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Falling Into You: The Complete Naughty Tales Series

Page 32

by Nicole Elliot

I looked out over the water of the city I loved dearly, but I still felt caged. As I sat in my onyx tower with the tinted windows and the flashing sign on the front of the building, the only thing I could look forward to was dinner. Was getting out. Was leaving.

  It never used to be like that.

  I used to love coming to this place.

  I hung up the phone with my mother before promptly picking up my cell phone. I shot Grace a text message, telling her I had dinner plans for tonight. I would pick her up at six o’clock sharp and she needed to be wearing something very nice tonight. I sent it off and tossed my phone onto my desk, then closed my eyes to cherish the silence.

  And seconds later, my email started flooding in with emails from my investors.

  Instead of answering them, I simply turned my computer off. I had plenty of other things I could be doing besides dealing with angry rich people. I went around to all the departments and took a look at how they were doing. Shook hands with the department heads. Even dipped into the mailroom and said my ‘hello’’s. This was what I had been missing in my days. Human interaction. The chance to smile at someone and ask them how their day was going. The chance to learn about the people around me. I’d been so cooped up in my apartment belly-aching over my own situation, and it never occurred to me that returning to work would simply be another prison.

  I didn’t want to live like that any longer.

  Without saying a word, I left work early. I drove home with so many things spinning around in my head. But there was one thing in particular I couldn't get my mind off of.

  And that was never going back to work.

  I didn’t want to sit at that desk again. I didn’t want to deal with those investors again. I didn’t want to build new hotels or field new projects or schmooze rich assholes into giving me their money. I didn’t want to waste my life away doing something that didn’t matter. Hotels didn’t matter. Bottles of champagne on cheaply-made mattresses didn’t matter. None of that shit mattered.

  But Grace mattered.

  How she helped me had mattered.

  How Zander helped me had mattered.

  I tossed my stuff into the corner and put on my best suit. My mother and Cara were meeting me there at Daniel’s, but I was due to pick up Grace soon. I smoothed my hands over my black suit jacket and drew in a deep breath. I had two massive announcements to make and I hoped they would go over well. I grabbed my keys and my wallet before strolling down to my car, then I hopped in and went to pick Grace up in style.

  She was stunning. Clad in a black cocktail dress that hugged her from her shoulders to her knees. She was breathtaking and I scooped her against my body, bringing my lips down to hers in a kiss I never wanted to end.

  She had to touch up her red lipstick in the car as we drove to the restaurant.

  “What is all of this about?” Grace asked.

  “Why don’t you come with me and see?” I asked.

  I offered her my arm and she took it willingly. The two of us walked up the steps and into the fine dining restaurant where we were both promptly led to a table in the back. My mother and sister had already arrived, and they were surprised when I walked in with Grace on my arm.

  But they both hugged her closely and seemed happy enough to see her.

  “Grace, you look stunning,” my mother said.

  “Where did you get this dress?” Cara asked.

  “Believe it or not, the high-scale thrift shop up the road from here,” Grace said. “Thirty bucks was all this thing cost me.”

  “You need to show me where this place is,” my sister said. “So we can go shopping.”

  “I’d like that,” Grace said with a smile.

  I pulled out her chair for her and I watched my mother and my sister exchange looks. I sat down beside my beautiful date and took her hand within mine. I wanted to start the evening off with the announcements so we could get them out of the way. I knew everyone was curious and I could tell Grace was nervous about what was going on. Her hand was shaking in mine, and I smoothed my thumb over her skin to try and settle her nerves.

  “I take it the two of you have something to tell us?” my mother asked.

  “I’m so sorry, please forgive me. I had no idea you guys were going to be here,” Grace asked.

  “Is that true?” Cara asked. “You didn’t tell Grace we would be here?”

  “Mom. Cara. I want to introduce you to Grace,” I said.

  “We know Grace,” my mother said. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s wonderful,” I said with a smile. “But I want you to meet her as my partner. Not as my nurse.”

  I watched a smile slide across my sister’s lips as Grace’s eyes popped out of her head.

  “Over the past few months, Grace and I have spawned a beautiful relationship. It’s catapulted into something a little more romantic over the past few weeks, but in a way it was always there. She’s the light of my life, and I couldn’t have asked for a better woman to fall in love with.”

  I looked over at Grace and watched as her jaw dropped.

  “I love you, Grace. And I want you to know that this next announcement is because you came into my life. It’s because you showed me there was another way to live it. It was because you showed me how caged I’d become during my recuperation and it’s because you and Zander never gave up on me that I’ve found what I want to do. What I need to do.”

  “I’m not following,” Grace said.

  “Spit it out, son. What is it?” my mother asked.

  I drew in a deep breath as an excited smile slid across my face.

  “I’m leaving the company.”

  Cara started coughing and Grace’s eyes grew wide, again.

  “What?” my mother asked.

  “I’m leaving the company. I don’t have all the details worked out yet, but by the end of the week I will,” I said.

