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Chaos (Kings of Carnage Book 1)

Page 3

by Hilary Storm

  I laugh at the look on his face and leave him to handle her on his own.

  Sly and Jinx are standing with their backs to the wall when I approach. “How about we get out of here and throw our own party at Poe’s. I’m gonna get the rest of my tattoo and you both may as fuck come.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ve just got a buddy of mine coming in for the night; let me tell him where to meet up.” Sly pulls out his phone and sends the text as we all start to walk for the door.

  I’m just sliding into the passenger seat when my phone begins to ring. “It’s my sister, Elaina. I have to take this.” The sight of her name on my screen sends a jolt through my chest because she never calls this late… hell, she only calls when it’s important. Most of the time I’m the one who has to check in with her.

  “Travis. I’m scared. A man just tried to get into my friend’s apartment. I’m here with her and we’re both freaked out. The police are on their way, but since the guy is gone now, I’m not sure that they’ll be able to help.” Elaina is the only person who still calls me by my birth name. My mother did before her death.

  “Where are you?” I hit speaker before she has a chance to respond, so North knows where we’re headed.

  “She lives in the same apartment complex as I do.”

  “Atlanta.” I turn to North to see him texting Jinx at the same time he’s putting the truck in drive. “I’m on my way. When the police get there, have them take you back to your apartment where there’s security.” I can hear her friend crying in the background. “Elaina… listen to me. Have the cops walk you to your apartment. Have your friend go too. I will be there as soon as I can and we will get shit handled. Do you know what this guy looked like?”

  “He was dressed in black. I couldn’t see much through the peephole, so I don’t know. We didn’t recognize him and he was trying to bust in until I screamed really loud.” She’s talking fast and I know my sister well enough to know she’s scared off her ass if she’s worked up enough to call me. She’s spent half her life trying to prove that she doesn’t need me watching over her.

  “It’s ok. Just wait on the police and I’ll be there in about an hour. Call me back if you see him again.”

  “I will. Thanks Trav.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” I end the call quick, with one plan in mind. I start dialing right away.

  “You calling Bouncer? I think he said he was gonna be in Atlanta.” Bash speaks up from the back seat.

  “Sure as fuck am.” I’m not sure who this mother fucker is that is trying to get to my sister, but when this group of guys rolls up, he’s gonna wish he’d chosen a different door to try to get through.

  “What’s up, fucker?”

  “You still in Atlanta?”

  “Yeah, for another day or two.”

  “I need a favor. Can you haul ass to my sister’s apartment and watch over her until I get there? Some asshole tried to break in. She’s got the cops on their way, but you know how I feel about trusting them with protection around here.”

  “On my way, Brother. Send me the address and she’ll be safe with me.”

  “I appreciate it. See you soon.”

  It doesn’t take us long to get there; North made great time even though he was having to deal with my raging comments about what I’d do if something happened to my sister. He’s barely stopped the truck and we’re all out, making our way across the apartment grounds.

  “It’s been silent since the police left.” Bouncer meets us halfway, falling into step beside me. We’re almost to her door when it swings open and she runs out to greet us. “I’m sorry we had to call you. That guy just scared the crap out of us and I’m not sure who he is or what he wants.”

  “It’s ok. You know you can call me whenever you want. And I want you to call me when shit like this happens, so I can change your security if it needs it.” My attention is pulled to my sister’s friend, who comes out wearing short shorts and a tiny tank top. I don’t have to look behind me to see where the other guys are looking with the way she’s walking up barefoot and tear soaked.

  She stands next to Elaina, looking over her shoulder and around all of us like she’s concerned or something. “Trav… this is Cambri. She goes to school with me. We were in her apartment.”

  “Show me.” She doesn’t get to finish what she was going to say, because I’m already moving forward on a mission to fix whatever doesn’t meet my standards. If my sister is going to be over there, then she will need the same set up in her apartment as I had set up for Elaina.

  “It’s up here.” I move aside and let them both walk in front of me, quickly realizing what a fucking mistake that was. It takes everything in me to look away from this Cambri girl’s little round ass because it’s not even closely covered with the length of those fuckin’ shorts. And this angle is giving me all the view I need to know my dick reacts to this girl.

  “Jesus,” I mutter under my breath and purposely look down at the steps until we’re in front of her door. That tequila is still hanging with me a little and it takes everything I have not to do what I do best and come on to this girl. We’d be in her bed in minutes.

  That might get awkward with my sister hanging around. I have to smile at the thought of all the shit Elaina would give me if I tried to get with her friend. There’s such a gap in age, that I’ve never thought of any of her friends like this, but I guess I haven’t spent much time around her in the past few years to really test that theory.

  I glance back and notice all the guys have started to walk around the complex to do a sweep, except Bouncer. He’s lurking in the shadow just below, watching everything up here. Who knows who they’ll scare the fuck out of, but it’s something that has to be done. They’re just doing what we do.

  We’re stepping into her apartment when I notice the angel tattoo on Cambri’s shoulder. It’s mostly covered by her long, dark brown hair but I can make out the name ‘Carol’ just underneath.

