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Seduced by Moonlight

Page 9

by Kenya Wright

  “I don’t know. It could just be that they’re trying to get at my pack.”

  “Your pack,” she whispered the words as if tasting them. “Why?”

  “Remember the woman that came into your diner yesterday. Brown skin with black braids?”


  “They want her.”

  She scrunched her face in confusion. “The one named Raven that just moved to town? Jesus! She’s a witch? What the hell is going on with Crystal Lake?”

  “I don’t know. But I need you to stay with me until I find out.”

  “Jesus,” she muttered under her breath.

  “I will have Zerab guard your house and watch over your sister. She won’t even know he’s around. He’s good at hiding, and he can sniff a witch a mile away. He will keep her safe.”

  “And he’s a werewolf too?”


  “And you all. . .eat. . .people’s hearts?”

  “No, as you know we have a love for plates full of steaks.” I cleared my throat. “I ate the witches’ hearts to end the spell that had you in danger.”

  She fisted her hands and looked up by the tree that she had been dangling near. “Thank you. Did I. . .tell you thank you for saving me?”

  “You did.”

  “Everything happened so fast and—”

  “This will take time for you to understand.”

  She looked around the area. “And. . .vampires?”

  “They’re not here. I haven’t sniffed out any in this town. Plus, it’s daylight. They can’t come out during the day.”

  “What about if they had a magical amulet or something?”

  I widened my eyes. “Well. . .sure. But not many have them and. . .how did you know that?”

  “The Craving series. It’s these paranormal romance books that talk about vampires. They mention witches and werewolves too, but not as much. It’s mainly about vampires.”

  I watched her with fascination. Although I was naked and bloodied, she was too out of it to notice. Keeping her talking about the books would be the best way to keep her relaxed.

  “You like to read?”

  She gazed at me, lowered it to my chest, and then looked away. Swallowing, she bent over, grabbed the bottom of her sundress.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you a loincloth until Damien comes back.”

  I smiled. “A loin cloth?”

  She ripped the long fabric away, taking off most of the bottom of the dress. Handing it over to me, she kept her eyes away from my dangling cock. “So, you can be comfortable.”

  I took it. The fabric wasn’t enough to wrap around my big waist. I held it in front of my crotch. “This is better. Thank you.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair. “Of course. It doesn’t pay you back for saving my life, but I’ll find a way.”

  I considered all the ways she could repay me. Most of them involved her naked and in my bed. A wicked grin spread across my face. “We can talk about that later.”

  She sighed. “Okay.”

  “Tell me more about these Cravings novels.”

  “They’re all about a coven of vampires—”

  “Coven?” I raised my eyebrows. “That’s what the author calls them?”




  “Vampires used to be witches. They did a disgusting and very evil blood spell long ago. That’s how they turned into what they are.”

  “So, the term coven makes sense for them?”

  “It does.”

  She hugged herself. “There’s a Master vampire named Alphonso. He leads the coven.”

  I nodded. “That is their way. A Master and then a few lieutenants.”

  “All of the high-ranking vampires have amulets that let them go out during the daylight.”

  “Correct again. I wonder if the author is a vampire.”

  She widened her eyes. “Do you think that’s possible?”

  “Of course. While witches and werewolves can live for a long time, we’re not immortal. After a few hundred years, we’ll die—”

  “A few hundred?”


  She stirred.

  “Meanwhile, vampires can only truly die two ways.”

  She whispered, “Sunlight or getting their hearts torn out and eaten.”

  “More from the book?”

  “Yes. In the series, a vampire’s heart is solid as a rock on the outside. Only a shapeshifter’s fang can tear through it.”

  I winked at her.

  She opened her mouth in shock. “That’s true too?”

  “It is.”

  She looked at the ground. “Maybe. . .the author is a vampire.”

  “Maybe you should pack some of those books and take them with you.”

  She swallowed. “Because I’ll have to go back with your pack?”

  “This is the only way.”


  Shut up. I want her next to me. You do too, don’t you?

  Conri went quiet.

  Of course, Imani could stay in her house. Several of the pack could swarm around the house and protect Imani and her sister. Regardless, Sherwin would go there late tonight and drape the property in a protective spell.

  All would be fine.

  However, I yearned for Imani to be near me. Even more, my battle with the witches terrified her. While she was talking to me now, she may hide from me later. She would have to overcome her fears of me. There was no other option. I tried to stay away, but I tasted those lips. Due to that, I would no longer fight my attraction for her.

  Fuck my rule of not breeding with fatals. She will be my mate one way or another.

  She spoke, “In the books, some werewolves eat humans.”

  “That part is true too. Some of our kind do that, but I haven’t eaten a human, and no one in my pack would ever think to do that. As far as we’re concerned, we are half-human too. It would be cannibalism.”

  “But. . .”


  “I overheard you in the diner. You said that you didn’t want to come back again because you wanted to fuck and eat me.”

  “That was a joke.”

  She gestured to the dead witches on the ground. “I’m not so sure I see the humor in it right now.”

