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Hot Pursuit

Page 6

by Rhonda Laurel

  “I see she wiggled her way into working for the show,” Parker replied. “She has this online backstage streaming show. Notice she only interviews her friends.”

  “She never wins, but she always comes back. I think the camera crew has a crush on her. Someone’s always panning to her in the audience, and she’s always in perfect selfie pose mode.” Melissa giggled. “I’m sorry, I must sound like a total bitch.”

  “No, it’s therapeutic. Trust me, what they’re saying about us is probably less than flattering. I can see cliques forming as we speak.” The buzzer sounded, which meant it was time for the next contestant. “Why don’t we get closer to the action to see what we’re up against?”

  They walked over to the gate where they could see the circle of courses. Contestant number ten got off to a good start but underestimated the jump to the platform and wiped out. Jen was right. She’d be up before she knew it.

  A guy dressed in a shiny silver shirt, shorts, and a headband was heading their way.

  “Isn’t that Jax Jones?” Melissa murmured.

  “Yes. He’s certainly shiny today.”

  “He’s always giving plugs to the experimental clothing line he’s been pushing.”

  “I don’t see how wearing aluminum shorts can increase your speed.” Parker laughed. “He could use a little more material too. I can see his chestnuts from here.”

  Melissa burst out laughing. “It was a shame that technicality cost him the prize money two seasons ago.”

  “Yeah, but he keeps trying. They do a whole comeback kid segment on him every season.” Parker looked at him.

  “My hubby even bought one of his Get Jaxxed shirts that season.” Melissa laughed. “I heard he had endorsements lined up and was starting his own line of diet products. All he had to do was win.”

  She observed him chatting with a group of guys who were obviously fanboys. “Is your husband in the stands waiting to cheer you on?”

  “No. We just moved to Texas for his work. He couldn’t get the time off. I thought this would be fun to do while I look for a job.” She sighed. “I saw that hunk of man standing with you at the sign-in table. Is that your husband?”

  “No, that’s my—” She started but stumbled. How often did she say “boyfriend” out loud? “That’s my boyfriend Riley.”

  Meanwhile, Jax was giving them the once-over as he came closer. He was only a few feet away, but it seemed to take him for forever to get over here. It was almost as if he were walking in slow motion on purpose for dramatic effect. “Hi, ladies. The name’s Jax. Jax Jones.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Parker nodded. “I’m Parker—”

  “Carson and you’re Melissa Renner,” he interrupted. “It’s my job to know where all the beautiful women are. I scope out all of the new talent.”

  “I didn’t know that was part of a contestant’s duties.”

  “I’m like one of the staff, I’ve been around so long. Maybe you ladies would like to go for a protein drink after the taping. I could give you tips on how to train properly—that is, if you make it to the next round.”

  “My husband is expecting me home,” Melissa said.

  “My boyfriend is going to bench press a car after in the parking lot, so I’ll be busy,” Parker said.

  Jax blinked. “Well, I have to warm up. See you around.”

  The ladies burst out laughing.

  “Why do I get the feeling he has a federal boobie inspector badge in his bag?”

  “Oh!” a group of people yelled out by the gate as they watched the contestant on the obstacles. Parker and Melissa looked toward the gate’s entrance and saw two of the show’s staff helping the contestant off the course.

  “What happened?” Melissa said.

  “Looks like someone fell.”

  “I’m telling you. Ouch!” The man groaned. “The third step is loose. I barely put my foot on it.”

  Parker recognized him from last season. His name was Damon.

  “Somebody get a design architect out there to take a look at it!” a show employee yelled. “Let’s take five, everyone.”

  “Yikes.” Melissa winced. “They don’t show many pratfalls on television.”

  “I guess they think it would discourage people from entering,” Parker replied.

  Within a few minutes, the competition was back on.

  “Number twenty is up next!” someone called out.

  “That’s me,” Parker said.

