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Blood Curse (Blood Series)

Page 23

by Page, Sharon

  Ophelia, you should not have come here, Raven said harshly in her thoughts. This is too dangerous. You should have left me to my fate. Though I have to admit, you in trousers is one of the most enticing things I’ve ever seen.

  Raven, this is not the time for that! Was she doing the right thing? She did not know how else to get him out and protect her brother. Her distraction would bring time for Brookshire and the other slayers to arrive.

  Firmly, she answered, I want to believe your fate is to survive and to find happiness.

  Love, it is too late for me, he answered stubbornly.

  Jade reclined on her huge chair, her legs crossed to reveal their remarkable length, their beautiful shape. The queen stretched sinuously. “Come here, Lady Ophelia. It is time to take the power from Ravenhunt. Time to see if love can save this wretched, beautiful vampire.” Jade laughed in an affected, thoroughly evil ripple. “Bring him to me,” she snapped.

  The horned creature pulled Raven forward by the chains. Raven stumbled, then followed obediently. He kept looking at her, as if he were afraid something would happen to her.

  Althea came to her side. Her friend clasped her hand in a gesture of support.

  The large demon shoved Raven to his knees in front of the raised dais and Jade’s throne, slamming him so hard Ophelia heard the crack of his kneecaps.

  “Don’t hurt him,” she gasped. She jerked forward, but Althea held her back. Perhaps that was why her new friend had taken her hand. To restrain her and keep her from invoking Jade’s anger.

  Raven remained on his knees, his head bowed, but beneath thick locks of black hair, he glared at Jade.

  “Quiet,” the queen commanded. She literally floated down the steps and stopped in front of her prisoner. Smiling down at him, she slowly caressed his grizzled cheek and cupped his chin. Her lashes dipped, her lips softened.

  Ophelia’s heart stuttered. The queen did love him. She could see it in the woman’s caressing touch and her soft smile. Had Raven ever loved Jade? He jerked his face away from the queen’s caressing hand.

  “Don’t, Jade.” He grimaced. “I don’t want to be touched by you. There is too much cruelty between us in our past. I no longer want your world.”

  Do not make her angry, please. I don’t want to lose you.

  I can’t pretend, Felie, to care about her.

  “You will not speak to her, not by thought,” Jade commanded. Then she cooed to him, “You are mine, Ravenhunt. I made you and I never let you go. To take your power, I will touch you. You will find great pleasure when I do.”

  Jade pressed her hand to Raven’s forehead. His eyes shut. He let out a howl of pain and tried to move back, but he could not—not with the demon holding the chain.

  “You begged me to take the power and finish you. We are going to do this now. Finally.”

  The doors of the chamber flew open, and a small figure ran in, moving so quickly, it was just a blur of motion and color. The undressed footmen stormed in pursuit. “Halt!” they shouted together.

  “No, this must halt!” shouted a familiar voice.

  Jade lifted her hand, her eyes wild with fury. “What is this interruption? Why was he allowed into the house?”

  The small figure stopped and dropped to one knee, bowing before Jade. “Queen Jade, your majesty, you cannot do this yet. He will be killed.”

  Ophelia recognized the tufts of yellowish hair, the gnome-like face. It was Guidon.

  The queen did not replace her hand on Ravenhunt’s head. “Why have you come here, librarian?” She sneered at the words as if they were an insult.

  Guidon stood, approached Jade and Raven from the side, constantly bowing. “I know how this is to be done. My queen, you do not.”

  “What must I do?”

  “You cannot take the power from him. He must freely give it, and that would be impossible.”

  “Why is it impossible?” Raven growled. A red mark marred his forehead where the queen had touched him.

  “The pain will be so great he will be unable to do it. There is only one way to stop the pain. That is where true love comes in. If true love saves him, he will be able to release the power. Otherwise, he is destroyed and the power destroyed with him.” Guidon stopped, panting.

  “How can I know this is truth?” Jade snapped.

