Book Read Free

Between the Lines

Page 30

by KD Williamson

  “I thought you were going to sleep.” Tonya’s body sang with anticipation.

  “Not yet.”

  * * *

  Haley awakened slowly. It was barely light out, but the sun was high enough to shoot some rays through the curtains. Haley inhaled deeply, blinked, and opened her eyes completely to look around the bedroom, Tonya’s bedroom. She moaned in contentment; that had to be one of the best nights’ sleep she’d had in forever. Tonya whimpered softly and tightened her embrace. She whispered, “Mama,” and Haley assumed she was in the middle of one of her good dreams.

  She tilted her head to look down at the woman sprawled over her chest. Haley grinned and rubbed a hand over Tonya’s naked back.

  This was the shit.

  Tonya whimpered again.

  The sound did something to her stomach and made her heart beat just a little faster. That…that feeling would never get boring, and it seemed to be getting bigger. If her mom felt this for her father, Haley understood the need to seek it out and try to replicate it. She understood Nate’s tears when he thought he’d lost it.

  “Mmm, did the alarm go off and I didn’t hear?” Tonya’s voice was soft and slurred.

  Haley stared at her. Tonya looked so sleepy. Her face was free of makeup, and she was still the hottest woman ever. Haley smiled, and it was huge enough and hard enough to make her face ache.

  Tonya covered Haley’s face with her hand. “You’re blurry, but I can still see that grin. Turn it down. It’s too bright.”

  Haley snorted. She kissed Tonya’s palm before she moved it away. “Good mornin’ to you too, and no, the alarm didn’t go off yet.”

  “Then, why are you up?”

  “Don’t know. I just am. Enjoyin’ myself, I guess.”

  Tonya hummed.

  “You can go back to sleep.”

  “Maybe. What time is it?”

  Haley reached out to the nightstand to get her phone. “Half past five…”

  Tonya groaned. “Well, I’d say it’s moot at this point.”

  “Surprised you didn’t set it for earlier. Not gonna go work out?”

  “No. Are you?”

  Haley chuckled. “We’re turnin’ into slackers.”

  “Hardly. I’d say we’ve been working out plenty.”

  “Very true.”

  Tonya scooted up, and their lips met in a lazy kiss. Haley traced her hands over Tonya’s back once more and didn’t stop until they slid over her ass. They stayed in that same position, bodies flushed and kissing softly until the alarm rang.

  Tonya moaned softly as she pulled away. She grabbed her phone to silence it and got her glasses as well. “Now you’re not so blurry.”

  “Mmm, good thing you know where my mouth is.”

  “Yes, good thing.” Tonya brushed her fingertips over Haley’s bottom lip. “I really like this…us.”

  Haley smiled. “Me too.”

  “Shouldn’t it be scary? I mean, I’ve never—”

  “Me either, and I’m not scared. I was at the beginnin’, but not anymore.”

  Tonya smiled and leaned down for another kiss. “Neither am I.”

  They got lost in each other for a few more minutes before Tonya pulled away reluctantly.

  “I need coffee.”

  “I’ll go get it. You get in the shower. I’m not gonna even ask to join you. We’d never get outta here.”

  “You’re probably right, but my father might be down there.”

  Haley shrugged. “If you can handle him, I can too.”

  “You shouldn’t have to.”

  “Ah, don’t even go there. It’s part of the package.”

  Tonya sighed. “Okay, but you might want to put some clothes on first.”

  “But I like makin’ an entrance.”

  Tonya glared.

  Haley laughed. “Okay, I know, duh.”

  A few minutes later, Haley took a deep breath as she went down the stairs. She could smell coffee, but when she got in the kitchen, no one was there. There was an open paper sitting on the island. Haley was relieved. She didn’t want to start the morning with saying the wrong thing. She opened the cabinets until she found the coffee mugs and went to the refrigerator to see what kind of creamer Tonya had on hand. Café Mocha would do just fine. After filling her own cup with way too much of the stuff, she added coffee and took a long sip.