  “Good luck to you. It was nice meeting someone without a chip on her shoulder. It would be nice to see a familiar face if we both make it to the next round.”

  “That would be nice.” Parker smiled. “And I’ll cheer you on when you’re up.”


  Parker stretched her arms as she went over to the starting mark. She’d been so busy talking to Melissa, she’d forgotten to be nervous. It was nice to meet someone down to earth. She searched the crowd and easily found Riley. He was down in front waving at her. She also noticed a few Regency agents in the crowd. Simmons and a new team member, Wentworth, were mixed into the crowd. She should have known Rafe would have someone there.

  She heard the timer cueing up and took her position. Remembering what Riley said, she looked over at him. He winked at her and mouthed “You got this.” She closed her eyes for a moment and imagined the two of them working out or going for a run. They had so much fun together. She wanted to channel those feelings into the task at hand. What did she want to accomplish? She didn’t want to wipe out or have an awful run time. She wanted to do her best and not embarrass herself on national television.

  There was the ding. She dashed across the first obstacle, kept her footing, and stuck the landing. She then had to jump on a trampoline and jettison to a monkey bar-type contraption and paced herself as she reached for each rung. She successfully swung out to dismount and landed on her feet. She stopped and took a breath. She was doing her best to pace herself, but she’d felt the burn from the monkey bars.

  “You can do it, Bruiser!” she heard Riley yelling.

  Next she’d have to leapfrog across a labyrinth of slippery pads that would have her crashing into a pool of pink, slimy goo if she slipped. But she made it. Finally, she was on to the final task: the rock wall climb. She scaled the wall and finally reached the summit and grabbed the flag.

  She’d done it. She’d completed the course and hadn’t fallen flat on her face. The cheers from Riley and the rest of crowd were intoxicating. She raised her hands in victory and smiled before she started her descent down the stairs built onto the side of the rock wall structure.

  “Great performance by first-time contestant Parker Carson!” the host shouted into the microphone. “Parker, would you like to say a few words?”

  “It was a good workout,” Parker said.

  “Well, you’ve had one of the best times of the evening, and you’re the first woman to complete the course. Looks like you’re advancing to the next round.”

  Parker’s eyes widened. “I am? Thanks!”

  Parker walked toward her cheering section. Riley hopped the gate and picked her up into his arms and gave her a kiss. “You did it!”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “I did well after I heard you screaming my name.”

  “I’m going to scream your name later too. But it will just be an audience of two.” He kissed her again.

  “I like how you think.” She looked at the board with the remaining contestant names. Melissa was coming up soon. “Do you mind if we wait for someone else to do the course? I kind of made a friend in the waiting area, and her husband can’t be here tonight.”


  Parker clapped and cheered when Melissa got her turn. She was quite an athlete too. It had to be hard being new to the city and having your husband working all the time. She kept watch as Melissa worked her way around the course. She had good instincts. All she needed was a little coaching, and she’d stave off the exhaustion she exhibited when she trie
d to grab the monkey bars. She and Riley cheered when the host told Melissa she qualified during the post interview. Melissa smiled and came over and gave her a high five when she was finishing speaking.

  “Good job, Melissa,” Parker said.

  “You, too. You were fantastic. I didn’t come close to your finish time, but I’m happy to be included.”

  “You were great,” Riley said.

  “This is my boyfriend Riley.” Parker motioned to Riley. “Riley, this is Melissa. She’s new to the area.”

  “Welcome to Texas.” Riley smiled.

  “Thank you.” Melissa beamed and gave him a once-over. “You and Parker must be workout buddies. I wish my husband would take an interest in something besides work.”

  “Find a way to make it fun,” Parker suggested. “Riley and I are competitive by nature, so we’re always running around flexing our muscles.”

  “My family is going to flip when they see me on television. But I’d be grateful to get through the next round.”

  “It’s simple. You just need to know when to conserve your energy so you can get through the harder obstacles,” Parker said thoughtfully.

