Between the Lines

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Between the Lines Page 37

by KD Williamson

  “Why?” Tonya asked again, just as loudly.

  Haley met Tonya’s gaze, and what Tonya saw there left her breathless.

  “Because I love you.”

  Everything around them fell away.

  “I’m supposed to protect you whether you want me to or not. I’m supposed to be there for you. I’m supposed to sacrifice for you.”

  “I thought I heard yelling.”

  They both turned to look at her father.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “There’s somethin’ I need to take care of anyway,” Haley said.

  “You can’t just leave after saying all that!”

  “I know, but I need to go talk to Tim before he does somethin’ else crazy. The last thing y’all need is for cops to come sniffin’ around.”

  “I’m coming with you, then.”

  “No, you’re not.” Haley’s nose flared. Her eyes narrowed. She meant business.

  “Why the hell not?” So did Tonya.

  “Us gangin’ up on him could make things worse.” Haley closed the gap between them. She wrapped her hand around Tonya’s waist. “Please, let me handle this.”

  Haley pressed her lips to Tonya’s forehead. The burst of feeling that resulted sent Tonya’s heartbeat back into a tailspin. Haley loved her, and she had feelings, so many feelings. But Tonya was still angry. They needed to talk, and soon. She took a deep breath and gave in. “Be careful, please, and call me when you get there.”

  Haley’s lips trailed down to her cheek and then her mouth. “I will.” Then she kissed Tonya like she was trying to rob her of breath.

  Tonya watched as Haley drove away. She turned around quickly. She’d forgotten that her father had interrupted them, but he was gone. Haley’s speech about sacrifice, protection, and being there reverberated. Even though his moving out was the right decision, maybe she had been too hard on him about the whole drug-trafficking thing, and maybe it would be good for both of them if she told him so.

  Chapter 29

  Haley’s heart didn’t start beating normally until she got past the tollbooth. She could have lost Tonya, but she hadn’t. Then there was the expression on Tonya’s face when she told her how she felt. She’d seen surprise, wonder, heat, and more. Haley was sure she could live a lifetime on that look alone. Her sense of relief was overwhelming. Plus, the monkey on her back was gone, and she allowed herself to feel the lightness of that for a hot minute. When the minute was up, she had some hard truths to face.

  She’d fucked up.

  At least she knew now instead of later that leaving would make Tim lose his shit. But this wasn’t about him anymore. It wasn’t about her either. Tonya and her family were the ones in the crosshairs, and she had to get them out.

  If he’d already done something to make the police take notice, Tim had lost every bit of leverage he had with her. There was nothing keeping her from turning him in. Nothing. He had to be bluffing. He’d called Tonya to rattle her, to rattle them. The more she thought about it, the more pissed she got.

  Anger wouldn’t help her, though. He’d find a way to use it somehow and put them in deeper shit. She’d cancel the transfer if she had to. She’d even pretend that everything was fine, but first she’d try reasoning with him. She had to find some way to get in a reasoning mood first, and she had no idea how to do that. Haley was boiling on the inside. Didn’t she have the right to be happy? Didn’t she have the right to find a partner she could trust? Was Tim that fucking miserable that he wanted to pull everyone else into the black hole he was sitting in?

  Haley’s phone rang, and she snatched it up when she saw Tonya’s name.


  Tonya’s tone was low and soft; it felt like a caress. Haley let it wrap around her. “I’m not there yet. I wasn’t gonna forget to call you.”

  “I know.”

  “Is everythin’ okay?”

  “No, it’s not, but talking to you helps. It always has.”

  Something inside Haley melted. “I’m probably not in the right frame of mind to help anybody right now.”

  “See, I used to think your openness and the way you just put yourself out there was because you were young, but I figured out fairly quickly that it was you being you. I know you’re angry right now, and you feel guilty too.”

  “Well, yeah. I shoulda thought things through. This wouldn’t be happenin’ otherwise.” Haley gripped the steering wheel hard and hiked up her speed to eighty-five.

