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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Joselyn (Kindle Worlds)

Page 3

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  She gasped as her eyes widened. Having her fears suddenly confirmed should have filled her with a sense of vindication. It didn't. Instead, her heart started to pound and her hands became sweaty. Someone had tried to slip her tranquilizers. The ramifications weren't lost on her.

  "Unfortunately, ketamine is extremely easy to get - the streets are full of it so there's no way to track it. I took all the evidence including the toxicology report along with your statement to my captain. While he agrees there is a reason for concern, he won't even entertain the idea it could be Douglas Beecher McClane. I even went so far as to contact the detective in charge of his case in Pensacola to ensure there is no way McClane could still be alive and kicking. He assured me - Douglas McClane is dead, without any doubt at all. So officially, it's an assault attempt by an unknown person. We have opened a file for you but otherwise, there's not much we can do until we have a concrete, non-dead name to go into it."

  "Great. You agree I'm in danger but can't do anything about it. What am I supposed to do?" Her words were full of defeat. At least now he was listening to her. Too bad it didn't seem to matter, anyway.

  "I asked my captain the same thing and he suggested a personal bodyguard. After mulling it over, I agree with him. You are a celebrity of sorts. Minor, perhaps but enough of one that you deserve personalized attention. You could hire a firm to take over but sometimes they are too wrapped up in catering to big name clients and smaller, less significant ones slip through their fingers. I felt guilty about brushing you off earlier and knowing what I do about the strawberries I want to make it up to you." Gesturing to the man beside him, Detective Jameson announced, "Ms. Joselyn Kendrik, meet Maddox Benson. Everyone calls him 'River'. River and I go back to my time in the military. Now, he's going to help me keep you from getting hurt. You can dismiss my suggestion and hire your own team but you can't do better than River. He's highly trained and skilled in security measures as well as personal safety."

  Joselyn looked skeptical. "Help you? What exactly does that mean since I gather you aren't exactly allowed to do anything officially?"

  "Yeah, about that." He looked uncomfortable. "I've been keeping an eye on you for the last week." He hurried to lift his hands. "Not in a creepy way but to make sure neither of us was paranoid." He barked out a half laugh. "Like you said, you aren't paranoid if they really are out to get you. I thought everything was fine until I got pulled into my captain's office a couple of days ago. He tells me he received an anonymous call from one of your neighbors complaining about me hanging around. I'm not sure how they knew it was me since I was on personal time and using my private vehicle. I've been told to stay away from you. He motioned to the three of them sitting at the table, "This is the extent of my allowed contact with you. Strictly a social meeting, nothing official."

  "I can't believe one of my neighbors tried to get you into trouble. Our neighborhood is very quiet and people mind their own business. It's one of the reasons I purchased a house there." Joselyn protested.

  He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Joselyn, I'm pretty sure it wasn't a neighbor. Because of my gut feeling, I've ignored orders and kept an eye on you anyway."

  The Frost Giant glanced at Henry and raised an eye. Henry ignored him and continued.

  "Then something happened." Henry continued. Pulling out his cell, he fiddled with the buttons before turning the screen toward her. She took it and concentrated on the screen before letting out a gasp of dismay. There was a picture of a dark blue sedan sitting in what was obviously a parking lot. Four words were written across the windshield in red.

  The Rose is mine.

  Joselyn felt a chill race up her back and the phone dropped from her nerveless fingers.

  Henry caught it and slid it into his pants pocket. "I found that little love note on my car two days ago. My car, Joselyn. The writing matches the note left with your strawberries. Whoever this guy is, he has big brass balls to vandalize a car sitting in the parking lot at the precinct. In my book, it makes him either certifiably insane or undeniably stupid and neither sits well with me. Unfortunately, until this nut job makes a move against you and we catch him at it, we can't do anything. My hands are officially tied. But I refuse to stand by and let you get hurt by this sick bastard. I spent too many years in too many hell holes preventing the dregs of society from performing unspeakable atrocities against their fellow man to let it go. Not happening, not on my watch. So I found someone who will be able to stick with you while I work the official channels. I trust him with my life but most importantly, I trust him with yours. Will you accept my suggestion? Will you let River keep you safe?"

  It was all too much to take in at one time. Later, when she had time to digest this pile of information thrown at her, she would have the mental breakdown she deserved. But for now, she simply nodded. "Okay."

