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Colton's Kitty

Page 5

by Lynn Howard

“You’ve been in there all day. We want to hang out with our sister-in-law,” Carter called back, a chuckle in his voice. He, along with the rest of the Clan, probably thought they’d been having sex all day. She wasn’t sure if that embarrassed her or not. No. It didn’t. That’s what she was supposed to be doing instead of watching movies all day.

  But she’d enjoyed it. And what her family didn’t know…

  “Now?” Colton called back with an exasperated sigh.

  “We’ll just wait outside until you’re done,” Carter said as the sound of one of Colton’s wooden chairs creaked under his weight.

  “Shit,” Colton muttered, pushing a hand through his hair.

  “I’ll get dressed,” Shawnee said, and moved to stand.

  Colton grabbed her hand and pulled her back down. “Are you comfortable?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Then don’t change.”

  “Your Clan is out there. I can’t represent my mate looking…like this,” she said, waving toward the too big clothes she was donning.

  “I’m going out in this,” he said, pointing to his boxers. “Trust me. They’ve seen me in worse.”

  “We’ve seen him naked,” Carter answered as if confirming Colton’s statement.

  Shawnee pressed her lips into a line, but snorted a sound when she tried to hold in the laugh.

  “Come on,” he said, standing and pulling her to her feet with his big hand wrapped around hers. “Time to really meet your new brothers.”

  As Colton pulled her behind him to the front door, Shawnee tried to calm her hair. She was sure it was frizzing everywhere by now since she hadn’t put anything in it or curled it.

  Carter and Luke were on the front porch. She’d thought there’d been three of them when she’d arrived yesterday.

  Colton glanced at her and caught her confused look. “I thought there were four of you,” she said in answer of his questioning frown.

  “Noah’s at the bar. He runs it. Took over after his dad died,” Colton explained. He guided her to a wooden swing hanging on one end of the covered porch, then took the seat beside her, barely keeping an inch of space between them. It looked like he’d wanted to take her hand in his when they were seated but refrained.

  She hoped he was waiting for her to make the move rather than being ashamed of her in front of his brothers.

  “I like this look a lot better,” Carter said, nodding at Shawnee. “You look like a person instead of an ad now.”

  “Thank you?” She wasn’t really sure how to answer that. She couldn’t stop trying to pull Colton’s big cotton shirt further down her legs. And she was back to sitting ramrod straight with her hands folded in her lap.

  Colton, on the other hand, was sitting with his legs splayed, one arm thrown across the back of the swing behind her shoulders. His brothers were sitting in similar positions as if they didn’t have a care in the world.

  Stealing a glance at Colton, she moved until one foot was folded beneath her and leaned a little closer to him. She liked being near him. She liked the way he made her feel. She liked the butterflies that woke up in her belly when his fingers made little circles on her shoulder as he talked to his brothers and lazily swung them.

  And she really liked the way he kissed and couldn’t wait to do it again. It made her want more from him. And she’d never really wanted to have sex, not with either of her previous mates. But with Colton? It wasn’t sex she wanted. It was the connection she just knew she’d feel with him.

  “Did you hear me?” Carter asked. Luke hadn’t said two words to her yet.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening,” she said, and blushed. They didn’t know what was distracting her, but she did.

  “Don’t apologize. We tend to ignore him, too,” Colton said.

  “Ha ha. Funny. I asked if you were interested in joining Big River for a cookout next weekend. They texted earlier and said they’d like to help you two celebrate.”

  They did? Why? She’d been too good at avoiding any connections with the people while she’d lived there. Other females are direct competition, her mother said in her head.

  If that was true, why was she there with Colton and they weren’t? He’d chosen her. He’d asked Shawnee to be his mate, not any of the other females. Or had he?

  Maybe it was best if she didn’t know. Because she could see herself caring for him and she didn’t need to wonder if she’d been his last resort. That thought caused a little pain in her heart. But she pushed it away and nodded.

  “That would be fine. Thank you.”

