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Seduced by Moonlight

Page 20

by Kenya Wright

  “What happened with the witch?” she asked.

  I was hoping she wouldn’t want to know. Could she deal with the prophecy? Or would she be scared and rush away again?

  “The witch is fine,” I said.

  “Her name is Raven. Right?”

  I smiled. “Yes. Her name is Raven.”

  She raised her hands and touched my hair. “And what did she say?”

  “Not much.”

  She frowned. “Your nose wiggled.”

  “I hate that you remember that.”

  “What did she say?”

  “That you will be the first mother of strong warriors.”

  Her caresses paused as she processed my words. “Mother?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, fearing her response.

  “That makes me nervous.”


  “Because I never thought that dream would come true. All my life I wanted children. I hoped for a man that would be so wonderful and cherish me enough to want to stay and build a life with me. And every time, the men I fell in love with rushed away. So. . .then I decided that I didn’t want children anymore. I worked on making myself not care. . .”

  I didn’t like the idea of her being with anyone before me, but I understood that she’d had a life—a past. “I’m not them. I will never leave you.”

  “I know.”

  “And. . .I will take care of our children.”

  Her body shivered under me. “I know.”

  “I love you, Imani.” I lowered and brushed my lips against hers.

  “I love you too.” She stirred, moaning pleasantly, trembling at my light, seductive touch.

  I groaned. “So.”


  I gave her a wicked grin. “We should start working on this prophecy.”

  She curved her lips into a smile. “Should we now, Mr. Alpha?”

  “Mr. Alpha?”

  “Yes.” It was a purr of sound in her beautiful throat, raspy and so erotic, drumming down to my bones. “I like the idea of working on this prophecy, Mr. Alpha.”

  “Do you now?”

  “Yes. And do you know why?”


  “Because I believe in you. I believe in us. I think that no matter what we do—as long as we’re together—we’ll win.”

  “Yes, we will, my love. Yes, we will.” I traced my fingers along her full lips. “I love that you don’t fear us anymore.”

  Imani’s lips were slightly parted.

  I drank in my mate, proud of who I’d chosen. Everything about her was perfect. I gazed down at her breasts. They were plump with long stiff nipples that I could suck on for days. In that moment, I couldn’t resist caressing one of the areolas and then lowering down to lap at a nipple and suck it in.

  She groaned.

  My cock went to stone. “Yes, my love, tell me more.”

  “Stick your cock in me.”


  “Pump into me hard like you always do.”

  “Oh, Imani.”

  “I want to feel your cock shoving into my pussy, spreading me apart.”

  I growled in desire, lifting her to me and gently arching her up off the mattress. “I will do that and so much more.”

  With all my strength, I held her up, doing with her as I desired. I kissed the lush curve of her hip, teased both nipples, and then slipped my tongue down, playing across the valley of her navel.

  “You’re teasing me,” she panted.

  “No, my love, I’ve only begun to tease you.” I sucked in the fragrance of her hunger.


  “I’ll always give more.” I lowered down to her wet pussy, inhaling everything I desired.

  “Oh, Aiden. Don’t tease. Give me that cock.”

  “What do you want again?” I moved back up to face her and let my cock brush between her legs, spilling precum onto her moist folds.

  “Your cock. Your tongue. Your—”

  I stopped her words as I plunged my cock into her. She moaned in pleasure. I pumped hard, submerging myself in the violent jolt of lust blazing through my veins.

  “Deeper,” she moaned.

  “God yes.” I rocked my hips in and out, fucking her harder and deeper, filling her, pushing us both close to orgasm. “Like this, my love?”

  “Yes, I love your cock!”

  Growling, I sped my pace, causing the bed to rock. All the days before flashed fast through my head. The moment I met her. Our first kiss. The feel of her sex when I first made love to her. And even the prophecy circled through my head. So much had happened. Even more would come, but I knew that we would always win.

  “So close,” she moaned. “So close.”

  And I was so close too, I couldn’t even say the words. All I could do was groan along with her moans as my pumping shifted to slow, lusty strokes, slipping in and out her wet pussy. Her arousal dripping all over my cock, spilling out and onto the bed.

  And then we came together, crashing, colliding, merging into one. It was as if our bond truly solidified into a wall that no one could ever pass or break down.

  We came hard, panting, and riding the waves of pleasure.

  I was sure the whole pack heard us, and maybe even the witch, but I didn’t care. Soon, my wolves would know this feeling. Everyone was getting a whiff of mate fever. These next weeks would be busy indeed. Due to that prophecy, I planned to encourage my wolves to find their mates and breed quickly.

  And have we made a child?

  I stared down at my beautiful mate. Once she came, she'd gone slack in my arms, boneless and trembling. Even crazier, I trembled as well. It was something I’d never been used to in my life.

  This is what I want for my wolves. They deserve love too.

  “Mine,” I whispered.

  Imani panted softly as her orgasm subsided. “Yours.”

  “Mate!” my beast roared in my chest.

  Oh shut up. She already knows.

  After an hour, I ravished her again. Now that she was finally mine, I would spend every day giving her this cock.

  When we were finally done, she curled next to me and slowly drifted off to sleep.

