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Desolation Road

Page 26

by Feehan, Christine

  Absinthe had the presence of mind, even in the most blissful state of ecstasy he’d ever been in, to pull his cock out of her mouth so she could breathe. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him, holding her close while he tried to find a way to come back to earth. She’d taken him somewhere else, somewhere close to paradise and far, far from the hell he lived in. Emotions threatened to swallow him. He found he was nearly crushing her, and he had to pull back from doing that as well.

  “Are you all right, kiska?” He brushed kisses on top of her head when she nodded and then indicated for her to move back enough for him to stand. “Let’s get you some water.” Heart beating fast, he picked up the leash and stepped around the chair. It took a minute for his legs to work. She’d drained him. Wrecked him. She’d made him feel loved in a way he’d never felt before. He didn’t know how to process the jumbled, never-before-felt emotions he was feeling, but he didn’t want them to ever stop. He wanted this bond, this closeness she was giving him, to continue for as long as possible.

  Scarlet dropped to her hands and knees and began to crawl after him, her tail high and swaying just as he knew it would. It was gorgeous, the rubies throwing unexpected sparkles across the walls as her ass swayed with every forward movement of her knees on the carpet. The way the last of the sunlight caught the gems through the glass was so perfect, he led her in a slow circle around the room just to watch the way the rubies blazed red streaks across the walls.

  He stopped her in front of the bar and took a cold bottle of water from the refrigerator there. The bottle was glass with a long, narrow neck, and ice-cold, the way he preferred his drinking water. He kept the temperature in that small fridge low enough to produce small ice chips in the water. The shape and coldness of the bottle fueled his already carnal imagination.

  “Did drinking your milk get you hot, little pussycat?” He walked behind her and dropped his hand to her bottom, ruffling the tail and then massaging her perfect firm little cheeks. He slid his finger between her cheeks and rubbed. That specialty oil had a hint of ginger in it, just enough to fire up all the nerve endings, bringing them alive with need. “I asked a question, kiska.”

  She purred and pushed back against his hand.

  Absinthe smiled. He was already in love with her. So much more now than he had been before, and that had been over the top and beyond what he’d thought possible in the short amount of time he’d known her. He didn’t know what love was. He just thought of the emotion he felt for her as their connection, but she had wrapped herself so deeply around his heart with her acceptance of his peculiar needs, his craving for owning his hot little pussycat.

  He rubbed the seam between her thighs and cheeks and then dipped his finger into her hot, tight, silken tunnel. He had that oil coated on his finger and rolled it around, making certain to introduce the mixture to her already burning nerves.

  Even after she’d drained him dry so he could take his time playing with his kitten, his cock reacted to her heat, jerking, straining to attention. He flicked her clit and then tugged. She hissed and then purred loudly, pushing back, seeking his fingers. He gave her two, fucking her with them, curling them to find her most sensitive spot, stroking over and over, getting her close. He pulled his fingers free just before she could find release and pushed the cold bottle into the scorching heat, rolling it and plunging it gently in and out as if it were a dildo.

  “Do you like your toy, kiska? I thought it might help cool you down.”

  She panted, her breathing ragged again. He pulled the bottle free and licked her juice from it before uncapping it. She tasted great and he wasn’t wasting anything belonging to him. “Drink up, kitten. You’re going to need it. This is going to be a very long night for you. You’re a very lucky little pussycat. Some kittens are kept in cages. I like mine curled up next to me. Close. I like my hot little kiska always ready for me.”

  While she drank, he turned on the dim lights that sprayed beams from all around the corners of the room. It was as if he could spotlight his kitten from every angle. He rubbed his cock along her cheeks and then began to play with her tail again, watching the way the light lit the rubies every time he moved the fur. It was a dazzling display. When she was finished drinking, he took the bottle from her, capped it and led her back to the bar so he could put it in the fridge to keep it cold.