  I force myself to start inspecting her door and window that faces the front. She’s on the second floor, so any other window won’t be as important. “You’re gonna need cameras and a security system. I’ll have one of the guys get it installed tomorrow morning.”

  “I can’t let you do that. That’s too much.” She speaks and the sound of her soft voice travels straight through me.

  “It’s what he does Bri. Just let him protect you… besides, I learned a long time ago that it’s not worth the fight when he has his mind set on something.” Elaina slugs me in the arm and Cambri looks down, nodding in defeat. It’s easy to see that this is all weighing heavy on her mind.

  “Do you want to come home with me tonight? You can both stay in my spare room until we get everything set up.”

  “We have a test in the morning. That’s what we were doing when the idiot tried to get in. She can just stay in my apartment for the night.” Elaina starts to move around the room, closing books and picking up the leftover pizza. Cambri starts to help her, bending over, no doubt having no idea the shit she’s doing to me every time she does.

  Like a fuckin’ magnet, I’m drawn to this girl again. “Want a piece of this, Trav?” I’m almost startled with my sister’s words, but quickly recover when I see her holding a piece of pizza.

  “Yeah. I’ll take it. Get some clothes and everything you’ll need in the morning. I don’t want either of you over here again until we’ve given you the all clear.” I stand against the door frame and look at my phone in an effort to take my mind off this girl.

  Part of me wants to tell her to put some fucking clothes on, since she’s friends with my sister. The other part wants to tell her to take them off and climb the fuck on my dick. But even I know that’s too forward for any girl outside of the club. Not to mention a fucking friend of my sister’s.

  “I think that’s everything.” I look up to find Cambri in sweats and a t-shirt this time, not changing my reaction to her in the slightest. My sister is out of the room, so it’s just the
two of us in the room.

  She’s watching me closely, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth and driving me fucking insane with her eyes. “Thank you for rushing over here to help.”

  “Anytime.” I nod in her direction and have to force myself to refrain from doing what I normally would do with a hot girl this close to me. “I like the angel on your shoulder. It looks like someone put some time into the detail.”

  “Thanks. I got it to remember my mother. She passed away when I was young.”

  Elaina busts back in the room and we both shift in different directions as if we’ve been caught making out or something.

  “Alright. Come on. I’m gonna make sure you’re locked in and then I have some work to do.” It’s best if I just get the hell out of here before I get myself into some shit I’m not ready to deal with.

  I walk them both to the apartment and listen for the bolt and the security system to activate before I leave.

  This is definitely for the best.

  I head to the darkness, knowing who I’ll find. “Bouncer… thanks for rushing over here, man. I appreciate it.”

  “Anytime.” His firm grip on my hand is an added reassurance.

  “You should come by the clubhouse before you hit the road again. You know you’re always welcome.” Bouncer is always coming and going. He never stays in one place too long, but if I ever had some serious shit to handle… he’d be one of the first guys I’d call.

  “I might just do that. We’ll have to see where life takes my ass.” I already know he won’t commit to anything specific, but I also know I’ll be seeing him sometime soon.

  I’m not quite to the truck when Bash is already giving me shit about the girl. “How in the hell did you not tell us about your sister’s friend?”

  “What about his damn sister? Shit. Both of them coming out needing rescued. I thought my dick was going to explode with excitement the second they stepped out.” Sly takes a chance with that statement, already backing up when he starts to speak.

  “Don’t fucking think about my sister. I’ll cut all your dicks off.” They all start to laugh, knowing they’re just pushing my buttons with talk about my sister. These are the only guys in the club who can get away with comments like that. I don’t have to worry about any of them crossing that line. I know them… and they fucking know me.

  They don’t want me having a free pass to any of the women in their family as retaliation.

  Chapter Four

  There are six of us passing through, all of us revving the engine to deserve the looks we’re getting as the rumble wakes up this small town.

  They’re used to seeing us and most have learned to appreciate what we do for the community. The people are safe. We may run some bad shit through our club, but we know to keep it out of the hands of anyone nearby.

  Today was a shit day of cleaning out the abandoned barn on the Jackson Property I recently bought. I recruited some of the guys to help with a promise to pay their tab at the bar tonight. Jinx, Sly, Bash, North and one of the prospects worked their asses off and deserve more than they’ll drink in a night, but I’m sure they’ll barter for something one of these days and need me for something of their own. It’s what we do.

  It’s almost dark when we finally hit the clubhouse and bust into Devil’s Den, so they can all take me up on my offer.

  “See these guys here… I’m paying their tab tonight.” Gracie nods as she writes down their names before she slides a bottle of beer on the bar for each of us.

  Luckily there are not many guys in here tonight, allowing us all to take over our usual corner without a wait at the table.

  “I’ve got your sister’s friend all hooked up. She’ll be on the same monitor rotation as Elaina.” Poe meets me at the pool table to give an update on what he’s been doing all day. I sent him, because I know he won’t cut any corners and he knows what he’s doing. It’s just a bonus that he won’t try to fuck either of the girls either.

