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Tattoos and Cupcakes (Amulet of Queens Book 1)

Page 12

by Everly Taylor

  Straightening in the chair I let my fangs descend, Selena’s eyes widening as they came forward. I couldn’t let her reaction hold me back from what needed to be accomplished, she needed to accept what she was, and maybe seeing this would help.

  Lifting my arm to my mouth I let my fang tear into the soft skin at my wrist, and a thin line of blood trickled down to my elbow.

  “What the hell is she doing?” Selena asked, trying to come forward to stop me. Damien held her in place so she couldn’t interrupt, their eyes all fixed on me as they waited to see what would happen.

  Letting the blood well to the surface of my skin, I turned my arm over the amulet cradled in my other hand. It dripped onto it, spreading in tiny droplets across the surface of the stone before being greedily absorbed.

  “What the actual fuck?” Selena gasped as more blood flowed from my arm and into the stone.

  I could feel the power growing, my health returning as the bond was restored and the magic returned. It hummed across my skin and flowed through me, just as my blood did into the amulet. In my palm the amulet shown a deep red, darkening as it was filled. My head fell back as I reveled in the return of my magic and my strength. Lifting my head, Selena’s gaze met mine, her own eyes glowing bright and intense, absorbing the power in the room.

  She stared unwaveringly at me, taking in what was happening, drawn by the amulet that called to her. Her own fangs had descended, unnoticed by her, and she stood transfixed at the scene unfolding in front of her.

  The blood flow slowed to a trickle and the glow of the amulet dimmed back to its natural sheen. Selena’s fangs had retracted on their own, as had mine, and she stared at me in awe and shock. I licked the wound I had made and it closed instantly, showing exactly how much of my power had been returned.

  Much stronger now I stood and went to her, my legs no longer frail or shaking as I walked. “I want you to keep this still. It’s yours and will protect you as it always has.” I handed her the amulet and she gaped at it, wondering what to do with it. “I would like you to remain here for a while and talk with me.”

  “I have to think about this,” she motioned to the room, “all of this, I just can’t stay here right now. What do you expect me to do, to think?”

  “I expect nothing of you Selena. I only want you to consider everything and hope you can accept all of this—accept who you are.” I knew it would be hard for her, and I knew that she would need time. Time wasn’t something we had much of though, and I only hoped she came to her conclusions sooner rather than later.

  “I’m going home, I need a while to think about everything.” She looked between my advisors and me. “Don’t follow me.” Starting to put the amulet back on her neck, she hesitated and slipped it into her pocket instead. With one last glance between everyone she left the room, closing the door behind her.

  “Well, that could have gone better,” Damien muttered.

  “It needed to be done Damien,” I told him. Though he was right, I wish we had more time to explain it to her better.

  “She’s hurt now and I hate that.” Adrien studied his feet in shame, having caused part of that pain.

  “Now that she knows, we can move forward from here. We can only be there for her until she’s ready,” Aldrich quietly reassured the room.

  I moved to the window of my own accord, gently moving the curtain to the side, and watched her get into her car and pull away from the building. My platinum hair, now bright and shining again, reflected back at me, reminding me of a night long ago when I had lost someone I cared for deeply. I would not lose someone I cared for again.

  “Damien, I want you to go check on her. Make sure she gets home safely,” I ordered over my shoulder.

  “My queen, she asked not to be followed,” he protested.

  Turning, I faced them all. “So don’t follow her, go check on her. She is our future Damien and must be protected.”

  “Yes, my queen.” Damien bowed and left the room.

  “Leave me, we will discuss plans later,” I dismissed them from the room. They also bowed and left.

  I hoped that Selena would come to accept who she was. She was more powerful than she realized and the salvation of our clan. The power within her called to her more than she knew, even allowing her fangs to descend of their own accord. As she grew to accept herself and her powers, I could only imagine what a great force she would become.

