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Last Heartbreak

Page 17

by H. M. Ward

  She laughs as she’s examining one of the lights within the glass table. It looks like fire, but it can’t be since it’s pink. She looks up at me. “Dr. Peter Granz, and he’s the shit because he’s a Ferro. Hence the swank party.” Beth looks up when I don’t answer.

  I rush at Beth, nearly knocking her over. My jaw is hanging open as worry darts across my face faster than I can contain it. “Ferro?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  I’m in melt down mode. “I can’t be here.” I glance around the room and look at the door longingly. Before I make up my mind to run, I hear male voices approaching. Fuck! My heart pounds faster in my chest. If he’s here, if Jonathan sees me—the thought cuts off before it finishes.

  I’m ready to bounce out the window when Beth grabs my wrist and hauls me to the front of the room. She shoves me behind the curtain and hisses in my ear, “If you freak out now, Gretchen will steal your job. Snap out of it. Whoever this guy is, he isn’t worth it.”

  The tinsel curtain in front of me flutters, but it conceals both of us for the moment. The male voices grow louder until the door is yanked open. The curtain rustles and I’m in full freak-out mode. He can’t be here. He can’t see me like this. At the same time, Beth’s right. I can’t skip out. Bruce will run me over with the van and there’s no way in hell they’ll ever give me another cent.

  I stand there, frozen, unable to think. Every muscle in my body is strained, ready to run, but I don’t move. My bare feet remain glued to the floor as I smash my lips together.

  Then, I hear it—that voice. It floats through the air like a familiar old song. Oh God, someone shoot me. I can’t do this. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. What guy wouldn’t want a party like this?” Jonathan is talking to someone in that light, charming, tone of his.

  “Uh, your brother, Peter. Do you know the guy at all? He’s going to act like he loves it and get the hell out before you can blink.” Glancing through the curtains, I can see the second man. He has dark hair and bright blue eyes like Jonathan. The only difference is their posture. Jonathan has all his weight thrown onto one hip with his arms folded across his chest. The other guy’s spine is ramrod straight, like he’s never slouched in his life.

  Peering at Jonathan through the tinsel, I see a perfect smile lace his lips. “Sean, I know him better than that. Pete is going to love this. It’s exactly the kind of party I’d want if I was getting hitched.”

  “Yes, I know.” Sean’s voice is flat. He glances around the room with disgust, and slips his hands into his pockets. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Oh come on! It’s Peter. What’s he going to do?”

  Sean laughs, like he knows something that Jonathan doesn’t. “Don’t let that English teacher façade fool you, Jonny. He’s as hot headed as I am. No one fucks with him. He’s going to consider this a slap in the face, an insult to Sidney. Cancel the strippers before he gets here.” Sean leaves the room without another word.

  Jonathan Ferro lets out a rush of air and runs his fingers through his thick, dark, hair. The aggravated sound that comes out of his mouth kills me. I’ve heard it before, I know him too well to not be affected by it. That’s the sound he makes when he knows he’s screwed up, when he sees that he isn’t the man he wants to be. There’s always been this wall between Jonathan and his family. I guess he still hasn’t gotten past it. Jon paces in a circle a few times and then darts out of the room.

  “Holy shit.” Beth looks at me and hisses, “What happened between you and him?”

  It feels like icy fingers have wrapped around my heart and squeezed. I stare after him and utter, “Nothing, absolutely nothing.”


  Why does everyone think they know my brothers better than I do? I’m taking advice from Sean. How the hell did that happen? I’m walking swiftly down the long hallway, chin tucked, not watching where I’m going. The golden wallpaper appears to be glowing in the dim light. I run my hands through my hair and down my neck, and smack into someone.

  When I look up, I’m ready to snap. “What the— Oh, it’s you.”

  My closest friend, Trystan Scott, is standing in front of me. The guy is the brother I never had. He’s not blood, but he might as well be called a Ferro because he’s that loyal.

  Trystan’s wearing ripped jeans, a button down shirt with the top three buttons undone, and has way too much shit in his hair. “What the hell’s going on? I thought the waitresses were supposed to be strippers. That was the coolest idea you’ve ever had. Imagine my disappointment when I rush out of rehearsal—away from the sexiest woman you’ve ever seen—and get here to find a bunch of chicks still wearing clothes.” Trystan smirks and shoves his hands in his pockets.

  I don’t bother to answer him before resuming full speed down the hall. I have to find the guy from the club and cancel my awesome plan. Damn it, why does Peter have to be so difficult. Who doesn’t want strippers at a bachelor party?

  Trystan follows behind. “So, how’s it going?” His voice has that teasing tone, which means he knows how well it’s going.

  “Nice hair,” I throw back, and glance at him out of the corner of my eyes. Trystan makes a face and tries to smooth it down, but it doesn’t move. “What’d they use, glue?”

  His dark hair is sticking up all over the place. It looks like a porcupine toupee. “Something like that. I look like a fucking idiot.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not the hair that does it—it’s the make-up.”

  “Awh, fuck.” Trystan swipes his hand across his eyes, trying to rub it off. “I forgot. I had somewhere to be—somewhere with strippers—so I ran over here as fast as I could.” He smacks my arm with the back of his hand. “So, come on Jon, what’s going on?”

  “Apparently this isn’t Pete’s MO. I’m canceling the girls before Peter gets here. Sean said he’d bolt, that titties aren’t his thing.”

  “Titties are his thing, but he prefers a certain pair.” Trystan grins and looks over at me, pressing his hand to his chest. “The ways of the heart are—”

  “And what would you know about that? You’re a goddamn legend. You’ve nailed every chick from coast to coast.”

