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by M. Garnet

  The last time she had shocked Minty. She was washing her hands and Minty was pushing her wayward strands of hair back. She said. “You know you are really very beautiful.” Minty looked over at her frozen with her hand behind her ear. She smiled at the sexy woman in front of her.

  “This is said by the woman who could be a Playboy Bunny.” Minty gave a big smile with the words.

  Angela had laughed, but not in a funny way. “Well, God gave me what men think they want. God gave you what they need.”

  She stood by the time clock, waiting for her time to punch out.

  “I said, do you need a ride?” Angela was right behind her.

  “I’m sorry, did I miss something?” Angela looked at someone ahead of them in the line.

  “Marty’s retirement party at The Corner Toy Shop. We all have to go. I need you to help me get through the evening and keep the boss from trapping me in a corner. Please, please, Minty. I know you never go out, but I will drive, and I promise we will leave early. I can use you as an excuse because I will want to get away from this bunch. Eight hours, five days a week is enough. Please.” Angela had the saddest look on her pretty face.

  Minty let out a big sigh. “I am doing this just for you, and we are leaving early. If you get tied up I will take a taxi home, so I don’t want you mad at me or anything, okay?” She got a big smile from Angela along with a nod of agreement.

  As they all left the building there were lots of laughs accompanying a lot of promises of seeing each other at the local beer and pool hall. The two girls made their way over to Angela’s car. It was a small Chrysler convertible. By the time they got to the parking lot, the wind had whipped Minty’s hair out of the tight knot she always wore it in. After the drive to the party spot and when Angela had the car parked, Minty pulled the mirror down. She pulled a comb out and started to untangle her hair. She had the clip in her lap and as she reached for it Angela quickly grabbed it, tucking it away.

  “Hey, I need that.” Minty reached for the hidden clasp.

  “No you don’t. You have great hair. You’re out of the office, so let it down. In fact, I have an idea.” Angela pulled a tube of lipstick out of her own purse to hand over. “Come on, try it. Let’s see.”

  “Look, I am the average book worm. You are the gorgeous pinup. Can’t make a silk purse out of a whatever.” She just held onto the tube without doing anything.

  “You are not a whatever. I don’t know whoever told you that. So you are not a pinup. Neither was Grace Kelly, but she was in as many movies as Marilyn Monroe. Ended up married to a prince. Put on the lipstick.”

  So Minty gave in and applied the coral lipstick. They got out of the car, but Angela stopped her. Angela unbuttoned Minty’s blouse. folding back the collar along with the first couple of buttons. She unhooked the belt that Minty had in her slacks that was hidden behind the overhang of the blouse that she had left lose over everything and pulled it tight around the blouse to tuck in her small waist.

  Minty looked down and frowned. “Angela, this is not me.”

  “Sure it is, honey. So maybe it will take some of the heat off of me for a change.” Angela looked up, taking Minty’s hand to drag her into the bar.

  The bar was a local hangout. It was a large roomy combination of mixed areas. It was not fancy, but it had a good reputation. It had a lot of wood and a low ceiling in the long room and was very dark. At one end was a wraparound bar with young office workers on their way home, stopping for a short one with friends. The outside wall had large booths and the middle had plenty of mismatched tables that were pulled together to fit whatever size crowd came in. Since their group had called in ahead, there was a long set of tables pulled up for them.

  Against the inside wall, opposite the booths, was a dance floor with a bandstand behind it. A small band was just starting to set up. The final end of the room was pool tables and dartboards. There were lights directly over the pool tables, but they were placed in such a way that the glare did not expand, so the whole place was a dim room that gave Minty the creeps. Minty had a phobia about the dark—she slept with all the lights on. She even had a backup light on batteries.

  Evidently it just gave everyone else the thought of partying, because as soon as people came through the door they started to drink, laugh, and get loud. Angela grabbed her as they sat down next to two other women from the office, strategically placed to keep the men away.

  Angela leaned over to whisper. “Let’s just order a couple of appetizers, then we can eat and run, okay?”

  Minty nodded agreement so when the waitress got down to them, they placed their order for wings and nachos. They settled down with their water.

  “Oh my God!” exclaimed one of the women sitting next to Angela. “I just went to heaven.”

  Both Angela and Minty looked in the direction over the crowded room that the woman was staring. Two very tall large men had just come in through the door. In fact, they were so tall they actually had to duck their heads a little to miss the doorframe. They stood for a moment until one pointed at the bar over at one side and they headed towards it with everyone quickly parting out of their way.

  There were a couple of things about the men besides the fact of their size. They were extremely good looking. They were dressed in casual business clothes, but the clothes looked expensive, even in the dim lights. Minty looked over her shoulder at them, using her hair to shield her face so it would not be obvious.

  She was not the only one staring at the men. Most of the people in the room close enough to see them had turned around to gape with mouths open. Women started touching their hair and men pulled their shoulders straight.

  There was something strange about them. They were both extremely handsome. The blond was like a movie star or model, yet they both looked too tough to be that type of person. Strange. Suddenly she thought that the blond was aware she was looking at him. It was as if across the long dark room, their eyes had met. She jerked around immediately, kicking herself mentally. Number one, there was no way he could have known she was looking right at him from this far away. Number two, these types of good looking men looked at women like Angela, not at plain women, like she saw in her mirror.

