Book Read Free

Between the Lines

Page 21

by KD Williamson

  When it was time to leave, Tonya was still flushed and soaring with excitement. She had no idea how to come down. Not even a blast of the hot, humid air from outside helped. Haley’s hand was on her back. She would probably feel the imprint long after the night was over.

  “You look happy.”

  “That’s because I am.”

  “Winnin’.” Haley grinned.

  “Most definitely. So am I allowed to know about the rest of the date now?”

  “I guess, but I’m sure we’ll have to wait for a table since it’s Saturday night, so let’s stop for snoballs first. I’m thinking Deanie’s Seafood for dinner?”

  “Bucktown or the French Quarter?”

  Haley stared. “Do I look like a tourist? The smell of urine and fried seafood just doesn’t mix.”

  Tonya chuckled. “Bucktown it is.” If this was what having complete autonomy over her life felt like, Tonya could never go back. In fact, she was sorry she hadn’t done this a long time ago.

  * * *

  Haley sat down beside Tonya on one of the benches outside the snoball stand. Using her spoon, she mixed evaporated milk into her wedding cake snoball and watched as Tonya did the same with hers. So far, the night had gone way beyond her expectations. Haley wasn’t sure if she could top the skating rink. Tonya had come alive. After seeing the dullness in her eyes when the date first started, her enjoyment was a beautiful thing to behold. Haley’d had no idea that she was capable of making someone that happy. It was a heady feeling that she could get addicted to really fast.

  She studied Tonya’s profile for a few minutes. She was still smiling slightly, making those dimples pop in the fading daylight.

  “Stop. I can feel you looking at me.” Tonya’s words were so soft, Haley barely heard her.

  “No.” There was no reason to. When Tonya turned to look at her, the air thickened between them. “I don’t want to.” Haley reached out and brushed errant curls behind Tonya’s ear. “I know you’ve had a lotta stuff goin’ on in your life, but I just don’t get how a woman like you is alone.”

  “Lately, it’s been by choice. And what do you mean, a woman like me?” Tonya was a little breathless. Haley couldn’t blame her; her own heart was threatening to beat its way out of her chest.

  “You know? Beautiful, intelligent, strong…” Haley’s voice trailed off. “How long has it been since you’ve done this?”

  “Done what?”

  “The whole ‘datin’ gettin’ to know you’ thing. I guess I never thought to ask. Not that it makes any difference.”

  “Almost a year, but it’s never been quite like this. If you were aiming for the moon, you went way past it.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You should.”

  Haley shifted to straddle the bench. “I’m really glad you’re havin’ a good time.” She swiped her thumb across Tonya’s cheek.

  Tonya shivered and moved into the caress, and Haley’s stomach twisted. She wanted to kiss Tonya. More than that, she wanted to stretch out the tension and see how far they could go before one of them broke.

  * * *

  Haley had been right about the wait at the restaurant. It was near closing time when they walked back out into the parking lot. In one hand, Haley had a bag of leftover stuffed shrimp and crabmeat au gratin. She pressed the other against Tonya’s back, guiding her toward the truck.

  Tonya chuckled, rambling about the amount of fish paraphernalia that covered the walls, but she went quiet when she got in the truck.

  “You okay? Dreadin’ home?”

  “No, I think I’m prepared for that. I just realized that I don’t want this to be over.”

  Haley loved her honesty. “I know the feelin’.”

  Tonya looked at her with an intensity that sucked the air out of the truck.

  “What is it?” Haley asked.

  “You don’t think, this, us is a little bit too perfect? I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be this easy.”

  Haley chuckled. “I remember sayin’ the exact same thing, but I’ve been told that this is what happens when semi-healthy adults like each other.”

  Tonya continued to gaze at her, heat and desire filling her eyes. Haley’s whole body tingled.

  “Are you even real?” Tonya whispered.

  Haley searched for the right words. After finding them, she took Tonya’s hand, brought it to her face, and pressed it against her cheek. “Do I feel real?”