  “We want to make certain that tail stays lubed, baby. If you’re ever uncomfortable, you need to let me know immediately.” He removed it and added more oil, generously pouring more between her cheeks and massaging it in. He enjoyed watching it disappear and helping it with his finger. She pushed back against him, appearing to love his administrations, even purring when he inserted the tail again.

  “You like your tail now, don’t you?”

  She nodded her head, purring louder. She had a beautiful purr. He rubbed her cheeks, wanting to fuck her there, but she wasn’t nearly ready. He used the glass plug to fuck her with instead, being gentle, while at the same time his fingers were on her clit. He kept his manipulation slow, wanting to show her how it could burn so good. Once again, he brought her right to the edge and then he stopped, withdrew his fingers, caught her hair to pull back her head so he could look at the dazed desperation in her beautiful green eyes and then he licked at his fingers.

  “You taste so incredibly good, kiska.” He put his fingers in front of her mouth. “You’re a good little kitty, so I’ll share sometimes.”

  He watched as she licked at his fingers. It was so sensual to watch her little tongue darting out to take his offering. When she was finished, he led her around the room once again, pointing out the streaks of fire glittering on the walls from her fancy tail and collar. All the while his cock grew harder and harder.

  He walked her to the bed, where he urged her to bend over the side, half on and half off. Her tail was very much on display, a high arc, sprouting a beautiful red between her trembling cheeks. He used his hands and voice to soothe her, once again nuzzling her with his mouth, feeding on her, licking and sucking to bring her close until she was trembling and purring, nearly frantic. Once again, he backed off, rubbing her back and the base of her spine, fucking her gently with the plug.

  “You’re going to feel very full, kiska, when my cock is in you. It will feel so good. You’re going to be used to that feeling. No matter what, there will always be such a fullness stretching you, but it will always feel good.”

  He remembered how tight she’d been that first time he’d entered her. He’d barely managed to push his cock into that constricting, scorching tunnel. Now, with her plug so solidly in her ass, even as slender as it was, there would be even less room. She was slick though, and so ready for him. Desperate for him. Her breath sounded like ragged little counterpoints to the small thrusts of his hips as he pushed the crown of his cock into her hot entrance.

  Her body didn’t know what it wanted to do. He felt her muscles frantically grab for him, surround him and squeeze down, fearful that he might escape, and yet he was so large, at the same time there was that need to push him back out. He found himself needing to watch the urgent fight and at the same time throw his head back and howl at the exquisite torture. He was on fire. He was in paradise. He was in hell. It was the best fucking moment of his life and he hadn’t even entered her fully.

  He caught hold of her hips, stilling her motion, refusing to allow her to move forward or back. She was trapped between him and the bed, mewling softly, a small agonized plea for his cock, the need building in her to a frenzied state, just the way he knew would happen. He wanted that for her. A spectacular orgasm, a series of them. Something different only he could give her.

  He surged into her, driving through her silken tunnel, that tight, scorching-hot place that took him out of the world of sin and hell that he was mired in. She lifted him, short-circuited his brain, driving everything out of it until there was only his woman, his red-hot, sizzling sex kitten squeezing the life out of his cock, determined to milk him dr
y. He buried himself deep over and over, listening to her soft cries, the breath hissing out of her lungs, watching the way her fingers found the quilt on the bed and her nails buried deep to try to hang on when there was no way to stay anchored. He was going to send his woman flying as high as he could.

  That silken channel pulsed around him with her frantic heartbeat, a frenzied symphony of urgent need. He slammed his cock home over and over, streaks of fire racing up his spine, spreading like wild flames through him, dancing over her, taking her by surprise.

  She screamed as her body clamped down on his like a vise. The orgasm swept through her, a formidable surge racing like a tidal wave. The waves kept coming, sweeping through her body, each more powerful than the last. He reached up and caught the beautiful furry tail, and in time with his thrusting hips, began to fuck her with that thin plug, over and over, creating a new sensation, adding to the overwhelming contractions in her body.

