second floor. Liu Qi again sought advice from Zhuge Liang, “We are now neither near the Earth nor Heaven, what you said would only enter the ears of Liu Qi, please advise me on my situation.” Zhuge Liang, seeing that he could not get out of the circumstance, told Liu Qi a story, “During the Spring and Autumn Period, Concubine Li of Lord Xian of the State of Jin wanted to do harm to two of her stepsons; Shen Sheng and Zhong Er. Knowing her intention, Zhong Er escaped to another state. Shen Sheng on the other hand was filial, and wanted to stay and serve his father. One day, Shen Sheng came back with delicious food to be presented to his father. But Concubine Li had the food laced with poison.


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