  “I’ll have to work on that.” Melissa hesitated. “Do you think we could work out together sometime? Just to give me a few more pointers?”

  “Sure. Let me get your phone number.”

  Parker and Melissa exchanged phone numbers. An assistant from the show appeared and asked to confirm their contact information so they could be included in the e-mail chain for the next event. Parker had to admit it was all rather exciting. Once she was squared away, she was ready to leave. They wished Melissa goodnight and headed for the parking lot.

  “I think it’s time to go home.” She let out an exaggerated sigh of relief.

  “OK.” Riley slung her bag over his shoulder and scooped her up in his arms.

  She let out a yelp. “Riley! I can walk to the car.”

  “I know.” He kissed her. “How about a hot bubble bath tonight?”

  “Extra bubbles?”

  “You know it.” He tightened his grip on her in his arms as he walked toward the car. “When are you going to tell the family?”

  “Tell them what?”

  “That you’re going to be on national television. Some of them watch the show.”

  “Do I have to? They’re going to make a big deal out of it.”

  He laughed. “Tell them so they can freak out and celebrate you.”

  The night had been a success. It had been fun, and it took her mind off what to do about her car situation. She hadn’t really thought she’d get that far, and now she was advancing in the competition. She wanted to pretend it was no big deal, but deep down inside she wanted to win. After she finished the last course and saw her time, something in her came alive, wanting to take the journey to the finish line. She had a light caseload due to her Regency recertification, and if she stayed in the competition, it would only be six more weeks of her life. And Riley would be there with her. She couldn’t think of a better way for them to get closer. Maybe she could finally figure out what had her chatty, handsome boyfriend so pensive all the time.

  Chapter Three

  Parker flipped through the magazine as Riley paced the floor. It never failed. Whenever his sister Aubrey visited, he became a nervous wreck. It was sweet how he went the extra mile to make her happy.

  But he was still in denial about his sister dating Theo Popovich. When they visited California, it was plain to anyone willing to see it that Theo and Aubrey had grown closer. It was going to get worse when Aubrey arrived with her surprise. When Aubrey had called her and told her of her plans, she promised she’d do her best on her end to brace Riley for what was to come.

  “Where is she?” Riley looked at his watch. “Maybe she got lost. I should have insisted on picking her up.”

  “She said she may be taking a later flight and didn’t want to hold up your day.”

  “Where’s my cell? I’m going to call her.”

  “You sent her a text thirty minutes ago.” Parker put the magazine down and went over to him. “Calm down. Your little sister is quite capable of getting from the airport to here without ending up in Mexico.”

  “I know, but I worry about her. It has always been my job to look after her.”

  “You did a damn fine job. You spoil her, and she adores you. How about this?” She took his hand and led him over to the couch. “Why don’t you tell me what your plans are while she’s here?”

  “I was going to leave the itinerary open. Whatever she wants to do is fine me. And I want you to join us, of course. But I was thinking of taking her shopping. Get her school supplies for the fall semester, and there’s a pottery class we could take together.”

  “Are you going to finish it up with a trip to Six Flags?” She smiled. “Riley, you’re going to have to accept that Aubrey isn’t a child anymore. She’s a functioning adult. She’s dating.”

  “She’s not dating. Spending time with that idiot Theo is a fluke. She can do a lot better than him. Look at the age difference.”

  “It’s a few years, and Theo’s not the Big Bad Wolf. You know his family. Derek and Alex are nice people.”

  “Yes, they are, but I don’t trust Theo. He’s going to break my sister’s heart, and then I’ll have to break his face.”

  “Aren’t you being just a little hypocritical? Not so long ago you were the bad boy who broke hearts and sullied reputations.”

  “True. That was a long time ago. I’m a changed man.” He kissed her. “I met the woman of my dreams.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “She showed me the wisdom in giving up that wild, reckless lifestyle for something much better.” Riley trailed kisses down her neck.