  Haley heard footsteps and stiffened. She glanced over her shoulder to see Tonya’s father entering the kitchen.

  He stopped and stared.

  She stared right back. “Coffee?”

  He blinked, then storm clouds took over his face, but he didn’t say a word. He sat on his stool in front of his paper.

  Okay, then.

  Haley turned back to the empty mug and prepared it for Tonya, adding a dollop of creamer and two packets of Splenda. She felt his gaze but brushed it aside.

  “That’s not how she takes her coffee.” His tone was really close to being pouty.

  She didn’t look at him. Haley opened the cabinet and reached for a third mug. “Yeah, it is.” She kept her tone soft, respectful. “How do you take yours?”

  He grunted and flipped through the paper hard enough to rip the pages. Haley filled the mug and set it in front of him. “Black, then.”

  She went back to the counter and untied the cinnamon-raisin bread, putting two pieces in the toaster. It was time for Haley to buy Tonya a new loaf for her place. There was only one slice left. Haley glanced in his direction. He was staring at her. “Want some?” She held up the bread.

  Robert grunted again.

  Haley’s attention went to the stairs as Tonya came down. The dark slacks only hinted at her curves, and the beige shirt didn’t show a speck of cleavage. It was a minor shame, but she was still sexy and elegant. Haley grinned, not just because of Tonya, but because of Robert staring at her while she stared at his daughter. She wondered what he saw.

  Tonya returned the smile tentatively. Then her gaze landed on her father. “Good morning, Daddy.”

  “Morning,” he grumbled and went back to his paper.

  Tonya looked at Haley and mouthed, “Okay?”

  Haley nodded. “I made your toast.”

  “Thank you.” Tonya patted her stomach as she walked around Haley and finished preparing her breakfast. “You should’ve made eggs.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” Haley smirked. Tonya did like her eggs. She glanced at the time on the microwave. “I better go. I still need to go home.”

  “I don’t know why you didn’t bring your uniform. Do it next time. Things will be easier.” Tonya smiled and dipped a piece of toast in her coffee.

  Next time. She so liked the sound of that. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Haley was tempted to pull Tonya close but decided against it. She moved toward the stairs instead.

  “What does she do? Work for UPS?”

  Haley stopped and listened.

  “No, Daddy. She’s a police officer with the NOPD.” Tonya’s tone was irritated.

  He grunted.

  Haley shook her head and started walking again. She was sure he had more to say, but she didn’t want to hear it.

  * * *

  Tang winced for the umpteenth time when he leaned back in his seat. Haley studied him. He looked a little tired but otherwise all right.

  “You hurt your back or somethin’?”

  He stilled. “What?”

  Haley stared at him, but he wouldn’t look at her. “Your back? You keep making this face like you’re in pain.”

  Tang glanced at her. “You’re seein’ things.”


  “Uh, no, I’m not. I’m a cop; that makes me observant.”

  “No, it doesn’t,” he sputtered.


  “What?” He practically screamed.

  “What the fuck? For real? You just yelled at me because I expressed concern.” She continued to stare at his profile.

  He pressed his lips into a thin line. “You know
I have a lot—”

  “Goin’ on. Yeah, I know that, but what does it have to do with you bein’ hurt? You have two bedrooms. I know you’re not sleepin’ on the couch.” She couldn’t let it go. Haley wasn’t sure why yet, but she couldn’t.

  “It’s fine.”

  “What’s fine?”

  “That woman of yours.”


  He stopped at a red light and glanced at her. There was a haunted look in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. “We had an accident.”

  “We? You mean you and Milt?”


  He went quiet, and after five minutes, Haley’d had enough. “That’s all you’re gonna say.”

  “Rook…Haley, just leave it. Nothin’ you can do about it, and there’s sure as fuck nothin’ I can do either.”

  Something cold slithered at the bottom of Haley’s stomach. That feeling in her gut gave her an idea of what it was. As he turned the car, Haley reached out and swiped her hand down his back.

