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Velvet Touch

Page 25

by Catherine Archer

  What, Fellis wondered, had they done with Stephen and Wynn?

  Her question was answered only a moment later when Wynn was brought in by two men. He roused enough to groan as they laid him none too gently on the hard-packed dirt floor. Even if he had been awake his gag would have prevented him from speaking. From the angle at which he had been placed across the shack from her, she could not see if his eyes were open.

  Directly behind them came four more men carrying Stephen. His gaze sought hers for a brief moment as he was brought in, and she felt his relief at seeing her there. He did not speak, for he was gagged again. A shiver of misery ran through her as she saw his face was marked by several cuts and darkening bruises.

  She looked toward his captors with silent fury. Each of the four were sporting lacerations and bruises of their own. Her eyes narrowed in unapologetic approval.

  It appeared Stephen had given at least as well as he got.

  The knight was near thrown to the hard floor, before the men swung away and closed the door behind them. As they left the proximity of the makeshift prison, Fellis could hear the fellows heaving sighs of what sounded like relief.

  Then there was only silence.

  Fellis felt totally helpless lying there on her back, unable to turn right or left because of the way her hands and arms were crushed beneath her. What was she to do?

  Just moments later, she became aware of movement on the far side of the structure. It was a strange scraping, scuffling noise, but she could not raise her head high enough to see what was causing it.

  The noise went on for some time, and Fellis grew accustomed to it. Other sounds began drifting to her as the occupants of the holding awoke.

  She heard the sounds of people talking, doors closing, water being thrown out. Concentrating on the homey noises began to lull her in spite of her fear and anger. The night had been a long and exhausting one. In spite of her physical discomfort and fear, her lids began to grow heavy.

  Thus it was with no small start that she saw a face appear above hers. Stephen’s face, recognized instantly even from her odd perspective. She cried out behind the gag, choking herself in her startlement.

  Hurriedly he reached out to tear the rough cloth from her mouth. “Shh,” he whispered, reaching to take her up against him, holding her head to his chest as he gripped her tightly in his arms. “Shh, love, do not make a sound.”

  She fought hard to take in breath without making any noise, but it was difficult. Finally her breathing calmed and she pressed her head against his shoulder in silent thanks and the pure joy of being close to him again.

  “You managed to untie us…” She gasped then as her

  arms were freed and started to tingle as if being bitten by thousands of ants when she moved them.

  Stephen nodded, the bruise beneath one eye making him appear slightly rakish. “I simply found a sharp edge on the stone wall near the floor and used it to cut the ropes.”

  He gave her a quick kiss. “And now,” he said, as he freed her feet, “I must untie Wynn.”

  He moved to where the other man lay, his legs stretched before him, in the center of the room.

  The moment Stephen removed the gag from his mouth, Wynn said, “You were right. Even though I knew in my mind that you must be, I still felt shock at hearing Owain say that he wished me dead.”

  Stephen shrugged, laboring over the other man’s bonds as Fellis crawled across to join them.

  She looked at Wynn, saw the sadness and rage in his eyes and wished things had been different for him. How terrible it would be to learn that you had been betrayed by one of the ones you most trusted.

  Stephen had now moved to the other man’s feet as Wynn massaged his stiff arms with an expression of grim fortitude.

  Wynn looked up at Stephen as he sat back once the task was accomplished. “We must find a way to escape.”

  “Aye.” Stephen arched dark brows. “But I know not how. We must figure out a way that will guarantee Fellis’s safety, at least in part. They have taken our weapons and we are sadly outnumbered.”

  She blanched. “I am sorry for insisting you take me with you, Stephen. I did not think of anything except that I wished to be with you. Now I have made it more difficult for all of us.”

  Stephen shrugged, taking her hand. “Do not worry, love, you had no way of knowing what would happen. Had I wished to, I could have tied you to my bed to prevent your coming.”

  Fellis glanced at Wynn to see him watching them with open curiosity. She blushed, realizing how much they had just given away.

  Stephen, seeing the other man’s regard, said, “Wynn, as I was trying to tell you when we were set upon, I have a scheme in mind that will give us all what we desire. You would be free to wed Ardeth, and I to take Fellis as my own bride.”

  Wynn’s lips tightened. “I know not what part Ardeth has played in this. How can I even think of marrying her, even if it were possible?”

  Stephen met Wynn’s troubled gaze with a level one of his own. “There is one thing I am certain of, Ardeth loves you. You too must know that, and also know that there is some explanation for why she did not tell you of her father’s machinations.” He looked to Fellis. “Part of loving is believing in someone. You must allow her to explain herself.”

  Wynn was thoughtful for a long time, then he turned a hopeful gaze to Stephen. “I can only pray that you are right.” He nodded toward Fellis then. “Now tell me what plan you have that might make this tangle aright.”

  Taking a deep breath, Stephen began, “Last night Fellis and I…” He looked at her blushing face before continuing. “As you must have guessed, Wynn, we were together. Being with Fellis made me realize I could not allow things to go on as they were.” He met the other man’s gaze. “You see, I love her.”