  “Listen to me. This isn’t your fault. You can’t take responsibility for someone else’s behavior.”

  “The whole thing is like some twisted game of dominoes. I do something, and he knocks things down around me.”

  “Haley, no. Tim started this. Even though his reasons were altruistic, he started this, and he pulled you into it. The fact that you’re feeling this way means he got to you. It means he’s already won in a way.”

  Haley went quiet.

  “You have nothing to feel guilty about.”

  That just didn’t ring true. “I hurt…you.” Haley’s tone was thick, hesitant.

  “Yes, you did, and we’ll talk about that, but I need you to listen to me. My family has been through hell and back, and we’ve been broken many times. We’re still here, and we’re still trying. A stupid, pointless police investigation won’t pull us under again. I know we’re hanging on by a thread, but it’s a very sturdy one. Even with everything that’s happened the past few months, I think we’re stronger, and we’re moving toward common ground despite our own stubbornness. Even if we don’t get any closer, we’ll survive this too.”

  Her breath stilted in her chest. “Tonya, I—”

  “No, you need to know. No matter what happens, my family will be what it is. I know you’re going to feel whatever you feel—”



  She’d heard everything Tonya said and did her best to internalize it. She didn’t feel any less raw, but things didn’t seem as dark. “I guess…I mean, I’m just realizin’ that maybe I have a little bit of a hero complex.”

  Tonya didn’t respond, but then Haley heard a chuckle.

  “No kidding?”

  Haley smiled. “No kiddin’.”

  “I’m mad at you.”

  “I know you are.”

  “But that doesn’t change the way I feel.”

  Another wave of relief rolled through Haley. She knew that already, but to actually hear it was a completely different thing. “Thank God.”

  “Just remember what I said. No matter what happens, we’ll all get through this.”

  Twenty minutes later, Haley put her truck in park. It was just starting to get dark. Tim’s place was lit up like Christmas. His outside and living room lights were on. She could even see the commercial playing on TV. Maybe he was waiting.

  Talking to Tonya had obviously helped because she didn’t feel as much like strangling him. So there was that. This was probably as rational as she was going to get, and she hoped to God that he was there too. She sent a text to Tonya, and once she got a reply, she got out of her truck.

  Haley rang the doorbell. Tim opened the door a few seconds later. They stared at each other. His eyes were hard, but they were sad as well. He stepped out of the way to let her in.

  His living room looked like hurricane force winds had blown through it. Haley didn’t say anything. She walked right past him and moved shit off the couch so that she could sit down.

  “No point in doin’ that. Just say what you gotta say and leave.”

  “It’s like that, huh?” Haley turned to look at him.

  Tim nodded. “It’s like that.”

  Haley wasn’t going to give up that easily. “All you’re doin’ is hurtin’ a lot of people.”

  “Well, I’d say that makes us fuckin’ even.”

  Rather than look up at him over the couch, Haley got up. She took a deep breath. “You started all this. Doesn’t make sense to get pissy becau
se the people you tried to fuck over didn’t fall in line.” She did her best to swallow down her rising anger.

  He glared. “You didn’t even give me a chance to try to fix things, so fuck you.”

  So much for rational. “Do you even hear what you’re sayin’? You sound crazy. I swear to God, Tim, if you start this bullshit on the Prestons, I’ll go to IAB and tell them everything. I might take a hit, but they’ll come down on you so fuckin’ hard. Then where will Milt be, huh? Supposedly this has all been about him. What would be the point?”

  Part of her wanted to tell him that she would stay, and that they would work it out somehow, but it wasn’t the right thing to do. She knew that now. They would just go down this road again if she did or said something Tim couldn’t deal with.

  He didn’t say anything for a long time. Haley watched emotions on his face come and go: anger, fear, sadness, and resignation. Maybe she had him.

  “That girl of yours is feisty as hell. Best fuck you ever had. Am I right? Gonna be kinda hard to do that when they start investigatin’. It’ll look bad for both y’all. Damn shame.” Tim smiled.

