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Their Border Lands Destiny [Men of the Border Lands 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Marla Monroe

  “Please, baby.” He reached around her and took her fingers into his hand. “Just rub that sweet pearl for me, Destiny.”

  She let him position her finger over her clit and move it in a circle around it. Immediately, need built inside of her. She couldn’t stop the slight gasp of surprise that she’d actually get turned on with him knowing what she was doing.

  “See, baby. It’s all good. You can play with yourself. Do it for me.” His hot breath in her ear and then against her neck as he groaned with each slide of his dick into her wet pussy sent chills down her spine.

  Destiny slowly took over playing with her clit. She circled the tight bud over and over before tapping it lightly and then starting over. A warm buzz built as she masturbated with Granger knowing what she was doing. She reached back and felt his hard cock where it separated her pussy lips as it tunneled into her cunt. At the touch of her fingers on his shaft, Granger groaned low and guttural in her ear.

  She rubbed up and down it, then returned to playing with herself, ramping up her pleasure with each stroke of her finger. Her body seemed to shine with the wonderful feelings pouring through her right then. This orgasm was going to be so different than the others she’d had. It wasn’t a huge build up that would tear her apart then re-make her. It would be a gentle burst of ecstasy that might be even more devastating than the others.

  Her breathing grew faster the closer she moved toward climax. Her body tightened all over, making Granger’s thick dick even more enormous inside her pussy. She gasped as it slowly rolled over her, consuming her with pleasure and an unbelievable satisfaction as her spasms pulled Granger along with her. He grasped her shoulder with his teeth and groaned low and long as he pulsed inside of her, his seed filling her with scalding heat.

  When he released her shoulder, Granger kissed her tender flesh and pulled her against him, still buried inside of her. She nearly laughed out loud when he almost instantly started snoring. It was so funny, yet it filled her with a deep sense of joy to know that she had been what he had needed to relax and rest. She liked that she could do that for him. He stayed so on edge all the time, worrying about the dangers out there.

  Destiny held on to the hand that he’d wrapped around her waist. She felt safe there in his arms with Marty at her front. Between them, nothing could get to her. They would protect her with their lives. She knew this but prayed that it would never come to that. Losing even one of them would kill something inside of her.

  Granger’s flaccid cock slowly slipped from her body. She mourned the loss, feeling so much closer to him while it had been cocooned inside of her. She desperately wanted him to confide in her whatever it was that he still held back. Part of her wanted to confront him and demand that he tell her what was wrong, but another part of her sensed that she needed to wait and let him tell her in his own time. Neither part of her approved of the small empty spot that was still waiting to be filled by that piece of him.

  When she finally closed her eyes and pushed the worry and unease back, Destiny fell asleep, dreaming of a place where they had a home and others around them who were friends. She felt safe there and happy. Both of her men were always close by, and the sounds of children playing lightened the deep seated fear that the world would never again be a place where children could run and laugh without being afraid.

  Chapter Fifteen

  As they left Joe and Mike’s Cheyenne Indian tribe behind them, Destiny began to feel a little lonely. She’d enjoyed the conversation with Sarah and watching the children play. Many of the residents of the camp had come out to see them off despite how early it had been. They’d sent them off with gifts of jerky, fresh water from the creek, and a case of different canned vegetables.

  Now, as they headed toward Busby, Destiny thought about her dream of the night before and how normal it had felt at the time. Thinking back about it, she recognized that she’d still had to warm up their meals over a fire and there was no electricity, but she’d been happy and satisfied, content even.

  “What are you thinking about back there, ladybug?” Marty asked, turning around to stare at her.

  “Just wondering where we’ll end up, and what we’ll do to get ready for winter. We won’t have much time. It’s already growing cold at night.”

  Granger looked at her through the rearview mirror. “Don’t worry about it, Destiny. We’ll take care of you.”

