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Toying with The Boss: Bundle Edition: Stories 1-3 + Bonus steamy story (Adult Toy Fun Erotica)

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by Carley Rose

  Toying with The Boss: Bundle of Parts 1-3 + Bonus Story

  Contains all three stories from Toying with The Boss series, plus a steamy bonus story

  Written by Carley Rose

  Copyright 2016 Carley Rose

  All Rights Reserved

  All characters in this story that participate in sex are 18 years or older.

  Table of Contents

  Playtime for Adults

  Toys ‘in Us

  DIY: Toys Required

  Bonus Story

  About the Author

  Other Works

  Excerpt: My eyelids fluttered every time it was fully submerged, and forgot to breath while I anticipated the next short thrust back in. It wasn’t long before I felt the familiar heat filling my body, making my toes curl, and mouth open wide as I gasped for air.

  Playtime for Adults

  The paperwork sitting on my desk taunted me, reminding me that I actually had to work for the generous paycheck deposited into my bank account every month. Reports, stats, and numbers upon numbers that dealt with all the finances of the toy company I worked for were sitting in front of me, impatiently waiting.

  Perhaps I procrastinated on this task a bit longer than usual because the paperwork seemed like a mountain that I had no desire to climb. I was only twenty-six; I should be out having fun, not calculating stuff that’s already been looked at just to make sure they looked at it correctly. And then, after that was done, I had to start putting numbers together for the quarterly report…

  Running a hand over my face, I let my other hand fall down to my secret drawer, where I kept all the things that helped me deal with stress.

  It was locked, of course, but before I could really think about how much time I might be wasting, the key was already in the lock and the drawer popped open.

  Chocolate, scented candles, and a few stress balls were there for cover. Maybe not so much the chocolate, but the real prizes were underneath the plush velvety pillow the fake items were on.

  My body was already humming with excitement as I lifted up the pillow and pulled out my favorite pair of underwear. There were a few other toys in there as well, but even with the small rush I got from the thought of playing with them, I knew I didn’t have that much time to waste. There was still a mountain of paperwork waiting for me.

  Setting the controller on my expensive carved wood desk, I quickly stood up and stepped into the special pair of panties. I had gone commando today, my procrastinating mind already planning for this exact situation.

  The small pouch holding the vibrator settled right against my clit, and I was already getting wet just from the bit of friction I got as I pulled the panties up as far as they could go. It was a little difficult given that I was still wearing my tight business skirt, but completely worth it.

  My breathing sped up as I picked up the controller, looking it over in my hands while considering which level I should start with. There were three levels, the first being a pleasant vibration that was good to make meetings a bit more interesting while the second began to heat things up. It was the third that I saved only for times I could let go without worrying about leaking on anything- it was definitely a finishing move.

  The first time I tried the third level out, I soaked my panties and skirt, forcing me to send my secretary to get a new skirt while I had to keep the dirtied fabric in my purse so I could clean them off at home. And that was without cumming.

  So, I set it to two, planning to get my endorphins up before getting back to work on the paperwork mountain. I was still holding out hope on it magically disappearing.

  The buzz began instantly, sending shivers of pleasure through my body from the spot that needed it the most. My face grew hot as I felt myself slicken up, my insides pulsing hard as I clenched and unclenched, enjoying the perfect distraction.

  Of course, I wasn’t just going to stand there, so I hitched my shirt up and lifted my leg onto the table, grinding the vibrator and my wet heat against the corner of my hard-wooden desk.

  It was a bit noisy having the vibrator right up against the wood, but the way it was shoving the toy right where I needed it most made it a decidedly unimportant factor. Besides, I had done this several times without my secretary ever peeking in. Speaking of which, I couldn't remember if I had locked the door or not…

  I continued to rub against the table’s edge, my mind beginning to get hazy with pleasure as I tried to recall whether or not I locked the door earlier. Perhaps after lunch? Or maybe when I was interrupted in the middle of a phone conversation by one of the partners?

  I’m sure that was it. I must’ve locked it after then. I mean, if I didn’t, then anyone could open the door and reveal my rather unprofessional means of stress relief to the rest of the workers right outside the door.

  The idea made me quicken my pace, not wanting to get caught but also not wanting to stop until I felt properly satisfied. Just a bit more, a bit more and then I could get caught up with the boring paperwork-.

  “Miss Toshiko? Um, Jake Front is here to see you,” Jessie’s, my secretary, voice came out of the intercom on my desk, almost making me scream in surprise and frustration. I did not want to deal with that aspiring toy maker who made broken toys right now.

  “I’m busy, tell him to make an appointment,” I replied, trying to sound as calm and collected as possible while my panties continued to vibrate against my now swollen nub. Perhaps this was a sign that I should put the setting down to one and actually get some work done.

  “I did, but he insisted that- hey, you can’t just-.” That was all the warning I had to pull my skirt down and quickly turn the controller off before a pissed-off and smiling Jake Front burst into my office. It wasn’t locked, then.