  “I always speak the truth. That is my curse. I need knowledge to survive,” said Guidon. “I must use the knowledge I obtain, or I will be destroyed by that curse. And I believe Ravenhunt and Lady Ophelia deserve happiness.”

  “So she simply tells him she loves him,” Jade said. “Fine. We shall do that. Now let us begin again—”

  “No, no, no!” Guidon jumped up and down. “It is never so simple.” He turned to Raven. “My lord, you cannot do this unless Lady Ophelia knows everything. It will not work. You have to bare your soul to Lady Ophelia, my lord. Only if she loves you still when she knows everything, can you be spared.”

  Queen Jade muttered some words. Incomprehensible words, but she spat them and they must have been curse words. Sweeping around so her gold skirts fluttered, Jade settled on her ridiculously large throne. She waved her hand at Raven. “Go ahead. Hurry up. You must tell her the truth.”

  “Then I’ll die,” he said. “She will never love me after this.”

  Ophelia met the queen’s gaze. Jade tapped her chin. A slow smile curved her voluptuous mouth. “I believe she will. I believe, Ravenhunt, this girl is capable of loving you for eternity. She will love you even when she surrenders you to me. Now tell her everything.”

  Raven got to his feet. He had subdued his strength, had feigned obedience to protect Felie and his sister. Standing at his full height, ignoring the weight of the chains hanging off him, he declared, “I want to touch her to tell her. It will be the last time she will want me to hold her.”

  “You may do it,” Guidon added. “The power will not hurt you.”

  Felie ran to him. In trousers, she moved swiftly, slamming against his chest before he expected it. She rocked him on his heels. Ignoring the chains hanging off him, she hugged him.

  But then, Ophelia had always done that. Since the very first moment, when he had taken her captive, and she had faced him with awe-inspiring courage.

  He cupped her delicate oval face. This would be their last kiss. He wanted to feel her lush mouth rock him to his heart. Not to his soul, of course, since he didn’t have one. Raven needed to make this a kiss she would never forget.

  Gently, he tipped up her chin, lowered his mouth to hers. Just before his mouth touched hers, he waited, looking at the sultry way her lids lowered and her lashes dipped. It was a breathless moment, his chest so tight he couldn’t even draw a slow vampire’s breath.

  He had always thought what he’d felt for his fiancée, Margaret, was the deepest love. Now he saw it was nothing compared to what he felt for Felie. Loving Felie hurt, it made his heart clench, his gut ache, his throat dry and tight, his head pound, his cock throb with so much need it was as if he’d spent a lifetime without ever quenching desire. He was an immortal being who could heal wounds, and this love was so strong, so intense, it robbed him of all his strength. It robbed him of the anger and bitterness that had driven him to be an assassin. He didn’t want that world anymore. Losing Felie’s love would mean losing her. It would be a wound he could never heal, not with any amount of strength or power.

  If he lost her, he wanted to be destroyed.

  Don’t think about destruction. Think of this moment. This kiss.

  But loving Felie was not just about hurting and pain, he suddenly understood. Her love was about strength, about giving happiness, about having someone to share that happiness with. Margaret had made love about pain, Felie made it about joy.

  His mouth touched heavenly softness. Warmth rushed through his lips into his blood and flooded his heart. His lips sizzled. . . .

  He pushed her away. “Damnation, I have the power now. I must be able to hurt you.” Desperately, he looked to Guid
on. “Are you certain I can touch her? The power can take lives later.”

  “Because the power came from her, Lady Ophelia has immunity to it.” Guidon bowed to Felie, in the respectful way he did to ladies. “You will not be injured—or killed—by Lord Ravenhunt’s touch.”

  “I’m not Lord anything.” He could kiss her again, but the moment was gone. His lips had sizzled not because of the power, but because of love. It was time to do this. He had run away from the loss of his fiancée to battle. He had run away from the grueling horrors he had seen from each battle by throwing himself into another.

  There was nowhere to run anymore. Felie deserved the truth and his courage.

  He tenderly stroked his thumb along her lower lip. Her lips parted and she looked so luscious and sweet, his heart broke. “You will not be able to love me after this,” he managed to say gruffly. “I want you to find a gentleman worthy of you. I want you to marry him and have children. I want you to have happiness.”