  “And you couldn’t be happier, right?”

  “Ecstatic.” He pulled back. “As a matter of fact, sometimes I feel—”

  The doorbell rang.

  “Finally.” He sprang off the couch.

  Parker followed but put her hand on the door handle when he reached for it. “Promise me you will keep an open mind and have a good visit with Aubrey.”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  As soon as Parker opened the door, Aubrey jumped into Riley’s arms.


  “Hey, Aub.” He gave his little sister a good squeeze. “How was your flight?”

  “I feel like a movie star every time I fly on those private planes.” Aubrey turned to Parker and hugged her too. “Parker, always good to see you.”

  “You too.” Parker hugged back.

  Riley looked out into the hallway and retrieved three suitcases. “Where’s the rest of your luggage? You usually bring eight bags with you.”

  “About that.” Aubrey bit her lip. “I won’t be staying as long this time around.”

  “Why? Alex and Peyton need you to watch the kids?”

  “No. I promised I’d meet Theo in Tennessee next month.”

  “Why in the hell—”

  Parker cleared her throat loudly.

  Riley picked up the cue. “Why in the heck are you going to Tennessee to meet up with Theo?”

  “Chance McGill is doing a hiking expedition. Theo and I are going, but it’s kind of a business meeting too. Austin and J.J. set it up for them to meet. Chance needs an investor, and Theo has tons of experience with extreme sports. It seems like it would be a good partnership.”

  “You don’t know anything about camping. You hated sleeping in our backyard when we were kids.”

  “Well.” Aubrey flipped her hair over her shoulder. “People change.”

  “This isn’t a sleepover that you can just call and have someone pick you up. There are no toilets, takeout, or marathon showers.”

  “So what? I can tough it out. I’ll be there to give Theo moral support anyway. This is a big opportunity for him.”

  “I see the potential there,” Parker added. “Theo is adventurous, enterprising, and loves extreme sports. He coul
d contribute a lot, in addition to money.”

  “He’s in New Mexico right now, but he said he might be able to swing by and be my plus one for Wyatt and Avery’s engagement party.”

  “Great. Can’t wait to see him again. Right, Riley?” She nudged him.

  “If you say so,” Riley replied.

  “Aubrey,” Parker said. “Why don’t you get settled and then we’ll go out to lunch?” Parker said.

  “Great. Maybe by the time I unpack, my big brother will return.” Aubrey shot Riley a look as she continued through the living room and down the hallway toward the bedrooms.

  As soon as she was out of earshot, Parker lit into him.

  “Wow. Why don’t you just wear a sign that says I hate Theo?”

  “I don’t hate him.” He shrugged. “I just think he’s not right for Aubrey.”

  “Look, I live with a rebellious college student, and I’ve learned a few things. Aubrey might be a little older than Bridgette, but the rules for young adults still apply. If you don’t like her life choices, she’ll turn up married to Theo by the end of the summer.”

  “Over my dead body.” Riley squinted. “He’s all wrong for her.”

  “I understand you love your sister. You have a great relationship, but she’s a grown up. Your criticism of Theo can be construed as smothering. Be mindful of that.”

  “I guess you’re right.” He swiped at his jaw.

  “I know I’m right.” She planted a kiss on his cheek. “Where do you want to go for lunch?”

  “I’ll let Aubrey decide.” He patted his pocket. “Have you seen my wallet?”

  “You left it on the kitchen counter.”

  Parker watched as Riley stalked toward the kitchen. Learning Aubrey had cut her visit short in favor of spending time with Theo wasn’t what he was expecting to hear. When Aubrey was in California, it had been more conjecture than real. He wouldn’t be able to ignore it any longer, especially if Theo would be coming for the engagement party. It gave Parker a couple of weeks to help Riley come to terms with his sister growing up and making her own choices. It was going to be a rough couple of weeks.

  * * *


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