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Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 13

by Celeste Prater

  Gripping her tightly, Maxim rolled to his side, slipped out of her warm sheath, and kept her close. With great difficulty, he lifted his hand, pushed strands of damp hair away from her face, and cupped her jaw. He placed a gentle kiss to her lips, cheeks, and forehead before flopping back to the pillow. Gradually their breathing settled. He smiled when she kissed him softly on the chest and ran her palm down his arm. She took a couple of deep breaths before she could speak.

  “Son of bitch, Maxim, that was a first.”

  He lifted his head.

  “A first?”

  She chuckled.

  “Not what you think. Orgasms. Multiple. I’ve felt lucky just getting one before, and that was after a whole lot of work. You just blew my mind. Damn, you’re very talented.”

  He patted her arm.

  “Well, that makes me feel better. I can’t seem to control myself around you. I was pissed that I came before I could give you another.” He enjoyed listening to her tinkling laughter.

  “Another one? Hell. That would’ve killed me.”

  Maxim lifted up on his elbow and stared at her. “You’re serious?”

  “About dying? No, silly.”

  He tweaked her on the nose.

  “No. About the other.”

  “Oh. Yes, very serious. Why do you think I have a piercing? I was trying to get the upper hand. I found out the hard way that even that can get ignored when you’re with someone selfish.” She stretched and yawned.

  “Maxim? Can we stay in tonight? We can leave early tomorrow. I don’t think my legs are going to work anyway.”

  He laughed and traced his finger down her arm.

  “Sure, but I have one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “You sleep next to me all night.”

  She smiled. “You got it.”

  Leaning against his palm, Maxim placed his hand on her belly and started brushing his thumb across her bellybutton. He lifted his gaze and smiled when he found her grinning. She was just too adorable.

  “Tell me something, Skylar.”


  “Why haven’t you ever been married or have a boyfriend? You’re smart, funny, and absolutely beautiful. I’m surprised someone hadn’t figured that out already and snapped you up.”

  She patted his hand, and he laced his fingers with hers.

  “You’re good for my ego, Maxim.”

  “I’m serious.”

  She laughed and rolled to her side to face him.

  “I run off boyfriends faster than I change razors.”

  He frowned. “Now why do you say that?”

  “Well, I got a little insight from the last one. He hung around for almost a month, so I have to give him credit for that. He said that I was emotionally aloof, whatever the hell that means. I’m not the clingy type, but I think it might be because I refused to say I loved him.”

  “Did you…love him?”

  “I don’t believe in love.”

  Maxim felt his belly tighten.

  “Okay, you’re going to have to explain that one to me.”

  She reached out, caught a strand of his hair, and started curling it around her finger. She finally looked up to him.

  “Sorry, I should’ve been clear. What I meant is that I don’t believe in love at first sight. Love is extremely rare and only happens after the initial awkward dance everyone goes through. A month is definitely not an accurate timeframe to experience enough to judge. You can’t really love someone unless you’ve been through some shit together—good or bad. My parents were in love with each other. It was obvious, so I definitely know what it looks like. It wasn’t until I started dating that I realized that it’s really just lust at first sight. If it was truly love, then so many relationships wouldn’t disintegrate so fast at the first sign of trouble.”

  Maxim ran his fingers down her arm and watched chills travel across her flesh.

  “That’s what happened to all of yours?”

  She nodded and shrugged.

  “Hell, it’s rough enough to make it with the normal bullshit life chunks at you, try throwing in someone that goes into mini-trances and speaks with the spirits and you’re heading for instant disaster. Lust can’t survive that. Trust me, I know.”

  Maxim felt an overwhelming sadness suffuse his body. Here was this absolutely, breathtakingly, wonderful woman, and no one had seen past the surface to really know her. He was pissed that she’d been dealt with in that manner, yet equally ecstatic that the other males had been complete idiots. Guilt and joy warred for supremacy until he screamed for them to cut him some slack. He needed to get away from this subject before he blurted out that he’d fallen head over ass in love with her. She’d kick his butt to the curb so fast it’d make his head spin.

  Squeezing her tight, Maxim rolled them off the bed and stood up. He laughed when she squealed and her eyes widened. He liked the feel of her arms clasping his neck as he carried her to the bathroom.

  “We need a shower. I’m going to wash you down, and you’re going to let me.”

  She laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “Like I have a choice, obviously.”

  He set her down on the floor and turned to start the shower.


  Despite his need to take her again when her luscious body became soaped and slippery, Maxim managed to stave off the impulse. He was proud of his dick for listening and keeping its eye on the shower floor. This couldn’t be all about sex. Despite her declarations that all pairings began with lust, he knew that it was untrue in their case. Not once had the acrid stench of smoke filtered through her sweet scent. She felt something for him, and it gave him a small measure of hope. He had to show her that she was important to him outside of the bedroom as well. With years of emotional neglect, this precious female had rightly placed a few barriers in his way. Well, he had every intention of knocking them aside so she could see that falling in love within a relatively short timeframe was really possible.

  He was living proof.