  The fucker smiled, and before she knew what was happening, Haley was over the back of the couch and punching him in the face. His nose crunched under her fist, and it was so very satisfying.

  Tim cried out and stumbled backward. He wiped the blood off his mouth and came at her. He telegraphed his swing toward her face, and Haley blocked it easily. She retaliated with a fist to his stomach. He doubled over.

  Haley stepped back. Rage pummeled her, and she didn’t want to let it win. This wasn’t who she was. Slowly, Tim stood. She met his gaze. She saw his pain, but there was something else. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction.

  Tim wanted this. Did he want to be punished? Did he want to punish her? She wasn’t sure, but some of the anger leaked right out of her. She couldn’t do this. It was wrong. All of this was wrong.

  “I’m not doin’ this with you. You were like family.”

  He wiped his mouth again and spat on the floor. His chest was heaving. “Bullshit. Family sticks together no matter what.”

  Haley shook her head. “No, if you thought of me that way, you never woulda done what you did to me. You don’t treat people you care about that way. Don’t you know that?”

  “What you doin’ to my boy?”

  Haley turned toward the voice, and the floor fell from under her. Milt stood in the hallway. In one hand he had his cane. In the other, he had Tim’s service weapon. He moved forward slowly. His cane scraped against the floor, and his hand, the one that held the gun, shook.

  “Uncle Milt, I’m okay. This is Haley. Remember? My partner.” Tim kept his voice soft.

  Milt swung the gun toward Tim. “No, it ain’t. Why you let him put his hands on you like that? Ya know how ta take a punch. Made sure of that. And ya know how ta giv ’em.” He turned back to Haley.

  The gun wobbled, his hand was trembling so bad.

  “Git outta my house.”

  Haley didn’t say a thing. Her heart was racing like it was going to pop out of her chest, but she did the best she could to breathe through it. Fear kept her alert, but the desire to live took over everything else. She held up her hands, palms out, and backed away, but she had no intention of leaving. There was a clip in the gun. She hoped the safety was on. With the way things were going, Haley couldn’t be sure. She glanced at Tim. If he could distract Milt long enough, Haley could ease back around and disarm him.

  “Give me the gun, Uncle Milt. I’ll make sure she leaves.”

  “I ain’t givin’ you nothin’. I’m tryin’ to clean up your mess.” He lowered the Glock as he talked, but it was still aimed at Tim. He was wagging it like a finger.

  Haley took another step. She brushed against Tim.

  “Don’chu touch ’im!”

  Tim stepped in front of her. “She’s leavin’! Just give it to me. I’ll get you back to bed, and this’ll be over.”

  “Bullshit!” He raised the gun.

  “Uncle Milt!”

  A shot rang out.

  Haley was pushed to the floor. She didn’t stay put long. She crawled quickly toward the couch. When she got there, she peered around it.

  Tim was lying in a pool of blood. Her heart sank, but she couldn’t let her attention linger.

  “Timmy, git up. Why ya on the floor?” Milton still had the gun in his hand as he looked around the room in confusion.

  This was Haley’s chance, and she took it. Moving as fast and as quietly as she could, she didn’t stop until she was behind him. When he went to turn around, it was already too late. Haley knocked the gun out of his hand and kicked it across the room.

  Her priority now was Tim.

  Dread filled her. He wasn’t moving. “Don’t do this. Don’t fuckin’ do this.” Haley felt for a pulse. It was there, barely. He groaned, and his head turned slightly. That was at least something. Haley didn’t know she was crying until she tasted tears. “Try not to move. I know it hurts.” Tim groaned again. He met her gaze. He was pale, sweaty, and his eyes were glassy. Haley grabbed whatever she could find to press against the wound in his abdomen and fished out her phone to called 911.

  She did her best to ignore his cry of pain.

  “Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?”

  “This is Officer Haley Jordan, badge number 1264. My partner is down. I repeat, officer down. Gonna need two ambulances.” She gave dispatch the address.

  Haley dropped to her knees and continued to apply pressure.

