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Seduced by Moonlight

Page 7

by Kenya Wright

  I parted my lips in shock.

  “Trust me, Imani.”

  The way he said my name made me feel like I knew him forever. Somehow it gave me comfort.

  No. Focus on the part of him saying that he’s not completely human.

  I ran through all types of scenarios. He was a big guy. Maybe, he had been in the military, and the government tested some high-tech drugs on him. Surely, comic books and superhero movies made it seem possible. Perhaps, that theory wasn’t just entertainment. Didn’t movies get inspiration from facts?

  But still. If he isn’t all human, then. . .

  “Were you. . .” I cleared my throat. “Were you born on Earth?”

  He smirked. “Yes. I was actually born in Washington. I haven’t been here in a long time.”

  “Why not?”

  He let out a long breath. “I had to fight in a war.”

  “What war?”

  “A secret one.”

  Yes. That’s it. The government did some crazy shit to him. But what was it?

  Knowing the government, they could have done anything. Maybe they injected him with some magical serum that made him heal his wounds fast and possess super speed. Perhaps, one of the crazy effects was that his eyes glowed.

  He uncrossed his huge arms and kept them at his sides. “What’s going through your mind?”

  “Lots of theories.”

  “Tell me one.”


  “Why not, Imani?”

  “Because it will sound like I’m crazy.”

  “But you’re not. I’m the weird one.”

  “Instead of me telling you my theories, why don’t you tell me the whole truth?”

  “It would be too much to explain right now.” He put his hands into his jeans pocket. “But, if you let me spend the day with you, I could slowly help you understand.”

  “Spend the day together?”

  He shrugged. “You’re off. I’m here. We have the woods and mountains as our scenery. Your sister knows where you are. You know this big property better than me. I bet if you get tired of me, you can leave me out in the woods, lost and fending for myself.”

  “I doubt you would get lost anywhere.”

  “I used to think that, but the more I’m around you, the more I feel lost.” He pierced me with a heated gaze. “Usually, I’m more confident. More certain of everything around me. But you…you cause more than just a physical reaction. You have my head spinning.”

  I bit my bottom lip.

  “Show me the lake. Please?”

  Nope. I’m going back into the house because I don’t know you like that.

  His deep voice flowed out—inviting and so seductive. He extended his hand out to me. “Show me your home, Imani.”

  Well. . .

  Against all sanity, I touched his hand. His warm fingers encased mine. This time I was ready for the shock that hit me. We groaned together.

  Licking his lips, he looked away.

  I blushed. The only thing that saved me from embarrassment was the fact that I wasn’t the only one struggling through this reaction. And I loved how he sounded when he groaned. The sound alone made me wet. Visions of the dream slipped into my head.

  I don’t know what’s going on, but I want to know. And. . .I want to be around him more.

  He returned his attention to me. “Will you show me the lake?”

  My voice left me without any thought. “Yes.”

  Dear God, don’t let this be a mistake.

  We walked off together. Our hands seared into the other. I couldn’t explain why, but I felt like for the first time in my life, I was with the one I was supposed to be with.

  This is crazy. At least, I still have my mace just in case.

  My mind said, “Hell no, too fast. Too soon.”

  My heart and spirit said, “Yes. Embrace this. Embrace him.”

  No. I won’t need to use the mace. There’s something about him that makes me feel safe.

  I guided Aiden past the meadow and into the woods. “You have to start explaining this. I need to understand what I saw.”

  “How much are you into history and biology?” he asked.

  “Not much.”

  “Well, long ago, when humans moved on all four legs—”

  I stopped walking and let go of his hands. “Wait. What?”

  “Really long ago.” He laughed.


  “Hopefully, this will make sense.”

  I continued walking with him, guiding us to the lake.

  He cleared his throat. “Long ago, when humans moved on four legs, they would hide in caves at night.”


  “Predators and just not knowing too much due to small brains.”


  “My…ancestors were human, like yours.”

  Alright…so…where’s the whole part about the military?

  My breathing quickened.

  “My ancestors had a natural harmony with wolves. The years passed, and they lived in tribes, right along with the wolves. My grandmother believes that they even worshipped the wolves and treated them like gods.” Aiden held all my attention. “When a predator came after my ancestors, the wolves protected them. This made my people brave enough to go out at night.”

  “They left the caves?”

  “Yes. And the moon touched them with magic.”

  I moved my hand from his. “Magic?”

  “Magic.” He shrugged. “In those times, the moon was a great supernatural power. In some ways, it still is.”

  “And this was a long time ago?”

  “Very long ago.”

  I stopped us on the path. “The moon touched them, and so they became supernatural?”

  “Yes, but I should explain more.”

  “Definitely.” I led us around the corner and in between two huge trees, following the path I used to go long ago with my grandfather as a child.

  “I know it sounds crazy, but this was a different time in the world, before civilization when the line between the spirit world and the waking world was thin.” He exhaled a long breath. “I know all of this must sound insane to you.”

