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Fueled by Lust: Maxim (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 20

by Celeste Prater

  Luna grabbed Cato’s hand and dragged him over to the chairs. “We got in about four hours ago. We’ve been at his father’s house playing some weird game out in the backyard, and my legs are seriously pissed at me right now. I chased more balls than I caught.”

  Lina patted her on the thigh. “I can sympathize. Take a load off.”

  Cato grinned at his mate. “It’s called Trigon, and you may not have been the best player, but you looked cute as hell when you kept throwing with the right hand instead of the left.”

  She laughed and kissed his knuckles. “I doubt that was anywhere near cute, but thanks for making me feel better. I’m right-hand dominant, so the left just simply refused to play along.”

  Cato chuckled and then glanced around. “Where are your males?”

  Cassie pointed back toward the palace. “Last time I saw them, they were holed up in Lucien’s office discussing the tunnel build. They’re starting next week. Drusus looks psyched.”

  Luna leaned forward in her chair and caught everyone’s attention when she pointed toward the bottom of the hill. “Someone’s coming. Can you see who it is?”

  Cato’s deep voice sounded out. “Altair, Haemon, and Keos. There’s three Nawien’s following behind. Two were with them on Glaxon-8, and I think the other one is the elder of their village since he has an armband. I thought I saw their craft at the docking station when the transporter brought us over.” He walked out and met them, bumping knuckles with Keos as soon as they topped the hill.

  Cassie watched in curiosity as all three elite guards shook their heads and glanced nervously over their shoulders. Keos spoke up.

  “Dude, have you seen Imbrus? He’s not answering our calls. We need the code for the translator. I can’t understand a word these big fellas are saying, and they seem anxious.”

  Cato snorted. “That’s what you get for not going back and releasing them like Lucien advised you to.”

  Keos rolled his eyes. “I know. We were waiting until after the festival. You know we never miss the battle play. I guess they got impatient.”

  Lina stood. “He’s at flight command. Drusus has him preparing three battle escorts for Bellator. The Protonecian fleet isn’t as big as ours, so he wants to make sure the king arrives safely. I can go get Lucien for you.”

  All heads turned to the garden as the sound of unbridled female laughter shot through the air and Tana stumbled through the gates. She was laughing so hard, all she could manage was a thumb pointing over her shoulder. Lucien was following close on her heels, looking down, and carrying a look of puzzlement on his face. As soon as he stepped from behind her, everyone cracked up, even the Nawiens.

  Cedric and Barney gripped both legs as if a gale force wind was going to swoop in and blow them from the planet at any minute. The Lemarok’s tails practically formed knots between his knees. Lucien attempted to shake them off and then hobbled a few more steps before trying again. Finally, he stopped, looked up, and shrugged.


  Cassie tried to keep her shit together as she and Lina attempted to peel them off his body. As soon as she got Barney’s paws loose, he’d screech and climb higher. They were finally able to get them both off when Cato and Altair held onto their tails. Lucien tried to look stern as he straightened his tunic, but his smile finally broke free.

  “The little shit’s attacked me as soon as I walked by the dining hall.”

  Wiping her eyes, Cassie scratched behind Barney’s ears until he finally settled down. She kept a firm grip on the base of his tail since he was still eyeballing the emperor like he was his favorite tree. Lina was only able to calm Cedric down when she flipped him in her arms and rocked him like a baby. He was so spoiled.

  Trying to steady her breath, Cassie helped Tana up from the ground. The future empress slapped her hand over her mouth and kept her eyes averted. Every time she glanced at Lucien, she completely lost it.

  Lina finally controlled her giggles and patted Lucien on the back. “You know what this means don’t you?”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “It’s their way of cluing you that they want to come back to breakfast. It’s been weeks and they feel like you don’t love them anymore. Cedric did the same thing to Drusus when he banned him from our bedroom. He only stopped after your son finally allowed him to sleep at the foot of our bed at least one night a week. He’s been a perfect gentleman since then. They learn quickly.

  Lucien shook his head and chuckled. “Fine. I’ll allow them back tomorrow morning. If one scrap of food ends up in my lap, the ban’s permanent.