  “Shit!” Tang’s face reddened.

  “Pull over. Let me see.”


  “Just…please pull over.”

  He looked at her. His expression was unreadable, but he did as she asked and turned into the Dollar General parking lot.

  They sat there for several minutes.

  “Show me,” Haley said softly.

  Tang exhaled noisily. He turned and pulled his shirt out of his pants.

  Haley didn’t say a word. There were deep scratches on his back, from his shoulder to the middle. A bandage covered just the ends of it. The rest was angry and red.

  “Milt did this?”

  “Yeah, he didn’t mean to. He…was havin’ a bad night.” He paused. “I was tryin’ to patch myself up. Couldn’t reach all of it.”

  Her heart broke a little. “I’m gonna go in the store and get some supplies. I’ll take care of it.”

  He glanced over his shoulder. His face was flushed, and his eyes were unreadable again. “I hate my life.”

  Haley got out of the car. She paused when she entered the store and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She pressed number One on her speed dial and scanned the store for the first aid products.

  Tonya picked up right away.

  “Hey, I know you’re busy. I hate to cut into your day.”

  “I have a minute. What’s wrong?”

  Haley swallowed. “I just needed to hear your voice. I needed to hear somethin’ good.”

  Tonya made a soft sound. “Bad day?”

  “A little bit, yeah.”

  “I miss you.”

  Haley’s breath caught. They’d just parted ways less than six hours before. “Yeah?”


  “I miss you too. Can I see you tonight?”

  “Yes, but I have my therapy appointment, so it will have to be later. Your place or mine?”

  “I don’t care, Tonya. I just wanna see you.” Haley found the band aids and gauze. She even picked up some ointment.

  “God, Haley.”

  “Yeah.” Her heart was about to jump right out of her chest, but before they could go any further, the sound of someone knocking on Tonya’s door came through the phone. Haley sighed. “You gotta go?”

  “I do. You want me to call you later?”

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll just see you tonight.”

  When she hung up, Haley felt like she could take on just about anything. Hell, she was already neck-deep in a relationship, something she’d sworn wasn’t for her. But if Tonya continued to express herself like that, Haley knew she must be doing something right.

  She got back into the car. Tang looked at her before muttering, “Thanks.” He turned and lifted his shirt again.

  Instead of touching the scratches, Haley squeezed out Neosporin on the gauze and taped it to his skin. “Did I miss anythin’?” She pulled his shirt up higher, but there was nothing.


  Haley was already moving his collar aside. That’s when she saw the bite mark. “Jesus.” She slathered cream on a huge band aid and covered it. “You need to get that looked at. Human bites—”

  “I know.” Tang was firm.

  “Does he do this to the nurse?”


  “Was he like this before?”

  “No. Can we just stop talkin’ about it? Not gonna change it. Nurse is there during the day, and I’m the night shift. That’s how it’s gonna be until he fuckin’ dies.”

  Haley didn’t say anything.

  “Shit, I didn’t mean that. I’m just…tired already, and it hasn’t even been that long.” He undid his belt and pants to tuck his shirt back in.

  “Eight twenty-two report of a 94 in progress at 8700 Edisburgh.”

  Tang sighed. “Just a lovely fuckin’ day.” He picked up the radio. “This is eight twenty-two. ETA five minutes. What’s the word on backup?”

  Another car in the vicinity chimed in.

  When they got to the address, there were people standing in the street looking toward the house in question and talking. Haley got out of the car and asked the person closest to her, “Did you hear gunshots?”

  The woman nodded. “There were a lot of them a few minutes ago.”

  “Thanks, ma’am.” Haley stepped in front of the crowd. “For your own safety, everyone please move back to the other side of the street.”

  People grumbled, but they moved.

  Their backup arrived, and Tang took charge. “We need one of you on crowd control and the other around back in case we get a runner.” His expression was serious, but his eyes were unreadable again. “Rook, you and me to the front.”

