Between the Lines

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Between the Lines Page 24

by KD Williamson

  Tonya leaned against the counter as she poured a glass of wine. She was alone, and the house was quiet. She raised the glass to her lips in celebration of that fact. Just as she finished the first glass of wine and poured another, her phone rang. Tonya smiled as she answered.

  “Hey,” Haley said

  “Hello,” Tonya answered. There was something about Haley’s tone that raised a red flag. “What’s wrong? Bad day?”

  Haley chuckled. “Yeah, but can I tell you that it’s sexy as all get-out that you know me like that?”

  “Yes, you can.”

  “It really, really is, and all it does is make me want you more.” Haley sighed. “Yeah, it was a bad day.”

  Despite the pleasant buzz of Haley’s compliment, Tonya forced herself to focus on more pressing matters. “Tim?”

  “Yeah,” Haley confirmed. “Even when things evened out, it was a shitty day. I know how you feel about us goin’ out on a weeknight, but I don’t want my night to end wrapped up in the clusterfuck it might have been. Can I come over?”

  She was tempted. The buzz became a heavy vibration that left her entire body humming. It was odd and refreshing, but she wasn’t going to make it easy, regardless of the situation. “That’s just semantics.”

  Haley chuckled. “I knew you were gonna say that. Tonya, c’mon, please?”

  Tonya brought a hand to her chest. It actually felt like somebody had reached inside and squeezed her heart. The need in Haley’s voice trumped everything else.

  “I thought about hangin’ out at Nate’s until they got home. They always know what to say to make me feel better. But they’re not you. I like the way you make me feel more.”

  Haley left her breathless.

  “You should’ve led with that.”

  “If that’s a yes, I promise that I’ll remember it for next time.”

  “It was a yes.” Tonya didn’t mean for her words to come out whisper-soft, but where Haley was concerned, she’d learned that her body did what it wanted. “Luckily, my father isn’t here, but he left what’s probably really good jambalaya in the fridge if you’re hungry.”

  “I am, actually. I have to tell you, though, I don’t care if he’s there or not. I still wanna see you. Would it have mattered to you?”

  “No.” Tonya’s answer was automatic and sincere. This was her home. This was her life.

  “I’m not far. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  Give or take fifteen minutes later, Tonya opened her door, smiled, and gave Haley the once-over. Her black T-shirt was embroidered with the words I’m a Fringe event and complemented by a pair of khaki cargo shorts. There was definite strain around Haley’s eyes and a stiffness to her posture. She looked exhausted. Haley had barely stepped inside when she pulled Tonya close.

  They kissed softly, and Haley relaxed against her. Knowing she had that kind of power over Haley was heady indeed.

  “Mmm, I needed that.” Haley grinned.

  Tonya tightened her hold around Haley’s neck. “Maybe I did too.”

  Haley’s grin widened. “Good to know.” She reached out and touched the rim of Tonya’s glasses. Haley’s expression morphed into something heated. “Jesus, I knew you’d be hot in those, but goddamn.”

  Tonya melted, and a jolt of electricity started in her chest, only to spread to her toes and back. All Tonya could do was stare. Haley’s eyes were so blue, and her expression was so open that Tonya could see truth in every word.

  “I really like the look on your face right now.”

  It was only fair, because Tonya really liked the way Haley was making her feel right now. “I don’t know…” she cleared her throat, “how to respond to that.”

  “You don’t have to. You already did.” Haley’s thumb traced over Tonya’s bottom lip. Heat pooled in Tonya’s stomach, and her heart rammed against her chest.

  Haley sucked in a breath and shook her head. It took an eternity for her to step away. “Uh, you said somethin’ about food?”

  Tonya blinked. She did? Their gazes remained locked for a few more smoldering seconds before becoming a simmer.

  “I did.” Tonya led Haley into the kitchen. She pointed toward the stools and opened the refrigerator. “Help yourself to a glass of wine if you want.”

  “I think I will. I’m not usually a wine person, but it tastes pretty good.”