  We had to get her there though, and keep the amulet and Selena from being taken advantage of in the meantime. There was no telling what terrible things would happen if they were to use her against us or humanity.

  I would deal with all of this after I cleaned up, because for the first time in months I would shower without losing clumps of my hair, or needing assistance as soon as I was finished. The simple act of washing myself would no longer weaken me to the point of not being able to stand. The future of our clan was looking brighter.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Walking into my apartment I let the door slam shut behind me, tossing my keys on the counter and kicking my shoes off without bothering to put them away. After today, I needed a hot shower and a really strong fucking drink. Starting to make my way toward my bedroom, I turned back around and decided to lock my front door. Could a lock even keep a vampire out? Who the fuck knew, but I would be dumb if I didn’t at least take the smallest precautions, right?

  I hardly even knew anything about vampires, how the hell did they think I was one? I mean, sure, I had heard about the whole garlic thing and twinkle in the sunlight crap, but who hadn’t? Other than that, I was fucking clueless. I didn’t need to know anything though because I wasn’t one of them.

  That being said, there was no denying that they did exist. For fuck’s sake, the shit I had seen today would have made a believer out of anyone. I just didn’t understand how they thought I fit into all of this.

  The men, or vampires, whatever you wanted to call them, attacked my shop looking for this amulet thing. I get it was powerful and all, and I get why they wanted it, but I had no power so there was no reason to take me. Everyone was so sure that’s what they were trying to do though.

  Walking back to my room I removed my clothes and started the shower, wanting to remove the grime and sweat from the day. I had to take things seriously at this point and figure out what to do, as unbelievable as the whole vampire thing seemed to me. All myths had to come from some sort of truth somewhere, the amount of truth I’m sure varied, but it was there in a convoluted way, spreading its tales to the world. This was no different, it just ended up that vampires really were real, and they really did drink blood.

  I hissed out a breath as I stepped into the shower and the hot water hit me, shocking my system. The steamy water reminded me of my moments with Adrien on the couch, and holy fuck, was that intense. I had never had such amazing sex with anyone, and doubted I would again after him. Not to mention how turned on I was with Damien watching. I had always been a firm believer in being with the one you were with and parting ways before you started another relationship. What did it say about me? I had not only wanted Damien and Adrien in the same day, but I had wanted them at the same time. My body flushed as I thought about the differences in their touch, one was rough and demanding, and the other was playful and teasing. I liked both of them and craved them both again.

  There was no way that would ever fucking happen though, not after all of this. They both had pretended they were something they weren’t, and I couldn’t allow myself to be with them, no matter how my fucking ovaries betrayed me when I was around them.

  These tiny apartments didn’t afford the luxury of taking your time, so I hurried to make sure I finished before the water turned cold. Drying off, I slipped into comfortable clothes and sat on my couch. I turned the TV on, more for noise than for entertainment, before I sat back.

  I had dreamed of a day like today for as long as I could remember, meeting my birth mother and finally knowing where I had come f
rom. Never in a million years had I imagined that she would come with some crazy ass story of vampires and amulets, magic and power. I thought about the amulet still in my pocket from earlier. As ridiculous as it seemed, I knew there was truth in what they told me. I had seen it first hand when that man turned to dust in front of me when he tried to take it from my neck. Then, when Valentina had bled onto it, she had suddenly become healthier as it absorbed her blood. The power was definitely there.

  I stood up and retrieved it from my discarded pants, before returning to the couch as I studied it. Sure it was a beautiful piece of jewelry, a deep red stone set in an intricate wire configuration. Really though, it was nothing truly remarkable. Shit, I had thought it was costume jewelry my entire life. Did I feel connected to it, drawn to it somehow like Valentina said I was? I thought about all the times that it had felt wrong to leave it at home, so I would slip it around my neck or into my pocket. Or the times when I felt like it was pulsing like it had a life of its own, humming across my skin in comfort.

  I had assumed it was merely my imagination because it made me feel close to my birth mother, but maybe there really was something more to it than that.