  What will become of us all?

  So far, everything was done. We’d killed the whole witch’s coven Raven told us about. I’d lifted the ban on mating with fatals. It appeared that some of my wolves were already meeting their mates.

  Blaze would have Harper.

  Damian was surely desiring Raven. My Delta hadn’t left the witch’s side, except when I forced him to. There was no doubt that Damian had slowly fallen in love with Raven. But did Raven feel the same way, and did I think my wolves should mate with witches?

  For now, we know Raven is our friend, but what if she’s lying? What if there is more to her story?

  While I’d lifted the ban off fatals, I would need to watch that budding situation much closer.

  And the others?

  I had no idea what Sherwin and Zerab would do.

  And what of Oliver? Would he be too busy babysitting to find his own mate?

  Yawning, I stared down at Imani’s sleeping face. And then I directed my view to her stomach. Something hit me. A magical sort of knowing. It was an intense sensation that rushed over my head. I didn’t know why. I couldn’t pinpoint how I knew, but I was sure of it.

  Imani is pregnant.

  There was no doubt in my mind. I knew if I told Sherwin, he would laugh at me. But I was certain with every inch of my body that I’d made her pregnant.

  Yes. She will be the first mother. I can feel it. I can feel my seed growing inside of her.

  I kissed her forehead and molded myself against her, wanting to protect her even more. I was already severely possessive. I could see myself being an outright pain in the ass for the next nine months.

  No one will touch or come near her. We have a great warrior on the way.

  Smiling, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  In this dream, Con
ri took over. No longer did he bring us all to his burning forest. Instead, he kept us in the real one that we lived in.

  There, he held a naked Imani. She didn’t protest or ask about her clothes. Instead, she lay within our arms.

  Chapter 25


  Two months later

  The threat of other witch covens still hovered over our heads.

  However, none had come. We hadn’t sniffed any evil women lurking around, but we knew danger could always be near. We could never be too careful.

  Focus on Imani.

  Tonight, the Goddess Moon was full. In all her glory, she floated in the night sky, bathing everyone in light. The stars glittered. A small radio sat in the corner near the tree, playing a soft classical song.



  I walked hand-in-hand with Imani through the woods. Candles lit a path to my wolves who sat at the end in beast form. Walking in silk slippers, Imani wore a white lace dress that hugged her curves. It had this gossamer fabric that fluttered each time she moved.

  The bottom of the dress slipped along the forest floor with each of her steps.

  I can’t wait to rip that off her tonight.

  “Me too,” Conri growled. “Fuck!”

  Once Sherwin confirmed that Imani was pregnant, we quickly planned a small ceremony. She wanted to invite her sister and friends from town. I knew it would be a clear problem. She declared that she had to have her sister there. I compromised by promising to do two separate weddings for her—one for the pack and another for her fatal friends.

  When we went to her childhood home to tell her sister the news, we walked in on Blaze fucking the shit out of Harper. From there, there was no need to keep any secrets away from her sister. Blaze had not only told her everything but shifted twice in front of her.

  Already, Harper is pregnant. We’ll be doing another wedding next month.

  Still, Imani yearned to make our bond official in human terms. We already obtained a marriage certificate and had a small ceremony in front of the courthouse with her sister and the waitresses from the diner as witnesses.

  However, my pack wanted to do something grander.

  And here we are.

  My pack had filled the area with lit candles and flowers.

  As Imani and I approached the pack, my wolves howled in joy. Harper stood across from the wolves and held flowers. She wore a mask which was traditional for our kind. Any fatal attending the ceremony must have a wooden carved mask, engraved with the Goddess Moon’s phases. Through the mask, Harper’s eyes widened in terror, but she remained there.

  Still too weak to stand, Raven sat in a chair next to Harper. A bouquet lay in her lap. In the past couple of months, Imani and Raven spent more time together. She’d even helped my mate with planning the wedding. We didn’t know when Raven’s full strength would get back, but I was sure it would be soon.

  What will Raven do when she is fully healed? What will become of Raven’s presence within our pack if she stays?

  So far, the witch had taken up permanent camp on our grounds. Raven couldn’t move too much but was healing week by week. She wasn’t a flight risk, but I was worried about what would come when she regained her health. Damian swore she was his mate, while she wasn’t so sure. I didn’t think Damian would let her leave if she wanted to go. Damian still watched her at night, at times studying her face while she slept. Sherwin gave up with his unwanted house guests and simply moved Raven to Damian’s cabin. Then, Zerab moved to Sherwin’s place, no longer caring who knew about their arrangement.

  So much is changing and so fast.

  “Focus,” Conri roared in my chest.

  I returned my attention to the setting.

  Imani and I stopped near our wolves. They ended their howling and circled us, revealing a mountain of presents and a huge table crowded with food, wine, and dragon punch. I spotted several platters stacked with roasted meats. There was even a small platter of pasta and veggies for the women.

  But most important was the small altar a few feet from the table. There, a silver bowl rested in front of my statue of the Goddess Moon. A raw wolf’s heart lay in the bowl. A large gold sword was on the left side of the bowl. A wolf’s decapitated head was on the right.