  As he walked over to my desk, I could only hope the exercise I had been interrupted from wasn’t too apparent, although I could still feel the heat in my cheeks and I was sure my clothes were slightly rumpled.

  Thankfully, Jake seemed to have other things on his mind, setting down a cardboard box on my desk without asking. He was wearing a nervous, but determined smile. It was obviously forced, making it less of a pleasantry and more of an invitation to fight.

  I wasn’t one to back down from a fight so I kept my eyes on him, leaning forward in my seat and looking down on him as much as I could from the chair. He was easily six foot something, but I wasn’t about to stand up. More power to the person who does less. That, and my panties were wet enough that there might be a spot or two on my light grey skirt. I might’ve gone too far earlier, but at least after the last incident I had back up clothes already stored in my office.

  “Mr. Front, what is so dire that you need to barge into my office like this?” I asked, my eyes narrowing as he returned my look with his own, much more smiley version.

  “It’s because my toy-.”

  “That was a failure.”

  “-has been fixed. I already went to some of the other board members but they want to get your approval on the finances before looking at it again.”

  “So they shoved the responsibility on me?” I said, sighing. Of course, being Chief Financial Officer, I had plenty of gut to swing around, especially since I helped the company during its largest growth the last few years, but my shares of the company were still pitifully small compared to the board members. I was young and wanted the cash instead when we were talking options. Oh well.

  “That’s one way to put it, yes,” Jake said, still wearing his tight-lipped smile as he dug
through the box and pulled out a toy rocket that looked similar to the one he showed us a week or two ago. The board members had all been there for his demonstration, which ended with the rocket falling on its side like a dud instead of shooting up into the air like it was supposed to. I had felt second hand embarrassment for him.

  The smooth, plastic material with a bright red and blue coloring made it look like it belonged on any young child’s shelf, but the failed launch ruined it for me.

  This one was a bit different, it was longer and the extra decorations on the side were gone, leaving just a smooth cylinder with ‘blasters’ on the bottom. My still wet heat clenched at the sight, wondering how it would feel shoved up inside of me. The vibrations from earlier had stirred me up, and my body was pushing me to finish what had started. It was not the distraction I needed right now.

  Taking steady breaths, I worked on calming myself down. No need to get sexually aroused in front of Jake, who was younger than me and in the prime of his youth. I was aroused enough as it was, and frankly I was surprised he hadn’t smelled the sex in the air, although perhaps my acting was better than I thought.

  I was only inches away from the spot I had rubbed against on the table while he was on the other side, but I kept my eyes from looking back at it to see if there was a shiny wet spot on my desk.

  “I took away the side wings to make it more balanced and aerodynamic. I also redid the wiring so that it has a lot more juice to make it-.”

  “That’s enough, Mr. Front. I don’t have time to let you waste it. Make an appointment and come back later,” I said, feeling only slightly guilty. He should’ve made an appointment, and although on any other day I probably would’ve heard him out given how desperate he seemed, the possibility of him picking up the rather strong scent of my wetness on the table was a very real thing. I could practically taste it by now, so it was only a matter of time before the smell drifted over to him.

  I was not about to let a young male co-worker discover my de-stressor if I could help it.

  “Miss Toshiko, if you could just let me finish I could show you just how much better it is,” Jake said, setting the rocket on the desk before grabbing the remote on the desk.

  There was a moment of complete and utter terror as I watched his fingers glide over the cheap plastic remote, time almost standing still just before he finally pressed down on the single button.

  Oh no.

  The vibrations started right away, level one making it hard to concentrate while my nub was still so sensitive from earlier. Biting my lip, I poured my focus into not thinking about how my insides were starting to heat up again, or how my breathing was speeding up.

  “What? No, we just fixed this, I swear it works,” Jake pressed the button again, looking expectantly at the rocket on the table while I had to bite my lips to keep a moan from escaping. How the hell did he not realize he was using the wrong remote?! Did it really look that similar to whatever he has for the rocket?!

  My hips began to move on their own accord against the chair, rubbing myself to get just a bit more from the vibrator inside my panties. Breathing was becoming harder, and I knew I had to stop the idiot before he tried again.

  His finger was already hovering over the button, watching the still rocket for any signs of activity before bringing his finger down.

  “No!” I yelled, jumping out of my seat a moment too late. I didn’t even see him push it, but boy did I feel it. My body shook from the force of the toy working its hardest against me, making my knees buckle now that I wasn’t in the chair. My hands shot out to hang on to the table's edge, one of them unfortunately landing right where I had been rubbing up against earlier and sliding down the table’s length on the wet wood.

  “Miss Toshiko?!” Jake ran around the table, concern etched in his face. I could barely keep my eyes open, nearly falling apart as my body lit up from the toy. My grip on the table’s edge was knuckle-white as I restrained my hands from moving down and pushing the toy harder against me. My breath was coming out in gasps now, and even biting my lips couldn’t contain the moans.

  “Don’t- Don’t touch me,” I gasped out, not sure how much more I could take. It was surprising I was holding up as well as I was, although my hips were moving far too much to not draw attention to them. My legs were acting on their own, actively working to seek any friction against my groin that I could get.