  She rolled her eyes and pointed toward the road. “You keep your eyes on the road. I know you’ll take care of me, but it doesn’t change things. We’re going to have to be careful of our food supply until we get a garden in the ground and it starts producing.”

  “Marty and I will keep fresh meat on the table for us. We’ll be fine.” Granger’s hands tightened on the steering wheel.

  She could see the way his knuckles grew white with the pressure. She wished she hadn’t brought it up now. He didn’t need to worry about something that hadn’t happened yet. They had enough to worry about.

  “Have either of you been to Busby before? How big is it?” she asked.

  “I’ve been through it once,” Granger said. “It’s smaller than Lame Deer was. I remember seeing somewhere that they had a population of about eight hundred before the disasters. Now, I don’t know. There were still people there when I was there almost a year ago.”

  “Are you planning to stop anywhere?” she asked.

  “Not unless you need to pee,” he said with a smirk.

  She frowned at him. “I don’t. I was just curious. If we go anywhere that has a bookstore, I’d really like to grab a few books.”

  Both men laughed and shook their heads. She crossed her arms and glared at the back of their heads.

  “What is so damn funny? It wouldn’t hurt for us to have a few books on gardening and caning and such.” She wasn’t about to admit that she wanted to look for some erotic romances as well.

  “Nothing, darling. We’ll watch for bookstores for you. You’re right. We’ll need all the help we can get on things like that.” Granger’s soothing words somehow didn’t sound as sincere as he probably thought they would.

  An hour later, they drove through Busby without seeing a soul. Granger said there were still people there, but Destiny would have to take his word on that. She couldn’t tell by the way the place looked. The buildings all looked empty to her, and there was debris all over the sidewalks and streets. If she’d been living there, she would have wanted to clean the place up. When she said as much out loud, Marty explained that it was safer for the place to look deserted.

  “That way anyone intent on causing trouble will assume no one lives there and continue on without stopping to investigate.”

  “They’ve probably learned the hard way through past mistakes,” Granger added.

  “It’s so sad that we have to live in fear,” she said, gazing out the window as they left the little town behind.

  No one spoke for a long time. At some point, Destiny must have dozed off, because she jerked awake when they ran over a bump.

  “What? Where are we?” She looked around confused.

  “We’re at Crow Agency, the center of the Crow Indian Reservation. There’s a bookstore here, if it looks safe enough,” Granger said as they drove down a bumpy road.

  He turned down one street after another before pulling up next to an old truck outside a book store. He and Marty exchanged glances, then Marty got out and pulled out the hose they used to syphon gas.

  “Okay, sit tight while I check the store to be sure it’s safe inside. Don’t unlock the door unless either me or Marty tell you to. Got it?” Granger asked.

  “Okay. Be careful, Granger.” She wasn’t sure she wanted him to take the risk of checking out the store now.

  She watched as he pushed the door lock then closed the door. He and Marty exchanged a few words, then Granger walked up to the building housing the book store. He looked through the window then tried the door. It didn’t budge. He disappeared around the side of the building where she
could no longer see him. Her heart began to beat faster. She looked over where Marty was standing with one end of the hose in the truck’s gas tank and the other one disappearing into the Jeep. He looked around, keeping watch.

  After nearly ten minutes, Granger walked out the front entrance of the bookstore with a smile. Destiny almost passed out with relief. He and Marty talked while Marty finished up with the gas, then he motioned for her to unlock the door.

  “Okay, you have twenty minutes to find some books, then we need to get back on the road. I don’t like sticking around these places too long,” Granger told her as they walked into the store.

  She was thankful for the lantern he’d lit for her since there was very little light in the building. Only two windows in front and one on the side allowed sunlight inside. Destiny quickly located the right section for gardening and, after picking out a few books from there, found a section on survivalism that contained books on putting up food. She grabbed several books from that section, thinking they might come in handy later.

