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When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys

Page 22

by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy, HelenKay Dimon

  “After what he did to me? Get a clue.” She wanted to shout in frustration, to curse the unfairness of the situation, but some of the steam behind her anger had evaporated.

  “Tell me what you think he did again.”

  “Better yet, I’ll tell him. Person-to-person.”

  She dumped the rest of the ceramic tiles on the floor and stalked out of the room toward the massive staircase in the hall. If Whit were dumb enough to wander into her lair, well then, he deserved whatever he got.


  “What?” She snapped out the question.

  “In case you need it, the key and the handcuffs are on that fancy chair by the window in the library.”

  Her insides froze. “Why in the world do you think I’d care about that?”

  He winked at her, his smile wide and stupidly simple. “Call it a hunch.”


  Whit shimmied on his back under the toilet bowl and used his handy wrench to take out his frustrations on the unsuspecting drainpipe. The steady clanking noise stopped the dialogue raging in his brain. If he concentrated for even a second, Hannah’s insults and accusations echoed in his head.

  What the hell was he thinking slinking back into this house? To Hannah?

  She obviously hated him. Not that she didn’t have a good reason, but she made him sound like a complete ass. Sure, he had seen her photo at Cole’s house and felt an immediate and unexpected spark. He’d heard about her in construction circles and admired her work and perseverance. After all that, he decided the idea of spending a few hours investigating what she had hidden under that icy reserve sounded damn good.

  He never intended to use her. Never that.

  “Did they teach you plumbing at Vanderbilt?”

  He jerked forward at the sound of Hannah’s husky voice and banged his head on the bottom of the ceramic toilet bowl. The unexpected shot to his temple sent him reeling. A second bounce when the back of his head smacked against the floor didn’t help either.

  He started swearing like an obnoxious drunk. A state that sounded good at the moment. He let out one final expletive. “Damn it!”

  “Very smooth.”

  He struggled to a sitting position, rubbing his head and mumbling under his breath about interfering women the entire time. “Your bedside manner needs work.”

  “Ask anyone. I’m not known for my charm.”

  No way was he touching that.

  He tried to steady his swaying body by holding onto the toilet bowel. Unfortunately, he forgot about the wrench in his hand. The metal whacked off the bowl then bounced off his knee. His second stream of profanity was even more clever and long-winded than the first.

  “Good grief, Whit. You’re going to kill yourself.” She rushed over and slid onto her knees beside him. “And that’s not fair.”

  He rubbed the sore spot on the back of his head and the new bruise on his leg. “Why is that exactly?”

  “Because it’s my right to kill you.”

  “Well then, use the wrench and make it quick. At this rate it will take days to finish me off.”

  Being this close to her creamy skin, close enough to smell the fresh scent of flowers that hovered around her and feel the soft puffs of air against his cheek, was like coming home. Being with her felt right.

  Shame she wanted him dead or, at the least, castrated.

  “How’s the head?”

  Better by the second. “I’ll live.”

  She scooted away from him, putting a safe distance between their heated bodies, but stayed on the floor beside him. At least she’d stopped screaming at him. That had to be a good sign.

  “Tell me why you’re really here, Whit.”

  With that, the tentative peace evaporated. He exhaled. “I wasn’t feeding you a line. I came to help with your deadline. I have extra time.”

  “You have time because under your original plan you thought you’d be seducing me right now.”

  True, but he wasn’t about to admit that. Not when Hannah was within five inches of a wrench and more than capable of swinging it at his fat head.

  “You’re determined to be angry.”

  She pushed up to her feet and walked to the window in the bedroom next door. The room was empty except for a desk and some paperwork she stepped over. “I figure I’m entitled.”

  Fine, if she wanted to clear the air, then so be it. They could exchange jabs all day for all he cared. He hadn’t slept anyway. Couldn’t. Spent most of the night tossing and turning, trying to figure out a way to win back Hannah’s trust. The idea of being without her, of never having another night together, rubbed his insides raw.

  Somewhere along the line Hannah went from being just another worker to a beautiful woman he wanted, to…his woman. She worked her way into his brain and was slowly creeping her way into his heart.

  He never thought of himself as a forever kind of guy. Until Hannah. Now she filled up a large part of his world. At first, he wrote off his feelings for her as lust. A mixture of attraction and hormones. Now he knew better.

  He was falling in love with the ornery woman. Just when she started falling deep into hate with him.

  “I’m here to help.”

  “Uh-huh. Help.”

  His back teeth snapped together. Hannah was determined to make this moment as hard as possible. And he was determined to find a chink in that mile-thick armor.

  He continued over her dismissal. “Not because I think that hanging around will win points or work an angle. The bottom line is that your grandfather’s offering you a raw deal. Thanks to spending time with me this weekend you’re behind in work. I owe you.”

  Her chin lifted another inch. “Sex wasn’t my payment?”

  She was trying to piss him off. Damned if it wasn’t working.

  “Making love with you is another issue and you know it. One we better not talk about right now.”

  “Why not? This seems like the perfect time to me.”

