Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China Page 48

by Shawn Conners






  Questions & Replies: Tang Taizong & Li Jing


  Questions and Replies: Tang Taizong and Li Jing (唐太宗李卫公问对) is an ongoing set of dialogues between Tang Dynasty Emperor Taizong and Li Jing, a prominent Tang general. In analyzing military strategy, centuries after the Warring States period, Tang Taizong and Li Jing discuss previous military works such as Cao Cao’s Xin Shu, Wu Qi’s Book of Wuzi, Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, Sima Rangju’s Methods of War and Jiāng Zǐyá’s The Six Secret Teachings. Although no clear authorship has been established, the text is believed to have been written in the late Tang Dynasty (c. 599-649 CE).

  Part 1

  Question 1

  Tang Taizong asked: “Gao Li has encroached upon Xian Luo[18] several times. I dispatched an emissary commanding an end to this, but my edict has been defied. I am considering sending forth a putitive expedition. What are your thoughts?”

  Li Jing replied: “According to what we have been able to find out, Gai Su Wen relies upon his own knowledge in military affairs. He thinks that China lacks the capability to mount a punitive expedition, thus he defies your edict. I request an army of 30,000 men to capture him.”

  Tang Taizong said: “Your troops will be few, while the place is distant. What type of strategy will you employ?”

  Li Jing said: “I will use indirect troops.”

  Tang Taizong said: “When you pacified the Tu Jue, you employed direct troops. Now you speak about indirect troops. Why is that?”

  Li Jing said: “When Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo seven times, it was not through any other means. He employed indirect troops; that’s all.”

  Tang Taizong said: “When Ma Long of the Jin Dynasty conducted a punitive campaign against Liang Zhou, it was also in accord with the ‘Diagram of Eight Formations’ and he built narrow chariots. When the terrain was broad, he deployed ‘deer-horn chariot’ encampments, and when the road was constricted he built large wooden boxes and placed one each upon individual chariots, so they could both fight and advance. I believe it was indirect troops which the ancients valued!”

  Li Jing said: “When I conducted the punitive campaign against the Tu Jues, we travelled west for several thousand miles. If they had not been indirect troops, how could we have gone so far? Narrow chariots and ‘deer-horn chariot’ encampments are essentials to the deployment of troops. They allow controlling the expenditure of energy, provide a defense to the fore, and constrain the regiments and squads. These three advantages, when gained interchangeably, can improve the prowess of the troops. This is what Ma Long learned so thoroughly from the ancients.”









  Question 2

  Tang Taizong said: “At the battle in which I destroyed Sung Lao Sheng, when the fronts clashed, our righteous army retreated somewhat. I then personally led our elite cavalry to race down the Southern Plain, cutting across in a sudden attack on them from the flank. After Lao Sheng’s troops were cut off from the rear, we severely crushed them and subsequently captured him alive. Were these indirect troops, or direct troops?”

  Li Jing replied: “Your majesty is a natural military genius, not one who only learns by studying. I have examined the ‘Art of War’ as practiced from the Yellow Emperor on down. First be indirect, and afterwards, direct; first be benevolent and righteous, and afterward employ strategy and craftiness. Moreover, in the battle at the Huo Yi, the army was mobilized out of righteousness, so it was indirect. When Qian Cheng fell off his horse and the Right Army withdrew somewhat, it was direct.”

  Tang Taizong commented: “At that time, our slight withdrawal almost led to the failure of our great affair, so how can you refer to it as direct?”

  Li Jing replied: “In general, when troops advance to the front, it is indirect. When they deliberately retreat to the rear, it is direct. Moreover, if the Right Army had not withdrawn somewhat, how could you have gotten Lao Sheng to move forward? The ‘Art of War’ states: “Entice the enemy with baits he cannot resist. Keep him on the move and ambush him.” Lao Sheng did not know how to employ his troops. He relied on courage and made a hasty advance. He did not anticipate his rear being severed or being captured by your Majesty. This is what is referred to as ‘using the direct as the indirect.’

  “As for Huo Qu Bing’s tactics unintentionally agreeing with those of Sun Tzu and Wu Qi, was it really so? When our Right Army withdrew, Gao Zu turned pale. But then I attacked vigorously and, on the contrary, it became advantageous for us. This coincidentally agreed with Sun Tzu and Wu Qi. My Lord certainly shows his knowledge.”






  Question 3

  Tang Taizong said: “Whenever an army withdraws, can it be termed as direct?”

  Li Jing said: “It is not so. Whenever the soldiers retreat with their flags confused and disordered, the sounds of the large and small drums not responding to each other and their orders shouted in a clamor, this is true defeat, not direct strategy. If the flags are in order, the drums respond to each other and the commands and orders seem unified, then even though they may be retreating and running, it is not a defeat and must be a case of direct strategy. The ‘Art of War’ says: ‘Do not pursue an enemy who pretends to retreat in desperation.’ It also says: ‘When you are capable, feign incapability.’ These all refer to the direct.”

  Tang Taizong said: “At the battle of Huo Yi, when the Right Army withdrew somewhat, was this a question of Heaven’s effort? When Lao Sheng was captured, was this due to the effort of man?”

  Li Jing said: “If the indirect troops had not changed to direct and the direct to indirect, how would you have gained the victory? Thus for one who excels at employing the army, direct and indirect lie with man, that is all! He changes them from one form to the other so often that it becomes difficult to discern them, which is the reason they are attributed to Heaven.”