  Something finally broke between them. Haley wasn’t sure who moved first, and she didn’t give a damn as she crushed her lips to Tonya’s.

  Tonya whimpered, and the sound burned through Haley like fire on paper, leaving her insides scorched. The kiss was openmouthed, sloppy, and when she dipped her tongue inside, Haley moaned at the feel of her. One of Tonya’s hands scraped across the back of Haley’s neck before tunneling into her hair.

  Haley shivered.

  The next few seconds passed in a blur, but they ended with Tonya in her lap, straddling her. Fumbling with the seat controls, Haley found the right button and eased them back. Her mouth raked over Tonya’s neck. Tonya arched her back and tilted her head to the side. Her breathing was hot, ragged.

  Haley couldn’t breathe at all, but this was so much more important. When their lips met again, Haley lost herself. Need clawed at her stomach and spread through her body.

  Tonya’s arms were around her neck and against her ears, blocking out sound. But Haley felt the moans rumbling through Tonya’s chest and she wanted more. She smoothed her hands down Tonya’s back and under her shirt in search of skin.

  Tonya was soft, smooth, and blazing hot. Haley scratched down her back. Tonya’s strangled cry left Haley dizzy and completely turned on. So Haley did it again, harder, and the needy grind of Tonya’s hips blew her away. She slid her hands over Tonya’s ass and got a firm grip.

  The sound of a very close car alarm ripped through Haley’s senses and reminded her where they were. It didn’t matter that her windows were tinted. This just wasn’t the right place.

  Haley sucked in a shaky breath and leaned back.

  Tonya groaned and loosened her embrace. She leaned forward slightly until their foreheads touched. “Yes. You feel real.”

  Damn right she did. Those words did something to her heart, her body, and it took every ounce of willpower for Haley to keep from revving things up again. They sat there for a few more minutes, pressed against each other. Breathing returned to normal although she was still aroused, but there was also a wave of comfort. Haley wanted to bask in it a little while longer. Was Tonya feeling the same?

  Tonya brushed her lips against Haley’s forehead, and that was all the answer she needed.

  Over an hour later, Haley walked Tonya to her front door. They were holding hands. Both were quiet. They had already said so much. Haley pulled her close when they reached the porch. This time, she made sure her kisses were gentle. Tonya clung to her. Or was it the other way around? God, it didn’t matter.

  The front door opened, and a woman leaned against it. “Do I need to get the hose?”

  Haley smiled while Tonya glared.

  “You must be Tracy. Nice to meet you.”

  Tracy’s smile was slow and wicked. “Nice to see you again. I can tell it won’t be the last time.”

  Tonya sighed and held up a hand in front of her sister’s face. “I’d better go. Text me when you get home.”

  “I will. Later.”

  “Later.” Tonya’s smile was blinding.

  After Haley got through the toll, she called Nate. She had a feeling he would understand.

  He answered on the second ring. “So how did it go?”

  “I don’t…I don’t even know how to explain it.”

  Nate whistled. “You, my friend, are a goner.”

  He was probably right. Maybe she was.

  Chapter 19

  Tonya thrust her hand out in search of her ringing cell phone. When she found it, she pulled
it back under the duvet and looked blearily at the name flashing across. She yawned and smiled sleepily before answering.


  There was a slight pause. “You were sleepin’?”


  “You want me to call back later?”


  “Is it wrong that I find the way you sound right now sexy as hell?” Haley asked.

  Tonya smiled and groaned as she stretched.

  “Jesus. Stop.”

  Tonya’s drowsiness cleared. “Should I apologize?” Her words were teasing.

  “Hell, no. I guess I’m more on edge than I thought after last night.”

  Tonya basked in the zing of electricity that shot through her body in remembrance. She couldn’t recall things being that powerful on a first date, or a second, or a third. “Thanks for reminding me.”

  “You’re welcome. I don’t like to be alone in my sufferin’.”

  A slow fire started to burn in Tonya’s stomach and drifted lower. She pressed her thighs together. It didn’t help at all.