  She found it interesting to get into the appetizers she was sharing with Angela. She pretended to not be listening to the talk around her or looking at astounding men who were out of her league. Angela turned down a request to dance. She was surprised when another guy from a different table came over and asked her to dance. She stammered as she turned him down. She fiddled with her water as Angela worked on a cocktail she was nursing. The waitress was reaching across them, placing another cocktail in front of Angela. Angela looked up in surprise as a small fluted glass full of shaved ice and deep green liquid was sat in front of Minty.

  “We did not order these.” Angela said to the waitress.

  “Well, you girls hit the jackpot. The two hunks at the bar sent them over. By the way, the blond said you would enjoy this.” She pointed at the green drink in front of Minty. “He said it was minty. Actually, it is a Crème de Menthe Frappe. Very snappy, twice the cost of bar drinks. All the waitresses are jealous.” With a twitch of her hips she was gone.

  Angela turned all the way around in her chair to look at the two men at the bar. She picked up her new drink, holding it up, nodded, then turned back to Minty.

  “Well, look, I learned a long time ago not to get picked up in bars because they were only looking at my tit size. But these guys are something else. I don’t think I have seen anyone as good looking as these two outside of an air brushed magazine cover for muscle guys. That blond is actually beautiful. But don’t worry, I will be happy with the dark one.” Angela let out a sigh and took a long sip of her drink.

  “Angela, I don’t get picked up in bars. Guys that look like that blond do not pick up women that look like me. So I would like to go home.” Minty actually shivered.

  “Oh, don’t panic. We don’t have to respond. Try that pretty drink
. Does it really taste like mint?” Angela picked up the drink and placed it in Minty’s hand.

  Not knowing what else to do, Minty took a sip and was genuinely surprised. It was mint, almost too sweet, but the little ice chips with it slipped into her mouth to chase the mint down her throat. She took another sip, feeling the heat of the drink hit her stomach. Wow—this stuff might taste good, but it definitely carried a kick. Now she was worried. She was drinking his offering. Did that mean that he would come over for a dance? Shit, she did not dance. She did not get close to people. She did not hug people. She did not kiss people, and she most certainly did not dance. She carefully looked over at Angela, but this allowed her to look at the two men over her shoulder. She was totally surprised that they were talking to each other, ignoring where they had sent the drinks. Okay, she would finish the nice drink, then she was going home, whether Angela wanted to leave or not. There were no more incidents for the next hour. She finally told Angela that she was leaving but that she could call a cab.

  “Don’t be silly, you are my excuse. Let’s go.” So they gathered up their stuff, flagged the waitress, and paid for their appetizers. It seemed that their drinks had already been paid for, but there was no sign of the two large men. They had either left or were over in the game room. She did not want to look in that area. The two girls just headed for the door.

  There always was a tie up at the door, as the booths, tables, and cashier were too close. The layout made a narrow passage for customers to enter and leave. The girls waited behind a couple as some people came in, then slowly tried to get around the couple in front, who had decided to talk to someone instead of leaving.

  The heavy door was swinging shut on Angela with Minty right behind her when an arm reached over both of them to push the top of the door, keeping it from closing. The arm slowly moved it open a few inches. Minty quickly looked back and up, into the face of the blond man. He was huge this close. The darkness in this spot did not let her see much, but she flinched from the close contact, since she was caught between Angela and his body.

  Someone was trying to come in and Angela was held up with the door only opened enough for the others to enter. She felt the claustrophobia hit her in her gut. She couldn’t get her breath and she couldn’t look down, and she felt the man lean into her.

  No, but she realized she had not said that out loud, she wanted to say it out loud, she wanted to yell it. No, please. She thought she had screamed it so loud in her mind that he had to have heard it, but instead of moving back she felt him moving against her, pushing her forward. She couldn’t look down, she couldn’t close her eyes, She could only scream in her mind. No, no, no, please no. God, the pain—no, there was a strange feeling lower in her gut. Her stomach was hot from the drink and she felt the heat lower between her legs. She was ashamed. No, no, please not that. She was ashamed. But she was grateful that he had no idea what was happening within her mind and her body because if Angela did not move she was going to have a climax. She was going to scream from fright, all at the same time while she was still looking up at him.

  Angela was at last through the door, allowing Minty to fall forward, catching herself by putting her hand on Angela’s shoulder. She took deep gasps of the cooler air, pushing at Angela, to get her to hurry away from the door, and more importantly away from the large blond. They were all the way to the car before she let go of Angela. She was sitting in the car, belted up, before she turned to look for him. He was gone, nowhere in sight, someone of his build would stand out. She needed to go home and take a cold shower, curl up on her couch, and spend the weekend glued there.

  Chapter Three

  Alex was leaning against the fender of the Beamer. Rex, one of Rad’s teammates, the man who had gone out with him, was waiting patiently, also leaning against the car. Rex was well trained. He also knew Alex was a Council Lord, so if the male wanted to lean on the car all night, no problem.