  Tonya stopped what she was doing and glanced over her shoulder. Maybe simmer wasn’t the right word. There were way too many flames blazing around them for it to ever be something so benign.

  Haley looked at her innocently, but her grin gave it all away.

  She smiled in response.

  A few minutes later, they were talking as they ate.

  Haley moaned. “This is really good.”

  “I told you.”

  “You know what brand of sausage he uses?”

  “No idea. I just know its andouille.”

  “Some help you are.”

  “I try.” Tonya paused. “What happened today?”

  Haley kept eating. It was several minutes before she relayed the whole story.

  “I’m just thankful to whoever was listenin’ that I have some influence over him.”

  “Me too. There’s an obvious imbalance in your partnership right now. It sounds like you both realize that and are trying to compensate for it. So far, it’s been successful.”

  “You think it’ll stay that way?” Haley looked so hopeful. “I’ll toe the line for as long as I have to, as long as he’s open to it.”

  Tonya wanted to tell her yes, but she wasn’t going to lie. “I don’t know. You know him. What do you think?”

  Haley shook her head. “You should have seen us when we first started workin’ together. I couldn’t stand him. Hell, we couldn’t stand each other. Then, things changed, and here we are. He needs me. I’m his partner, and I’m willin’ to do whatever I can to help.”

  “Relationships evolve, especially if everyone involved is willing to change, but what you’re doing with Tang takes a special amount of patience. It’s… You’re very impressive.”

  Haley stared at her, and she blushed. It was charming. “Thank you?”

  Tonya smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  Soon, they moved to the living room.

  “Dear God, I’m so bringin’ my Xbox over here. Plugged into that TV, everythin’ would be epic. I guess I wasn’t payin’ attention when I first came in. What is that, fifty-five inches?”

  “Sixty,” Tonya answered as she sat on the couch.

  “That’s disgustin’. I love it.”

  Tonya laughed. “Do what you want with it. I’m barely in here. I’m not a big TV watcher.”

  “Oh, I know, and that’s so gonna change. I have so much work to do.” Haley grabbed the remote and eased down next to Tonya. “We’ll start with Buffy and work our way to Firefly, and before you know it you’ll be drooling over Game of Thrones.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do. I really, really do. I like a challenge.”

  “Yes, I’m aware.” Tonya chuckled and shook her head.

  “It’s good that you’re prepared.” Haley clicked on the guide.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “The Big Bang Theory reruns.”

  “The what?”

  “Shhh, just watch, and consider this a preliminary introduction.”

  Tonya rolled her eyes, but Haley was adorable in her geekiness. “Uh-huh.”

  Haley shushed her again. “Here we go.”

  One episode bled into another. Tonya laughed uproariously. She couldn’t remember ever doing that over a TV show. She was surrounded by laughter and Haley’s warmth. Tonya’s chest flooded with a realization, leaving her momentarily breathless. This was just another level of happiness. Feeling Haley’s burning gaze, Tonya glanced at her.

  Haley’s eyes were dazzling. Her expression was hungry. “Christ, look at you. How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself?”

nbsp; “I never said you had to.”

  Tonya moved first. She was sure of it. She surged forward, and they crashed together. Tonya whimpered before their lips even touched, and when they did, the world started to spin. She raked her hands through Haley’s hair, holding on to her and pulling her forward at the same time. Tonya couldn’t get close enough. The kiss was sloppy, uneven, and utterly arousing. Tonya’s nipples hardened as bona-fide evidence.

  Haley moaned, and before Tonya had time to savor it, she was being pulled onto Haley’s lap. Tonya broke away momentarily and admired the view. Haley’s lips were swollen. Her breathing was ragged, broken, and her eyes were nearly black.

  “Jesus,” Haley whispered.

  Then they were kissing again. Haley’s tongue teased the roof of Tonya’s mouth before licking against her teeth. Her hands inched under the back of Tonya’s shirt and she arched forward as if hit by a live current. Haley didn’t stop there, not until she was cupping Tonya’s breasts.

  Tonya wrenched her mouth away and cried out.