  Fellis was so horrified at what Stephen was admitting that at first she didn’t really hear what he was saying. Then as the words sank in she felt a wave of indescribable elation crash over her heart, the ripples settling into every part of herself and filling her with joy.

  She launched herself into his arms, now heedless of the other man. “You love me!” Her blue eyes shone with the light of her own love for him.

  He held her close, reveling in this moment of happiness with her. “But of course I do,” he replied gruffly. “More than my own life.”

  Only when Wynn coughed discreetly did they start apart. Fellis made no effort to take herself away from Stephen.

  “As you can see,” he said to Wynn, “we care for each other. And knowing that, I began to think there must be some way for us to be together.” He watched the Welshman closely. “Much of my plan will depend on you and your opinion of me.”

  Wynn shrugged. “Well, I must admit that I have had reason to change some of my views about the English since meeting you. You have proven yourself to be honest and straightforward in your contact with me.” He grimaced, gesturing around them. “And judging by the way events have gone forward since last eve, I can only think that you have revealed yourself to be more friend to me than those I trusted.”

  Exhaling roughly, Stephen said, “Ah, well then, there is hope. You see, I began wondering if you would be willing to treat with me. Did Fellis’s father agree to accept me as her husband, and King Edward accepted me as Lord Grayson’s heir, I would be in a position to do just that. All we would need do then is gain King Edward’s permission to go forward.”

  As Stephen spoke, Fellis heard him first with amazement, then growing optimism. Could Stephen actually make this work? Had he foreseen all the possible ramifications and problems that might arise in trying to do so?

  Wynn replied, “So you presume your king would be disposed to agree to this arrangement if I was willing to accompany you to court?” His eyes narrowed. “How would I know that I would not be imprisoned or worse. All Welsh know of the might of English law and justice. We are not protected by the English laws that govern us as your people are, only persecuted by them.”

; Stephen did not waver as his gaze met Wynn’s. “I swear by my own life and honor as a knight that your safety and freedom will be guaranteed.”

  The Welshman watched him for a long moment while Fellis held her breath. Then he held out his hand. “I will accompany you to court, Stephen Clayburn.” His gaze swept the four stone walls around them. “That is, if we are ever freed from this prison.”

  Fellis watched as Stephen followed the path of the other man’s gaze. He ran a hand through his thick dark hair. “As you say.”

  The hours of the day dragged on without anyone coming to their jail.

  For the most part, Fellis stayed close by Stephen and he was not reticent about holding her to him and offering comfort. He tried his utmost to put a hopeful front on for her sake, but she knew that the situation was indeed dreadful.

  Their prison consisted of one main chamber, approximately fifteen feet wide by fifteen feet long. At the north side there was a pile of fresh straw, which they made use of in arranging places to sit, though Stephen did precious little of that and paced the hard-packed floor impatiently.

  In one corner was a separate stall with a sturdy wooden door. Fellis took her time in examining the tiny chamber and found nothing that might aid in their escaping.

  They each thoroughly explored the whole structure and concluded that there appeared to be no way out. There were no windows and the thatched roof was in good repair. The door was bolted from the outside and refused to budge when they tried it.

  As the hours passed, Fellis wondered what could be happening that their captors would have forgotten them. What could Owain be planning?

  But as night fell with still no sign from him, Wynn suggested they try to get some sleep. None of them had had any rest the previous night and he added that, if they were to find a chance to escape, they would have need of all their strength.

  Stephen stood holding out his hand to Fellis.

  She placed hers into it and followed him to the stall at the other end of the structure. It was obviously meant as a confinement area for birthing and was laid with clean straw. Stephen closed the door behind them.

  When Stephen held out his arms to her she went into them. The deepness of the night was like a thick cocoon that blocked out the rest of the world. Now that they were alone with nothing to separate them, there was only her love for him, and his for her.

  No matter what tomorrow might bring she would have this night with Stephen, the man she loved.

  When he dipped his head to claim her mouth she accepted him expectantly. Fellis reached up to twine her fingers in his thick hair, straining upward.

  Stephen sensed her eagerness, but he held back, kissing her slowly and thoroughly, nibbling and sucking at her lower lip. This time he would not hurry their loving. He meant to savor every precious moment. For he did know that each could indeed be their last.

  Stephen held her tenderly, kissing Fellis until she felt faint, her knees threatening to give way beneath her. She sighed with the pure pleasure of it as she sagged against him.

  He leaned close, whispering into her ear, his hot breath causing a shiver of delight to run down her spine. “Let me undress you.”

  She reached out to rest her hand against the stone wall as he bent to raise first her cote and then her tunic, drawing each over her head in turn. In her haste to dress the previous night, she had not put on a chemise and was now bare to his questing hands.

  Tenderly he ran his hands down her shoulders and over her sides to her hips, then upward over her ribs to cup the weight of her breasts. Stephen felt their fullness in his palms and closed his eyes on the wave of desire that washed over him when the nipples hardened against him.

  He bent to nibble at the nape of her neck, her hair falling across his face in a silky caress. “Fellis, you are so beautiful, so beautiful.”

