Seduced by Moonlight

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Seduced by Moonlight Page 16

by Kenya Wright

  “May the shadows be their—” The knife slammed into her chest. She screamed in horror as she opened her eyes. Pain seared her gaze. She fell back, trying desperately to remove the knife. Imani was slinging rocks and sticks at her, not allowing the witch to focus on the knife removal but focusing on trying to deflect the debris.

  My pack took over, leaping into the air. All four clasped their jaws on a part of the witch before she hit the ground. In seconds they separated, still gripping their part of the witch and tearing her apart.

  Kill the witch. End the spell.

  The smoky black wolves disappeared. Nothing but separated body parts and blood decorated the ground. Each wolf tore through their part. I jumped into the circle, sniffing for the witch’s murky heart. It lay on the ground, still beating. Howling, I smashed it like a grape. Black and green sludge spurted over my paws.

  Still not sure, it was gone. I shredded it right there as my brothers shifted back into fatal form.

  “Gone!” Conri roared.


  Imani’s scent came to me first before her body. Soon my blood-stained beast was wrapped in small, soft arms. She trembled against me. “Are you okay?”

  Never had anyone hugged me in this form. I stiffened for a minute, enjoying the feel of her on me.

  Imani held no fear as she tried to cup my massive head, twenty times the size of her own head. She kept her hands on the sides. Witch blood dripped on her fingers and arms. “Are you okay?”

  I dragged my jaw back to smile at her. Instead, I guess it did the opposite and scared the shit out of her.

  She stepped back. “Aiden?”

  A naked Blaze stood behind her. “He’s smiling.”

  “Oh.” She turned around, nodded at him, screeched that he was naked, and faced me. “Holy shit. This is going to be hard to get used to.”

  I licked her hand and then howled.

  She shivered but didn’t move. “Come back to me, Aiden.”

  I kneeled on the ground and took my time shifting. My bones cracked and reformed. My fur seeped back into their pores, letting my tanned skin bleed through. My head sank in, extended, and then reshaped into my human one.

  The whole time I changed, she held her breath. Her heart hammered in her chest, but she stayed right there.

  “Wow,” she muttered.

  All my pack shifted and grabbed their clothes. Damian threw me some pants. They dropped on the ground in front of me.

  When I finished shifting, I stood and cracked my neck. “How are you, Imani?”

  “S-scared, but okay.”

  Damian got to her side and patted her back. “You’re definitely our Luna.” He directed his attention to the rest of the pack. “Did you see the way she protected the pack?”

  All the men agreed. Sherwin stood next to Oliver. Blood covered the both of them. Suddenly, in unison, the pack lowered to their knees and bowed their heads at her.

  Imani widened her eyes in fear and looked down at them. “T-thank you.”

  My gut told me that the fight with the witches had done more than shaken her up. It had terrified her.

  Still on the ground, Blaze lifted his head. “Forever, we will protect you. And forever, we will listen to your guidance, Luna. And forever we will protect all your kids and their kids after and—”

  She cried and stepped back.

  This is too much for her. I didn’t explain everything.

  I cleared my throat. “Okay, guys. Thanks so much for honoring our. . .Luna. . .I have to talk to her about everything.”

  “And what of the witches?” Sherwin asked. “Before these witches came, the witch in my cabin did something odd.”

  Damian spoke up, “Her body rose again, but this time there were symbols written in her skin. A few more seconds passed, her skin turned midnight black, and the symbols glowed white.”

  What the fuck is going on?

  Sherwin added, “Then, she opened her eyes and told me not to say it.”

  “Say what?” I asked.

  “I don’t know what she was talking about. We weren’t saying anything.” Sherwin shrugged. “We were silent.”

  Imani stepped forward. “When did this happen exactly? Was it a minute or so before the witches or much longer?”

  “A good twenty minutes before they came.”

  Imani looked at me. “Maybe that happened when I was reading the poem.”

  Sherwin turned to her. “You mean the ancient papers Damian found in her pocket?”

  Imani nodded.

  Sherwin shook his head. “Damian, I told you to show him the words and make sure he doesn’t say them out loud.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “They’re definitely a spell. I just don’t know what it is supposed to do.”

  “And this witch is at the center of whatever this spell does.” I picked up the pants and put them on.

  Imani spoke, “And it all somehow deals with vampires.”

  I ran my fingers through my hair. “We can’t deal with this now. We’ll know what’s happening when she wakes up. For now, let’s stay alert and kill any witches that come around. That can’t be the end of them.”

  Everyone nodded, even Imani.

  “Good job, everybody.”

  They rose from the ground.

  Blaze smiled at Imani and tried to hug her.

  I sneered.

  He stopped the attempt and raised his hands in the air. “Hey, I’m just proud of her.”

  “Be proud over there.”

  Chuckling, he walked off with the others.

  I called out to Sherwin. “Update Zerab on what’s going on. And make sure everything is fine over there.”

  “Okay.” Sherwin glanced over his shoulder. “I would like permission to go over and check on Zerab.”

  I bet you’ll be doing more than checking on him.