  Colton leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “Relax.”

  Shawnee tried to hide the shiver she got from his lips touching her ear or the way his warm breath tickled when it blew a strand of hair.

  Carter and Luke stayed for another hour. They invited Colton and Shawnee to Moe’s for a beer, but Colton told them they were in the middle of a date and wanted to get back to it.

  “What date?” Luke said, glancing at the front door of Colton’s place then back to Shawnee.

  “We’re bingeing movies and trying to get diabetes.”

  “Shifters don’t get diabetes,” Luke said with a frown.

  Colton raised one brow and stared at Luke with an incredulous look.

  “Oh. Got it. You’re eating crap and watching chick flicks.”

  “Actually, my girl here likes horror movies.” Colton wrapped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed. “And now, she’ll be introduced to Michael Myers. If you two will excuse us, we’re going to get back to our date,” Colton said, standing and offering his hand down to Shawnee.

  She smiled softly and slipped her hand into his and let him pull her to her feet.

  “Dude. She smiled,” Shawnee heard Carter say to Luke as they walked down the path between houses.

  It was true she didn’t smile often. A woman’s joy is her mate’s joy. You smile when he wants you to smile. Yep. Her mom’s voice again. Sometimes, Shawnee wondered if it was possible to get an exorcism to get that voice out of her head.

  Colton led Shawnee into the house, straight to the couch, and put in another movie. It was gory and scary like the first one. But she enjoyed the little rush she got from the movie, the way her heart beat faster in certain scenes. And she really enjoyed the way Colton felt against her when she curled into his side on the scariest parts. He seemed to puff up a little, his muscles tensed under her touch, but he’d chuckle when she’d bury half her face while leaving one eye exposed so she could still see what was going on.

  The movie was called Halloween. She’d never trick-or-treated as a child, never worn a costume. And after watching that one and the first one, she was pretty sure she never wanted to don a mask or go camping. Or maybe she did. What a thrill that would be.

  There were three more movies after that one, each one as scary and bloody. The sun had set and she was still curled into Colton’s side. At some point, he’d pulled his arm from her grasp and wrapped it around her. Her face rested against his solid chest and she felt safe. That was something she’d never felt. It was because of Colton. He hadn’t tried to kiss her again. He hadn’t grabbed her breast or pulled himself from his boxers. He just held her and enjoyed her company.

  She could see herself becoming friends with him. She could see herself caring for him deeply. She could see herself falling in love with Colton Barnes.


  His mate liked horror movies. Hell yes. Not that he wouldn’t have found more chick movies if that was what she wanted. But he definitely had a decent horror collection. He’d just borrow more from Reed next time he was in Big River territory.

  “You sure you’re okay with going to the cookout? You’ve got all week to change your mind. Just let me know,” Colton told Shawnee as she stretched and stood. Of course, when she pulled her arms over her head like that, it pushed her ample chest out and it took everything in his power not to reach out and cup one to test its weight.

  He put his hands u
nder each leg to keep them to himself.

  “You aren’t ready for bed?” she asked when he didn’t move to stand.

  He frowned at her. After the night before, he didn’t think she’d want him beside her. “I’ll head into the other room in a little bit,” he said, keeping his hands anchored beneath him.

  “Oh,” she said, her eyes dropping to the floor where she shuffled her feet for a second before looking back up at him. “Okay. Goodnight.” Her smile was tight-lipped as she turned and disappeared down the hall. The door closed with a soft click.

  And then Colton was left alone to think about the day they’d just shared. He hadn’t learned anything about her other than she liked chips and popcorn, action and horror movies. She liked The Notebook, but he didn’t have any other romance films to gauge her interest in those. And she’d liked the hair and clothes in that movie. It might’ve just been the time period she’d enjoyed. He didn’t have anything else like it, but he knew exactly who did. And they were planning on visiting the following weekend.