  Haley didn’t waste any time. As her thumb brushed against Tonya’s nipples, her teeth scraped against Tonya’s neck. In tandem, Haley’s fingertips and mouth went from whisper-soft to a firmness bordering on pain. Tonya pulled at Haley’s hair and moaned as pleasure arced through her. Her arousal pooled heavily between her legs, and as a result, Tonya’s hips began to thrust in search of friction. There was very little to speak of, but it just made Tonya work harder and want even more.

  Haley groaned as her hips shifted forward, rolling into Tonya’s. She nipped at Tonya’s ear. “You’re not the only one who has dreams,” Haley whispered raggedly. Her hips stilled as she slid a hand between their bodies. Tonya felt the brush of fingers between her legs, but there was barely any pressure. Then it was gone.

  Haley grabbed Tonya’s ass and yanked her forward…hard.

  Tonya gasped and whimpered. The sudden thickness pressed against her center sent a bolt of heat through her body so intense she couldn’t breathe.

  “You feel it.” Each word was spoken directly into Tonya’s ear.

  It wasn’t a question.

  “I’ve been waitin’ for a good time…” Haley tightened her hold on Tonya and lifted her own hips, grinding into her leisurely.

  Tonya didn’t recognize the sound that exited her throat. It was raw, wanton.

  “I think this is it,” Haley moaned. “It was just like this.”

  She loosened her grip, and Tonya met her thrust for thrust. This time the friction was maddening and in all the right places. Tonya made that sound again.

  “Yesss,” Haley encouraged.

  Haley’s voice, her words sent tingles through Tonya’s body, increasing her fervor.

  “You were ridin’ me, and I was so deep inside you—”

  “Oh God.” Tonya’s pace quickened. Her senses were fast becoming overwhelmed. All she could feel was Haley. All Tonya could see were the images her words evoked. Haley was everywhere.

  “That I couldn’t see straight. I didn’t wanna stop.” Haley’s lips trailed from Tonya’s ear to her mouth. Her kiss was soft, almost chaste considering what they were doing. Haley took control once more, moving Tonya’s hips in deep, slow circles and then with bruising intensity.

  Tonya felt a burning pressure building at the bottom of her spine. Cloying heat seeped through her. Every breath ended in a whimper.

  “No matter how much you came. No matter how h-hard.” Haley’s voice was strained, unsteady. She was just as affected. She was just as invested.

  Something flashed behind Tonya’s eyes, from red to a blinding white.

  “No matter how hard I did.” Haley whispered the words hotly.

  Tonya cried out once more and flew apart as an orgasm sloshed through her. Her hips bucked helplessly. Sensation after sensation bombarded her, wringing every ounce of pleasure from her and leaving her quivering. She slumped forward weakly.

  When the world righted itself, Tonya felt her damp curls being pushed back behind her ears. She couldn’t even remember when the hair tie had been removed. She opened her eyes, and Haley looked at her with such wonder, with such need. Tonya’s stomach contracted in response.

  When Haley touched her face, her hands were shaking. Tonya leaned into the caress and grasped Haley’s hand, bringing it to her mouth. Tonya kissed her palm.

  Haley whispered, “Holy Christ.”

  “Yes.” Tonya dipped her head. This time when they kissed, it was slower, more controlled, but no less heated, as if what happened previously was practice and this was the real event. Haley moaned into her mouth. The television flashed behind them, the audience laughing in the background. Tonya blocked it out and reached down, intent on pulling her shirt over her head.

  A throat cleared loudly.

  Startled by the sound, Tonya glanced up. Her stomach dropped for a very different reason. Tonya met her father’s gaze. His eyes were wide, and his face was pinched in shock and disgust. She’d seen that look on his face enough to know it.

  Haley’s body shifted and she turned as well. “Ah, shit.”


  As if moving through mud, Tonya stood slowly. “Daddy?”

  He was frozen, and his expression was as well. After a few more seconds, he turned and walked away.

  “Tonya?” Haley grabbed her hand.

