Between the Lines

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Between the Lines Page 38

by KD Williamson


  Nate’s phone rang a couple times before he answered. “Hey!”

  “Nate,” Haley said hoarsely.

  “Shit. What happened?”

  “Me and Tang got in a fight. His uncle tried to shoot me, but Tang jumped in the way. We’re at Tulane in the ER.”

  “Oh God. Are you okay?” Nate sounded like he was running. “Just tell me you’re okay.”

  “I’m not hurt.” It felt like she’d repeated the same thing fifty times already.

  “Thank fuckin’ God. We’re comin’. You call Tonya?”

  “She’s on the other line.”

  “Okay, good.” He still sounded out of breath. Her voice was muffled, but she could hear Jen in the background.

  “Is she—”

  “Yeah, she’s okay, and Tonya’s on the other end.”

  “Tell her we’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” Jen said.

  “Haley?” Nate asked.

  “I heard. See you soon.”

  Haley said her good-byes and clicked back over. “I’m back. They’re on the way.”

  “I had a dream a couple nights ago that I took you home for the first time to meet my mother.”


  “Yes.” Tonya’s voice was soft, soothing. “When you saw her, you whispered in my ear and told me she was hot. I pushed you away from me and glared, but you smiled and tried to look innocent.”

  “That sounds like me.” Haley knew what Tonya was doing, trying to divert and relax her. It was working. She was completely focused on Tonya.

  “It does. She was cooking, and you asked if you could help.”

  “What was she cookin’?”

  “Shrimp creole.”


  “I know, right? I sat down to watch. Within ten minutes, you’d totally charmed her. She was laughing so hard. She told me to hang on to you.”

  Haley smiled. She was suddenly so damn tired. “I’m not goin’ anywhere.”

  “I know. Neither am I.”

  “I know.” Haley covered her mouth as she yawned.

  “You must be exhausted.”

  “Yeah, you gonna stay with me tonight?”

  “Of course I will.”

  Several minutes later, Haley nearly jumped out of her skin when arms wrapped around her. She turned to see Jen, who untangled herself and sat down beside Haley. Nate took the other side.

  He smiled and put an arm over her shoulder.

  “Are they there?” Tonya asked.

  Haley looked from Nate to Jen and back again. “Yeah.”

  “Let them take care of you. I’ll be there soon.”


  Jen leaned into her and patted her on the knee as she asked what happened. She was surrounded by warmth and love. Haley tried to swallow and found that it wasn’t all that easy. She tried to take a deep breath, only to find that it hurt. Her chest burned as she gasped. Her eyes prickled, and she let the tears come, telling them everything.

  * * *

  Tonya knew Haley wasn’t hurt, but she had to see the evidence with her own eyes. That sense of urgency made her jog around the cars in the parking garage and to the elevator.

  Her own heart slithered around in her chest. She dialed back her anger at Tim for putting them all in this situation in the first place, and whatever resentment she felt toward Haley went on the backburner. This wasn’t about her or them as a couple anymore. This was all about Haley. Haley needed her, and Tonya was determined to be there for her.

  The elevator was taking too long. Tonya moved quickly toward the door that led to the stairs. It creaked as it opened, and Tonya ran. By the time she got to the emergency room, she was breathless, but it had nothing to do with physical exertion. She scanned the waiting room, and for a few seconds everything stopped as she spotted them. Haley had her head on Nate’s shoulder, and her eyes were closed. Jen’s arm was around them both.

  Tonya was nearly brought to her knees by the flood of emotions. Then Haley opened her eyes. Her smile was wide but sad. The world shifted under Tonya’s feet. She didn’t realize that she’d moved toward them. Nate stood and hugged her, and like it was commonplace, Tonya hugged him back. Jen took her hand and squeezed it as she scooted over, leaving a seat next to Haley free.

  Tonya had the sudden realization that her family was much bigger than she thought.

  She reached for Haley once she was seated, and their lips met. A sound rumbled in Tonya’s chest, one of thankfulness and satisfaction. Haley tangled her hand in Tonya’s hair, deepening the kiss. By the time she pulled back, Tonya was breathless again.