  He felt those waves rolling through her thighs, the cheeks of her ass, all the while he kept hammering into her, fucking her with the plug, feeling the power of those orgasms, one after another progressively growing stronger as they raced through her. Fiery living silk, hot as hell, gripped his cock from every angle, squeezed and massaged with a thousand fingers, licked with a thousand tongues, burned with as many flames, killing him with a beauty he’d never experienced before.

  He moved in her with brutal strokes, hard and fast, but with each fierce stroke he knew he was loving her. He was giving her something extraordinary, his gift in exchange for the beauty and wonder of hers. He wasn’t going to last much longer, but he held out as long as humanly possible. “Scarlet, moya literaturnaya ledi, ya tebya lyublyu.” He couldn’t tell her in English. But it was the fucking truth. He loved Scarlet Foley more than life itself.

  Her body surrounded his with that scorching fire, so tight now, gripping and milking, working his cock over and over. Her ragged breathing was music. Her mewling cries and little accompanying hitches filled his mind, adding to the amazing sexual tango rushing through his system, every nerve ending alive.

  Then his vision was blurring, the edges of reality fading further until there was only the two of them in a world of bright hot colors and pure feeling. He felt like they were spinning together, winding tighter and tighter until they were bound so close in that web of pleasure it was impossible to separate them. Sharing the same skin, the same body and mind, they’d been thrown into a vortex, a mind-blowing world he wanted to stay in—with her. She’d given him back life. A way to live. A sanctuary.

  He collapsed over her, his head on the mattress beside her, one hand at the base of her spine, fingers spread wide as he rubbed soothingly, whispering softly to her to help bring her back. Her body continually shuddered, still rippling with aftershocks. He could feel every one of them, the clamping around his spent cock, desperate for more, still trying to milk more seed from him. Each squeeze on his sensitive cock sent streaks of fire like lightning jolts up his spine.

  Ordinarily, his kitten would curl up all night with him in the bed, and he’d take care of her, gently petting and loving on her, waking her when he woke and needed or just wanted to play, but Scarlet was new at this and she’d given so much. She was exhausted. He forced himself to breathe, to rouse his body when all he wanted to do was drag himself on the bed with her and sleep. Gently he pressed a kiss onto the base of her spine and removed the tail. Another spasm ran through her body. He rubbed her cheeks.

  “Stay still, baby, don’t try to move. Let me take care of you.”

  It took a few minutes to find his strength before he could make his way into the bathroom to clean the tail properly and then himself before getting her a hot washcloth and warm towel. He cleaned her as gently as possible, taking his time, making certain he was thorough before drying her off. Gathering her in his arms, he shifted her into the middle of the bed and drew up the covers. She watched him with sleepy eyes as he returned the tail to the jeweled box and the towels to the hampers in the bathroom.

  Absinthe returned to the bed and gathered her into his arms. “You were amazing, Scarlet. Thank you for playing with me tonight. You gave me a gift beyond any price.”

  She pressed her lips to his throat. “I was surprised that I liked it so much. At first, I wanted to be a kitten for you. I thought if it made you happy, why not? I found I felt safe. You made me feel cherished and beautiful.”

  “You are cherished and beautiful.”

  She rubbed her face against his chest, the action making him think of a little kitten. She had those tendencies naturally whether she thought so or not.

  “Strutting around the room for you really made me feel sexy. I was so turned on all I could do was think about sex. I could barely breathe I wanted you so much.” The confession came out in a little rush. “That tail is the most sensual thing I’ve ever seen. It never occurred to me I’d think that way.”

  He smiled. She really was a natural. “I want to try so many things with you, Scarlet. I like that you respond to my voice and my commands.” He drew his finger down her arm and felt goose bumps rise immediately on her skin. That was a good sign. She was still very responsive. He wanted her to always think of their bedroom as a place where she immediately went into her submissive kitten role. Or her librarian role. Or his loving, beautiful wife. He had it all with her.

  “I didn’t know what I was doing so I’m sure I didn’t please you as much as I could have the first time out. I’ll do some research on behaviors and mannerisms.”