  Colton turned and looked down the hallway at his closed bedroom door. His mate was behind that door. Had she looked disappointed when he’d said he was going to sleep in the other room again? He just didn’t want to wake up cupping one of her tits or pushing his morning wood into her ass when she obviously wasn’t ready for all that. And it wasn’t like he’d do it on purpose. But his body had a mind of its own.

  He pushed from the couch and shuffled down the hall, pausing outside his bedroom door. He wanted to lie beside her. He wanted to pull her against his chest and hold her while she slept. Instead of going in there, he turned and went into the spare bedroom with the little ass bed that wouldn’t fit his body. He could always Shift and sleep outside. It was nice enough at night. But he wanted to be near in case she needed him. For anything.

  Sleep found him fairly quickly. He’d never had problems falling asleep in his twenty-seven years of life. And he didn’t have a problem tonight. When a cool hand touched his arm, though, he jerked awake.

  “Sorry,” Shawnee whispered in the dark, her curly hair resembling a halo as she leaned over him. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “You okay?” he asked, pushing up onto his elbows.

  “Those movies,” she said, wringing her hands in front of her like she was scared to say anything to him.

  “Have a nightmare?”

  “Yeah. There was the scarred guy and that Michael guy.”

  Colton sat all the way up and threw his legs over the side. “Come on,” he said, standing and pulling her back to the bedroom. Once he had her under the blanket and all cozy, he sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ll stay until you fall asleep. If the boogie man shows up, I’ll kick his ass.”

  She giggled a soft sound and rolled onto her side, her hands folded under her face. “Can you sleep in here with me?” Did she sound apologetic again?

  When he’d first seen Shawnee at Tammen, she’d seemed so sure of herself. Actually, she’d seemed pretentious and a little snooty. When he’d picked her up from Hope Pride after she’d agreed to mate with him, she’d seemed distant and aloof. He’d pegged her all wrong. This woman was unsure of herself and the world around her. She’d been trained to behave a certain way and viewed everyone else as a threat.

  His mate was broken.

  “Sure, honey,” he said, sliding under the blanket next to her.

  Colton opened his arms and invited her to curl against his chest. She smiled and dipped her eyes a second before she wriggled up his body and into the crook of his arm. One hand landed on his pec while the other stayed tucked between them. Colton wrapped both arms around her and, careful not to squeeze too tight since she was so much smaller, hugged her against his chest and kissed the top of her head.

  “Sleep. I won’t let Freddy or Michael Myers get you.”

  Shawnee’s body shook with another giggle. Good to know he could make her laugh. Hugging her tighter, he inhaled her scent, bringing it deep into himself and felt the muscles of his body relax into the mattress below him until dreams took over reality.

  When he woke, they were in the same position, but the arm she was using as a pillow was dead. It had fallen asleep at some point. And being as the sun was up, it had to have been a few hours. How had he not moved around, rolled over, or at least pulled his arm free from the beautiful redhead still breathing steadily on his chest?

  He needed to move but he hated to wake her up. By the direction of the rays shining through the gap in his curtains, it was still before eight. If he didn’t move, however, he might end up losing his damn arm due to lack of blood flow.

  As slowly and carefully as he could, Colton rolled and pulled his arm out from under Shawnee’s head, being careful to lay her head back on the pillow. The woman was a fairly deep sleeper. Or maybe she was exhausted from the night before. Who knew how much sleep she’d gotten after he’d left her alone in the bedroom? Not everyone slept like he did.

  Colton grabbed some clean boxers and decided to actually get dressed today. After last night, he’d decided to take her into town, take her shopping, see if there was something that caught her eye other than the crap she’d brought with her. She’d admitted the clothing wasn’t her idea. She could look good without getting chafed by those tight ass clothes or those spiky ass shoes. And if she wanted to wear his boxers and t-shirt into town, he dared anyone to look at her sideways.

  Hurrying from the room, he showered, brushed his teeth, and contemplated shaving. Nah. It had only been three days. Since Shawnee wouldn’t come right out and say she didn’t like his beard, he’d watch her reactions when they kissed again. If they kissed again. Oh, please let them kiss again soon. That woman set his blood on fire with those lips.