  “Hey,” Haley whispered.

  “Mmm.” Tonya’s gaze went from Haley’s eyes to her mouth and back. She brushed her thumb against Haley’s lips and trailed it over her cheek.

  “You not talkin’ to me?”

  Tonya smiled at the familiar words.

  “Love those dimples.”

  Her smile widened.

  “I love you.”

  Tonya shivered and her breathing hitched. It felt like fireworks were going off in her chest. There was so much she wanted to say.

  Haley grinned, sincere and bright, like she’d discovered something. “And I gotta say, lovin’ the way you’re lookin’ at me too.” She paused and exhaled shakily. “Everythin’s gonna be all right.”

  Haley didn’t sound too convinced, but Tonya was going to try to rectify that. She kissed her gently. “Yes, it is.”

  Somewhere around them, a child started to cry. Tonya had forgotten they weren’t alone. She glanced up, and people were staring. Nate and Jen had moved. She scanned the area to find them leaning against the wall behind their row of chairs.

  Nate smiled softly.

  Tonya nodded and wrapped herself back up in Haley.

  It was almost four hours later when the doctor appeared again.

  Haley looked up at him, eager for his report. She squeezed Tonya’s hand, and Tonya squeezed back harder.

  “We stopped all the bleeding. No other organs were affected, and we did some things to guard against infection. It went well. He’s stable and strong. He should be able to go home in about a week, but the recovery time to get back to a regular daily schedule is four to six weeks.”

  Tonya turned to Haley, who stiffened for a moment and then visibly relaxed. Her eyes were watery but her smile was wide. It was obvious that despite everything, she cared for Tim a lot. Tonya was pleased for her, and thankful for a break in the chaos that had been surrounding them.

  “Can I see him? He doesn’t have anybody else.”

  The doctor nodded. “He’s not awake yet, but you can have a few minutes.”

  “When he wakes up, can you let him know I was here?”

  “I’ll make sure one of the nurses passes that along. I’ll take you to him.”

  Haley turned to Tonya. “I’ll be back.”

  Tonya let her go.

  * * *

  Tonya blinked groggily. She wasn’t sure why she was fighting sleep. She watched and felt Haley’s chest slowly rise and fall. She thought Haley would’ve had trouble sleeping, but after she ate a couple bowls of cereal, she was dead to the world as soon as her head hit the pillow. It was a good sign, and Tonya was able to relax. She blinked again, and allowed the sound of Haley’s breathing lull her to sleep.

  Tonya woke up moaning. Her back arched as she chased the warm, wet suction surrounding her breast. “Haley.”

  All she heard was ragged breathing.

  Haley trailed her lips up Tonya’s torso, leaving the flesh in her wake sensitized and tingling. Tonya yanked at the T-shirt bunched up around her neck and tossed it to parts unknown. Haley whimpered as their lips met.

  Their kiss was heated, desperate.

  Tonya tangled her hands in Haley’s hair and wrapped her legs around her waist. She moaned. Haley had already removed her own clothing. Skin met skin. Shamelessly, Tonya undulated her hips against Haley’s stomach. She was already aroused a
nd needy.

  Haley rolled over, bringing Tonya with her.

  It was then that Tonya realized what Haley wanted, what she needed.

  “Touch me,” Haley whispered into the kiss.

  With a teasing swipe of her tongue, Tonya ended the kiss and sat up, straddling Haley’s thighs. She continued to rub herself along Haley’s abdomen.

  Haley moaned, “Hurry.”

  She was powerful even like this. Strong, sleek, and wanton.

  Tonya cupped Haley’s breasts. The hardened points of Haley’s nipples nearly burned the palms of her hands. She latched on to them aggressively, rolling and pulling at the aroused tips until Haley cried out and bucked beneath her. It was only then that she took one deep into her mouth. She went from one to the other.


  The urgency in Haley’s voice made Tonya shiver. There was to be no waiting, no teasing. Not right now. Keeping her mouth where it was, Tonya moved to the side. She hooked her leg over one of Haley’s powerful thighs.

  Haley’s hand slid down her own torso and went straight to her sex. “Yesss!” Her movements were frantic, hungry.