  Rex was along for company. He was to act as a guide, since Alex was not familiar with the area. Not that Alex couldn’t get a map, or GPS, or something on his cell phone, but the boss said go with the guy, so he went with the guy. Surprisingly, he found he liked the guy. Alex had turned out to be an all right sort. He had a good sense of humor, liked the right kind of sports, wore the right kind of clothes. He even left the woman with the big tits for Rex. Hell what more could you ask from a night out with a guy. Except Rex had to admit that there was something really interesting in the other woman. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but she did have a pull.

  * * * *

  Alex was standing and thinking. First of all, he had a giant hard on. This really surprised him because he usually only got a woody from killing slowly, or from having someone new on a rack, or picturing someone new on a rack, or thinking of new forms of domination that would not cripple or scar. He knew he was one sick bastard, but he had come by it honestly and he did not want to go into that right now.

  Right now he was concerned with the taste of mint. She had been easy to read—in fact, she had screamed inside of him. She also had heated up in the right place. The more she panicked and was pushed to a place she did not want to go, the closer she came to a sexual climax. This was bad. She was a submissive of the deepest type. He could feed off her fear and sex for a long time. He felt his cock twitch. Fuck, both Misty and Rad would ream him a new one. He had to tell Mr. Woody and his two buddies that it was hands off that piece of mint candy. But he was pretty sure he could tell Misty that he had found a relative of hers. He did need to get a blood sample. This time there was no restriction against the subject. But he still had to be careful.

  “Rex, I need you to find me a hard core BDSM bar, then I need you to leave me the car. I want you to get lost.” Alex still stared at the ground by the car.

  “Hey, Rad paired us up for more than one reason. I am a Dom, also. Let me take you to my favorite hangout, then we can go back to my place.” Rex grinned at the big blond as they both got into the car.

  It was hours later when Alex’s cell woke him up. He rolled over, grabbed the phone, saw the code that let him know it was Rad, and hit the button.

  “We found the family home of the rogues that were all killed. Their dust was still there. I could use your help tonight but I don’t know where you are at on that other project.” Rad’s voice left Alex a choice.

  “Rad, I am chasing someone for Misty. But I can join you tonight. Give me the details.” Alex looked over at Rex.

  They had ended up with just one woman back with them when they were done with the entertainment at the club. She was a complete submissive and into the twosome one-hundred percent. She had her hands tied behind her. She was naked, stooped over, and Rex was holding her by the hair as she sucked on him. Alex finished his call, laid the phone down, and walked over to the woman’s ass. He grabbed her hips and immediately plunged his large shaft deeply into her. She let out a gasp around Rex’s cock, but Rex just forced her mouth deeper on him as Alex pushed from behind. Finally Rex came, his seed spilling out of her mouth as she tried to swallow.

  Without saying anything, Rex moved back and went into the kitchen. When he returned, he was carrying a metal bullet. It was about 6 inches long, had a rounded tip, and was very smooth, going to a wide end that was almost four inches across.

  He pulled a chair up in front of the woman’s head. He pushed her farther down towards the floor as Alex rammed into her.

  “Do you remember my name?” Rex whispered in her ear.

  Between gasps for air she answered. “Yes, it is Master.”

  “Good, and do you remember his name?” He was still whispering.

  Her breath was coming faster now but she struggled to answer. “Yes, it is Pain.”

  “Good. You do not get to enjoy this. You do not get to come, you do not get to climax. That is my command. Do you hear me? Or Pain will make you suffer. Do not come, do not climax.” Over her back he handed the ice cold silver steel to Alex and he reached forward and began to pull
on her rocking breasts.

  “Oh, God,” the woman murmured as he pulled and twisted her nubs.

  “Do not come, do not enjoy,” Rex kept whispering. He twisted harder just as Alex felt her climax. Her body shook while her sheath convulsed around Alex’s cock.

  “Oh, oh, now you will have to be punished.” Rex looked up to watch as Alex pulled back but not out and placed the tip of the bullet against her ass. She flinched and started to raise up. He placed his hand on her neck, forcing her face down towards her knees. Rex watched as Alex jammed the bullet home and she let out a scream.

  Alex began to really pound away, his legs apart, hands on her hips, pushing into her each time the ice cold bullet was forced into her ass. She whimpered with tears running on her forehead as she was held upside down. Still another climax hit her and Alex came. He dumped his seed, pulled out, and walked away, letting her fall to the floor.

  Alex stood in the shower, letting the hot water wash the night from his body. Rex was a good partner. He had avoided being with others for so long even though he had gotten the vibes. Basically he knew his darkness was deeper than theirs. There were very few Vamps that were able to read in this fashion. Rad could, after he could, when he had first been beaten and raped repeatedly, he was able to receive the lust and pleasure from the men who were attacking him. That had been the worst part of the torture.

  After Misty’s serum, he was able to open minds, influence, read deeper than ever before. He often sat in the Council meeting room, lazily surfing the minds around him to see what interesting plots were forming. Of course, some of them had put up barriers. Smart, but he had thought he might be able to break those. He also thought that he wouldn’t be able to do it without letting them know he was inside them.


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