  “Don’t worry, I’m just going to help you up,” Jake responded, acting all kind and good mannered. My mind was in a haze, all my concentration on not cumming right there and then, so I couldn’t even say anything. He gently put his arms around me, probably to give me some support, but as soon as I felt his warmth I fell right into his chest, forcing him to hold me. The sudden shift of my weight knocked him off balance, and before I could blink his back was on the floor with me on top of him.

  My grip on the desk gone, my hands had nothing to do but go straight towards where they were needed the most. It was impossibly embarrassing, but I couldn’t stop myself from shoving my hands up my skirt and rubbing that vibrator right into me.

  “Miss Toshiko, what are you…” Jake trailed off, probably finally getting a clue about my current predicament. My breath came out in needy moans against his neck as my hips rolled onto my hands and the vibrator.

  “T-the remote, you need to turn it o-off,” I said, somehow managing a complete sentence. If I could avoid cumming on top of my co-worker, that would be nice. He would probably be a lot less likely to sue as well, even though it was kind of accidently his fault.

  “The remote?” Jake said, his arm moving up with something black in his hand. My breath almost caught in my throat as I realized he still had the damn thing. My unoccupied hand jumped at it, but Jake’s arm was longer than mine and easily kept it out of reach.

  “Y-you don’t understand, you h-have to, mnn, turn it off,” I tried telling him, but his hand continued to elude my own and I couldn’t stop grinding against my other long enough to really try getting it.

  “Let me guess, this remote isn’t for my rocket, but for some sort of your own ‘toy’?” Jake said, the worry in his voice completely gone and replaced by something much more worrisome for me. Shit.

  “Mmn, yeah, s-something like that. Turn it o-off.”

  “You didn’t say the magic word,” Jake said, quietly chuckling as if he realized the power he had over me. If I wasn’t shaking and rubbing myself off right on top of him, I would’ve killed him right there and then.

  “P-please!” I buried my face into his neck and shoulders, pleasure shuddering through me as I continued to work the vibrator with frantic rolls of my hips. Having the warmth of a body below me though, a nice, hard set one, was difficult to ignore. I felt so close to cumming, but being able to rub up against him, feel more of his body…

  “How’s that?” Jake asked as he pushed the button and released me from my incoherent state of mind. I collapsed on top of him, my body still shaking from all the heat that had gathered from the vibrations and lack of release.

  “T-thanks,” I said, sighing in relief. I was still on fire, but at least now I could think clearer and didn’t have the singular goal of rubbing myself off. Speaking of which, my hand was still in my panties and covered in my juices. Well if this wasn’t embarrassing enough…

  “So, your toy has the same remote as mine, but does something very different, huh?”

  “Uh, yeah, I think we already established that,” I said, getting annoyed. I was still sprawled out on top of his body but mine was just barely cooperating as it was. “If you could help me up I would be happy to look over your toy after I clean up-.”

  “Oh no, no, no, that’s not how this is going to work.” My ears perked up, not sure if I was really hearing this correctly.

  “Excuse me?”

  He pressed the remote, my breath hitching as the toy vibrated against my already swollen and abused clit.

  “The board members won’t see me again, and I’m tired of being pushe
d aside. I’m not leaving until you approve or help me work on the toy,” Jake said, sitting up so that I was in his lap before pressing the button again and bringing the toy up to level two. I gasped and grabbed onto his shirt, my hips rolling into his without any consideration of my current feelings for the man. My body just wanted some release, something real in place of this ever-teasing toy.

  It sent a small thrill down my back when I felt a hard piece of heat poking at me through his pants. My body worked on it harder.

  “You… You don’t hold back, do you?” Jake asked, getting a bit breathless himself.

  “I can’t, I just, I need-.” I wasn’t sure exactly what I was trying to say, but when he pressed the button yet again all rational thoughts vanished.

  “Fuuck, fuck, just, damn it, just fuck me already.” I couldn’t believe what I was saying, yet at the same time I couldn’t believe he wasn’t fucking me already. The piece of meat poking me through his pants was responding well enough to me rubbing against him, and I’m sure he could feel some of the vibrator’s magic as well.

  Screw office rules, I needed to get fucked and this guy seemed like the perfect person for the job right now. Mainly because he had a dick. A large, hot, throbbing one that I was grinding against without remorse.

  “Is that what you want? You… want me to fuck you?” His voice wavered slightly, as if he was unsure of what he was asking.

  I nodded in to his neck, my lips latching onto his skin so I could suck on it, taste him and hopefully erase any doubt he might have left. Any more of this and I was going to reach down there and take his dick out myself-.

  Jake turned me around, lifting me up so that I was on the chair with ass in the air and knees on the edge.

  “I’ll fuck you good, then,” he said, an excitement building up in his voice that my own body eagerly responded to by pushing my ass out so that it was right where it needed to be.

  The panties continued to vibrate as I waited with my eyes closed and forehead pressed against the back of my chair. Even in the blur of my mind, I knew that this was a bad idea, but my body couldn’t agree less. It was ready to be fucked.


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