  After dumping these where Marty kept watch at the front, she hurried over to the romance section and quickly located the erotic romance books. She chose the ones concerning ménages since she was now living in one. She also chose a couple of paranormal shape shifting books since she loved that genre. She’d just returned to where Marty waited when Granger walked up with quite a few books of his own. She lifted an eyebrow at the sight and got a sheepish smile from him.

  “I figured you were right, and we could use as much help as we could get. These may come in handy,” he said.

  She refrained from crowing over him agreeing with her about the books. Some things were better left alone. She just grinned to herself and nodded to Marty, looking pointedly at her pile of books at his feet.

  Marty shook his head and picked up the books. The three of them walked outside toward the Jeep, talking about the next leg of their journey. Destiny waited while Granger and Marty piled the books in the back seat. When Granger turned to help her into the back, icy cold dread seeped into her pores at the sound of a nasty-sounding cough at her back, close enough she felt hot breath against her neck. Hard fingers bit into her shoulder from behind.

  “Well, well, Granger. Fancy seeing you here after all these years. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” a harsh voice asked.

  “Calhoun. Take your hand off of her. Now.” Granger’s voice remained calm but firm.

  “Now is that anyway to talk to an old friend?” the other man asked, making a tsking noise.

  “We’ve never been friends, Calhoun. Let her go.”

  Destiny watched Marty step slowly closer to Granger. He had his hand loose out to his side. She knew he was wearing a gun at the small of his back. She prayed he didn’t have to use it. If he did, things would be much worse than she hoped they were. Still, the way the man’s fingers dug into her sore shoulder wasn’t very comforting.

  “Considering what all we went through together, I’d think you would be more considerate than this. I mean, we bonded and all in prison all those years. Remember?”

  Destiny tried not to let her face show the shock she felt at hearing that he had been in prison before. Why hadn’t he told her before now? She realized this was the part of himself he’d kept from her. She wanted to ask why he’d been there, but she wasn’t about to say anything with some stranger standing there with his fingers digging into her.

  “There was no bonding, Calhoun. There was no anything between us. Now let her go before you regret it.” Granger’s voice had dropped even deeper.

  “I’m hurt. After what we shared? I’d think you would be a little nicer to me, bitch.”

  Destiny watched Granger’s jaw tighten and the scar on the side of his face grow white from the strain. His eyes changed to cold hard orbs that didn’t show an ounce of humanity in them. He took a step closer and the man holding her jerked her against his chest. The scent of unwashed flesh was cloying now that she was pressed tightly against him. She couldn’t see how things could get much worse, but she was wrong.

  The unmistakable ridge of hard, aroused flesh pressed against her ass. The bastard wanted her. Fear chilled her blood. Her legs began to shake. She should never have stopped dressing like a boy. How was she going to get away from this man?

  She tried to focus on Marty. She couldn’t look at Granger right then with the way his face had turned into a cold mask. Marty seemed to be trying to tell her something, but she couldn’t figure out what it was. His eyes kept looking down at her feet. Destiny got an idea and started struggling with the man, catching him by surprise.

  “Be still, or I’ll cut you.” He pulled out a knife from somewhere. The sight of the wicked-looking blade already stained with something that looked a lot like dried blood made her stop struggling.

  He chuckled and nodded toward Marty. “Don’t get any ideas, or I’ll carve her up like a tasty roast. Got it?”

  “I’m warning you, Calhoun. If you harm one hair on her head, I’ll gut you. Do you hear me?” Granger’s voice still hadn’t grown any louder.

  “Ah, is she your woman, Granger? Are you and your friend over there sharing her? Do you remember how they held you down while I fucked you back in prison, Granger? Did it feel good?”

  Destiny couldn’t stand hearing how Granger had been raped, nor could she stand to see the flash of pain that crossed his face before the cold mask snapped back into place. She screamed and rammed her head back as hard as she could, feeling the sharp knock to her skull from his chin. She let herself go limp as if it had knocked her out, and when he didn’t react in time to stop her from slipping from his grasp, she shoved her body away from his.