  “I won’t hurt you, and no one in my pack will touch you.” I kept my distance between us, doing my best not to scare her. “Trust me, Imani. I just want to keep you safe. Let me get rid of this coven and find out what’s going on so I can keep you safe.”

  My ears caught the approach of my pack. We would have to finish this conversation later.

  “I am going back with you to the pack cabins until this coven is destroyed?”

  “That’s correct.”

  She looked at me. “And then what?”

  “Then, it’s up to you.”


  Shut up.

  She whispered, “Where does your pack live?”

  “Farther out past the city limits. Deep in the mountains.”

  She looked ahead. “Okay. I’ll go with you, just please keep my sister safe. I don’t want anything to happen to her.”

  “Trust me. Zerab will give his life for her if he has too. I’ll make sure of that.”

  Chapter 10


  I didn’t have time to tell Harper anything. Instead of going to her bedroom, I rushed in, packed a small bag of clothes, and left. Once I approached Aiden’s bike, I texted her that I was going off and would be back in a few days. My sister replied with several question marks. I would have to call her later. I couldn’t tell her the truth, but I would have to think of something to say eventually.

  Werewolves, witches, and vampires. And I thought the creepiest thing this year would be the presidential election.

  The sun set and painted the sky in dark golden hues that bathed the mountains. I rode on the back of Aiden’s bike, holding onto hi
s thick waist. Cool wind sped past, lifting my hair in a trail of ribbons behind me. I wore his bulky helmet, but still my hair lifted in a trail of ribbons behind me. The motorcycle engine roared under us. The man with short red hair rode behind us. Earlier, he’d secured my bag to his bike.

  Leaving Main Street, Aiden sped forward. The other redhead followed. My heart pounded. Any onlooker would think these two were regular bikers, but I knew the truth. They were beasts. Wolves. Supernatural creatures with huge claws and sharp fangs.

  He tore her chest open in seconds. And when he ate her heart. . .

  My stomach churned in disgust. I shoved the image away. My body returned to calm.

  He’s a monster, but. . .he’s on my side.

  His actions might have been terrifying, but he’d done it all for me. Every last break of a ribcage. Each ripped out heart. Every dead witch that lay on the ground.

  I was trapped in this hot smoke that burned at my skin, and he saved me.

  That was why I sat on his bike and left with him. If he was simply a monster, then there would have been no reason to save me.

  I was only a waitress after all, in a dusty small town. I possessed no spectacular powers. The only body transformation that I’d executed in the past years was turning a flat stomach into a belly and shifted a firm bottom into a biscuit-and-gravy fat ass. While most men I dated enjoyed the curves, none of the changes accounted for a paranormal marvel.

  Those witches came so fast and out of nowhere. And he killed them quick.

  Leaving the city limits of Crystal Lake, Aiden picked up his speed. I tightened my grip on his waist and leaned my head against his back. Now I understood why every inch of him was solid muscle. His strength and speed were ungodly. Forget about the fact that he transformed into a massive beast. There was no stopping him in any way.

  My nerves frazzled, triggering my anxiety to rise. I focused on my breaths as the bikes got on the long two-lane road leading into the mountains.

  Breath in. 1-2-3. Breath out. 1-2-3.

  I inhaled his rich, seductive scent—all masculine and erotic. It fogged my brain as I struggled to focus on soothing myself.

  He turned into a wolf. And not a cuddly one either.

  I was surprised my head hadn’t exploded from the shock overload. I would never view anything about this world in the same light. All the things I thought I knew, I was no longer sure of. Magic truly existed. Supernatural creatures walked among us.

  Now anything was possible.

  The whole journey into the mountains, I tried to make sense of everything.

  He’s a freaking werewolf. Witches are real. Monsters are real. What now?

  I tightened my grip.

  What was that smoke that the witches had me caged in? It felt like. . .hot demons scratching at my skin. I thought I was going to die. I almost did. . .

  When the witches appeared, they’d talked to Aiden like he was a monster. In the end, they were the ones that wanted to destroy me. They’d been the evil creatures, and he’d been my hero. There was no doubt in my mind that he would protect me and make sure Harper was safe.

  What else could I believe?

  When it came to people. . .or apparently creatures, I didn’t put faith in their words. I only assessed their actions. While Aiden’s lips expressed the sweetest declarations, he backed them all up. He saved me from the witches. And if he yearned to cause me harm, he could’ve killed me that night outside of the diner or even by the lake before the witches arrived.

  But he didn’t.

  I considered what he’d said earlier.

  “I won’t hurt you, and no one in my pack will touch you,” he said. “Trust me, Imani. I just want to keep you safe. Let me get rid of these witches. Find out what’s going on, and keep you safe.”

  He’d been covered in black blood when he said it. The dark liquid dripped down his muscles. And damn, it was hard for me not to stare at the other parts of his body, even with the dead bodies around him. Even with him just changing from a man to a massive creature. Danger and power had radiated off and around him, thickening the air. I drowned in that power. He might’ve been able to convince me to do anything. In the end, my body may not have known logic, but it did seem to know him. It responded to erotic visuals. And he’d been a sexy vision to behold.

  Even with the blood. What is wrong with me?

