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Happy Ever Never

Page 19

by Brittany Holland

  Seeing your story unfold was like a second chance for us. Even the sad parts, because sad moments are still that, moments, and should be treasured...never forget that. You were destined to be together. Up until now, history was in a way repeating itself, but after today, you’re writing your own destiny. Rewrite the stars! I’ll be watching.

  Piers will be reading a letter of his own. I hope you’ll share them with each other and start off this next chapter in your lives with no secrets between you. He’s an honorable man, one who loves you more than life itself. I see so much of his father in him, and that’s how I know he will always love, honor and cherish you. Saying the words before witnesses is just a beautiful ceremony, your hearts have been pledged to each other since long before today.

  Here’s to your Happily Ever After All,

  Aunty Wen


  I take deep, even breaths. Careful not to cry and mess up my makeup, I blot the corners of my eyes with an old handkerchief that was my father’s. I brush my fingers over the pearls that belonged to my mum.

  I hear the first few chords of our wedding song and turn to Drew.

  “Ready, Drew?” I look at little my man, all decked out in his tux, complete with a black bow tie.

  “Ready, Mum.” He nods and holds out his tiny hand for me to take. “I’m still sad Pete couldn’t walk with us, but he will be at the party, right?”

  “Right, and he will look so nice in his little bow tie too,” I remind him to cheer him up.

  The strings get louder in the song as we round the corner and step up to the aisle runner.

  As my satin slipper covered feet step on the pale blush petals, I look up and see Piers. Our eyes connect as the song’s lyrics fill the air.

  Talking about waiting a hundred years, and waiting a million more for someone you love. And that’s how I feel about Piers. My heart so full as I walk towards him; each step closer, my heart grows more full.

  The music enchants the air around us, the singer tells how nothing could have prepared him for the privilege of being someone’s, and I feel it in my soul.

  My hazel eyes stay locked on Piers’ emerald ones, and I think about the words as I get closer to him, step by step. My ivory lace train fluttering over thousands of petals, and I say the words in my mind, not realizing what you’ve been living for has been right in front of you all along. I try not to be sad for all the years that we lost and instead, focus on our happily ever after.

  He looks like he’s getting a little choked up, so I wink at him, and that earns me a smile. A smile that melts my heart every time it’s directed at me. I think about how lucky we are to have found our way back to each other. I think about how our story really is a fairytale. The song I’m walking to is the most fitting because it compares a love story to a book.

  “Every kiss is a cursive line, every touch is a redefining phrase.” My eyes never leaving him, I keep walking toward my future. Our story hasn’t always been a happy one. It’s had heartache, anger and sadness, but that’s what makes it so special. Overcoming the lows makes the highs so much higher.

  So I take the last few steps, and I prepare to join my life with that of my best friend, my soul mate, my compass. Like the song says, I’ll surrender who I’ve been to who you are. And now that I know what it feels like to be his, there is no going back.

  We reach the end of the aisle where he stands as the final strings play out...we truly are tethered to each other and to the story we must tell.

  He takes my hand from Drew and places a kiss to my palm before joining it with his own. We bend down to hug Drew before taking our place under the floral canopy beneath the willow tree. We step forward and turn to face one another, hands joined between us, and he places his thumb to mine.

  “With a whisper, we will tame the viscous seas. Like a feather, bringing kingdoms to their knees.” Piers says the ending line, as he gently runs the pad of his thumb against mine.

  The song fades out as our story begins.

  “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today...”

  Happily Ever After All

  More secrets unfold in book two, as we find Scarlett atoning for her sins and learning to live outside of Piers’ shadow.

  Enjoy this scene from her book—Never Say Never


  I awake to find the bed next to me empty. If not for the ache between my legs, I could almost believe it had been a dream. My hand brushes the cool sheet, once warmed by his body, now as cold as the heart that beat inside his perfectly sculpted chest. Arctic.

  It’s not that I expected him stay, men like him never do but for the first time I wanted someone to stay.

  Far too long my heart had been wrapped up in someone unavailable. I was fine to wait, occupying my time by letting men worship my body while showering me with gifts. I even had a little black book of profitable conquests.

  Some deals were made in the boardroom and others in the bedroom...that’s where I came in. Yet, the one I wanted to be conquered by was oblivious to my desires.

  I was nothing more than a childhood friend to him.

  I need to shake this fog from my head and think fast because I’m not used to scrambling, I’m used to being two steps ahead.

  Until now.

  Until him, and the day my world went black.

  Reaching down on the floor I pick up my platinum silk robe, slipping it on as I roll out of bed. I walk to my bathroom and step in front of the mirror. The white marble surrounding me is a contrast to the darkness I feel inside.

  I let my robe drop off some, exposing a bite mark on my shoulder and bruising along my collarbone. Usually it pisses me off when they mark me but seeing the evidence he left on my skin only turns me on. Heat pools between my legs as I remember our encounter. Letting my robe fall completely, I run my fingers over my body, reliving each touch. His aggression during sex was something I was used to, his intensity was something else entirely.

  It appears I have met my match.

  He has no idea who he is dealing with.


  Bruce and our sweet babies...My pirate and my princess,

  Thank you for being imaginative, inquisitive and incredible children. Writing Drew was so much fun because he has pieces of you both in him.