  Tonya held on to it tightly. Anger clawed at her, but it quickly changed to fear. She and her father had taken a step forward. Had they just jumped fifty back?

  Haley got up off the couch and pulled her close. “What do you need me to do right now?”

  Tonya found it in herself to smile. Haley’s words touched her, and if she hadn’t already tunneled herself into Tonya’s heart, she would have done so at that moment. She brushed her lips against Haley’s. “Go home. I’ll be okay.”

  Haley sighed, her expression pleading. Despite that, she nodded. “I really don’t want to leave you alone—”

  “I can handle it. Don’t worry.”

  “You call me. I’m not kiddin’. I’ll come right back if—” Haley’s voice was stern as she hugged Tonya tight.

  “I know. I will.” Tonya kissed her again and returned the embrace. Then she walked Haley to the front door. She watched, waving as Haley drove away. To say the last few minutes between them had been rushed did not do it justice. Tonya closed the door and walked quickly from the living room into the kitchen.

  The area was empty, but she wasn’t all that surprised. It had been a long shot. She peeked out the kitchen window to make sure his truck was still parked in the driveway. It was. Tonya went from the kitchen to the hallway. The bathroom was dark but there was light spilling from under her father’s bedroom door. Not wanting to overthink the situation, Tonya took a deep breath and knocked. It was better to deal with this head-on.

  There was no response.

  Tonya wasn’t deterred. She knocked harder. Her father yanked the door open and stood there, tall and rigid. His face was like granite. They stared at each other.

  “Say something.”

  He looked away. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Did we just move back to square one?”

  Robert said nothing.

  “This wasn’t a secret.”

  He glanced at her. “No, suppose not.”

  Tonya was not in the mood to dance around the issue. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I’m trying, but this here mess, I don’t know how to deal with. I’m not ready for it to be in my face like that.”

  There was a tiny voice in her head, reminding her that there was a way to simplify all of this. All Tonya had to do was pretend for him, just as she had before. Behind his back, she could have Haley, and then, she could have a relationship with her father. Tonya could have it all. The thought of that level of regression nauseated her.

  “Haley is welcome here anytime she wants. I’m not going to sugarcoat my relationships for you anymore, Daddy.” Her tone was as sincere a
nd respectful as she could make it. “Maybe it’s best if you prepare yourself.”

  His mouth opened, but no words followed. For a second, he looked hurt, and then his eyes hardened. He stepped back and slammed the door in her face, and the wind it created ruffled Tonya’s hair.

  She barely jumped. She should have felt saddened by her father’s display, but his response wasn’t unexpected. He was a man stuck in his ways. Tonya refused to let the glue that had held him captive for all these years hold her back.

  Tonya knew what she wanted.

  She knew who she was, and Haley was her chance to finally just be.

  Suddenly, it seemed paramount to finish what she and Haley had started tonight. It was a big step forward, and Tonya was all about progress and momentum. For her own personal growth, and for them, as a couple, she needed to capitalize on this. They needed to solidify what they had. Before Tonya even realized that she’d moved, she was already in the kitchen. She ran up the stairs toward her room. Tonya’s breathing was irregular when she opened her closet door and entered, but it had nothing to do with exertion. Wooden hangers banged and rattled as she yanked her work clothes to the side in search for an outfit for tomorrow. Was she being presumptuous? Yes, she was, but Tonya was willing to take that chance. Somehow, she knew that Haley wouldn’t let her down.

  She found a suitable bag and filled it with clothing, shoes, and toiletries. As she passed her mirror for the umpteenth time in five minutes, Tonya stopped to look at herself. Her hair was literally all over the place, but it was the expression in her eyes that gave her pause. There was fire and fight in them. That brought a smile to her face. Tonya was also reminded that she was pretty much in pajamas, which probably wasn’t the most appropriate thing to drive around in at night. She took another ten minutes trying to find the right underwear and jeans.

  When Tonya opened the door to the garage, she was practically pulsating with excitement, anticipation, and achievement. She held on to that combination of feelings tightly as she pulled out of the driveway and into the street.


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