  Chapter 15

  Makar glanced over upon hearing another of Baruch’s exaggerated sighs. “Okay, spill it.”


  “You act like you’re dying over there.”

  “No I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “What did I do?”

  “Okay, don’t admit it then.”

  “Fine! I hate the smell of these gods damn places.”

  “What smell?”

  “You don’t smell that?”

  “No idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Seriously? It’s an overabundance of cleaning supplies and death.”

  Makar snorted and shook his head at his nutty mate. “It doesn’t smell like death in here.”

  “Well, it’s close.”

  “It’s all in your mind.”

  “I’m just saying.”

  “No, you were breathing heavy. I made you say it.”

  “Whatever. Where the hell are we going anyway?”

  “Third floor. It’s supposed to be on the left and about halfway down.”

  “Is it close to the morgue?”

  “Hell if I know.” Makar stopped in the middle of the hallway and pushed Baruch over to the side. As expected, the male’s gray eyes narrowed and he leaned against the wall, arms crossed.


  “Look. You agreed to come here. Cato’s expecting us to get the damn thing and get out. Simple.”

  “I know. So?”

  “If you don’t want to be here, then wait outside. You can breathe all the fresh air you want. I doubt there’s any hospital smells out there to irritate your delicate senses. I can do this by myself.” He knew he hit the right nerve when Baruch lifted to his full height and one eyebrow rose. He was so easy.

  “Hell, no. I’m coming with you. And what’s with the crack about my—”

  Makar frowned when Baruch glanced up and his eyes widened. Unprepared for the big fist grabbin
g the front of his T-shirt and wadding it into a ball, he pried Baruch’s fingers out of the material and shoved his hand away.

  “What the hell, Baruch? You wrinkled my new shirt.” His eyes widened when his mate quickly leaned forward and whispered close to his face.

  “Shut up. You won’t believe what’s walking up behind you. No, don’t look. You’ll see in a second.” Baruch straightened, and a beautiful smile lit his face.

  Makar waited in anticipation to see what caused the immediate transformation of the surly male. Then he smelled it. Viola canina—violets. A rich bouquet of his favorite scent wafted to his nose, and he drew it in with ease. Home. Something deep inside his core clicked into place and woke something he’d thought long dead.

  Turning his head, he watched the most beautiful female he’d ever seen stroll by, the clipped sound of heels striking the tile announcing her determined stride. Her dark hair had been pulled into a tight bun, yet he could tell it would fall easily to the middle of her back if she’d only free it. She wore a short lab coat, so he immediately knew she worked in the hospital. She was staring down at a small computer held in her delicate hand, but he caught the quick glance she threw their way as she passed. She wasn’t oblivious to their presence. Her trail of violet-scented desire waved like an invisible banner behind her luscious body.

  Sea-green eyes caught his and held for a brief moment before she glanced back down. Chills skittered across his skin, and he forgot how to breathe. He could sense Baruch trembling from the electrical charge passing between them. Stunned, he watched her walk away. A black skirt, molded beautifully to her thighs, ended just above her knees and emphasized her long, shapely legs eating up the distance. She quickly disappeared around a corner. He flinched at Baruch’s deep voice.

  “Fuck me. Did you see her eyes? Gods damn, Makar. What are you waiting for? She’s getting away.”

  He caught up with his mate just as he turned down the corridor. Catching the back of his T-shirt, he gave a hard yank.

  “What are you doing?”

  Baruch pushed his hand away.

  “Quit grabbing me. There she is. She’s talking to someone. Hold up. Act like we’re looking for something.”

  Makar lowered his voice. “You plan on running her down?”

  “If I have to. Don’t tell me you didn’t sense that. The air practically crackled around her. If that wasn’t identification, then I’ve lost all of my senses.”

  “You haven’t. I felt it, too.”

  “Well, there you go. Decision made.”

  Makar felt lightheaded. For days, they’d been carousing the bars, hanging out at Heat Seekers, and touching numerous necks and wrists—and nothing. Now a possibility was standing less than twenty meters away and he didn’t know what to do. He glanced back down the corridor, and his stomach dropped.

  “Fuck. She’s leaving.”

  Baruch yanked on his arm. “Come on. Let’s at least find out who she is.”

  Nodding at the logic, Makar took a deep breath and followed his excited mate down the hallway. They caught her at the elevator doors.

  She jumped when Baruch tapped her on the shoulder. Her beautiful eyes widened in surprise when she swiveled around.

  “Oh! You frightened me. Can I help you?”

  Instinct kicked in and he felt himself drawing closer to her.

  “I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Makar, and this is Baruch.”

  She stared at him like she was expecting him to say something else, then she blinked and took a quick glance over to a very relaxed Baruch, now leaning in with his palm pressing against the wall. It was his signature move to box a potential in and get a closer look.


  Her eyes were questioning, but he couldn’t seem to get his words to come out. Her skin had a healthy glow and he wanted to reach out and run his fingers across her cheek to see if it was a soft as it looked. Baruch entered his thoughts and snapped him away from the insane urge.