  Trystan’s smile brightens, but it’s like there’s something he’s not telling me. Ever since I met him a few years ago, he’s been like that. He doesn’t talk about his past much, but I don’t blame him. From the papers, I know Trystan’s dad beat the shit out of him when he was a kid, but that’s about it. The guy keeps to himself, but somehow manages to get pussy whenever he wants. A shy rock star is a fucking oxymoron, but the women fall at his feet. What do I know? Maybe I’ve been doing everything wrong this whole time. I shake the thoughts away and enter the main room.

  The music pounds through the air, vibrating through me. The dim lights make it difficult to see the guy I’m looking for. He should be back in the kitchen right about now. I lean into Trystan. “I’ll catch you later.”

  “Whatever you need, man.” Trystan grabs my arm and squeezes. He’s saying he’s got my back, even if no one else does. The guy might be a train wreck, but he’s good people under all that shit.

  I slap his back, “Thanks. Catch you in a few. We can hit the bar after Pete gets here, because I’m not walking around sober if there’s only guys here.” Trystan laughs and agrees to get smashed with me later. You got to love the guy.

  I weave through the crowd. There are already some strippers posing as wait staff. A woman with a tray and way too much make-up on her face brushes my side and turns toward me. “Champagne?” Her cleavage is up to her neck and the thin white shirt she’s wearing does nothing to hide the black bra underneath. Fuck, she’s hot. I almost stop and flirt with her—almost—but I keep walking, because I’m not a total dick. This was supposed to be for Pete. I need to fix this before he gets here.

  Sean falls in step beside me. “Tell me that I didn’t see Scott at the bar?” Sean hates anyone who wasn’t born with the name Ferro.

off, Sean. He’s my friend.”

  “He’s using you.” Sean’s jaw is locked tight as he scans the crowd. “You’re too naïve.”

  “You’re an asshole.” I’m not defending my friendship with Trystan or with anyone else. Sean acts like he knows everything, and he might be right most of the time, but he’s wrong about Trystan. “The guy has his own millions. He doesn’t need mine.”

  “He’s unstable.”

  “You’re unstable.” I flick my eyes over to him.

  Sean smirks. “Possibly.”

  “I can’t chat about your mental health right now. I need to find the guy before all these girls rip their clothes off. Where’s Pete?”

  Sean laughs and points across the room. “He just got here.”

  “Fuck.” I take off through the crowd, cutting through the guys, shoving some aside.

  When I push through the kitchen doors, I see him. “Bruce! My man—change of plans.”

  Bruce is a huge guy and doesn’t look pleased to see me. There are half dressed girls everywhere, slipping into their tear off waitressing outfits. Damn, this would have been so cool. Bruce has his thigh-thick arms folded over his chest. He glares at me. “No refunds.”

  “I’m not asking for one.” I stand in front of the guy and feel like a toothpick, even though I’m not. Reaching into my pocket, I feel around for a hundred dollar bill. “I need them to keep their clothes on.”

  He gives me a weird look. “They’re not supposed to be waitresses, Mr. Ferro. They’re strippers and are expecting the tips that accompany the occupation.”

  Okay, I grab a fist full of bills and slip them into his hand. Bruce takes it and sees how much I’ve given him. I ask, “Maybe they could be waitresses for a couple of hours and then head out?”

  “Maybe, but this isn’t going to help the girls you hired for the private room. They’re expecting tips, and if you cancel them out, they’ll have left the club for nothing. You have to make good over there.” The guy’s voice is dangerously deep.

  “Done. I’ll go take care of it.” I reach out and shake his hand.

  As I turn to leave he clears his throat. “And if you’d like this kept quiet…”

  I reach into my pocket and slap more cash into his fist. Bastard. The large man grins. “My lips are sealed, Mr. Ferro. A suggestion?” he asks, and I nod as my gaze cuts across the room to the clock. “Keep at least one girl in that private room for your guests. This is a party that people will talk about. You don’t want them to think you’re a pussy. You’ve got a reputation that people know about. They expect a little something extra at one of your parties.”

  “And you know this because…?”

  “Because I’ve got ears, Mr. Ferro. Every man here is wondering what your big surprise will be this evening. You need to keep something for them, don’t you?”

  I don’t answer him, because I know he’s right. “Fine, I’ll go speak to them. You keep the girls out here clothed.”

  Bruce laughs and leans back in his chair. “Done.”

  When I get back to the private room, I push through the doors without really paying attention until I hear a voice—that voice. It’s like being hit in the face with a wall of cold water. Whatever thought I had in my head is gone. Wide eyed, I look up and scan the room. Two women are tangled together on the floor, fighting. Well, no they’re not fighting, not really. I’m not sure what they’re doing, and they have no idea I’m watching.

  My heart pounds harder as her voice fills my head and I try to see her face. My body responds the way it used to—that hollow spot in the center of my chest aches, along with my cock. I stare in disbelief, watching two strippers wrestling on the floor, and stand in shock because one of them is Cassie Hale.

  Continue reading STRIPPED now!


  Trystan Scott


  Jonathan Ferro


  Bryan Ferro


  Sean Ferro


  Peter Ferro


  Nick Ferro










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  New York Times bestselling author H.M. Ward continues to reign as the queen of independent publishing. She has sold over 12 MILLION copies, placing her among the literary titans. Articles pertaining to Ward's success have appeared in The New York Times, USA Today, and Forbes to name a few. This native New Yorker resides in Texas with her family, where she enjoys working on her next book.

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