  Cassie watched Lucien’s face morph right into the role of emperor the second he spotted the Nawien’s standing to the side. He glanced over to Cato.

  Cato pulled out his handheld. “Keos needs the translation code.”

  “Ah.” He rattled it off and soon the conversation was understandable.

  The Nawien leader, Trasek, greeted Lucien warmly and asked if he could speak with him in private.

  Lucien gave him a quick nod. “Of course. In case you were wondering, the elite guard has plans to visit your tribe as soon as the festival concludes.”

  Trasek gave a resigned sigh and glanced to the two Nawien’s standing beside him. “My concern wasn’t with the delay of your guard, we have more pressing matters. My tribesmen wish to stay on Insedivertus to serve their masters. They do not wish to be released. This has caused grave concern for their families.”

  Cassie was impressed with Lucien. The only sign that he was surprised was the subtle lift to his left brow.

  “Come, Trasek, we’ll discuss this in my office.” Lucien kissed a now sober Tana on the forehead. “I shouldn’t be long, sweetness.”

  Tana gave him a brilliant smile and watched the group file through the gardens. She turned and looked at the three of them.

  “Pull up a seat, ladies. I don’t know about you, but my sides still hurt. That was the funniest damn thing I’ve seen in years. The purple monsters were hiding behind a potted plant and flew out…shit! I have to quit remembering that or I’m going to be worthless.”

  Soon, they were staring down the hill at the bustling activity on the festival grounds. Tana released a sigh.

  “I don’t know how Lucien does it. He makes it look so easy, but there’s always something going on. I hope I can start helping him with some of the small stuff soon.”

  Lina patted her on the arm. “You will. It’s no different from Drusus’s mini empire back on Earth, just on a slightly smaller scale. He always has something swirling around him, especially these last few months. They’re both great leaders. It comes natural to them.

  Cassie nudged Lina on the arm. “That reminds me. We received a wedding invitation from Marcus. He’s getting married next month to the nurse that took care of him when Monica shot him. Her name’s Amy.” At Tana’s raised brows, she snorted.

  “Oh, yeah, you don’t know all the stuff we three went through. I guess that would help.” After a fast-paced run down of the craziness that had stampeded through their lives, Tana shook her head and grunted.

  “Well, at least my blue scourge is nothing but dust back on that nuthouse planet. I can sleep well knowing that.”

  Lina nodded. “Mine, too. At least Basilius redeemed himself in the end and kept Ulixes alive. That’s the only quality I’ll choose to remember of him.”

  Luna snorted. “My problem is still around. Cato keeps close tabs on Bryan, though. His trial’s coming up soon. I’m just glad I’m not mentioned anywhere in his records other than as an ex that moved away. My fearsome warrior scared the crap out of him. I doubt he’ll ever say my name again. Good riddance. Now we have another mate joining us soon, and she’s had some trouble of her own. Caelius’s mate, Rhia, discovered that her boss had a serious crush on her. So much so, he tried to kill Caelius with a knife. At least he’s in jail now.”

  Cassie leaned back and stretched her legs out. “I’m glad it wasn’t a gun. La
st time Severus checked, his nutty stalker, Monica, was nice and comfy in her padded cell, and Dawson got out after giving testimony against Andrew Wynn. I think he was as much a victim as us. They caught Wynn at the Canadian border, and the reports Cato snagged claimed he cried like a baby. His partner Nicoli Croskauf didn’t have a clue what was going on. He brought Doug Benson back to the company and promoted him. Poor kid went through hell. I’m just glad he’s okay now.”

  They were all slowly nodding while obviously rethinking all the shit they’d been through that ended with them all sitting here on an alien planet and bonded with four amazing creatures—mindboggling. They all looked up to the darkened sky as three Insedi battle escorts slipped easily out of the atmosphere. The sleek, deadly machines made the space shuttle look like a clunky child’s toy. Cassie released her breath on a long sigh.

  “No matter how many times I see that happen, it still makes my heart race. It’s just so freaking cool.”

  She got three mumbles of awestruck agreement.