  Once Colton was clean and fresh, he tiptoed into the kitchen and almost skid to a stop. Shawnee was already in there, standing over the stove in his shirt. Her hair had been twisted into a bun with a lot of hair sticking everywhere and some hanging down her neck. She must’ve hastily pulled her hair back while he was showering.

  “I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed,” he said, coming up behind her and planting a kiss to her temple.

  “It’s my job, Colton.”

  “Not in this house. Your only job is to be nice to me and watch movies with me.” And make babies with me. But he left that part out.

  Shawnee set the spatula down and turned, her hands on her hips. She had to tilt her head back pretty far to look up into his face. “It’s all I know, Colton. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but…it’s going to take a long time to break a lot of brainwashing.”

  Well, at least she saw her past for what it really was: brainwashing. She’d been indoctrinated to a certain type of life and, she was right. It would take her more than one night to grow accustomed to just being with him, just being his mate, just being his friend.

  “You’re right,” he said, stepping back out of her space when all he wanted to do was pull her into his arms to feel her body against his. He feared the fun he’d had last night, the wonderful feeling of her sleeping in his arms, wouldn’t happen again for a while.

  “Thank you,” she said, turning her back on him and plating French toast. At least she could cook. Or at least, he assumed she could. It smelled and looked good.

  Colton waited at the table for Shawnee to make her own plate and sit beside him. She didn’t. She rushed to the counter and poured his coffee then just stood there and waited…for something Colton couldn’t give her.

  “I can’t eat until you sit,” Colton said, leaning back in his seat.

  “Please just eat,” she practically begged, wringing her hands as her eyes darted from him to his plate then back.

  Colton picked up his fork, cut into the bread, then took a bite. He then promptly set the fork down. “There. Now sit.”

  “Colton –"

  Holding up his hand, he cut her off. “I know you said it’ll take a while for you to break old habits. Same for me. I wasn’t raised
to be waited on. I was raised to take care of my mate. It’s my job to feed you and protect you and make you happy. And you were raised, apparently, to be a servant. I took a bite. Now, please…sit.”

  Shawnee inhaled deeply through her nose, her nostrils flaring, then slowly pulled the chair out, the legs scraping against the floor. Was she pouting? It sure looked like she was pouting as she dropped dramatically into her chair.

  “Where’s your plate?”

  Her head popped up and she frowned at him, then turned to look at the counter. Ha! In her need to dote on him unnecessarily, she’d forgotten to make her food before sitting with him.

  They made eye contact, then at the same time, they both rushed from their chair and grabbed for the empty plate sitting next to the stove. Their fingers tangled against each other and suddenly, Colton couldn’t stop laughing. They were seriously racing each other to make her plate. She needed to be the caregiver and so did he.

  Tugging back and forth – although Colton knew he could easily get it away from her – they both chuckled and giggled. And then he yanked hard on it. Her hands didn’t release, so the motion forced her into his chest, the plate trapped between their bodies.

  Shawnee’s chest heaved with effort and laughter and she didn’t pull away as she lifted her head to look into Colton’s eyes.

  And then he was lost.

  Releasing the plate, he lifted both hands and cradled her face. He had to bend almost in half to capture her lips while standing. So soft. So warm. So sweet. The plate still clenched in her fingers, Shawnee leaned into him when he touched his tongue to her lips and he hummed his approval when she opened for him.

  Just like the night before, his body was instantly tight at the taste of her and he suddenly craved the taste of her entire body.

  Slow. He had to take it slow. He had to let her set the pace and let him know when she was ready for more.

  A crash echoed in the room and Colton jumped back, his muscles tensed and ready to attack whatever threat was coming for his mate.

  The plate. Shawnee had dropped the plate. And now she stood staring up him with lust filled eyes, confused as to why he’d pulled away. He was such an idiot.


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