  “Because I’d like my balls to stay attached to my body.” He hoped he’d need them again someday.

  “I don’t need charity.”

  “Really? What do you need?”

  Her brown eyes darkened. “Space.”

  “Wrong. Space is the last thing you need.”

  “I suppose you think you’re smart enough to know what I need.”

  Hell, yeah. “Maybe you need a reminder.”

  In one step, he was on top of her, his arms locked around her waist and his heated body snug against hers.

  Her eyes widened in surprise as he swooped in and treated her wet mouth to a scorching kiss. For a few seconds, her soft body stiffened and her hands pushed against his chest. When he deepened the kiss, sinking into her from chest to knee with every fiber of his being, she relaxed. Her muscles loosened and whatever resistance she planned on showing melted.

  Before his mind turned to mush and his control took a hike, he pulled back. His brain managed to function long enough to send a message to his hands to let her go.

  “You’re not so tough.” He soothed her swollen lips with his thumb. “This act you try to pull off, all hard and disinterested, doesn’t fly.”

  “Our attraction is pretty undeniable. I admit that.”

  That was something. “More than a sexual pull holds us together.”

  “I have responsibilities.”

  He nodded. “I get that.”

  “Abandoning everything I’ve worked for and tried to build over a roll in the sack isn’t an option. You are a diversion I can’t afford.”

  Her icy words settled in the pit of his stomach. She wouldn’t let him in. That blue-collar barrier she liked to throw up between them was back in full force.

  He dropped his hands and stepped back. “You just can’t put down the shield.”

  “I don’t need a fancy education to know I need to be wary of you.”

  “Right. Not when you’ve got all that baseless indignation to keep you warm and toasty at night.”

  “You’ve got nerve calling me names, demeaning me.”

  “Don’t you get it? I don’t have to belittle you. You do that all by yourself.”

  Her jaw dropped open. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Sure it does. You walk around with a chip on your shoulder, just waiting for a reason to discount what other people say. If people have too much money or too much education, you decide they are unworthy of your time.”

  She pulled back as if he’d slapped her. “That’s not fair.”

  “It’s true.”

  “Is this a piece of wisdom from your freshman year psych class?”

  She didn’t even know she was proving his point. “You’re always ready with a comeback.”

  Her chin kicked up another notch and her eyes clouded with anger but she stayed silent.

  “Pushing people away is so easy for you.”

  “Some people. A certain architect, for example.”

  “Must’ve been a huge relief when I messed up so badly. I saved you from having to find a lame excuse to keep me at a safe distance or trying to come up with an excuse for why you enjoyed our time together in the basement so much. Now you can just tell yourself I’m a bastard and that you were right to shut me out in the first place.”

  Silence followed his outburst. His anger exploded out of nowhere. And ruined any chance of having a civilized conversation with Hannah. His stomach felt as if it were scraped empty. He welcomed the headache because the pain drowned out every other feeling humming through his body.

  “Kiss me again.”

  His head shot up. He must have heard her wrong. Maybe she meant to tell him to kiss her ass.


  “You heard me. I want you to kiss me.”

  This had to be a test of some kind. Some twisted attempt to confirm how much of a bastard he was. She stood stick straight, her arms flat against her sides and her hands balled into fists. No exactly a welcoming stance. More like the look of a woman ready to strike.


  Those fists were on her hips now. “Just do it.”

  His dick swelled to attention. “You aren’t going to slap me or anything are you?”

  “Since when do you play hard to get?” She sighed. “Just forget it.”

  She turned to leave but he beat her to the door. No way was she leaving this room before he had a chance to imprint his body on hers. He’d grab whatever opportunity she offered; he craved her that badly. Simp that he was.

  “Not so fast, honey,” he whispered as he stared down at her, his eyes glazed with need.

  “I thought you weren’t interested.”

  “Honey, I’m always interested when it comes to you.”

  Without touching her, his body looming, he backed her up until her thighs hit the desk. He leaned in, easing her body down until she balanced her upper body on her elbows behind her.

  “What are you doing?”

  If he were doing it right, that should have been obvious. “Making us comfortable.”

  “I said a kiss.” Her breathy voice ate at him, making his insides flame with desire.

  “But you didn’t say where.”

  He lowered his body over hers, fitting his erection in the heated seam of her thighs. He nibbled at the corner of her mouth, stoking the fire burning in his gut. He ached to take her. To spread her legs and plunge deep inside her, wiping out all of her fears and doubts.

  But right now she needed something else. Something gentle and reassuring.

  His lips hovered above hers as his fingers speared through her silky hair, holding her head still. He nipped and licked, driving them both to near madness.

  “Kiss me, Whit. Now.”

  When he felt her thighs clench tight against his hips, he gave into the need coursing through him. He lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. He grabbed her wrists and stretched her arms above her head. When she moaned, he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth as his erection hummed to life against her stomach.

  “God, yes, Hannah.”