  Ask her.

  You ask her.

  You started talking first.


  He cleared his throat and she looked back to him.

  “We’re new to the city and were hoping someone could let us know of any good restaurants close by. Do you have any suggestions?” He saw her shoulders relax.

  That was good.


  “Uh…sure. Do you like steak?”

  He saw Baruch’s head nodding in time with his and thought he better speak before she thought they were a couple of nut bags.

  “Yes. Steak’s good.” When she smiled, he instantly decided he wanted to see that for the rest of his life. She was devastating. Her whole face lit up.

  “Well, I could name a few close by, but they’re sort of pricey. I think your best bet is Texas Land and Cattle on Highway 183.”

  She gave them directions, but Makar didn’t catch any of it. Her sensuous voice was like a magnet and drew him in. He took a closer step. Baruch did the same. He realized in that moment that he wanted to know this lovely female. It consumed him. All hesitation drifted away.

  “Go there with us. We’d like to buy you dinner.” Her eyes widened, and he realized his mistake. He’d moved too fast. She confirmed it when she took a hesitant step back and her quick laugh was shaky.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know you. That wouldn’t be wise. Thank you, though.”

  Baruch stepped in to try to save the moment.

  “That’s the whole point, isn’t it, to get to know one another? It’s a public place. You’ll come to no harm. We promise.”

  Her eyes darted back and forth between them and then her eyebrows rose in understanding.

  “Oh. I see. You’re a pair. I’m sorry. I’m not into that…uh…kind of thing.”

  Baruch unleashed the voice that still to this day made his own legs weak.

  “Oh, but, sweetness, how do you know unless you’ve tried?”

  Makar squashed his smile. The strong aroma of violets filled the air around them, and she swallowed hard. Her pupils dilated and then she glanced down at her computer as if it would save her.

  Baruch’s chuckle drifted through his mind. Oh, yeah, she wants us.

  Baruch loved every second of this pursuit. He was turned on. Makar knew if he glanced down, he’d find his mates cock pushing hard against his jeans. He hoped she’d look up and miss the blatant invitation. The last thing they needed was for her to run screaming down the hallway. He finally got a good look at her nametag situated next to a pair of very luscious breasts. Even with the shirt buttoned all the way up, they were quite obvious. He tore his eyes away.

  “Dr. Anderson?”

  Her lids flipped up.

  “How do you know me?”

  He pointed to her tag, and she blushed a lovely shade of pink. He thought she was beyond cute when she popped her palm against her forehead.

  “Well, that was silly of me.”

  He felt like they’d jumped back on the track to continued conversation and grimaced when the elevator sounded. The doors swished open and she glanced over her shoulder. It was empty. She looked back to each of them, smiled, and stepped backward until she bumped into the wall.

  “Sorry, gotta go. Enjoy your steak.”

  When she leaned forward and pressed a button, Baruch stuck his hand on the door before it could slide shut.

  “You’re name. What’s your first name?”

  She moved forward and peeled his fingers off the frame. Just before the doors pushed together, she grinned.

  “Keely.” Then she was gone.

  Baruch glanced over and their mutual decision was quick and decisive. They misted and slid right in with her. He sensed Baruch moving closer to investigate her.

  So, what now?

  We follow her and see where she works. Damn, Makar, she’s perfect. We’ll just have to keep making visits until she caves.

  Makar snorted.

  That or she calls the authorities to cart u
s away. They both stilled when she started mumbling to herself.

  “Damn, Keely. What in the hell was that? You acted like you were in high school again.” She heaved out a breath and let her head fall back against the wall.

  “Geez. They were gorgeous. They’re actors, had to be…definitely bodybuilders. Duh! That was obvious.” She fanned her face.

  Baruch sounded confused.

  Why does she think we were acting?

  Makar chuckled and moved closer to them both.

  No, not like that. She thinks that we might be one of the humans that performs in their films. You know, like Bruce Willis.

  Ah! Well, at least she believes us to be handsome. That’s a start.


  The elevator stopped on the sixth floor and she took a deep breath, straightened, and quickly adjusted her jacket. They shared in the joy of watching her scrumptious ass sway down the hallway. Minutes later, she stopped in front of a room with a large glass window. A male with shoulder-length dark hair and wearing a strange orange outfit was sitting at a table and staring down at his cuffed hands. A police officer leaned against the wall and gave her a smile that Makar considered entirely too familiar.

  “Hey, Adam. Is he behaving today?”

  “Hi, Keely. Yes. I think his meds kicked in.”

  Makar felt immediate disappointment when the officer leaned in and reached up to brush his fingers across her cheek.

  Baruch sounded concerned. She has no ring. Do you think this is her boyfriend?

  Gods, I hope not.

  His initial angst immediately dissipated when she moved away before the man could touch her skin. She glanced around nervously.

  “I told you not to do that when I’m at work.”

  “Ah, come on, Keely. There’s no one here. You’re paranoid.”

  Her brows drew together.

  “No I’m not.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry. We still on for tonight?”


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