  The sound of flesh hitting flesh snapped her head up in time to see Granger plow his fist into the other man’s face. The bastard howled with fury. Marty grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, then shoved her into the still-open door of the Jeep and slammed the door.

  When she looked up again, Granger and the other man were struggling over the knife. Marty had his gun out and was trying to get a clear shot. She watched as Calhoun managed to get the knife close to Granger’s throat. She covered her mouth, afraid she’d make some noise that would distract Granger and get him killed.

  They struggled back and forth, neither man getting the upper hand until Calhoun stumbled in a hole in the sidewalk and Granger was able to shove the knife toward the other man. It buried to the hilt in the man’s throat. Destiny turned her head away at the sight of blood pouring from the man’s throat.

  She heard Marty yelling at Granger to get in the Jeep. Then the doors opened, and both men climbed in on opposite sides, slamming the doors behind them. Marty started the engine and shoved it into gear. No one said a word as they hurtled through town, the only sounds the two men’s heavy breathing. She fought to keep from getting sick. She refused to throw up. The man would have raped and maybe even killed her.

  “Are you okay, Destiny? Did you get cut anywhere?” Marty’s voice sounded fairly normal considering they’d just killed a man.

  “No, I mean, yes. I’m okay. I didn’t get cut.” She was shaking so hard she was surprised she was able to speak at all.

  “I’m sorry, Destiny.” Granger’s words sounded almost torn from him.

  “Why? It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t make him grab me,” she said.

  “He might have hurt you. I should have kept you safe.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Granger. You did keep her safe.” Marty seemed to know what was going on. Destiny was still confused.

  “Granger, you couldn’t have known he was there. It’s not your fault. It’s over now, anyway. I’m fine.” She wanted to climb into the front seat and curl up in his lap, but he had blood all over him. She didn’t want that bastard’s blood on her, and she wanted it off of Granger as well.

  “We need to find somewhere you can change clothes and get cleaned up,” Marty said, echoing her thoughts.

  “Pryor is not far ahead. Stay on th
is road,” Granger finally said in a hollow voice.

  “Not much of a road,” Marty commented.

  Destiny ached inside for Granger. Not only did he feel like he had failed her, but his deepest darkest secret had been callously revealed by his enemy. His being in prison was what he’d held back from her. She doubted he would have ever revealed to anyone that he’d been raped while there, more than likely he’d shut that part off from himself as well. Now he couldn’t pretend it had never happened since they’d heard it. Did he think she wouldn’t want him anymore? She would make sure he knew that wasn’t true as soon as they stopped and he got cleaned up.

  * * * *

  Granger quickly tore the bloody shirt off his body and tossed it to the side. Anger, red hot and dark, boiled inside of him. He’d been stupid to think he could have someone as sweet and innocent as Destiny. She sure as hell didn’t deserve a bastard like him. It didn’t matter that he’d been innocent of the charges that landed him there. He was still an ex-con. One who’d been violated by the son of a bitch he’d just killed.

  He looked down at the blood stains on his hands and fought down the nausea. He’d killed a man with his hands. He’d beat the hell out of men in the past when it needed doing, and shot and killed those who’d tried to kill them back when they’d first been on the run, but he’d never taken a life before with his hands and been happy doing it. He’d derived a small amount of pleasure feeling the knife dig into Calhoun’s throat, and that was what sickened him the most. Only a monster took pleasure in killing someone.

  He spat out a curse and quickly washed up, scrubbing his skin raw with the soap, using the jugs of distilled water they’d found in the little grocery they’d stopped at. When he was satisfied that there wasn’t any blood on him anywhere, he quickly dressed, leaving the bloody clothes on the floor in the bathroom and returned to the front of the store. Before he knew what hit him, Destiny threw herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around him so tightly he had to fight to breathe.


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