  She shook her head. “I believe I will love you always.”

  “Ophelia.” God, it was hard to do this, with her large blue eyes fixed on his face, with apprehension reflected in them but also tenderness and caring. She cared for him when he did not deserve it.

  He told her what Jade had told him, as gently as he could, about her eldest brother. With every word she drew back from him. He could almost feel the shock and horror exude from her.

  “Jade claims he was hurting your family. She told me he had attacked your younger brother. Your oldest brother would have killed you, but your power protected you. But the truth is, I knew none of this at the time. Jade commanded me to kill him, and I did as she asked. I took your brother from you.”

  Felie’s hand clasped over her mouth.

  But to his surprise, her brother stepped forward. “It is true, Ophelia. Simon had become a madman.”

  “He was a grave threat,” Jade said.

  Jade was speaking in his defense.

  “Your brother had turned to the dark arts,” Jade continued. “A black warlock, we would call him. He wanted to enslave mankind and demons. He was an apprentice to an evil and powerful man named Valde—a demigod. Valde had been banished for centuries and required your brother to give him a portal into this world. He used your brother’s body as a shell in which he could pass from his prison-like place into this world. Valde intended to use your brother’s evil nature, then destroy him. We had to kill your brother to drive Valde back to his prison. It protected all of us. But even without Valde’s influence, your brother was dark and vicious, and he was a threat to both mortals and vampires.”

  “You had to do it,” Felie said.

  Raven yearned to touch her, but he had no right to anymore, did he? “I didn’t know that when I took his life. I was a mindless demon who did nothing but kill.”

  He wanted her love, but he could only accept it based upon honesty. Ironic, since he had run away from pain and emotion for his entire life and his undead existence.

  Ophelia faced him with a grave face. “You were newly made into a vampire and you were a prisoner. Did you truly have a choice?”

  “No,” said Jade. “He was required to serve me.”

  “Do not listen to her. She wants me to survive so she can keep me as a pet again. That will never happen. I heard your words, Ophelia. You told Jade if she wanted my love she could not keep me as a captive and hope I would grow to love her because I had no choice. That was what I did to you. You were my prisoner, and I don’t believe you can truly love me. How could you when I kept you a captive, when I forced you to do as I demanded? I did want to save you and protect you, I swear that is true. But how can you forgive me?” His voice broke. “You told Jade you must be worthy of my love. How can I be worthy of yours? How can I ask your forgiveness for the evil that I’ve done?”

  “You have changed,” she said simply. “That is the reason I forgive you. I love you.”

  “Guidon,” shouted Jade. “The chit loves him. Is that sufficient?”

  “Yes, I believe it is enough.”

  “Good.” Jade turned with a smug smile on her lips. “Then let us be done with this.” She waved her hand and he fell again to his knees. She had willed it and her power was so strong it made his body submit. Her hand pressed to his head.

  But if he lived through this, he went back to Jade. Ophelia and his sister would go free, but he gave Jade the ability to rule the vampire world—and the mortal world. He refused to give Jade such power and live as her lover.

  He would destroy himself.

  Hades, it hurt. A river of fire seemed to burn through him,

  Guidon, Raven called through his thoughts. I cannot let her take this power. She will use it to destroy the damned world.

  If you break free, she cannot get your power. You will be destroyed, and the power will end with your death.

  His body shook and jerked. He could feel the power rushing through him. His muscles twisted and writhed, out of control.

  He fought to pull away from Jade’s hand.

  Ophelia saw him try to break free of the queen’s hold, try to pull away. His muscles rippled, his limbs jerked, his eyes rolled back in his head.

  Jade stared at Raven, so Ophelia rushed to Guidon, and she bent so she could whisper into the librarian’s ear. “What is he doing?”

  He is trying to break the contact so Her Majesty cannot drain the power from him, Guidon answered in her head. He is afraid of what she will do with such power.

  She projected her thoughts to Guidon. What will happen to him?