  He transferred both of her small hands into one of his. His free hand cupped her breast, teasing the nipple to a hard little nub.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  “Whit, please…”

  The door opened but they were too far gone to even notice. “Whoa! Jesus, Whit, try locking a door.”

  Adam’s voice washed over him like a bucket of ice water. “Damn it!”

  “Oh my God.” Hannah pushed against his chest as she struggled to sit up.

  This wasn’t happening. Not now. “Get out, Adam.”

  “Right. I’m gone.” Adam started to back out of the room with a stupid grin on his face but Hannah’s shout stopped him.

  “No! Don’t move.”

  Adam shrugged. “I’m not really one to get off on watching, but if that’s what you need—”

  “Shut up, Adam.”

  “Stop! Don’t go.” She shoved hard against Whit’s chest. “Whit, move.”

  The sensual mood slipped away and there was no way to get it back. He reluctantly slid off of Hannah, letting his hand trail down her slender stomach until he lost contact and stood in front of her.

  He turned his frustration on his brother. “What in the hell are you doing here?”

  “Last time I checked I owned the place.” Adam shot a quick look at Hannah as she tucked in her T-shirt. “But I guess I should have called first.”

  Hannah jumped off the desk and moved away from them. She might separate physically but he did not intend to let her separate on any other level.

  “Your timing was fine,” she said.

  Amusement danced in Adam’s eyes. “I bet Whit disagrees.”

  “You can leave now. Hannah and I have unfinished business.”

  “Whit, knock it off,” Hannah warned. “We were done here anyway.”

  “Didn’t look like it to me,” Adam said.

  Hannah’s eyes narrowed. Whit felt lucky Adam was the subject of her wrath. This time. “Really? Did I ask you?”

  “Um, no.”

  “Hannah, stop threatening Adam. Adam, get lost.”

  “Not before I figure out how I’m supposed to work without any men,” Adam said.

  Whit felt the tension spread across his shoulders. He had two seconds to stop this conversation before Hannah realized his plans. “Adam, we’ll talk about this later.”

  Hannah shook her head. “We’ll talk about this now. What’s going on?”

  “Adam,” Whit warned.

  Adam centered all of his attention on Hannah. “Whit sent some of our guys to work on projects. Projects I’ve never heard of.”


  Whit jumped in. “This is a private business matter, Hannah. It doesn’t concern you.”

  Hannah’s mouth dropped open. “You didn’t.”

  He had nowhere to hide. This time he was fully clothed but he felt just as naked. “It’s not what you think.” That was his refrain every time he talked to Hannah these days.

  “You’re unbelievable. I’m outta here.” She left before he could grab her.


  Adam stared at the empty doorway. “She can be nasty. I think I’m in love.”

  “Yeah, well, get over it,” Whit growled as he wiped a hand through his hair.

  “This isn’t just about wanting her.” Adam made the question a statement.

  “No.” Not anymore. He had passed that point before the basement door ever locked them in.

  “Not to state the obvious but you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you. That’s one angry woman.”

  “No kidding.”

  Adam whistled. “Good-looking as hell, too.”

  Whit wondered if beating the crap out of his brother would kill off his pent-up arousal. “You wanna die?”

  “Not especially.”

  “Then make yourself useful and help me put up the chair rail.”

  “The good news is she looked prett
y willing.”

  Clearly, Adam wanted to pursue his own topic. Not work. Whit dropped the hammer and leaned back against the wall. “Willingness isn’t the problem. Letting go of her fears is.”

  “Need help with her?”

  “No, I’ve screwed this up on my own. You showing up didn’t help either.”

  “Okay. Then how about telling me what’s going on with our business. If I’m going bankrupt over Hannah, I may as well know why.”


  Exactly nine days later Hannah walked up to the historically accurate wooden staircase of the Victorian house in search of Whit. Confused as ever.

  The kiss was a mistake. She wanted to prove she could be close to Whit and stay unaffected. Instead, she landed on her back and was two seconds from ripping his shirt off when Adam strutted into the room.

  She had tried ignoring Whit. Showering him with degrading comments, in her mind anyway. Nothing worked. His image never left her mind and his betrayal seemed less important as the days went by.

  He refused to stay out of her head and her heart.

  And her business.

  “Returning to the scene of the crime, so to speak.” Adam stepped out of the kitchen and caught her at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Adam.” A sharp pain settled in her abdomen. His mannerisms were so like those of Whit, just seeing him was a reminder. “What are you doing here?”

  He sat down on the step in front of her so they were eye to eye. “Trying to keep Whit from working himself to death.”

  Her insides stilled. “What does that mean?”

  “Just what I said. On top of his architectural and business duties, which are considerable, he’s helping out with internal construction on this house and some others. He hasn’t slept in days.”

  “He’s working on my other projects when I’m not there.”

  Adam looked down at his folded hands then back up again. “Yeah.”

  “Replaced one of my project managers without telling me.”

  “Guy was a fool from what I can gather. Whit did you a favor. Then again, that’s all he seems to do lately.”

  Her grip on the banister tightened. “You’re blaming me? I didn’t ask for his help, Adam.”


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