  I nodded. “Go ahead and update me later.”

  Sherwin’s face brightened.

  I turned to Imani and tenderly took her hand. “That was very dangerous.”

  “But I helped.”

  “You did.”

  “I was scared as hell.”

  “And courageous.” I gestured for us to head back to our cabin.

  I had a lot to think about. I was sure that killing these witches would bring more. In some ways, witches were like roaches. One smashed, and five more popped up.

  Where is this all going? Why does the spell deal with vampires?

  Even if the witch healed and provided answers, it would bring new problems for the pack. I needed all of this to end because currently, the biggest problem wasn’t the witches or a vampire spell.

  I glanced at my mate.

  I can’t hold off this conversation anymore.

  Chapter 19


  Inside the cabin, we both stood in silence. Although only a few feet rested between us, it felt like a deep canyon emotionally. The air between us was thick and depressing. There was a sense of doom lingering in the room. It sent chills down my spine.

  Something had changed since the witches arrived.

  I stepped to Imani.

  She held her hand up to stop me. “What is a Luna?”

  “The Luna is the Alpha’s mate.”

  She swallowed. “Okay.”

  “And you’re the pack’s Luna. Our Luna.”

  “I’m. . .I’m not even sure if I’m ready for all of this.” She touched her chest. “I’m just a waitress from a small mountain town. What does a Luna do?”

  “She’s like a queen to the king. If something happens to me, then you would rule over them until a new alpha was voted in.”

  She shook her head. “Rule? I know nothing of ruling werewolves.”

  Fear squeezed at my heart. “I would teach you how to maintain order and protect them.”

  Her voice came out in a high pitch. “Protect them? How would I protect them?”

  “You protected them tonight.”

  “It was instinct. And
frankly, I really didn’t do anything but knock the witches down.”

  “That was enough to give us an advantage.”

  “I couldn’t rule them.”

  “I’ll teach you everything.” I reached my hand out and touched her fingers. That instant shock of pleasure poured between us.

  She stepped back and broke the contact. “Aiden. . .”

  “Yes?” Terror stabbed at my gut.

  “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “Be our Luna or be my mate?”

  Shame covered her face. She looked away. “Both. I’m just getting to know you and now. . .and these witches and. . .everything, I’m just learning about all of this.”

  She was in shock and shaken up by what occurred. “I would need time before I decided to be the pack’s Luna.”

  “You already are the Luna. The bond has set between us.”

  She widened her eyes. “But. . .”

  This is why I should’ve taken this slower. Now I’m caught in her web, and she’s trying to shake me off.

  Her eyes watered. “I. . .I don’t think I can do this. I’m okay with a. . .test run.”

  I gave her a sad smile. “A test run?”

  “You must admit this is fast. We can’t meet a few days ago and then suddenly decide we will be together forever. And babies? They said babies. I wasn’t going to have kids.”

  Rage threatened to enter me. I calmed myself down, closed my eyes, and kept my hands to the side, fisting my fingers.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “We should have talked about this, but I wanted you. I couldn’t think straight until you were inside of me.”

  I opened my eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Aiden.”

  “Don’t be.” For once Conri remained quiet within my chest. This was a problem that I hadn’t planned for. I understood battling witches and vampires. But love? This was something that I hadn’t experienced before.

  “So. . .” She swallowed. “If we don’t. . .”

  I kept myself calm. “Don’t?”

  “If we end up not being together, then what?”

  “I meant what I said earlier. I will always protect you. You may not feel the connection of the mating, but for me, I have no choice. I’ve bonded with you. I will never love another again.”


  “What?” A tear fell from her eyes. She tried to reach for me, but I backed away.

  “Don’t.” I tried not to inhale her skin as I battled with the urge to hold her. Conri wanted to force her to stay.


  That’s not how it works.

  This was the other reason why I’d forbid my wolves to mate with fatals. The woman wouldn’t understand the fierceness of what the wolf would have to deal with if he were separated from her. Many shapeshifters would’ve taken Imani into their cabin and locked her in, scared she would run away.

  But she was my mate—my Luna—whether she believed so or not. I would always treat her with the utmost respect.

  Give her time. Give her space. Maybe. . .maybe she’ll come back to me.

  This was brutal. Wrong in every way. The agony. To be so close to Imani and unable to kiss those lips and slip my hands along her curves. Although I was a giant, towering over her with all my strength, she tore me apart.

  I kept my voice steady. “You’ll have to go home.”

  Shocked, she widened her eyes. “Home?”

  “If you’re near me, I will touch you. And if I touch you, I will want more. I will fuck you until you’re hoarse. Already, I just want to spend these days alone with you, loving every part of your body. Already, I yearn to fill your belly with kids.”

  She raised both of her hands and rubbed her face. “Would. . .”


  “Would our kids be like you?”

  “Yes. Half wolf and half fatal.”

  Horror covered her face. “How would I raise them?”

  “Get dressed.” I backed away again, walked around her, and headed for Sherwin’s cabin. “I’ll stop Sherwin and have him take you home.”

  “Wait.” She followed me. “Why aren’t you going to take me?”