  Chapter 23

  Wrapping the hair band at the bottom of her braid, Skylar glanced over to the clock again. Twenty minutes and Maxim still hadn’t returned from downstairs. She’d already showered and dressed, expecting him to be in the bedroom when she came out. After ten minutes of waiting patiently on the bed, she figured the dull throb at the base of her skull was trying to tell her to relax her muscles and take a chill pill. Eventually it subsided, but now she could feel it building again.

  Worried, she found her phone and dialed his number. When a soft chirping noise sounded from the top of the dresser, she groaned and threw it back into her purse. Jumping up, she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag. Relax, dumbass. Maybe the line’s long at the breakfast bar. I’ll join him and save him a trip. She released her breath when a light knock sounded on the door. She pictured Maxim bumping his knee against it while juggling a platter full of food. That man could consume the whole buffet if you gave him a chance.

  “Hey, you need help? You should’ve taken—”

  Hand still palming the open door, Skylar gasped in surprise to find two tall, burly men with blond hair standing in the hallway. It was the same ones from the mall. Her mind tried to grasp the situation. Oh my god! Did they do something to Maxim? She kicked the first one in the knee and heard him curse as she tried to shove past him. She didn’t get far.

  Someone grabbed her braid and yanked her backward. Pain shot through her skull, and she swung her arm to the side, clocking one of them in the ear. That just pissed them off more, earning a stinging slap to the cheek. She tried to bite the hand clamped over her mouth, but he was pressing too tightly as he unceremoniously dragged her down the corridor. Skylar prayed someone would open a door and spot them—no luck. She breathed deeply through her nose when she was yanked through the side door and shoved into the cargo area of a black SUV. She spotted two more men in the front seat. They never turned to look at her. There was no one to help. She was on her own.

  Skylar felt her hands and ankles cinched before she could turn over and attempt to kick her way free. Once he flipped her around, a rag pressed deep into her mouth, gagging her before she could bite down on the digits. She cringed at the distinctive sound of duct tape ripping away from the roll. Unable to push the cloth out with her tongue once the sticky substance adhered to her cheeks, Skylar lay back on the floor and blinked up to the roof. The door slammed shut, and she felt any hope quickly slip away. How in the hell am I going to get out of this shit?

  Skylar felt the vehicle dip as the men climbed in. The one on her right calmly said, “Go,” before the engine gunned and they sped from the parking lot. Trying to calm her breathing before she went into a full-blown panic attack, Skylar turned her head and watched advertising signs pass by the heavily tinted windows. Maxim. I need Maxim. Please let him be okay.

  Trying to remember what he’d told her about reading thoughts, she began forming a door in her mind. After fifteen different variations, textures, and colors, her inner voice cursed her confused gray matter. Damn it, you idiot, pick a fucking door! Settling on a black one with a silver knob, she pictured Maxim standing on the other side of it. Reaching out, she pounded on the cool steel, and shouted his name. She blinked rapidly when the door swung wide and she heard his voice.

  Skylar! You did it! I’m so proud of you, baby! I’ve been trying to contact you, so I apologize if you have a headache. I figured you were still blocking my ability, so I gave up. I left my gods damn phone on the dresser and couldn’t call you. I’m turning in the parking lot right now. The food sucked at the hotel, so I swung by Denny’s to get us some—

  Maxim! Hold up. Don’t freak, but someone just snatched me from the room, and—. Skylar cringed at the thunderous roar that filtered through the doorway. I’m fine. Just listen. Don’t go back to the room. I don’t know if they left someone there for you. I have my purse and I’m in that black SUV from the mall. They turned left out of the parking lot about five minutes ago…still going straight. Maxim’s words sounded husky and strained.

  How many in the vehicle.



  Not sure, but they look like the type that would. Wait. I think we’re at a light. Okay, we’re turning left. The road feels smoother. Oh! We just passed a Wendy’s on the right.

  I saw that when I was coming back. I know where you are. I’m turning out of the parking lot right now.

  It feels like we’re veering to the left again. It wasn’t a full turn. We’re accelerating. I think we’re on a ramp to the highway. Yeah, I hear more cars.