  “Since you’ve walked into my life, everything has been different. I’m almost willing to believe anything as long as it can help me get a grasp on what’s going on. So, tell me more.”

  “Once the moon touched the tribe…they found that they were able to do new things. They have new abilities.”

  Skepticism filled me. “They were supernatural?”

  “Exactly.” He cleared his throat. “They were no longer completely human. They were blessed with a combination of wolf and human traits.”

  “Wolf and human traits. Okay.” I gave us more space, took the mace out of my back pocket, and put it in my front one.

  Leave it to me to get hot for a crazy person. But. . .then if he is crazy. . .why did I see his eyes really glow.

  I kept my hand in my front pocket and gripped the mace.

  “Then, this tribe, my ancestors, had children. Many of them for centuries,” he said. “And those…children live on earth today. They’re human, but they’re something else too.”

  Silence filled the space as we walked. I didn’t respond, not ready to deal with his insane explanation.

  So he is one of these children? He has wolf and human traits? What the hell does that mean? That can’t be what he’s saying.

  Grasping for straws of logic, I glanced his way. “And what about the government?”

  “What about them?”

  “Did they…have anything to do with this?”


  “Some of us are involved within the government, but overall we—the moon-touched—have done our best to remain a secret in these times.”

  “Were you a secret in other times?”

  “No. Everyone knew.”

  “And what happened?”

  “Humans killed a good bit of our population.”

“Wouldn’t…” I shook my head. “Wouldn’t humans be too weak to hurt a person that is magical?”

  “Not if there are more humans than the moon-touched and if they strategically attack.” He gave me a weak smile. “War isn’t about strength and power. It’s about opportunity and intelligence.”


  “You would agree that I am bigger than you?”


  “If you knew all of my weaknesses and picked the right opportunity, I would be dead and on the ground. No matter how much bigger or more powerful I appear to be.”

  I considered everything he said. He never closed the distance between us. Surely, he knew I had given him a wide berth after he started talking about all of this.

  We strolled together in silence. The branches overhead cleared. Sunlight shone down on my face, dancing in the cool breeze. He never interrupted me as I mulled over my scattered thoughts. Although he was so huge, he glanced at me with fear in his eyes as if scared of my judgment.

  If he’s crazy, then what does that make me? I feel the surge from his touch. That’s something that I can’t rationally explain. I saw the glow in his eyes. So…now he gives me an explanation, and I don’t want to believe him?

  When we arrived at the lake, we faced it and stared at its sparkling surface.

  He broke the silence. “What do you think, Imani?”

  I was scared to talk about this anymore.

  “Are you scared of me?”

  I sighed. “No. I’m not.”

  He won’t hurt me. I can feel it down in my bones. Why am I so certain? Why is this so different?

  I looked his way. “You’re trying to say that you’re one of these…creatures?”

  “I am.”

  I eyed him, waiting for his nose to wiggle.

  It didn’t.

  “Do you think I’m crazy?” he asked.

  “What else could I think?”

  “I don’t care as long as you spend the day with me.”

  I gave him a weak smile.

  He turned his view back to the lake. “Did you swim here, when you were a little girl?”

  “I still swim here. Harper and I come out all the time and skinny—”

  Aiden licked his lips. A wicked grin spread across his face. “You skinny dip out here?”


  Desire dotted his words. “How can I convince you to skinny dip with me?”

  I blushed. “Really, Aiden?”

  He laughed and then whispered in a heated groan, “You’re so innocent.”

  “I’m not that innocent.”

  “No?” He snapped his attention to me.



  “Not as interesting as your...story.”

  He shook his head. “Trust me. It’s not a story. It has been my reality for all of my life.”

  I let out a long breath. “Okay. I’m just trying to wrap my head around all of this.”

  His expression twisted to worry. He looked over his shoulder as if he heard something.

  I turned too but didn’t see anything.

  A dark growl left him.

  Oh shit. Was that him?

  I trembled in fear. Before I could ask why he did that, he drew me behind him. “Stay close.”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  He raised his head to the sky and then inhaled. “Witches.”

  Excuse me?

  Confusion poured over me. “Did you just say witches?”

  Chapter 8


  Shock covered her face. “Did you just say witches?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “Stay close. I’ll explain later.”

  I could smell the earthy fragrance of witches all around us and had no idea how many were near. Earlier, I wanted to go to the lake to make sure the witches weren’t on her property. It was the main reason why Zerab and I came to check on her.

  They’re hiding, but awfully close.

  The urge to shift into my beast form hit me, but I knew Imani didn’t believe my explanation. She hadn’t truly processed the information I gave her. It wouldn’t be until the moment she saw me change that it would stick to her brain. And now I might be forced to shift right in front of her.

  No. Not now. This is too fast for her. Too soon.

  But in the end, I knew I would risk her fearing me if it meant keeping her safe.

  Will it come to that?

  Imani remained quiet. I listened, searching for the witches’ location. Their odors thickened in the air.

  At least three witches. Old ones. Over a hundred. One has been cut. Her blood is strong. But where are they?