  “Whatcha doin’ right now?”

  Tonya laughed. “Nothing.”

  “Liar. Wanna know what I’m doin’?”

  Even though Haley sounded perfectly coherent, Tonya’s mind filled with erotic images of muscles tensed and elongated, sweaty skin, and Haley moaning. “Haley.” She didn’t mean to sound so breathless.

  “I win.”

  Tonya silently agreed with her. “You called me at seven o’clock on a Sunday morning to torture me?”

  “Yes and no. I just wanted to make sure you were all right after what happened with your dad, and to see if he—”

  Tonya melted for a whole different reason. “He was in bed when I got in. So this morning is sure to be interesting. Thank you for checking up on me.”

  “No problem. You goin’ back to sleep?”


  Haley chuckled.

  There was a knock at Tonya’s door. She pulled the covers off her head.

  “You can dream about me. Wait, did you already do that?”

  “Come in!”

  Haley groaned. “You can’t go until you answer my question.”

  Tonya smiled into the phone.

  Tracy poked her head in. She opened her mouth to speak but stopped and stared instead.

  “I win.”

  Haley gasped. “You play dirty.”

  Tonya laughed. “Later?”

  “Yeah, call me if you need me.”

  “I will.”

  Tonya put her cell phone back on the nightstand and waved her sister in.

  “Well, that sounded interesting.”


  “And you’re still smiling.”

  Tonya didn’t even try to stop.

  Tracy glanced at the empty side of the bed. “You mind?”

  “Not today, no.”

  “Damn. There’s this new car I want—”


  Tracy grinned. “I was kidding anyway.” She sat down and scooted up to the headboard. “I’m loving this mood you’re in.”

  The truth was that Tonya did too. She felt fortified against what was to come. “Thank you.”

  “Sooo, still high on last night?”

  “That sounds like a Stephanie question. I’m sure she’s going to call soon and ask me the same thing.”

  “Well, I’m asking you now. Are you gonna answer?”

  “Yes, I am, especially after that phone call,” Tonya said in a rush.

  Tracy stared at her again. “Whoa, I’m really surprised that you shared that with me.”

  Tonya blinked. “Me too, but we can’t improve communication if we don’t communicate. It’s easier to talk to you the more I do it.”

  “Ditto. I can tell you really like her. It looked like your face was gonna split in two.”

  Tonya lips twitched. She glanced at her sister. They were sitting side by side, shoulders touching. She was really starting to enjoy this new dynamic between them.

  Tracy exhaled loudly. “But you don’t think it’s too soon for you to be that into her? Trust me, I know I’m not one to talk.”

  Tonya wasn’t upset by the question. It came from a place of concern, and she had an inkling that this was how things were supposed to be between sisters. “I thought that at first…too fast and too easy, but I realized last night that this whole thing just feels natural and it’s moving along at its own pace.”

  Her sister smiled. “You’re different, but it’s good. It’s a big chance you’re taking, and I like how you’re doing the same for me and Daddy.”

  “I’m really trying, but he…” Tonya shook her head and told Tracy about their father’s behavior the night before. When Tonya was done, Tracy’s lips were a thin line and her face was scrunched up in disgust.

  “I don’t know if I’ve said it already, but I’m sorry I never told you I didn’t give a damn about your sexuality. Just in case Daddy doesn’t come around, on his behalf, I apologize for everything.” She put her head on Tonya’s shoulder.

  The gesture made Tonya feel warm, wanted, and understood. She leaned into Tracy. “He’s making this about him. It’s selfish, in a way, that he can’t see it affects me and our relationship.”

  “I’m certainly willing to tell him all that. It might have a bigger impact coming from me, since it’s not something we’ve talked about. He probably thinks I still have my head in the sand like he does.”

  “You know, this may put you in the same predicament with him that I’m in.”

  “I know,” Tracy said softly. “But if he pushes us both away, he’ll be on his own. Doesn’t seem like a good place to be. I’m sure you know what that’s like. Not that any of it was your fault.”