  His heart clenched hard in his chest. For a moment he couldn’t respond. She was doing so much for him. He had been going to suggest she do a little research, but she was already one step ahead of him. His fingers settled in her hair and he massaged her scalp gently. “Don’t think you didn’t please me, Scarlet. You were magnificent.”

  She turned her face up and kissed him again. “I’m so tired, Absinthe, I can barely move.”

  “You’re going to be sore as well. I would have gone out to the hot tub, but you aren’t used to any of this yet. You’ll build stamina.”

  “I want to. I was surprised when you used my name and I realized we weren’t going to continue all night.”

  “You needed to rest and relax. Were you disappointed?”

  She was silent for a moment, thinking it over in that way she had, a deliberate pondering. “I think so, a little, yes. I’ve never been that sexually aroused before, or had that feeling of safety and care. But I did want to ask questions and I was exhausted.”

  He loved her answer. “That’s good that you were so aroused. I had Ice make the tails for you the moment I laid eyes on you. I haven’t had kitten play with anyone since I left Russia. I haven’t wanted to until I saw you. He’s very talented and he makes all kinds of toys. I gave him a large order and he’s busy completing it for us.” Deliberately he referenced his Torpedo Ink brother. Scarlet needed to know that she was safe not only with him, but with all of them. That would take time, but the feeling had to start somewhere.

  There was a small silence again. “He knows about this kind of play?”

  He rubbed his hand over her breast, cupped the fullness and rubbed her nipple. “Of course. We were all together at all times even during sex. We watched out for one another in order to keep from being killed. Ice is the only one I would trust to make me toys that wouldn’t hurt you.” He rubbed her nipple gently. “Jewels for you everywhere, but nothing that’s going to hurt you. He does incredible work. Don’t you think so?”

  “The tail is beautiful,” she conceded. Her voice was reluctant.

  “What’s wrong, miledi? You always need to tell me when something concerns you.”

  “Will they see me like that?”

  “Not unless you’re comfortable with it. You’re my kiska. This is our special place. If we’re here in our home and someone comes to visit and you want to go out and be shown off, then I’ll take you out of the room, but if not, then no. That will be your choice.”
  Her entire body relaxed. She wrapped her arms around him. “That’s good then.”

  “Do you think that you might ever get that comfortable as my kiska?”

  Again, Scarlet didn’t just answer immediately, she thought it over for a long time. “I don’t know. Maybe. It’s pretty damn hot thinking about you leading me around with that tail. Would it make you hot?”

  “As hell.” Just talking about it had his cock reacting, which was insane after the wild sex they’d shared. He put her hand over his growing erection. Fortunately, it was a pleasant feeling instead of an urgent demand. “Showing my sizzling little pussycat is part of the fun and is sexy and hot, especially if I have her all decked out in her finest jewels, but what matters to me most is that my kitten is happy and feels safe and secure, so having you here in the bedroom is enough. Also, it’s nice to have you sit quietly beside me while I’m talking with the others, my little kitten at my feet. You have to remember, we don’t respond the way others do to nudity or sexual stimulation. None of us do.”

  “You never know, I might work up to that kind of confidence,” she said.

  Under her hand, his cock jerked hard. He felt her lips curve against his chest. “Go to sleep, Scarlet. I’ve got club business to take care of tomorrow and then we’re sorting out Holden.”

  “Do some people really put their kittens in cages, Absinthe?” Scarlett asked, her voice sleepy. She sounded curious, not judgmental.

  He shut down instantly, slamming his mind closed, not wanting one image to chance escaping from his mind to hers.

  “I said go to sleep.” He didn’t push at her, but his voice had naturally dropped into command octave. He even removed her hand from his cock, bringing it to his chest. His heart accelerated and his mouth went dry. He couldn’t think about those kittens locked in those cages, not before he closed his eyes. In desperation, he caught her chin and turned her face up to his, finding her lips and kissing her until he couldn’t think straight, until she took everything away.


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