Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 46

by Shawn Conners

  “When Lord Xian was about to eat the food, Concubine Li said, ‘Since the food came from outside, it would be better to let someone try the food to see if it has gone bad.’ So, one of the attendants tried the food and died on the spot. On seeing this, Lord Xian was furious and accused Shen Sheng of being not filial, and that he wanted to kill him to usurp his position. Lord Xian ordered that Shen Sheng be executed. Shen Sheng, on hearing it, knew there was no way of defending himself, so he committed suicide. Shen Sheng stayed and he was killed, Zhong Er left and he lived.”

  Liu Qi on hearing the whole story knew what to do, he hurried back and requested from his father to be deployed to Jiang Xia, thus avoiding his stepmother.


  29. Put Flowers on the Tree

  Borrow a setting to boost one's image. Although one may be on the weak side, one's battle array can appear to be strong.


  Towards the end of the Han Dynasty, when Liu Biao, one of the warlords had died, Liu Bei was entrusted with the Jing province; but he was very weak then. On seeing the situation, Cao Cao brought an army to attack Liu Bei towards Wang city. Liu Bei, together with the peasants and army, retreated to Jiang Ling. Because the number of peasants and troops retreating was huge, the retreat was very slow. Cao Cao managed to reach the rear of the retreating contingent and had a small battle with Liu Bei's army. Liu Bei lost and had to retreat, asking his sworn brother, Zhang Fei, to cover his rear flank. But Zhang Fei had only twenty or thirty cavalry soldiers with him; there was no match at all. But Zhang Fei came up with a plan. He ordered his cavalry soldiers to cut down some branches, tie them to the back of their horses and run in large circles in the forest. Zhang Fei, himself riding on his black steed, went to the middle of the bridge at Chang Ban Slope, to wait for Cao Cao's army.

  When Cao Cao arrived, he saw that Zhang Fei was alone at the bridge and was curious why, till he saw the dust clouds rising above the forest. Cao Cao suspected that there might be an ambush, thus decided to stop advancing. Zhang Fei was thus able to stop Cao Cao's large army with only twenty or thirty cavalry soldiers by using the “Putting flowers on Tree” ruse. This bought time for Liu Bei's contingent to retreat successfully to Jiang Ling.




  30. Switch the Roles of the Host and the Guest

  Try to put the foot in where there is a crack and eventually, gain control of the brain of enemy. This involves a logical sequence.


  This happened during the end of the Han Dynasty, when warlords were fighting amongst each other for territories.

  Yuan Shao and Han Fu used to be allies, and they were in the group of warlords aiming to overthrow Dong Zhuo; but the campaign failed in the end. After the campaign, the strength of Yuan Shao grew, together with his ambitions as well. He stationed troops in Hebei for expansion purposes, but his provision supply was inadequate. On seeing that his ally lacks provision, Han Fu decided to lend a hand by sending provisions to Yuan Shao.

  But Yuan Shao was not satisfied; he did not like the idea of depending on someone to send him provisions. On heeding the advice of his advisor Feng Ji, he decided to grab the provision depot at Ji Zhou. The governor of Ji Zhou was Han Fu himself, but Yuan Shao was desperate to solve his provision problem. Yuan Shao wrote a letter to Gongsun Zan, suggesting that they attack Ji Zhou together. This proposal suited Gongsun Zan very well, because for a long time, he had the intention of attacking Ji Zhou. So Gongsun Zan accepted Yuan Shao's proposal.

  Yuan Shao also sent another messenger to Han Fu informing him that Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan has allied together to attack Ji Zhou. The messenger suggested, “Since Yuan Shao is your good friend, and you have sent him provisions before, why not ask him to come over to your side? Ally with him to fend off Gongsun Zan instead.” Han Fu agreed with the proposal and sent a letter to Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao agreed to change sides and went to Ji Zhou with his troops. Yuan Shao was let into the city and slowly he replaced critical defense positions with his own generals. When Han Fu realized that this invited “guest” has taken over the “host”, it was too late, so Han Fu escaped from Ji Zhou.



  袁绍又暗地派人去见韩馥,说:”公孙瓒和袁绍联合攻打冀州,冀州难以自保。袁绍过去不是你的老朋友吗?最近你不是还给他送过粮草吗?你何不联合袁绍,对付公孙瓒呢?让袁绍进城,冀州不就保住了吗?” 韩馥只得邀请袁绍带兵进入冀州。这位请来的客人,表面上尊重韩馥,实际上他逐渐将自己的部下一个一个似钉子扎进了冀州的要害部位,这时,韩馥清楚地知道,他这个”主”被”客”取而代之了。为了保全性命,他只得只身逃出冀州去了。

  Chapter 6 – Stratagems of Disadvantage

  31. Use the Tender Trap

  With regards to a strong enemy
, one should aim to control its general. Against an intelligent enemy general, one should plot to dampen his morale and will to fight. Once the general’s fighting spirit is quenched, the army will be weakened. Therefore, one should try to hit the enemy at its weakest point while conserving one's energy.


  In Strategy No. 5 we mentioned the fight between the State of Wu and State of Yue. Gou Jian, the lord of Yue, was defeated by Fu Chai, the Lord of Wu first and became Fu Chai's subordinate. Gou Jian was subservient to Fu Chai, gaining his trust in the process. In the end, after a long humiliating period, Gou Jian was allowed to go back to the State of Yue. When he went back to Yue, Gou Jian was determined to avenge his humiliation. One Yue official spoke to Gou Jian saying, “A bird that flies high can die because of food. A fish that swims deep can die because of bait. To seek revenge, we should first reduce their fighting spirit. Only then can are we able to achieve our aim.”