  Coming for you, baby. Did they hurt you?

  No, just threw me around a bit and I’m tied up. I have a gag in my mouth, and they taped it shut. She heard him growling for a few beats. He sounded sad when he finally spoke. She could feel his emotions washing over her. Tears stung the back of her eyes.

  I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you. I don’t know what I was thinking. I failed you, sweetness. Please forgive me.

  Don’t be mad at yourself, Maxim. I’m glad they got me while I was alone. Now you can come rescue me. If you’d been there, they might have shot you or something.

  Ah, hell, Skylar, listen to you. You’re so gods damn sweet. You worry for me and have such faith in my ability to get you out of this mess. I love you, my female.

  I like it when you call me that. Love you, too.

  I want you to do something for me, sweetness. I need you to try misting for me. If you can do that, then we’re home free.

  Okay, I’ll try. What do I do?

  Let’s do something small first. Look down at your hands.

  Can’t, their behind me.

  Fuck! What can you see?

  All of my front.

  Sandals or boots?


  Shit. I was hoping to start with just the flesh, but you’ll have to do your shoes, too. Just focus on your feet. If you can get at least one foot ghosted, you’ll be able to do the boot. You need to see it first in order to know that it’s actually happened and then you can try your whole body.

  Just tell me how.

  Don’t do this until I tell you everything. It’s possible that you’ll lose our mind connection when concentrating on something else.

  Got it.

  Between your lower ribcage and your bellybutton is the hub of your core energy. That drives the Insedi ability to control how it’s utilized. Picture a ball of bright, swirling, yellow light expanding outward until it encompasses your entire form. You won’t be able to see it, just imagine it. Once you can control that light from sucking back into your body, focus on your toes and envision them breaking into millions of molecules. You’ll feel tingles across your flesh. Don’t think too hard, and just allow it to happen.

  Wow, you just described the third Chakra, right at the solar plexus.


  Nothing, just something my mom taught me.

  Whatever helps, use it. Extend that energy out to you
r shoes and will them to do the same. Try it, sweetness. We don’t know how much more time we have. Hopefully we’ll stay connected, but if not, just keep trying.

  Skylar closed her eyes and pictured a small door opening at the Chakra point, just as her mom had instructed. They’d done exercises to swirl the energy and cleanse it until it was as bright as the sun. She’d stretched it out around her body before, but that’d been it. Breaking down body parts was taking it to a completely new level.

  She inwardly cursed when Maxim’s door slammed. Concentrating, she wondered if she was imagining the tingles or if it was really happening. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the boot to disappear. When the SUV paused and then turned right, she watched the yellow light suck right back into her body like a Jeanie in a bottle. She pounded on Maxim’s door. Within seconds, it swung wide. She could feel him trying to stay calm.

  How’d you do?

  I got the tingles in my foot, and then I lost the light when the SUV turned right. The road’s very bumpy, and I see dust flying up.

  Good, that should help me see your location.

  Wait! Damn! I saw a sign. Sorry. I only got a glimpse. Third Tier. I think that’s what it said.

  Excellent. Keep looking around.

  Skylar’s gut lurched when the SUV slowed down and came to a complete halt.

  Baby, I just felt panic slam over you. What happened? Talk to me.

  They stopped. Oh, crap! They’re getting out. Maxim? Are you there?

  The back hatch swung open and she lost the image of Maxim’s black door. A man with close-cropped blond hair and a scar running along the edge of his jaw cut the zip tie at her ankles and dragged her to a sitting position. He never looked her in the eye. She was obviously just a job to him, nothing more. Snatching her elbow, he pulled her out of the vehicle. Her purse slid down to her locked wrists and tilted her to the side. He reseated it on her shoulder and shook his head.

  Glancing around, Skylar realized they were at some type of abandoned industrial complex. A four-story, red brick building loomed next to a surrounding razor-wire fence. Weeds had taken ownership of every crack in the foundation, and thick vines crawled up the sides as if attempting to mask the sad state of its decay. Smaller outlying buildings fared no better.


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