  I faced her. My eyes glowed to gold, and my fangs pushed out from the top of my lips. “Because everything inside of me is saying to chain you to my bed and never let you out of my room.”

  I thought I would scare her with those words. I figured she would run off crying, but instead, she stood there.

  She whispered, “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Let’s not push it.”

  She reached for me.

  I backed up. “Get dressed. If I can’t have you as my mate, I won’t play around with you, no matter how bad how I want to.”

  The wind blew, carrying her perfume my way and making Conri roar. Some of her hair flew near her face. I wanted to reach out for it and tuck the strands behind her ear. But I gritted my teeth, instead.

  “Goodbye, Imani. I meant what I said. . .I love you and will forever.”

  Tears fell from her eyes.

  I left her there.

  Deep within my chest, Conri howled in pain.

  Chapter 20


  Drizzling rain blanketed the town of Crystal Lake. Dark clouds hovered low, hiding the moon and stars. The weather fit my mood.

  Did I make a mistake?

  Sherwin rode me back on his bike. The farther we got away from Aiden, the more my body ached. When I arrived home, Harper was asleep. I didn’t feel like explaining these last days to her. Confusion plagued my thoughts. Anxiety twisted inside my heart. It was like vicious claws tearing through my chest.

  Being home didn’t help my mental or physical state. Conflicting thoughts tornadoed through my mind. In one second, I yearned to call Aiden. In the other, I knew that I shouldn’t. In the end, I was the one who turned him away.

  A throbbing pain pounded in my head. I took a pill. It didn’t help. The pounding increased. As I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, each muscle went sore like I’d ran fifty miles and then fought several people.

  What’s going on with my body?

  No matter how I tried to massage the ache away, nothing could help it. I took a hot shower to soothe the soreness. Still, there was no relief.

  I walked over to the window and looked at the full moon. She stood bright and high, illuminating the night sky. I thought back to Aiden’s Moon Goddess statue, and my body ached more.

  Just get some rest. It will all be okay in the morning.

  That night, I stood in Conri’s burning forest, barefoot and naked. The ground warmed my feet. That cotton candy scent thickened the air. I covered my breasts and scanned the area, searching for Aiden or his beast.

  Where are they?

  The same lavender moon hovered over me.

  The sky was still empty of stars.

  However, this time I didn’t stand in the center of his forest. Instead, I was on the outskirts. The forest lay over thirty feet away. From this far, the black trees looked like dark skeletal figures. Their blazing leaves blended all into one huge bonfire. Out here, the grass was white but not as high like within the forest. The blades barely hit my ankles.

  “Aiden?” I looked around. “Conri?”

  And then I spotted gold eyes deep within the forest.

  I hurried forward. “There you are.”

  A threatening growl rose in the air.

  I stopped. “I guess I deserve that.”

  Conri stalked out of the burning forest. I remained where I was. Baring his large fangs, saliva dripped from his huge jaws. Seconds later, he towered over me, snarling within the lavender moon’s light.

  I whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  He ceased with snarling and studied me.

  “I just met you both. It wasn’t even a week ago. And I’m supposed to get married forever and have kids? What happened to a few years of dating? Perhaps, a long engagement. Then. . .we can talk about kids. What if. . .”

p; Conri whimpered

  “What if we don’t like each other in a few years? Would we be stuck together forever?”

  Conri snarled, turned around, and raced away.

  “Really?! We’re not done talking!” I rushed his way.

  As soon as I approached the forest, it disappeared. I stopped. The ground went cold. The flames on the trees vanished. A chilly wind blew around me.

  I hugged my naked body. “Conri!”

  A sorrowful howl rose in the air. I looked up at the sky. The lavender moon was now pale white. Stars hung in the sky. I turned around. My house stood behind me. But I didn’t want to go home. I yearned to try and talk to Conri.

  I returned my view to the cold emptiness. “Conri, come back!”

  Silence was my only response.

  My heart broke.

  Lowering to the cold ground, all I could see was a vast vacuum of nothing. It was the very meaning of desolation. Not Anything lay in front of me, just blackness.

  Tears left my eyes.

  I guess I deserve that, Conri. . .and Aiden.

  The next morning, I woke up in my bed, shivering. My body felt cold like I was still on that freezing ground in Conri’s dream. A mix of emotions circled through my head.

  No. I can’t just leave it like that. I have to talk to Aiden and Conri. There has to be some sort of. . .compromise.

  My body ached even more than yesterday.

  Last night I spoke too quickly. I. . .doubted so much. I should have just given us a try.

  I’d been through enough heartbreak in my past. And instead of healing, I packed the hurt and anger into bags and carried the luggage along with me.

  Yes. Aiden and I were fast, but. . .

  My eyes watered.

  He hasn’t hurt me like these other guys. I was just too scared to give him a chance to hurt me.

  The vision of Conri snarling at me entered my head. I hugged myself, hating how hurt and angry the wolf was.

  In trying to protect my heart. . .I broke theirs.

  That wasn’t fair to Aiden or Conri.

  What am I going to do about it?


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