  She sighed, reaching out to clasp his shoulders as he bent further and his lips closed on the rigid peak of her breast. She nearly cried out, having to bite her lip to still the sound as a shaft of liquid heat pierced her lower belly.

  Her hands moved to touch and she was thwarted by his clothing. “Let me,” she said, reaching for his belt.

  He stood perfectly still as she placed her trembling hands on the gold buckle. She fumbled a bit with it but he did not try to help her and that further heightened Fellis’s passions. He was allowing her to participate in the loving as an equal. The realization was heady and drove her to try to please him as he did her.

  When the belt fell to the floor, she put her hands to the hem of his garments. The only assistance he gave was to lift his arms and bend his knees to allow her to reach over his head as she drew them off.

  With that done, Fellis raised her hands and placed them on his chest, her fingers exploring and learning the delicious contours of this glorious man. He was hers and hers alone.

  Even if there were no more tomorrows for them, no one could take these moments from her. She would go from this life remembering the velvet touch of his hands on her flesh.

  She leaned forward and kissed his wide chest, her mind seeing him the way she had the night before, all golden and powerful in the firelight. Without thinking, she ran her tongue over that smooth flesh, tasting him.

  Stephen moaned so softly that she barely heard. Fellis knew that the sound had been wrung from deep inside him and it further emboldened her to explore him. As she kissed and licked at his chest, she reached around him, her hands closing over the solid mounds of his buttocks.

  Stephen rocked toward her, one arm going around her as he lifted her face to his. She offered her mouth freely.

  This time he kissed her fiercely, his lips demanding a response she was happy to give. Her blood raced with each thrust of his tongue and she gripped him all the more tightly.

  Her breasts were crushed to his chest, feeling heavy and aching with need for him. “Love me, Stephen,” she whispered against his mouth.

  He lifted her in his strong arms and knelt with her on the hay, his lips never leaving hers. Then his mouth was slowly moving down her throat, lingeringly across the mound of her breast, then finally on the turgid tip.

  She put her hands to his head, nearly swooning with the fire that raced down through her body and made her hips arch. She wanted him, needed him, but even more she wanted to give of herself to Stephen. With all the will she possessed, Fellis pushed him gently back from her. Her body ached with the desire he awoke inside her but she would not give in to her own yearnings.

  Without words she guided him to lie back in the soft hay. When her lips found his, she kissed him deeply, as he had taught her. Her tongue circled his and she felt the pull of longing increase inside her as he answered back.

  Stephen ran his hands over her delicate back and shoulders as Fellis moved down to kiss and stroke his small male nipples. They firmed to tiny nubs and she sighed against his skin, her breath warm and exciting. He felt rather than heard her say, “I love you.”

  When she dipped lower to caress his belly with her lips, his heart began to pound with a deafening beat. Then Fellis reached down, her fingers closing on the tumescent length of him and Stephen could not hold back a gasp as his heart ceased to beat for an indefinable moment, then started again with a lurch that left his head spinning with desire.

  She was driving him mad with her delicate hands and soft mouth. Stephen could stand no more. Reaching down, he drew her up to lie along the length of him. His hands tangled in the glorious mass of her hair as he kissed her.

  When Stephen rolled her beneath him, her legs opened without coaxing and he moved over her. With his first deep thrust, she rose up to meet him and his craving found its rapture.

  Fellis’s breathing became ragged as the throbbing cry of need inside her built to an indefinable pitch. Then the pleasure was breaking through her with a harmony that brought her every sense and feeling into perfect union with the universe.

  A moment later, she heard Stephen moan and stiffen above her. She was suddenly fille
d with an incredible sense of power, tempered with incredible love and tenderness that she had brought him this same delight.

  It was sometime later that Fellis opened her eyes to an inky blackness. For a moment she could not understand what had awakened her, then realized that Stephen was leaning over her. He put his finger to her lips.

  He placed his lips close to her ear. “Shh, listen.”

  That was when she heard the sound that had obviously alerted him. A creaking of metal on metal, mayhap the sound of a rusty bolt being drawn. The noise was furtive, as if someone were trying not to be heard.

  Stephen pressed her clothing to her.

  Without being told, Fellis began to pull the garments on, little heeding whether they were right side out or upside down. What, she wondered, was happening? Had Owain waited till the middle of the night to murder them in their sleep? Her stomach tightened with fear and anger.

  What kind of coward could not even face the ones he would put to death?

  Fellis sensed Stephen opening the door of the stall. It made no sound at all as the hinges were not made of wood but leather. He stepped into the outer room.

  Uncaring of whether or not she was properly covered, Fellis pulled her skirt down and followed him.

  The chamber was as dark as the one she’d just left and Fellis strained to see something—anything. She could not. Then she heard a further creaking of rusty hinges as the outer door moved. Now she could make out a narrow line of weak light at the other end of the structure where the door lay.

  Whoever was opening it seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time to do so. As she watched, she saw Stephen move to stand against the wall beside it. Another shadow pressed itself to the wall on the other side of the portal—Wynn.

  The door swung open. In the frail light of the new moon stood the silhouette of a woman.

  Fellis knew instantly who it was. She made to call out softly to Stephen. He did not hear her, for he was already upon Ardeth.


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