  Maybe, I’d still been in shock. Perhaps, I needed to focus on his muscular body, instead of the dead witches around us. Regardless, desire bloomed in my core. Warmth wrapped around my heart. Where other men had broken my heart and made me feel like I was less than nothing, this one had almost given his life to save me.

  No regrets for leaving with him. I just hope that I mentally and physically survive whatever will come in the coming days.

  I tried to push the moment with the witches away. Still, it came. My anxiety loved shit like this and relished in torturing my soul.

  Breathe in. 1-2-3. Breathe out. 1-2-3.

  For a few seconds, I swore that black witch smoke swarmed around me. I held onto Aiden tighter.

  No. It’s gone. Everything is fine.

  I was so scared and certain that I would die. When Aiden tore the witches apart, I was relieved and felt safer than ever in my life. That was why I was no longer scared of him or what he was. I should’ve been disgusted at the gore and on edge about riding behind him on his motorcycle.

  But he’d saved me.

  My anxiety disappeared.

  I exhaled in pure triumph.

  Then my mind went to his other shocking words.

  “You believe me because you’re mine.”

  “Your nose didn’t wiggle.”

  “Because I didn’t lie. Do you feel it? You feel the energy. The shock when we touch. . .”

  My body shivered in desire.

  Werewolves, witches, vampires, and. . .an electrical touch. . .

  For the rest of the ride, I leaned my head against his back and pushed all the violence and shock out of my mind. Instead of falling into nervousness, I wrapped myself in the security that he’d provided.

  If magic exists. . .then real love does too. The beautiful kind. The sort that inspires stories.

  The mountains approached. The roadway changed into a dusty path leading toward a grouping of old cabins and shabby one-level shacks that Mother Nature seized. There were more weeds and vines than brick. More moss furred rooftops than bare ones. Tree branches pushed out of broken windows.

  Rusty cars sat in front of a few abandoned cabins. They were shells filled with wild animals. Birds and bugs crept over the metal roofs.

  It was shocking to see such disarray in this area. I didn’t even know it existed. Since Washington made marijuana legal, the state thrived with money from its heavily taxing all cannabis products. This caused Washington to constantly redo the roads, open up more social programs, and clean up trashed neighborhoods.

  How did they miss this?

  Still holding onto Aiden, I sat up on the motorcycle and scanned the area.

  To my shock, Aiden turned off the dusty path, headed toward an abandoned area, and drove in between two ragged cabins. The deeper we rode into this neglected village, the more disturbing it appeared.

  It was all urban decay within the wild. Man-made objects dangled from branches—clocks, dolls, and ribbons. The motorcycles’ rowdy engines seemed to disturb the unnerving peace of the place. I kept thinking some creature would jump out to make us leave.

  Are we supposed to be here? Well. . .of course. They’re going here. . .but. . .why do I keep feeling like we should turn around?

  We cruised even deeper. The abandoned village shifted to thick woods. A massive tree stood right in front of us. Aiden would have to swerve around the tree so we wouldn’t hit it. Instead, he picked up his speed and didn’t look to be going in any other direction besides forward.


  My body tensed. I almost screamed but didn’t want to startle Aiden.

  We went through the tree.

  Right through it.


  That was the only way I could describe it.

  We entered the massive tree.

  Once inside the tree, we drove through a tunnel of shimmering trees. My breath lodged deep within my throat.

  What. . .just. . .happened?

  I looked up, studying the deep tunnel some more. Branches were woven together to form a curved roof. Cool air brushed against my skin. I glanced over my shoulder. No one was behind me. And then in seconds, the other man zipped into view.

  O-kay. . .

  We sped toward the tunnel’s opening.

  Once through, it revealed an off-the-grid paradise with an unforgettable mountain view. Several dark wood cabins existed in the heart of the forest. Each one was illuminated with yellow light, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Everything said cozy and secure. And the cabins didn’t possess the classic look. They boasted wild curves, stone chimneys, and curling roofs. Little stone pathways led to each cabin. They were structures out of a fairytale. Pristine gems tucked near huge mountains. Surely the owner advertised these as some sort of elegant retreat from the city.

  Aiden decreased the speed and then stopped us right in front of the cabins. When he parked, he helped me get off the bike.

  I swallowed my nervousness. “Thank you.”

  “Did I drive too fast?”

  “Oh, no.” I scanned the space.

  “Your heart was booming most of the ride.”

  “I have an anxiety disorder.”

  “Oh.” He widened his eyes. “How do you feel now?”

  “Fine. . .I think.” I took in the first cabin. Hearts had been engraved in the windows’ shutters. Several rustic chairs were positioned in the front. Burnt logs and rocks sat in the center, suggesting the men had put a campfire there.

  I looked up. The starlit sky hovered over us. Two trees shielded the moon, which was less crescent and getting closer to half.

  I turned back to him. “Are we still. . .”


  “Are we still on Earth? I know that sounds stupid, but we went through a tree, and then there was the tunnel and. . .”

  Smiling, he nodded. “That’s Sherwin’s illusions. It’s actually all a regular trail into the cabins. For me, all I can see is the road. But for fatals, they see other things and should have a feeling that they must turn around.”


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