  A loud pounding on the door had me jumping out of my thoughts. Holy fuck, did vampires even knock? You would think they would just barge in and ravage you to pieces. The pounding persisted. “Lena! You better open this fucking door or I’m calling the cops!” Sam yelled, her voice only slightly muffled through the thin door.

  Rushing forward I slipped the amulet into my pocket and unlocked the door, letting a frazzled Sam in. “What the hell Sam? You scared the shit out of me!”

  “Are you freaking serious right now Lena? I scared the shit out of you? Let’s talk about who scared who here! I go to the shop to bring you lunch, what did I find? Not Lena, but a boarded up shop that my best friend never called to tell me about. Then when I called her phone there was no answer. All fucking day Lena! What the hell happened?” She pushed past me, letting the door shut behind her before demanding answers.

  What the hell do I tell her? I walked around the couch and slumped into the cushion. I put my head on my knees and took a few breaths. I needed to tell her something, but I didn’t think it was a great idea to let her in on the whole vampire thing, when I wasn’t even sure where I stood with it myself. Oh by the way, your best friend just found out that vampires are after her and she may or may not be one too, so wanna catch a movie? Ugh, this just got better and better.

  “Lena, what the hell? You’re never like this.” Sam sat next to me, worry now etched in her voice.

  “It was a very draining day is all. I’m really sorry I didn’t call you, I left my phone at the shop after… after all that happened. Then I lost track of time. I had every intention of telling you what went on.”

  “Okay, so tell me now. You don’t look so great.”

  “Gee, thanks.” I tried a small laugh to try reassuring her. The best way for now, I decided, was giving her answers somewhere in the middle of the truth. I wouldn’t lie to her, but I would leave out some of the crazy, like a vampire turning to dust and the absorbing blood shit.

  “So this morning, right after you left, I was alone in the shop for a while and a customer came in. I was finishing up and two of his friends barged their way into the back, and they refused to leave when I asked them to. Things escalated and they attacked me.” Sam gasped, flinging her arms around my neck and hugging me tight.

  “Oh Lena, I’m so sorry,” she said, muffled against my neck. “I came in here angry and you must be terrified and so upset.” She hugged me tighter.

  “Sam, I’m fine, nothing ended up happening.” I gently peeled her off my neck as she looked me over, checking to make sure I was unharmed. “Do you remember me telling you about the guys from the shop the other day, you know, the boner guy?”

  Narrowing her eyes on me she waited for me to finish. “Well they came in when it was happening and kind of saved me. So I wasn’t hurt at all, but the shop was ruined a little bit.”

  “Wait, did they bring their swords?” She giggled.

  “Really, Sam? How mature of you.” I rolled my eyes at her. Of course she would find some sort of inappropriate joke to make right now.

  “I’m sorry!” She laughed some more. “I say stupid shit when I’m worried or nervous or whatever.”

  “You say stupid shit period, but I’ll forgive you.” At least she had lifted my mood a bit and I was no longer feeling so overwhelmed by everything that had happened.

  “So where did you go after that? I looked for you everywhere and you had just disappeared.”

  “They asked me to go back to the club with them for dinner to apologize for ruining the shop. I figured after a day like that, dinner wouldn’t hurt.” I shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal, hoping she would drop it. In typical Sam fashion though, she didn’t.

  “Speaking of dinner, I’m starving. Look, I’m going to go over to my apartment and get some things. One, I haven't eaten and you have nothing here. Two, I’m staying here tonight whether you like it or not.” When I started to protest she stopped me. “I don’t want to hear you argue either. I also need to know everything you’re not telling me, and we can start with dinner and why bringing it up made you turn eight shades of red.” She stood up and leaned over, squeezing me quickly again before she left the apartment.

  The door closed behind her and I dropped my head back to my knees. How the hell was I going to explain that? I already didn’t know what to make of what had happened there. At least I knew Sam would never judge me, and maybe she could give me some good advice.