  Tonya didn’t have to respond. Tracy had filled in the blanks herself.

  “It must feel good to finally live your life the way you want to.”

  “It does, and I don’t think… No, I know that I can’t go back now.”

  “I wonder what Mama would’ve said about the way he’s acting.”

  “I’m pretty sure Daddy never brought it up with her. It could be a good thing. Even during that stretch of time where she was lucid, she was still fragile. I was scared to tell her. I wanted to keep things as normal as possible. Besides, Daddy was already disappointed with me. I didn’t want her to be that way too. I know it was probably because we’d lost so much time, but she made me feel like a superhero during college, medical school, and after.”

  “Yeah, I remember. She really was proud of you. Do you—” Tracy cleared her throat. “Do you think she’d be proud of me of what I’m becoming?”

  “No doubt. I am too.”

  “Thank you. I can’t tell you what that means. I miss her so much sometimes. A little over ten years wasn’t enough time to really get to know her, to love her after not really knowing her at all.” Tracy sniffled and wiped at her face.

  Tears stung Tonya’s eyes too. “I know the feeling.”

  Tracy sighed. “Okay, it’s probably not a good idea to get bogged down with this, especially with the huge hurdle in front of us.”

  “You’re right.”

  “You sound surprised. We younger folk, as you well know, have our moments.”

  Tonya grinned. “I suppose.”

  “Good, now let’s go fix this thing with Daddy before we have even more regrets. He’s probably on his second cup of coffee by now.”

  “Go on down. I need to shower first.”

  Tracy got out of the bed. “All right.”

  They gazed at each other briefly. Tonya smiled. It was good to have family in her corner. The feeling bolstered her.

  Tracy grinned back.

  Fifteen minutes later, Tonya was in the process of getting dressed when her phone rang again. This time it was Stephanie.

  “I’m offended that you didn’t call me last night.”

  “It was late.”

  “Ohhhh, and so what?”<
br />
  “Everything was great.”

  “Your vocabulary is much bigger and more descriptive than that.”

  Tonya chuckled. “It is, but I have to cut this short for now. Tracy’s home, and I’m going to try to talk to Daddy again.”

  “Oh, sweetie, okay. I’m here and on your side. You know that, right?”

  “I do. Thank you.”

  A few seconds later, Tonya hung up. Right now, she felt like she could take on anything or anyone.

  Tonya walked briskly down the stairs. She wanted to get this over with. When she entered the kitchen, Tracy and their father were seated at the island. Even though they had a perfectly serviceable dining room, the kitchen was the hub of family activity. The smell of cinnamon and coffee wafted through the room. As Tonya sat down on a stool across from them, Tracy stood and pulled a third mug from the cabinet. She filled it with coffee, then emptied a couple of packets of Splenda into it before adding cream.

  “This one’s yours.” Tracy peered over her shoulder in Tonya’s direction.

  Tonya flashed a smile. As Tracy turned, toast popped up out of the toaster. Surprisingly, her sister buttered both slices before putting them on a saucer. Tracy set Tonya’s breakfast in front of her before going back to her seat next to their father.


  “You’re very welcome.”

  Tonya broke a slice of cinnamon raisin toast in half and dunked it in her coffee. As she ate, they all sat quietly, but her father stared at the same spot on the same page of Gambit Weekly the whole time. Meaning, he was watching them. She glanced up at her sister. Tracy met her gaze head-on and nodded.

  Now was as good a time as any.


  Just like Tonya expected, Robert turned to his youngest daughter and smiled. “What’s up, baby girl?”

  “I’m not the only one sitting here.”

  “You’re the only one I care to talk to.”

  Tonya almost scoffed. His words weren’t a surprise, but it still stung to hear him talk like that.

  “Whoa, so do you really think hurting her is gonna change anything?” Tracy’s voice was calm and even, but she narrowed her eyes and set her jaw.

  “I’m not hurting anybody.”


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