  Overwhelmingly aroused by the sight before her, Tonya thrust against Haley helplessly, in search of friction. She whimpered when she found it. Needing, wanting to feel Haley’s release, she slid her fingers between Haley’s legs. The wetness and the heat she found there made her moan. She copied Haley’s brisk, swirling motion and within seconds overtook it completely.

  Haley turned her head toward her, and Tonya pulled her into a messy kiss, swallowing Haley’s whimpers. When her body stilled and then erupted, Tonya drank in and shared in her cry of completion. But she wasn’t done. As Haley continued to quiver, Tonya plunged inside her.


  Her name was followed by a series of gasps and whimpers as Haley fell apart at the seams.

  It was a long time later when Tonya lay back down to rest, and even then, she reached for the bedside lamp. She had to make sure that lost look Haley had left the hospital with had settled somewhat.

  Haley blinked at her sleepily, but she held Tonya’s gaze and smiled crookedly.

  That was all Tonya needed.

  It seemed like less than a few minutes later when they were jerked awake by the sound of a ringing phone.

  “Dammit, that’s me. I think that’s me.”

  Haley fumbled around for a few seconds until she found her cell.


  Tonya sat up in the bed and turned the lamp on again.


  Tonya stayed silent. She didn’t know what to think.

  “Yeah, she’s here. I’m gonna put you on speaker.” Haley held the phone between them. “How are you? Are they keepin’ you comfortable?”

  “Yeah, good drugs. Only hurts like a bitch when I try to move. Who the fuck sleeps on their back anyway?” His voice was raspy and weak.

  Haley looked at her and smiled. Something was right in the world.

  “You’ll be out in a few days. I’ll make sure you get what you need. They wouldn’t give me any information on Milt. I’m sorry.”

  “’S okay. I checked on him.” He paused, then groaned slightly. “Rook, I won’t be out in a few days. There’s a reason I asked about your girl. Tonya? You there?”

  “I’m here, Tim.”

  “For what it’s worth, I-I’m sorry about all this. I had no right…no business bringin’ you and your family into this.”

  “Thank you.” There was really nothing else she could say.

  “Wait. What do you mean you won’t be—”

  “C’mon, Rook. Think about it.”

  Tonya snaked an arm around Haley.

  “You’re turnin’ yourself in,” Haley said softly.

  “Yep. I fucked up real bad, and it took you almost gettin’ shot for me to realize it. I got lost. I wanted to fix my shit and I made other shit… worse.” He paused. “I know you, Rook. You got integrity, and I almost messed that up for you. It’s not right. None of it was right. I’m hopin’ to get a plea, but I’ll understand if I don’t. While I’m inside, I need you to check on Milt. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I don’t want him dyin’ alone.” His tone was thick and tearful.

  Haley’s shoulders shook. “I will. I’ll take care of it. I’m gonna come see you tomorrow. We’ll start workin’ stuff out.”

  “Yeah, okay. I-I need to go.”


  Tonya grabbed the phone and put it on the nightstand near hers. She turned the light off and leaned back, bringing Haley with her. She sifted a hand through Haley’s hair as she continued to cry.


  “Have you seen my belt?”

  Tonya sighed. “Right here on the couch.” She held it up and waved it.

  Haley walked out of her bedroom. She looked good as always in her T-shirt and cargo shorts, but Tonya stared at the graphic on her shirt in confusion. “Who’s J. R. and why did you shoot him?”

  “Some soap opera guy from the ’70s. Wore a ten-gallon hat. My mom dies laughin’ every time I wear it in front of her. She got it for me. I like the gun on the front.”

  “Mmm, I’ll have to ask for a better explanation when I meet her next weekend.”

  Haley was really lucky to have such acceptance. Tonya didn’t have that, but at least now she had peace of mind. Despite her father’s impending forced move, they were actually being cordial to each other. Maybe that, in itself, was a baby step forward.

  “You do that. I’m sure she’ll be full of stories.” Haley bent down, and Tonya tipped her head back for a quick kiss. “It’ll be interestin’ to see how she reacts. You’ll be the first woman I’m bringin’ home, remember?”