  The witches may have cloaked their sound and probably their images too. Only the small splashing of lake water sounded near. Off in the distance, birds chirped and flew around.

  Behind me, Imani shivered in fear.

  Where are they?

  In my chest, Conri crackled with adrenaline, ready to shift.

  Imani trembled some more. Her heartbeats increased.

  Even the fatals that knew nothing about magic and supernaturals would’ve felt the presence of these witches creeping around them. It was a darkness that could blot out the moon. Wicked and evil. The witch that my pack had saved the other night—Raven—smelled like blooming flowers. However, these witches’ earthy fragrance reminded me of rotting plants—herbal, yet reeking of death.

  I turned Imani’s way and sensed her anxiety rising. It was thick like a sludge sliding along my flesh. I grabbed her by the waist and tightened my hold around her. “It’s going to be okay. I’m here.”

  “But. . .what’s this. . .feeling?” She widened her eyes in fear. Her nervousness radiated from her body. She twisted to face me and pressed her soft pillowy breasts into my chest. “Where are they?”

  “I don’t know. I can only smell them.”

  She sniffed the air. “You smell them? Maybe. . .that’s why I feel so. . .weird.”

  “Yes, it is. Dark witches have that effect on fatals but don’t worry.”


  “Humans.” I scanned the area, still seeing nothing but trees, water, and mountains. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Still, she trembled against me.

  I touched her cheek, brushed my fingers along her face, and then cupped her chin. “Do you believe me?”

  “Yes, but I have no idea why?”


  Since we’d been so close to her, Conri had been howling to get control. He yearned for us to shift and piss all over her.

  We don’t mark her that way. There is another way to do it.


  Not now. I’m still not certain if we should.


  I let out a long breath.

  Even with the danger all around me, an ache grew in my chest. My cock threatened to harden against her. I struggled with keeping my mind on the witches and not on ripping away the thin sundress hugging her lovely body. I thought about how I’d torn her gown away in the dream.

  If only I could do that for real. Damn it. Her taste was so perfect on my tongue.

  Shivers ran through Imani’s body, bringing me back to the present moment. I lowered my hands to her shoulder and caressed it. “It’s okay, Imani. I’m right here.”

  I slipped my hands down to her arms and held her hands.

  She whispered. “Why do I believe you?”

  Sighing, I brought my hands back to her shoulder, then I went to her neck, caressing every inch. I yearned to possess her body like I’d done in the dream. I craved to grab and explore all her curves.

  “Aiden, do you know?”

  I licked my lips. “You believe me because you’re mine.”

  Conri calmed.

  She widened her eyes at me. “Your nose didn’t wiggle.”

  “Because I didn’t lie.”

  And suddenly, gone was the threat of the witches or anything else. If they dared to show
themselves, I would shift and kill them all. But for now, I couldn’t keep my hands away from her.

  I inhaled her arousal. “Do you feel it?”

  Her body hummed against me. I caught her heartbeats increasing. More of her arousal filled the air. It made me insane and very horny.

  “Oh, Imani.” I licked my lips. “You feel the energy. The shock when we touch. No one’s ever made you feel this way? No one’s ever made me feel this way.”

  I knew my touch grew demanding. I could hardly control myself. Conri stirred in my chest. I moved my hands from her neck, slipped my hands down to her chest, and placed my palm over her heart. “Tell me, Imani. Have you ever felt this way?”

  Again, she trembled against me, but this time I didn’t think it was fear. Lust bridged between us. Her voice came out low and hungry. “No. I’ve never felt this way before. You’re the only one.”

  “Then you can’t deny it. Even if you can’t explain this.”

  “This is crazy.”

  “But still you want it.” Groaning, I leaned over and pressed my lips against hers.

  She gasped and then fell into my kiss, parting her lips and sucking in my tongue. A lusty fire licked up my spine. She raised her arms and placed them on my shoulder. Our limbs intertwined as I deepened the kiss and ran my fingers through her hair.

  And then, I drew away and broke the kiss. The air between us crackled with energy. I knew without seeing myself in a mirror that my eyes glowed in front of her.

  She opened her mouth in shock, left my arms, and backed away. “Aiden.”

  I didn’t move forward, not wanting to scare her anymore. It was incredibly hard not to grab and bring her back to me. My fingers shook, needing to touch her.

  I can’t push this on her too fast, but someday. . .she’s going to have to accept this. There’s too much energy moving between us. Maybe, if we mated, it would be okay. Perhaps, this could work.

  And then the witches appeared.

  They materialized from thin air, right next to us. Imani screamed. Conri shuddered at the sudden sight of these evil hags. They looked nothing like the witch my pack had saved last night.

  These were three horrid creatures, much older than Raven and saturated in wicked darkness. They looked like of the many dead witches I’d seen on a war-riddled battleground. These had white hair and dark red eyes. The entire half of the shortest witch’s face was covered in warts, reminding me of the Japanese yin yang symbol. The other two witches hissed. Graying skin hung away from their bones.


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