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by Simon Sebag Montefiore

2. This cursory account of the political developments since 1967 is based, unless otherwise stated, on: Krämer; Rogan; Shindler, History. Arafat and Fatah: Rogan 343–53; Hussein recognition of PLO to West Bank 378; First Intifada, Hamas and Nusseibeh and Faisal Husseini roles 429–37 and 465–7; Netanyahu settlements 476; Second Intifada 478–9. PLO years: Achcar 211–31. Pappe: Arafat 337 and 351 (Husseini connection); Faisal al-Husseini 348–9. On ideology of settlement of Jerusalem and West Bank: Ariel Sharon, Warrior 354–72; “how to secure Jerusalem as permanent capital of the Jewish people … to create an outer ring of development around Arab neighbourhoods” 359; “flow of pioneering nationalism” 364. On Menachem Begin and redemptionist/maximalist Judaism: Shindler, History 147–50. On peace talks: Shlomo Ben-Ami, Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, on Sadat and Begin 146–71; the Oslo talks and Arafat on Jerusalem 247–84. In my conclusion, I have been greatly helped by the following outstanding works on history, nationalism and cities: Sylvia Auld and Robert Hillenbrand, Ottoman Jerusalem: Living City 1517–1917; Philip Mansel, Levant: Splendour and Catastrophe on the Mediterranean; Mark Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts; Adam LeBor, City of Oranges: Jews and Arabs in Jaffa. Palestinian portraits written with reference to: Hadi, Palestinian Personalities. Modern Russian links to Jerusalem: “Where Pity Meets Power,” The Economist 19 December 2009. Archaeology: see Raphael Greenberg, “Extreme Exposure: Archaeology in Jerusalem 1967–2007,” Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 2009, vol. 11, 3–4, 262–81.

  Islamic, Christian and Jewish fundamentalism: On American millennial speculation about Armageddon; Sarah Palin, Pentecostalists’ view on Second Coming; Latter Rain prophecies; America as new Jerusalem: Sarah Curtis, “Sarah Palin’s Jerusalem and Pentecostal faith,” Colloquy Text Theory Critique 17 (2009) 70–82. Numbers 19, modern apocalyptic expectations. Lawrence Wright, “Letter from Jerusalem: Forcing the End,” New Yorker 20 July 1998. Marwan Mosque vs. Temple Tunnel, Temple Institute parallel to Northern Islamic Movement, plan to bury Arafat on Haram: Benjamin Z. Kedar and Oleg Grabar, “Epilogue,” in Sacred Esplanade 379–88. Islamicism, Hamas Charter, Protocols: Achcar 233–40. Protocols of Elders of Zion: Aaronovitch, Voodoo Histories 22–48, including Hamas Charter. On Palestinian denial of Jewish heritage: Ben-Ami 247–84; “PA Study Claims Kotel Was Never Part of Temple Mount, Jerusalem Post, 23 November 2010.

  On challenges of the division of Jerusalem in one or two states: Michael Dumper, “Two State Plus: Jerusalem and the Binational Debate,” JQ 39, Autumn 2009. Sari Nusseibeh, “Haram al-Sharif,” in Sacred Esplanade 367–73. Sepulchre: Nusseibeh, Country 72. Religions ignore each other: Ethan Bronner, “Jews and Muslims Share Holy Season in Jerusalem,” New York Times 28 September 2008. Quotations from author’s conversations with Shimon Peres, Amos Oz, Rabbi S. Rabinowitz, Wajeeh al-Nusseibeh, Aded al-Judeh, Adeb al-Ansari and Naji Qazaz.


  The Jerusalem literature is vast and this bibliography is not exhaustive but lists the main sources used in the book.

  The Authorized Version of the Bible and the New Translation of the Koran by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (Oxford 2004) are used throughout.


  Al-Fajr al-Adabi

  American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures

  Associated Christian Press

  Biblical Archaeologist

  Biblical Archaeology Review

  British Journal of Psychiatry

  Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research

  Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites


  Eastern Christian Art

  The Economist

  English Historical Review


  History Today

  Israel Exploration Journal

  Jerusalem Quarterly (Institute of Jerusalem Studies, al-Quds University) (JQ)

  Jewish Chronicle, London

  Jewish Quarterly

  Journal of Asian and African Studies

  Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (JRAS)

  Liber Annuus (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jerusalem)

  Middle Eastern Studies

  New York Times

  The New Yorker

  Palestine Exploration Fund Annual

  Palestine Exploration Quarterly

  Pravoslavny Palomnik

  Revue des Etudes Juives

  Saudi Aramco World


  Tadias Magazine

  The Times, London


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