  His shoulders relaxed as he reached over and patted her hand gently. "Good. Try to not worry about things and let River take care of you. He's is a good man and I wouldn't have him here if I didn't believe in him. Listen to him, he won't do anything to hurt you." Henry stood and gripped his friend on the shoulder. "I'll be in touch." He turned and strolled out of the door.

  Her new bodyguard was in the military? No wonder he seemed both protective and dangerous. She studied him for a moment as he stared at her with an unreadable expression on his face. "So..." she said nervously.

  He stopped her with a slash of his hand. "Ms. Kendrik, let's get this out of the way. Bull and I served together in the Navy. He's a brother who I will do anything for so when he called, I came. He briefed me on the situation on the way here about the threat to your life. That is the only reason I am here. I am to ensure you have the best security possible. I saw the way you looked at me and I can guess what was going through your mind because I've seen that look before. Forget it. My concern begins and ends with your safety. Period. I'm not here to be your friend or your confidant. I have no interest in finding out anything about your life other than what is strictly necessary in order to keep you safe. You are a job and I am a means to an end. When this creep is taken care of and I'm no longer needed, I will be leaving. Therefore, whatever romantic notion you are entertaining about us, forget it. Listen to my advice, do what I say and you'll come out of this unharmed." He slid the sunglasses out from the neck of his shirt and pushed them on his face. "With that out of the way, and if you are ready, I need to evaluate the security of your environment. The sooner I get a grip on things, the better." Standing, he waited beside the table, feet shoulder width apart and hands clasped behind his back. He raised one eyebrow at her as if to say, Well?

  White hot fury washed over Joselyn like a tsunami. How dare he lump her in the same category as Helen, the waitress? He made it perfectly clear in his little diatribe what he thought of her and this whole insane situation. Yeah, her life was pretty craptastic at the moment and perhaps she was guilty of having a few improper thoughts but that didn't give him the right to say such harsh things to her. She was the one being pursued by a deranged stalker. All she did was to perform her civic obligation and serve when called. He was military. Surely he comprehended performing a duty, so was it too much to ask for a little understanding? The tiniest bit of kindness? But no, here she sat, gawking at an impenetrable wall of muscles and bad attitude. Her first impression was right. He was a Frost Giant. Right now, she was too ticked off and way too exhausted to address his rude comments but she would soon. The only reason she wasn't sending his rather impressive butt packing was that Detective Jameson vouched for him. She was tired of being scared and on edge all the time. Straightening her spine, she glared at him and closed her laptop. With a quick shove, she pushed it into her bag and stood. Tossing the strap over her shoulder, she swayed when the overstuffed satchel pulled her off balance. River's hand shot out to steady her and she yanked away from his touch angrily. "I'm fine," she hissed. Tossing a wadded up ten on the table, she lifted her chin arrogantly and stormed toward the door. Although she didn'
t look behind her, she knew the Frost Giant followed.

  She didn't want to admit it but she already felt safer.

  River's eyes were glued to the gentle swing of the most perfect rump he had ever had the privilege to watch. Okay, he admitted it, he was a butt man, and damn if Joselyn Kendrik's derriere wouldn't make a monk sit up and take notice. Dark wash jeans stretched over her perfect heart shape bottom, cupping it gently as she sashayed out of the room. Letting his gaze travel slowly upwards, he took in her hourglass shape, dainty shoulders and graceful neck. Long hair the color of spun honey caught in a hair elastic thing making a high ponytail touch the base of her neck. Once it was down, he knew it would spill over her shoulders and brush the tops of her perfect breasts. Up until now, he had always favored brunettes but her color of blonde called to him. When she looked up at him from that corner table with those big whiskey brown eyes, he felt a twinge of desire. She was breathtaking! Forgoing the layers of makeup that most women seem to favor these days, Joselyn's natural beauty took him by surprise. Until that moment, he would have sworn that he didn't like freckles but now they were his favorite adornment. Realizing it would be difficult for him to adequately keep his mind on his duty and not on her, he steeled himself and denied the growing attraction. Damn it! He couldn't get involved, not when the object of his infatuation was in trouble and needed all of his faculties to keep her alive. Bull had sent him copies of all the files. He had his telephone app read the information to him on the thirty hour trip from California. After all she had been through, there was no way he would subject her to more groping and pawing. His eyes followed the beauty sauntering in front of him and growled. His harsh monolog had been for his benefit as much as for hers. He needed to nip the obvious mutual attraction in the bud before it had a chance to take root. An angry Joselyn would keep him out of her thoughts which, in turn, would make his job easier. He could do this. No, he would do this because the alternative was not acceptable. He would protect her with his life. It may not be Douglas McClane stalking her but whoever it was would not get his hands on her.