  As was the custom, I hunted the wolf in human form right before the sun set. He’d given me a good hunt. I made sure it was a quick death and prayed to the Goddess Moon to honor him in the afterlife.

  The wolf’s head was next to the bowl. Oliver had skinned the creature. The wolf’s skin would be our child’s first blanket. Its meat was cooked for the feast and the bones used for soup.

  Swallowing fear, Imani took her time and walked up to the bowl full of the wolf’s heart.

  Can Imani do this part?

  My wolves crept forward and peered at her.

  I walked over and stood behind her. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” She let out a long breath, picked up the raw heart, and lifted it to the sky. Moonlight hit the organ, making it shimmer. “Goddess Moon, I ask for your approval in this ceremony. I pray for your touch to give me strength. I beg for your protection as I become the Luna to your wolves. Your children lovingly touched by your essence.”

  A cool breeze blew through her hair. The heart glowed bright red. She gasped. Her fingers shook as she lowered the now bright heart to her face.

  My wolves sank to the ground.

  “Thank you, Goddess Moon.” She put the heart to her mouth, bit at the side, and ripped out a piece with her teeth.

  Harper gasped on the side of us. Thankfully, she didn’t jump up and stop her. While Blaze had slowly taught her about our world, she probably needed to know even more.

  Blood dripped down Imani’s chin as she bit on the glowing heart again.

  The wolves rose from the ground and barked.


  She’s almost done.

  While it took her time to chew each piece down, she continued to work on the organ. Red blood smeared the front of her beautiful white gown. To a fatal, it might have been a disaster to see her that way. But for me, it triggered lust to fill my body.

  Minutes passed.

  She finished the whole organ, coming close to retching, but never throwing up.

  “She ate it.”

  She did. Our Goddess will honor her even more.

  Completely finished, Imani took a minute to breathe in and out. I yearned to reach out to her, but it wasn’t our way. If she was to be the pack’s Luna, she must show the pack her strength. When she turned to me, shock rocked my core. Her brown eyes brightened almost to a bronze, almost similar to Damien’s eyes.


  Stunned, she snapped her attention to my chest. “I. . .I heard Conri.”


  Imani widened her eyes. “He said something again.”


  “Oh my God. I can finally hear him,” she whispered. “Yes. I am your mate.”

  Probably jealous, my wolves whimpered for her attention.


  Yes. She can hear you. Be quiet until the ceremony is over

  I cleared my throat. “We must finish the rest.”

  She blinked her eyes. “Oh, yes.”

  I gazed at those bloody lips, wishing I could suck the liquid off them.

  Imani leaned toward me and whispered, “That heart messed me up mentally. I’ve forgotten everything you told me this week. What do we do next?”

  “You go to each wolf, stare his beast in the eye with no fear until they bow before you. Once they do, you say the words you learned. They’ll lay on the ground in submission. Then, you will show them your approval.”

  “By rubbing their belly?”

  I laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far. It would feel too good in a cuddly way. Our beasts would probably lather you in slime. You look too beautiful to be covered in werewolf drool.”

  “Thank you.”

  My heart
warmed. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She left me and stepped over to Blaze first. His white fur glowed under the moonlight. Those silver eyes peered at her.

  Imani spoke, “By the light of the Moon Goddess, I bond to your Alpha and to you. Forever, I will be your Luna. I will die for you. I will love you. I will keep you safe.”

  Blaze licked some of the blood off her fingers before laying down and submitting to her.

  “Thank you, Blaze.” Smiling, she went over to Damian. The red-headed wolf had been eyeing Raven the whole time, unconcerned with the ceremony. Finally, he switched to Imani and yipped.

  She jumped and then laughed at herself. “By the light of the Moon Goddess, I bond to your Alpha and to you. Forever, I will be your Luna. I will love you. I will keep you safe. I will die for you, if necessary.”

  Like Blaze, he licked the blood from the other hand, lowered to the ground, and submitted.

  Imani moved on to Sherwin’s solid blue wolf. He did the same thing. Zerab’s beast submitted before she even began to speak the words, so happy that I was out of his hair and matched up with my Luna.

  Oliver’s tan wolf stepped to her, probably eager to have someone in the pack that knew less than him. Finally, he could stumble in our world with a fellow student. He lapped at the blood on the side of her face and dramatically rolled to the ground as if she was the queen of wolves.

  A laugh escaped those beautiful lips.

  She went to the table, picked up the large sword, and brought it over to me. I took it. Once the moonlight hit the sword, fiery red symbols covered the blade. They were ancient letters, representing the names of my father’s family. It was the only item besides the Moon Goddess statue that I never lost or damaged during the Wars. Forever, I kept them safe for this moment.

  I brought my attention to Imani. Moonlight bathed her lovely brown skin. Those now bronze eyes still glowed bright. She was captivating to behold.

  I placed one hand on the blade and tightened my fingers around it. “By the light of the Moon Goddess, I bond to you, Luna. For eternity, I will be your Alpha. Your mate. The father of our children. The protector of our family. I will love you. I will keep you safe. I will die for you, if necessary.”

  I gestured for her to come closer.

  She did.


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