  Haley nodded.

  They approached the house. When they stepped onto the porch, Haley covered her nose. “Smell that?”

  “Yeah, chemicals. Probably a meth lab. Be careful.”

  Haley rang the bell, then knocked. “NOPD! Open up!”

  They stood on opposite sides of the door.

  She leaned in slightly. Haley didn’t hear anything.

  Tang motioned that he was going to look in the window.

  Haley knocked again.

  She glanced at Tang. He shook his head, then stepped back and reached up to his shoulder, talking into his radio. “Waller, check in the windows back there.”

  “On it.”

  A second later. “I count three, all on the floor. No movement.”

  “Hold your position,” Tang whispered.


  He nodded at Haley and held up five fingers. She unholstered her weapon and he did the same. When he lowered the last finger, Tang kicked the door in. The wood split violently. The door hung off its hinges.

  They hesitated.


  Haley stepped inside quickly. She scanned the living room. The chemical stench was overwhelming. The French doors leading to the bedroom were ajar. She held up her hand, signaling Tang to stay back. Easing to the far right side, Haley peeked through the glass. Way in the left corner, a man sat slumped against the wall. Blood covered his chest. Haley watched him for a few seconds, checking for movement.

  His arm twitched, and he groaned. That’s when she saw the gun in his hand. Haley waved Tang inside and pointed toward the bedroom. She mouthed, “Ambulance,” then squatted and slipped through the opening in the doors.

  Haley stood tall and pointed her gun at the potential perp.

  He tilted his head back and looked at her.

  “Drop the gun,” Haley whispered harshly.

  He blinked but did as he was told. His legs were splayed. It fell between them. He probably didn’t have the ability to fire a weapon anyway. Haley kicked it out of the way.

  Tang came up beside her. “Is there anybody else here?”

  “Dead. Kitchen.” The man smiled and started to laugh but ended up choking instead. Blood oozed from his mouth. His chest heaved. His breathing was loud and liquid-sounding. He tilted his h
ead to the side again, and everything just stopped.

  “Shit. His day is a lot worse than mine.”

  Haley couldn’t agree more. She reached in her pocket for gloves. After putting them on, she pressed her fingers against his neck for a pulse. There wasn’t one. “Help me lay him down.”

  “Yeah, but it’s better if Sims does first aid and waits for the EMTs while we look around. I’d rather have you with me.”

  Haley nodded. She could understand that.

  Tang touched the radio on his shoulder. “Sims? Got your medic bag with you?”


  “Get in here. We had a live one as of a minute ago. Looks like multiple GSWs to the chest.”

  “On my way.”

  “Waller, take over for Sims on crowd control.”

  “I was already on my way,” Waller said.

  Haley stood as Sims arrived.

  “Ambulance should be here in a couple minutes. We’re gonna have a look around. Vic said everybody else was dead. I’m not gonna take his word for it. I’ll take the kitchen and whatever else is back that way. Look for the bathroom and any other bedrooms. Be careful.” Tang pointed to the right.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Haley moved quietly but quickly toward the opposite side of the house. There seemed to be only one other room down a short hallway. The door was open slightly. She hugged the wall and listened for activity, but there was nothing to hear. Still, she yelled, “NOPD!” and kicked the door all the way open, keeping her gun low and ready.

  It was the bathroom, and it was empty. She walked in, and if the contraption in the bathtub wasn’t a dead giveaway that all of this was drug deal gone wrong, the containers of acetone, muriatic acid, and all the other crap was overkill. There were two black duffle bags sitting on top of the toilet. They were both unzipped. One was filled with at least a couple pounds of product. The other one was a lot smaller but had what looked to be more than ten banded straps of twenty-dollar bills stuffed in it. With usually two thousand bucks per band, it was safe to say there was potentially a shitload of money. “Holy fuck.” There was no way to be sure. Without CSU and detectives on the scene, Haley couldn’t touch the bag. She moved forward. That didn’t mean she couldn’t get a closer look.


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