  Tang Taizong nodded his head.






  Question 4

  Tang Taizong said: “Are the indirect and direct distinguished beforehand or are they determined at the time of battle?”

  Li Jing said: “According to Duke Cao’s Xin Shu, ‘If you outnumber the enemy two to one, then divide your troops into two, with one section being indirect and the other being direct. If you outnumber the enemy five to one, then three sections should be indirect and two sections should be direct.’[19] This states the general point. As Sun Tzu said: ‘In war, there are only the direct and indirect forces. However the combinations and changes between the two are infinite. Their interactions and combinations are like two never-ending, interlocking rings where possibilities of its beginning and endings cannot be determined.’ This captures it. So how can the distinction be made beforehand?

  “If the officers and troops are not yet trained in my methods, if the assistant generals are not yet familiar with my orders, then we must break the training into two sections. When teaching battle tactics, in each case the soldiers must recognize the flags and drums, dividing and combining in turn.

  These are the techniques for teaching warfare. When the instructions and the evaluation of their implementation have been completed, and the masses know my methods, only then can they be raced about like a flock of sheep, following wherever the general points. Who then makes a distinction of direct and indirect? What Sun Tzu refers to as ‘Thus, if I can uncover the dispositions of the enemy while remaining concealed myself’ is the pinnacle in employing the direct and indirect. Therefore, such a distinction beforehand is merely for the purpose of instruction. Determining the changes at the moment of the battle, the changes are inexhaustible.”

  Tang Taizong said: “Profound indeed! Duke Cao must have known it. But what the Xin Shu teaches is only what he conveyed to his generals, not the fundamental method of the direct and the indirect.”


  李靖答:按《曹公新书》上说:”[在兵力对比上]我为二敌为一时,我就分兵为二, 以一部分为正兵,一部分为奇兵;我为五敌为一时,我就以五分之三为正兵,五分之二为奇兵。”这仅是大概的说法。只有孙武说过:”作战不过”奇”和”正”,可是”奇”“正”相互的变化,就像圆环旋转那样,无始无终,能穷尽吗?”这才算真正懂得了运用奇、正的道理,哪有平时就加以区分的呢!如果士卒没有学会战法,部将没有熟习号令,就必须区分为奇、正二部分来教练他们。教战时,使各队识别指挥的旗帜和鼓音,按指挥反复进行分合变化的 演习。所以说奇正区分和分合变化,只是一种教战的方法。训练完成,士卒都熟习了战法,然后就能象驱赶群羊一样,任由将帅指挥他们,谁还能认清奇正的分别呢!孙武所说的”若知敌人兵形而我方兵形不被敌方所知”,正是奇正运用到了最高的境界。所以平时区分[奇正]是为了进行训练,而临阵对敌时的奇正变化则是没有穷尽的。


  Question 5

  Tang Taizong said: “Duke Cao states, ‘direct troops attack from the flank.’ My Lord, what do you have to say about this?”

  Li Jing replied: “I recall that, in commenting on Sun Tzu, Duke Cao said: ‘Going out first to engage in battle is indirect; going out afterward is direct.’ This is different from his discussion of flank attacks. I humbly refer to the engagement as indirect, and those which the general himself sends forth to capture opportunity as direct. Where is the restriction of first, or later, or flank attack?”

  Tang Taizong said: “If I cause the enemy to perceive my indirect as direct, and cause him to perceive my direct as indirect, then is this the meaning of, ‘displaying a form’? Is employing the direct as indirect, the indirect as direct, unfathomable changes and transformation, what is meant by Sun Tzu as ‘being formless’?”

  Li Jing bowed and said: “Your Majesty is indeed wise. Your understanding has passed those of the ancients, and beyond what I can attain.”





  Question 6

  Tang Taizong said: “If ‘dividing and combining are changes,’ wherein lies the direct and indirect?”

  Li Jing said: “For those who excel at employing troops, there are none that are not indirect, none that are not direct, thus they cause the enemy never to be able to discern them. Thus with the indirect, they are victorious, with the direct, they are also victorious. The officers of the army only know they achieve victory; none knows how it is attained. Without being able to fully comprehend the changes, how could the outstanding generals attain this? As for where the dividing and combining come from to create the indirect and direct, only Sun Tzu was capable of comprehending it. From Wu Qi on, no one has been able to attain it.”

  Tang Taizong said: “What was Wu Qi’s strategy like?”

  Li Jing said: “Permit me to speak about the general points. The Marquess Wu of Wei asked Wu Qi about the strategy to be employed when two armies confront each other. Wu Qi said: ‘Gather some lower ranks men who are courageous and have them lead some light shock troops to test him. When the enemy responds to the attack, they, the shock troops, should pretend to run off. When they flee, do not punish them, but observe whether the enemy advances to take the bait. If they sit as one and arise as one, and do not pursue your fleeing troops, the enemy has good strategists. If all their troops pursue the fleeing forces, some advancing, some halting, in disordered fashion, the enemy is not talented. Attack them without hesitation.’ I think that Wu Qi’s strategy is generally of this sort, not what Sun Tzu would refer to as ‘In battle, use the direct forces to match the enemy, and use the indirect forces to win the enemy.’


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