  Someone knocking on the door had me lifting my head again. For the love of all that’s holy, what the hell now? Sam wouldn’t have knocked because the door wasn’t locked, and I knew she was coming back. That really only left one other explanation and I wasn’t going to face it without a fight. I went around the couch and decided last minute to get something to protect myself with. I didn’t see anything when I looked around other than the shoes I had discarded earlier, or the caddy holding my utensils on my kitchen counter. It looked like my weapon of choice was going to be tongs today, all I could do with a spatula was slap someone stupid.

  These damn apartments didn’t have peepholes, so I had to hope the whole invite the vampire inside thing was true. Cautiously, I opened the door and peered around the corner, where Damien stood looking impatient. I dropped my tongs to my side, catching his attention. “Really, Lena? What the hell were you going to do with those?”

  “Maybe I was cooking dinner and you interrupted me.”

  “Yeah, sure. You’re a terrible liar. You know that, right? Why are you so nervous, little spitfire?” Damien inched closer.

  “I told you not to follow me.” Refusing to back down, I stood in the doorframe as he closed in on me.

  “I didn’t follow you, I came to check on you and make sure you were okay.” Reaching up he ran his hand down my arm, and I started to pull back when he grabbed my hand. I couldn’t let him get to me.

  “Don’t get technical with me, Damien. It’s the same fucking thing and you know it,” I huffed, irritated with him and with myself for how much I still wanted him.

  “It isn’t from where I’m standing, Lena.” He moved closer, making goosebumps run over my skin as I recalled how he had made me tingle earlier. He brushed his fingers over my hip, trailing them toward my thigh, where he suddenly stopped and pulled the amulet from my pocket, dangling it by its chain in front of my face. “This will protect you much better than those.” He smirked, glancing at the tongs.

  Snatching it from his hand I stepped back. “Don’t you have some vampire shit to be doing, like sucking blood under a full moon or something?” I chided him.

  “A full moon? Are you serious? Looks like you’re in need of some education.”

  “Not from a vampire, I don’t,” I retorted.

  Leaning forward his voice dropped, deep and seductive, whispering over my skin. “I may
be a vampire Lena, but I am every bit a man. It also means I have lived longer, so I know exactly how to please a woman. And I have every intention of pleasing you until you beg me to stop.” He tilted his head and let his lips trail over my ear, a promise of what was to come. I shuddered out a breath.

  A throat cleared behind us and I jumped back. Damien stood up casually as if nothing had happened, the cocky bastard. Clearing my throat I looked behind him, where Sam stood in the hall with a look of pure glee on her face.

  “Sam, Damien. Damien, Sam,” I blurted out, introducing them quickly, my face flushing.

  “Oh my, it’s very nice to meet you Damien,” Sam gushed, coming forward to hug him. “I assume you’re the one who saved her today?”

  He awkwardly patted her back. “Yeah, uh, hi nice to meet you too Sam.” Sam let him go and he stepped away with a small grin on his face.

  “I heard you rushed in and saved the day. Were there swords involved? She hasn’t gotten to that part yet,” Sam teased mischievously, laughing at me.

  “Swords?” Confused, Damien looked between us.

  “Don’t mind her, she has no clue what she’s talking about, probably still a little disoriented from me dropping her down the stairs the other day.” I grabbed her arm and pulled her past Damien, and into my apartment. “Thanks for checking on me, even though it really wasn’t necessary,” I said in Damien’s direction, trying to shut the door between us.

  He put his hand on the door, stopping me, before lowering his voice so only I could hear him. “I assure you it was my pleasure Lena. Don’t forget I still owe you for that cupcake, and I promise, my little spitfire, you will beg.” Smirking, he reached down and grabbed the door handle between us and pausing, he met my eyes again. “And, Lena? I always deliver on my promises.” He shut the door with a quiet click, leaving my heart racing.


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