  “I remember.” Tonya grinned. “Quite the honor.”

  Haley stopped halfway through looping the belt around her waist. Her expression was serious. “No, you honor me.”

  Tonya’s heart stuttered before it started slamming against her ribcage. She felt weak. “Haley.”

  “I mean it.” She kissed Tonya again. This time it was slow, deep.

  Tonya whimpered when they parted. Her breathing was ragged and her stomach knotted. She stared at Haley, who looked back at her like she was about to pounce. Tonya beat her to it. She reached between them to unbutton Haley’s shorts. “How much time do we have?”

  “Enough.” Haley growled.

  * * *

  Tonya watched as Haley smoothed out the wrinkles in her shirt. “Why aren’t you wearing a Saints shirt?”

  “Meh, I have on the colors. That’s enough. I almost forgot. I got somethin’ for you.” Haley disappeared into her closet and came back out with yet another T-shirt. “This is for you.”

  Tonya took it from her and held it up. “Keep talking. I’m diagnosing you.” She chuckled. It was cheesy, sweet, and cute. “I love you.”

  Haley froze and stared.

  At the same time, some kind of parade was going on inside Tonya. It had confetti, a marching band, dancers, floats, and behind it was the second line, loud and strong.

  “Uh, did you mean the shir—”

  “No.” She’d been trying to figure out these feelings, but Tonya knew she’d been trying too hard. There was nothing else it could be. “Not the shirt. You.”

  Haley’s crooked smile widened. “Yeah?”

  Tonya nodded and grinned. This person was who she wanted to be. This was who she was. While everything wasn’t perfect, it was closer than she’d ever thought it would be. “Yeah.”

  Within seconds, Haley was kissing her like the world depended on it.

  “How much time do we have?” Tonya gasped.

  “I don’t care.”

  * * *

  Haley pressed her hand to the small of Tonya’s back as they entered Cooter Brown’s Tavern. The place was packed. It was game day. She hadn’t expected anything less.

  “We’re late!” Tonya said.

  “So. It was worth it.”

  Tonya gri
nned. “Maybe.”

  “Mmm, everybody should be here already. I’ll text Nate and let him know we’re here instead of tryin’ to find them in all this.” As Haley reached into her pocket for her phone, people started beating on tables and stomping. The Saints were coming onto the field. She wasn’t surprised when somebody started chanting, “Who dat…who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?” It wasn’t long before others joined in.

  Just walked in. Near door.

  Late ass. Everybody’s here. I’m comin’ hold on.

  Nate led them back to the others, but not before eyeing them both knowingly.

  When they got to the table, there were plenty of groans and eye rolls. Tracy and Stephanie shifted to make room for them. Haley squeezed Tracy’s shoulder as she sat down beside her. Halfway through drinks the night before, they’d become fast friends. She was like the bolder, more in-your-face version of Tonya. Haley winked at Stephanie, and she grinned in return. No one said anything about Tonya’s T-shirt. That was a little disappointing.

  The sound of Tonya’s laughter grabbed her attention. She turned to see Stephanie and Tonya huddled together. As if knowing she was being watched, Tonya looked up, leaned toward Haley, and smiled. Haley couldn’t help but feel that she was at the beginning of something great.

  Tonya moved closer and whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

  God what those words did to her insides. When it came down to it, she should be floating. Haley grinned. When she looked up, Nate had his phone in his hand, taking a picture.

  Haley’s cell phone vibrated against her thigh during halftime. She pulled it out and recognized immediately that it was a call from Tulane. She answered and yelled for Tang to hang on.

  “Tim?” Tonya mouthed.

  Haley nodded and stood. “Be right back.” She needed to get outside to hear. The Saints were actually winning. People were loud and excited. She weaved her way through tables to get to the door.

  “How are you feelin’?”

  “They’re actually winnin’, so not too bad. Hope they don’t fuck it up.”

  “Hope not.”

  They both went quiet. She’d forgiven him. She had to, but he hadn’t forgiven himself.

  “You goin’ to your interview tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, but no matter how it goes, I’m takin’ some time. I gotta deal with psych, so I figured I’d try to recharge.”


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