  “Thank you.” I lift my beer to Gracie and tilt it toward Poe, silently requesting her to bring him one. “Did you notice anything I need to know about?”

  “No, just the usual bullshit when it comes to apartment complexes like that. I’m surprised you haven’t bought all of them already just to keep Elaina safe.”

  “I don’t want her tied to the club at all. Us handling her security is bad enough. She deserves to live a normal life and not worry about the shit this place brings into it.”

  “I can see that. Well, her friend is now covered too. You ready to get that tattoo tonight?” I exhale and imagine how good some ink therapy would feel.

  “Yeah. Do you mind if some of the guys come? I promised to pay for their tab tonight.”

  “You know I don’t mind who’s there. That’s on you.” Poe takes back the rest of his beer and leans against the wall. It’s not uncommon for him to spend hours just like that, taking in everything people say and do. He’s a quiet soul.

  “Alright… limit is two here because we’re moving this to Poe’s.” None of them object or care where we drink. The Club Ass always follows if we choose to let it, but that’s not anything we’ll do until we’re halfway to the bedroom already.

  We spend about another half hour laughing and cutting it up in the Devil’s Den before we all decide to head to Poe’s.

  We’re about halfway to the door when I realize that I should’ve just slipped out the back. Vic and Bates both zero in on us and start to walk straight toward me, both looking like there’s going to be some bullshit I have to deal with.

  “We have a problem. Gadzinski is packing up his shit right now. He thinks he can just disappear and leave without any consequences of his debt.” I don’t ask how they know this; I already know we have eyes everywhere.

  “How much is he out for?”

  “Two months of security plus we paid his daughter’s tuition last semester on a promise he’d make it right before Christmas.” Bates is quick with the information, being that’s part of his duties.

  “Fuck.” I run my hands through my hair in frustration. “Does this have to be done tonight?”

  “It’s your fucking job. You do it now.” Vic doesn’t leave any room for discussion and I know not to push any further.

  “How far do you want me to take it?” I want to be very clear about what they want me to do to him. Quick may not get us paid if he’s already half packed up.

  “Get the money. Take his shit if you have to for the dues.”

  “And what about the tuition?”

  “If he doesn’t pay in full… bring me his daughter.”

  There’s not a chance in hell that I’d bring a girl to him as payment for another man’s debt and he should know that about me. I’m all for people paying their obligations in many ways, but that’s a line not even I would cross.

  Vic knows that.

  So, I know this is some sort of test of his, but I’m not concerned about passing it. After dealing with this man as my father for twenty-eight years, I know how to work around his fucking games.

  “I’ll let you both know what I find out.”

  Chapter Five

  I really wanted this fucker to be sitting on his ass, passed out or asleep. The last thing I wanted to deal with tonight was business, but seeing this idiot packing up a moving van seals the deal. “Fuck. I guess stop here.” I point to the curb in front of the van and North whips the truck into place, blocking it in. I hear squealing tires behind us, Poe doing the same in the back.

  “Well, it looks like we’re about to have a little fun before we resume the partying.”

  Damn Gradzinski.

  He knows the rules.

  I step out of the truck just as he’s coming out of his house with an armload of shit. “What the fuck are ya doin’?” If I had a dollar for every time I watched terror steal away the emotions of my victims, I’d be filthy fuckin’ rich.

  “Just packing up some stuff.” I don’t have time to respond before North yanks the guy
backwards and drops him to his knees. Bash is holding a pistol in his face and just like that we have a situation that can be handled quick and with ease, allowing us to get back to what we really want to be doing.

  “Why does it look like you’re moving all your shit?” I take a few steps closer, the rest of the guys standing close enough to provide a barrier of what’s going on to any onlookers.

  “I’m not bailing on my debt. I promise… I’m going to pay.”

  “I know you are.” I reach for his neck and lift him, squeezing the air from his dumbass body before I throw him onto the steps of the porch. “Get the fuck up and go inside. We need to have a little chat.”

  I walk slowly behind him as he stumbles up the stairs and into the house. I’m sure he’s intimidated as fuck with the sound of all the footsteps that follow us both. Jinx and Sly stand in front of the door, Poe flips a chair to the middle of the almost empty living room and North shoves the idiot into the chair. Bash stands next to me with his arms crossed and I can almost see his pissed off face from the memories of past adventures as I look into the eyes of the next man that I’m probably going to have to kill.

  “Where’s the money for the dues you owe?” I stop pacing to stand directly in front of him.

  “I have part of it.”

  “Why haven’t you called to make a deal or something?”

  “I did. Bates told me I had to pay everything by this Sunday.” I start pacing again, taking in all the information.

  “Why don’t you have the money? If I’m not mistaken, it’s nothing in comparison to what your store brings in each month.”

  “Someone keeps breaking in during the night and stealing the damn money. They’ve taken the entire safe, broke into my house when I brought the deposit home, robbed me on the way to the car. I make it to the bank with about half the money the store brings in each week and that’s just enough to barely keep it open.” I look up at Bash and notice him squinting as the guy keeps talking.


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