  Noting this, Gou Jian sent two ladies, considered to be the most beautiful during that time, Xi Shi and Zheng Dan, to Fu Chai. Gou Jian also sent tribute to Fu Chai every year. These actions gained more of Fu Chai's trust. And when Fu Chai led an expedition against the State of Qi, Gou Jian even loaned him an army to achieve his goal. Gou Jian went to congratulate Fu Chai on his victory as well. This reduced Fu Chai’s guard against Gou Jian.

  Fu Chai, being licentious, was indeed smitten by the two ladies, so much so that he did not listen to the advice of his important official, Wu Zixu anymore or even attend to court matters. In the end, in the year 482 BC, when the State of Wu was met with a serious drought, Gou Jian led a strike against State of Wu and defeated Fu Chai.




  32. Drop Defenses to Feign a Trap

  It may sometimes be better to deliberately display weakness, to confuse the enemy and make the latter abandon the attack for fear of trickery. In a situation where the enemy is strong and you are weak, proper use of this strategy can appear extraordinary.


  During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang was in the city of Yang Ping. He sent his general Wei Yan with the majority of the Shu soldiers, leaving only 10,000 men behind to defend the city. The 200,000-strong Wei army was led by General Sima Yi. However, due to miscalculation, the Shu army missed the Wei army.

  When the Wei army was about sixty miles from the city, Sima Yi learned from his spy the strength left in the city. Zhuge Liang also received news that the enemy was near, but it was too late to summon Wei Yan back. The town was in a panic, but Zhuge Liang remained calm. He ordered his soldiers to keep all the army flags flying and to not leave the tents without permission. He then summoned men to open the gates and pretend to sweep the ground next to the gates.

  When Sima Yi arrived, he was shocked by what he saw. He knew Zhuge Liang to be a good strategist with many tricks up his sleeve. So when he saw that the gates were opened up instead of closed, his suspicion was aroused. He suspected that Zhuge Liang might have laid an ambush, waiting for him. His suspicion was further aroused when he saw that Zhuge Liang was sitting leisurely on top of the city walls playing his zither and sipping tea.

  Sima Yi paid attention to the chords played by Zhuge Liang and they were placid, showing no signs of a troubled mind. He therefore concluded that the empty city was definitely a scheme to lure his troops in. Sima Yi ordered his men to turn around and retreat. Thus Zhuge Liang was able to salvage the situation using the “Empty City” scheme.

  诸葛亮北伐中原,由于错用了”言过其实,不可大用”的马谡,结果致使街亭这个战略要地失守,再无法进军取胜,而且随时有被魏兵堵截归路、全军覆灭的危险。诸葛亮顿足长叹:”大势去矣,这全是我的过错造成的!”为避免更大损失,忙安排人马,布置撤退。为防魏军乘势追击,赶紧把关兴、张苞两员小将唤到帐前:”你们二人各带三千人马,在武功山小路两侧布置疑兵。如果魏军来到,敌众我寡,切不可战,只大声击鼓呐喊,用疑兵计吓退他们即可。然后,急奔阳平关,撤回国内!” 又把张冀叫来布置:”引部分军兵,快速修理剑阁通道,以为大军准备退路。” 然后传令:大军悄悄收拾行装,分别从各自驻地快速撤回国内。

  诸葛亮的中军营地现在西城县内,这是个弹丸小城,易攻难守。待诸葛亮把身边人马分派出去执行紧急命令之后,城中就近于空地了。正要拔寨撤离,忽然十几匹马飞跑进城来,马上士兵大汗淋漓、气喘吁吁地报告:”司马懿亲率十五万大军,已向西城扑来,而且马上就要到了!” 这时,诸葛亮身边只剩下一些文官,连一员武将也没有。士兵也大多派出去,只留有两千老幼病残,根本无法作战。




  司马懿看了许久,听了很长时间,无论从对方人物的表情动作还是诸葛亮所弹出的琴声中,都看不出丝毫破绽。其子司马师道:”我们应即刻冲杀进去,活捉诸葛亮!他分明是故弄玄虚——城肯定是座空城!” 其他将士也纷纷要求进兵攻城。司马懿凝然不动,仍静静谛听。忽然他神色一变,露出紧张模样,忙下令:”后队改作前锋,先锋变为后队,马上撤退!” 众人不解:眼前并没有什么异常情况。司马懿怒道:”马上撤退。违令者斩!” 众将士狐疑不明,却只好遵令撤退。

  直到撤离西城远了些,司马懿才心有余悸地解释:”诸葛亮这个人和我打过多年仗了。他一生最是谨慎,从不做没把握的事,更甭说干冒险的事了!令天大开城门,故意显出是座空城,让我们白白拿走并轻易把他捉住,这里就肯定有埋伏,是个骗局!我军若贸然轻进,必中其计。” 司马师问:”父亲一直凝听静立,后来并无动静,您为什么突然神色大撤军呢?” 司马懿冷笑:”当统帅、做大将的人,必须善于观察天地之间的运行变化,了解人间世上的各种知识!我听到诸葛亮琴音,初始平和恬淡,却突然昂扬激烈,渗出一股杀机!分机要动手、出兵了!再不走,让他围住,四面挨打不成?!” 司马师及众将觉得有理,但仍不十分信服。不料,才走不远,刚进入武功山,猛听得山坡后杀声震天,鼓声动地,伏兵顿起。众将大惊。司马懿道:”刚才若不及时撤退,必中其计了!”话音未落,只见旁边大道上一军杀来,旗上大字:”右护卫使虎翼将军张苞”。


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