  Thank you for understanding when Mommy had to work, when you wanted my attention.

  Bruce, you’ve had to listen to me talk about fictional characters and word count for months! Thanks for hanging in there! You’ve put up with the late nights, the mood swings and me “checking out” to make this dream come true, thanks! I love you all! #myworld

  Mom, Thanks for stepping in and helping out! I couldn’t do it without you! Thank you for believing in me and this crazy dream! #myhero

  Cary, I can’t imagine not being on this journey together! Even when we’re both tired and grouchy, and in desperate need of coffee, we kick each other’s asses and we pick each other up! You have listened to me talk about this book, plot it, dream it and write it...chapter by chapter. You have pushed me and asked the questions that needed asking! You helped make this book what it is, because you never accepted less than my very best! Thank you! #BFF #TwinningIsWinning #nosleep #ever #messybungettingshitdone #HartandHolland #HyH

  Aunt Jackie,

  This book is to honor your daughter, on her birthday. My cousin, my sister and friend. It started as an idea, that became so much more. Wendy’s story changed, because Jamie’s did. I hope you find some comfort in these words about hope and healing. I love you always. #sallyjo


  This book is dedicated to your beautiful, sweet momma. She was a light to all who knew her and I see that same light in you! Someday when you’re older, much older, you can read this! I love you Hailey Bug, Love Auntie B #luckygodmother


  We sang Lost Boy to Jamie in that hospital room and tried to let her know it was ok to let go. Thanks for being strong for me, when I couldn’t be for myself! Love
you sister! #family

  My crazy, amazing, vibrant family! Thanks for inspiring me!!!! Chelsea, Happy Birthday! Remember when you first saw the sample cover? It’s came a long way! #JamieStrong

  Olivia, Thanks for answering my endless random questions all hours of the night and believing in me! You saved the day with your Wendy/Willow catch! Thanks for being anal and catching what so many missed! #nsfw

  Stephanie Storckman,

  My dear listened to the first chapter of this book while driving in the car, two years ago. Thanks for asking for more and believing in me! #ogfriend

  Stephanie St. Klaire, My ass kicking cheerleader! Thanks for truly believing in me, and sharing your wisdom! You were one of the very few people that I trusted this story with...I was going through a dark time and this story was on hold for so long. Your excitement for my vision breathed new life into this project for me!!! Thank you for pushing me! Love your face! #yawngirl #ohwiseone

  Fabiola Francisco, Thank you for reading this story in the midst of your own writing deadlines and catching little things that were crucial to the integrity of the story. Thanks for seeing beyond the words and asking all the right questions. Also, for being concerned about Drew’s education! Scarlett says thanks for getting her scene added at the end! #despacito #truancyofficer

  Christy Pastore, Thank you for helping me keep Piers classy and know when to say washroom and when to say loo! Thanks for letting me pick your classy and cultured brain and talking me down! #ClassyAF #cockney

  Dawn aka the Coma Queen!!! Love you and all of your OCD ways. Your patience and flexibility always amazes me! #grabatissue


  My Beta Queen!!! Thank you for your incredible eagle eyes! You’re the best beta a girl could ask for!!! Xoxo #eagleeyes

  Juliana aka Jersey Girl, I’m so glad I found you! Thanks for seeing how important this story is to me...for making the formatting perfect and beautiful! #BBCQueen

  Najla Qamber, This cover has been done a long time...waiting for the story to be told. Thanks for getting inside my mind and bringing my vision to life in the form of a breathtaking cover! You are magical! Xoxo! #goddess

  Becca Manuel aka Becca the Bibliophile, Thank you for creating an amazing trailer and bringing Piers & Willow to life. You captured their story beautifully! I love it more than words! #destiny

  To my After Hours Book House bitches, You’re my favorite country song, my favorite pair of high heels, my favorite trip, and my heart all in one! I’m continually learning from you!!! #therealmrshunt #classypineapple #jetlagged #hartbreaker #imtheoneinglasses #AHBH

  To Stracey, Antonette & Niki,

  The world has never known better pimps! I’m not sure what I did to deserve you three, but I LOVE you all so freaking hard!!!! Every post, tag, nomination, share, gif and meme is appreciated!!! Thank you Ant for stepping up and handling the ST and my beautiful new logo!

  #PimpsRus #HollandsHustlers #jailbirds

  Last but not least!!! My Binge Readers,

  Thanks for all your support!!! Having you in my group, in my corner, pushes me on days I want to stay hidden away!!! Jen Williams, Heather Nobbs and Meagan Brino, who have been with me since book one! Thanks for always participating and for my daily dose of Jon Snow! Cheryl for trying to keep me organized. Jennifer Corzine and McKenzie Steffen, your beautiful and encouraging words (and your tears) helped ease my mind as this story was about to go live! Starr for the quizzes...just all of you! You’re amazing! Thank you! <3 #8inchesofsnow #getyourbingeon


  Brittany Holland is a leggings wearing, Starbucks drinking, Spotify addicted, self-proclaimed book nerd. Her love of reading and an active imagination inspired her to pursue her dream of writing. When not creating worlds on the page she enjoys traveling, photography and catching up on her favorite Netflix shows.

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