  Milton was behind her, sobbing.

  “It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.” She said the words, but Haley wasn’t sure if she believed them.

  * * *

  Haley stood around with fellow cops and detectives. As she gave them a preliminary report, she kept one eye on the EMTs working on Tang.

  Milton had already been transported to Tulane.

  “What happened to his face?” one of the detectives asked.

  “I did that.”

  Someone from CSU walked up to her with a swab. Haley held out her hands. They were checking for gunshot residue.

  “So really? You guys were fighting over a woman?”

  “Yes.” It was accurate, in a way.

  “This is some story you’re telling.” The detective sounded doubtful.

  “It’s true. Once CSU pieces everythin’ together, you’ll see.”

  The EMTs wheeled Tang out.

  “I’m goin’ with him.”

  “I don’t think so, Jordan.” The detective stepped in front of her.

  “Anybody here go by Rook?”

  It was one of the best sounds she’d ever heard. “That’s me!”

  One of the EMTs waved her over.

  Haley looked the detective in the eye. “I’m goin’ with him. I’ll be at the hospital if you have more questions.” On the surface, it looked bad for her, but any evidence at this point was circumstantial. Besides, if she wanted to finish him, he had to know she wouldn’t do it in front of two EMTs as witnesses.

  The detective’s jaw clenched, but he backed off.

  A few seconds later, Haley walked beside the gurney.

  “He’s in and out of consciousness, but he asked for you.”

  Haley nodded.

  “You riding with us?” the EMT asked.

  “Yeah. Tulane?”

  “Tulane,” he answered.

  Once they were inside, Haley pulled out her phone.

  Just wanted 2 let u kno I’m ok. I’ll call u in 10 minutes.

  A few seconds later, Tonya replied.

  U sure?

  Yes. Will tell u everything I promise.

  The technician hunched over Tang touched her elbow. “He’s awake again and asking for you.”

  Tang looked at her. His gaze was tired, pained, and tortured. Haley leaned over him, turned her head to the side, and hovered close to his mouth.


  Haley wasn’t sure, but she thought
that’s what he said.

  She nodded, and when she looked down again his eyes were closed. The tech put the mask back over his nose and mouth. He’d done some unforgivable things to her, but Tang had also saved her life.

  * * *

  Haley walked back and forth in front of trauma room one. She tried to check on Milton a few minutes earlier, but they wouldn’t give her any information. It was strange how calm she was even though she felt so lost. She pressed her phone to her lips. The trauma room door opened, and Haley moved out of the way.

  “What’s goin’ on?” She aimed her question at the group of medical personnel crowded around Tang’s gurney. He was still unconscious.

  A young man was the first to speak. “He’s stable, but his spleen needs to be removed. He’s going to surgery now. Is there any family that needs to be notified?”

  Haley closed her eyes and sighed. It wasn’t pity she was feeling; she couldn’t figure out what it was. “No, there isn’t. His uncle is here too. He’s not lucid enough to care what’s goin’ on.” Haley paused. “Is he…gonna be okay?”

  The doctor smiled. “His chances are really good.”

  “Thanks, Doctor.”

  He nodded, and they all disappeared down the hall.

  Haley looked down at her phone again. She had another doctor to talk to.

  She made her way to the waiting room and sat down. It was nearly full, but she found an empty section toward the back.


  “I was just about to call you. Ten extra minutes is way too much leeway.”

  “Well…” Haley didn’t even know where to start.

  “Haley, something happened, didn’t it?” Tonya’s voice was shaky.

  Haley released a long breath. “Yeah. I’m okay, though. I didn’t get hurt. I’m at Tulane.”

  “Then, who…what’s going on?” Tonya’s tone was urgent, worried. “I’m on my way. We can still talk. Tell me everything.”

  Haley did, and by the time she was done, she was completely numb.

  “This is so fucked-up.”

  “Yes, it is, but you’re not alone, okay? Did you call Nate and Jen?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Click over and do that. I’ll hang on. They’ll get there faster.”


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