  “You’re… leaving. The hotel company,” my sister said. “Our hotel company?”


  “Why?” my mother asked.

  “I’m actually curious to know myself,” Grace said.

  I threaded our fingers together and brought her knuckles to my lips to kiss.

  “I’ve missed you,” I said with a whisper.

  “I’ve missed you too,” she said.

  “My recovery showed me a lot. But more than that, it showed me a lot that could be improved in terms of the care I received. Grace, what you did for me during my healing process, it was phenomenal. I was a genuine asshole most of the time, and yet you strived to make sure I was taken care of and fed appropriately. But you were at a grave disadvantage with the tools you were given to work with,” I said.

  “I still don’t understand,” Grace said.

  “I want to work with people who have physical disabilities. There has to be another alternative that can fuse the spectacular in-home care I obtained with Grace along with the rotations that nursing companies give. There has to be a middle ground that works better than ‘either-or’. And as far as that damn wheelchair went? Did you know that design hasn’t changed in almost four decades? I was doing some research on it at work today, and there are some serious improvements-- small, miniscule things-- that would make a wheelchair less of a nightmare to work with.”

  “So, what? You want to make a new wheelchair?” Cara asked.

  “I do. I want to help wheelchair companies create chairs that are more effective for people in recovery like I was. I don’t want to start my own line, but I want to help the institutions already in place. This world doesn’t need another business. But some of the current businesses need help. And I’m in a place to do that.”


  I turned my head to look at Grace. Her beautiful blue eyes were bright and her long, curly brown hair was pouring past her shoulders. She was radiant. The true embodiment of an angel. I untethered our fingers and rose them up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I allowed my thumb to trail along her cheek, taking in
the healthy flush my touch left behind.

  “I don’t want to be at that company,” I said. “It’s just another cage. And I don’t want to cage myself off anymore. You were right. I was cooped up and feeling sorry for myself. I don’t want to do that anymore. But these past two weeks? I don’t care about the company anymore, Grace. I care about something bigger. Something greater. Something better.”

  She placed her hand on mine and turned her lips in to kiss my palm.

  “I’m leaving the company,” I said as my gaze turned back to my mother.

  But instead of seeing anger or disappointment, I saw a grin.



  “Hayden Lowell, playboy of the year, steps back from his multi-billion dollar company to improve wheelchairs. It’s gonna be a hell of a headline,” my sister said.

  “You won’t travel as much with that kind of job,” my mother said.

  “Good. I’ve had enough of planes and exotic destinations,” I said.

  “You won’t be able to do all that partying either,” Cara said.

  “I haven’t been doing it for months now. But I will be able to spend more time with the woman who’s captured my heart.”

  I turned my gaze back towards Grace and found tears in her eyes.

  “What is it?” I asked. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m so proud of you,” she said breathlessly.

  Then she leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine.

  I threaded my fingers through her hair, pulling her closer to me. My hand cupped the back of her head as her lipstick pressed into my skin. I desired her. Loved her. Wanted her by my side for as long as I could have her. She was my muse. The reason why I was making this decision. She was the spark that ignited the flame in my gut. I pulled back and our foreheads connected, the entire world of the restaurant falling away at a moment’s notice.

  “Thank you, Grace,” my mother said.

  I panned my gaze over to her and found her smiling so brightly her eyes were closed.

  “Don’t thank me,” Grace said breathlessly. “This was all his idea. I had no clue what I was walking into tonight.”

  “I can believe it,” Cara said. “Hayden’s always been good about springing things on unsuspecting people. It’s a good tip for you to carry with you if you’re going to stick around.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Hayden,” my mother said. “And Grace?”

  “Mhm?” she asked.

  “Take care of him. Like you always have.”

  “No, Mom,” I said.

  Grace furrowed her brow and whipped her gaze up to mine.

  “Grace has taken care of me enough. Now, it’s time I took care of her.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Why don’t we walk back?” Hayden asked.

  “But what about your car?”

  “I’ll come back and get it. Don’t worry. I just feel like walking.”

  “Are you sure? We could-”

  But before I could get my sentence out, his hand slipped into mine and he tugged me towards the sidewalk.

  “I enjoy walking,” Hayden said. “Now, at least.”

  “Did you not before?” I asked.

  “I think it was one of those things I took for granted. Like most things in my life until they were taken from me.”

  “Or when you pushed them away,” I said.

  I looked up into Hayden eyes and found a sense of sorrow there.

  “That was supposed to be a joke.”

  “It was more of a hard truth. I should have never pushed you away like that. Physically or otherwise.”

  “It’s in the past. And I think the walk will do us some good. That restaurant was wonderful, but eight courses is a bit much for anyone. No matter the portions.”

  “Feeling a little stuffed?”

  “Beyond belief,” I said..

  “Tomorrow will be another long day at work for me, but once I walk out of my office it should be the last time.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked.