  He will die. But he believes Queen Jade will kill many with this power. I fear he is correct.

  Her power was going to cost Ravenhunt’s life. Cost hundreds of lives. Maybe thousands. She could not let it happen.

  What can I do?

  You can take your power back, Guidon answered. The power will want to come to you. It belongs to you. Touch him now and the power is yours again. But then you will never be able to touch anyone again.

  I won’t let him be destroyed. She ran forward and put her hand to Raven’s head. A bolt of force raced through her fingers, rushed through her heart, slammed deep into her. She cried out, staggering back. Her fingertips burned, and she shook her fingers, but it did nothing to cool them. A tingling shot up her arms, growing stronger. Her heart raced like mad.

  What had she done? She was gulping in air but couldn’t breathe.

  “Ophelia.” It was Althea’s firm, lovely voice, filled with concern.

  “Don’t touch me!” she shouted.

  Raven pushed to his feet, his eyes large and wild. He rushed toward her. “Ophelia, what did you do?”

  “No!” Jade screeched. “No. That power is mine.” The queen lunged at her, grasped her shoulders. She tried to push the woman off, but Jade slapped her and shoved her back. Ophelia lost her balance and fell on her back, slamming onto the wood floor. Her breath flew out and she gasped and coughed. She had to get up—

  Jade was on top of her, her knee on Ophelia’s chest, and she could not breathe. Raven jumped for Jade, but the queen lifted her hand. Raven flew backward, head over heels, and he smashed against the plaster wall. The queen’s demon servant, holding a sword, lunged at him.


  But as she struggled to push Jade off, the queen pressed her hand to Ophelia’s head. There was pain, then an icy coldness. Her limbs went weak, as if all her blood had drained away.

  “Survive, Ophelia. Dear God, I love you so much.”

  Raven was shouting at her. Shouting that he loved her.

  Laughing triumphantly, Jade stood and glared down at her. Ophelia could not force her limbs to move.

  “The power is mine. And first I will use it to destroy you—”

  The queen jerked, her waist pushing forward, her shoulders falling back. A shrill scream left her lips and the slender body crumpled to the floor. She lay on her side, her gold lace dress spilling around her long legs.

  Ophelia gasped and manag
ed to sit up. The shaft of an arrow protruded from the queen’s back. It had gone through her heart.

  The Earl of Brookshire swiftly reloaded his crossbow in the moment while everyone stood, stunned. De Wynter trained his weapon on the large demon. Ophelia saw Harry come to her side, and he held a wooden stake in his hand, ready to attack.

  “I did not want to have to kill her,” the earl said, “but it was necessary.”

  Warm, strong arms went around Ophelia. She turned, only to be captured by Raven’s dark, fierce gaze. He gathered her into his arms, lifted her off the floor, cradling her against his broad chest. “Are you all right? Do you hurt still?”

  It felt so good to be cuddled against him. Her head fit in the crook of his shoulder. She breathed in his wonderful, male scent. “No, I am just weak.”

  With complete seriousness in his eyes, he admonished, “Ophelia, you shouldn’t have done that.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I could not let you die or be destroyed, Raven. If you thought I would do that, you are mad. I love you.”

  “I know. It’s something I can’t quite believe.”

  Althea came up to them. “I think we should have our conversation later. Right now, we should attempt to survive,” she pointed out. “We are in enemy territory.”

  “Indeed, my dear Althea.” De Wynter motioned toward the demon with the crossbow. “All of you, on your knees.”

  None of Jade’s servants obeyed. They wore mocking smiles. “You have the weapon, slayer, but you are outnumbered.”

  It was true and Ophelia’s heart lurched. After all this, were they to lose? “How will we get past them?” she whispered to Raven.

  He glanced to Brookshire and Mr. de Wynter. “I suspect they would not be so foolhardy as to come with so few men.”

  Footsteps sounded in the corridor, and many armed men burst into the room. Raven had been right.

  At their side, Althea laughed with delight. “It appears my husband sent servants to the Royal Society to bring help, and they came with the Society men.”


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