  “More than anything,” he said. “I want to help people. Like you helped me. People like me need help, even if they can’t see it. People in recovery need assistance in ways they can’t imagine. In ways they don’t see that will impact them long after they’re healed.”

  “You want to provide nurses for people in recovery to flirt with?” I asked with a grin.

  “I’m a businessman. Not a pimp,” he said coyly.

  “So you really want to do this,” I said as my heels clicked along the sidewalk.

  “I really do. I’m excited about it.”

  “So am I, to be honest. I’m so impressed with what you've decided to do with the rest of your life.

  “It’s all because of you, you know.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t pawn your success off on someone else.”

  “I’m not. I’m simply stating the truth. Had you not come into my life and done everything you had for me while I was recuperating and being an insufferable asshole-”

  “Your words, not mine,” I said with a grin.

  “Then none of this would be happening,” I said, chuckling. “I’d still be trapped in that headquarters telling myself I was contributing something to the world by building hotels in other countries. Who the hell cares about that?”

  “People who travel.”

  “Besides them,” he said. “What type of impact does it really make? I mow down trees, I dig up dirt, I put buildings up and slap four-figure prices on them. What good does that really do for people?”

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  But before I could take another step, I felt Hayden drop beside me. Panic rushed through my veins again. I thought he was hurt. That his hip had given out or that he was in pain. I whipped my head around as he let go of my hand and I prepared myself to carry him on my shoulders the rest of the way to his place if I had to.

  However, when I saw him down on one knee, tears flooded my eyes.

  “Oh my God,” I said breathlessly.

  “Grace Hunter,” he said as he pulled a ring from his pocket, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, without a shadow of any doubt. You mean the world to me, and it is because of you that I want to help it. To save it, in any way I can. I want to make it better for you, and us, and my family, and the children we might have someday. You came into my life and put up with the worst of me. Saw the best in me, even when I was barely living. You took care of me during the darkest moments of my life, and I want to spend the rest of my life standing by your side and taking care of you. Will you let me do that? Will you let me marry you, Grace?”

  Tears rushed down my cheeks as people stopped to stare. Some were recording on their phones and others were taking pictures. They were all waiting for my response, but I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't even see through my tears. The wedding season was upon me in the floral shop, but I never would’ve dreamed this wedding season would include my own!

  “Yes,” I said breathlessly.

  I nodded my head as people erupted into applause and cheers around us.

  “Yes, Hayden. I’ll marry you!”

  With a massive smile and a steady hand, he slipped the beautiful ring onto my finger. The glistening diamond was surrounded by yellow and aquamarine gems that reminded me of his eyes. I threw my arms around him and crashed our lips together, standing on my tiptoes as he dipped me back. Men whooped and hollered and the women sighed with romantic intent, but soon I felt my entire body being lifted into the air.

  Our lips untangled and I clung tightly to Hayden’s form as he held me close to his body.

  “Shall we?” Hayden asked.

  “I can walk, you know,” I said.

  “So can I.”

  Then he continued walking us down the sidewalk to his home. His arms were strong and his leg was steady, and there wasn’t even a limp in his step. Hayden was fully recuperated, his body was str
ong, and I was cradled against his chest as he carried me off into the night.

  “I love you,” I said into his neck.

  I felt him walking up the steps to his apartment as someone opened the door for us.

  “I love you too, Grace. Beyond anything words will ever give me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Holy fuck, Hayden. Yes.”

  I slammed her naked body against the window as sweat poured down her curves. I meant what I said. I loved this woman with every fiber of my being and I wouldn’t ever stop taking care of her. Not physically. Not emotionally. Not monetarily.

  And certainly not sexually.

  “Harder. Harder, Hayden.”

  I rolled my cock into her body as my hands pressed into the glass. Her luscious breasts jumped against my chest as her pussy clamped around my cock. I nipped her collarbone. Her neck. Her cheek. I captured her lips and slid my tongue in effortlessly. She was an open book. One that was desperate for me to read her. I raked my tongue against the roof of her mouth and felt her shiver as her nails ran down my back.

  I growled into her mouth, listening as whimpers fell from her covered lips.

  I’d carried her up the stairs and straight into my penthouse apartment. Then, I’d carried her to the second story and pinned her directly to the floor-length windows that adored my bedroom. The one place I found solace and beauty when all else failed.

  And her imprint would be lost to the fibers of the glass forever.

  Her juices dripped down my cock and slid down my balls. Her pussy clamped me in her beautiful vice grip, pulling me further the harder I pounded into her body. Her hands curled into my muscles. My skin. My scalp. Her heels pressed into the small of my back as my muscles flexed as fast as they could. She was pouring with sweat. Tortured from the foreplay and begging for the release I knew her body wanted.

  But it wasn’t the only one I would give her tonight.

  “Hayden! Yes! I’m cumming. I’m cumming. It’s-.”

  I buried myself into her body and pressed as deeply as I could into her. I felt her curves fill each of my divots, molding to me as she came around my cock. My hands fell to her hips, massaging them as her legs pulled me closer.


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