  Suddenly, Joselyn stopped in front of him to pull the door open. He stepped to the side, grabbed the handle and held it for her. She looked straight forward, marching through the door and onto the sidewalk. He followed, his eyes again dropping to examine her rear. He couldn't help but grin. Tamping down his libido, he buried his attraction and took in their surroundings. Time to get to work.

  She stepped off the sidewalk and into the lot where he had met Bull earlier. Weaving through the cars, she stopped quickly. River barely avoided bumping into her. Taking a step back, he forced himself to sweep the area again rather than concentrate on Joselyn as she bent over to retrieve a key ring she dropped. He bit back a groan. Fate hated him. There was no other reason for the torment he was currently suffering. Forcing Joselyn's beauty from his mind, he looked past her to the little silver smart car she was currently unlocking.

  Oh, hell no.


  Whirling around she slammed her fists onto her hips and stared at him. "What?"

  Even in that defensive stance, she was just so adorable. Clearing his throat, he gestured toward the tiny car. "I will never fit in that thing. Lady, I have boots bigger than your tin can. We'll take my truck and I'll ask Bull to send someone to pick yours up."

  "No can do, Mr. Benson." Twirling around she slid onto the seat and slammed the door. Cracking the window slightly, she called out. "You can follow me to my house or you can get the address from Detective Jameson but I'm leaving now in my baby. Stay or go, whichever you prefer."

  He opened his mouth to argue but she glared at him, rolled up the window, shoved a pair of dark pink sunglasses on her face and started the car. He snorted at the wimpy whine the hybrid engine made and shook his head. Something told him she would follow through on her threat to leave him behind, so he quickly jogged to his black Ford F-250 truck. Opening it with the fob, he slid in, buckled the seatbelt and started the engine. River realized it would look a bit childish but he couldn't resist revving his motor. For some perverse reason, he found a certain satisfaction in the eye roll Joselyn shot him. Surprisingly, she had waited for him. Motioning for her to lead on, he pulled behind her, followed her out of the lot and onto the road. He chuckled. This was not at all what he had thought his first job out of the Navy would be but he couldn't complain. Since his "office" came with a daily view of Joselyn, maybe retirement wouldn't be so bad after all.

  Chapter 4

  The nerve of him!

  Later that afternoon, Joselyn was still fuming mad. Sitting at her desk and staring at a blank screen, she ran the entire conversation through her mind once again. Her brain picked at every single nuance and word said until she felt she would go crazy. This man, this perfect stranger, stormed into her world and proceeded to make assumptions, generalizations and treating her as if she had no restraint. Granted, he was one hot guy, and she had enjoyed a few looks and maybe a couple of wicked thoughts but it didn't mean she had no self-control. Glancing out the window, she frowned as he slowly walked past, glaring at the ground and mumbling to himself. Turning back to the screen she exhaled. If he didn't get his head out of his butt and soon, she would send him on his way and the consequences be hanged. She didn't have the time or the energy to deal with his foolishness on top of deadlines, plot twists and oh yeah, that small thing called "being scared for your life."

  She shook her head wearily. He was hard and cold as the countertops in her kitchen; unyielding but proficient as far as she could tell. She hoped this whole messy situation could be taken care of sooner rather than later because living in close proximity to him was going to drive her up a wall.

  Placing her fingers on the keyboard, she took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Alright, Deidre, let's find some clues and get this mystery solved," she muttered.

  Some time later, the loud sound of a throat clearing snapped her head up and sent a scream from her lips. Grasping her chest, she gasped and attempted to calm her racing heart. "You scared the bejesus out of me. Haven't you ever heard of knocking?"

  His lips twitched ever so slightly. "The door was open." His tone was a low rumble and she tamped down her attraction to it and its owner. The fact he could still affect her after the dressing down he had given her irked her.

  "You move like a ghost and I'm already on edge. Give a girl a clue next time."

  "Noted," he curtly replied with a chin dip before changing the subject. "We need to discuss your security issues."

  Well, here it was, the moment of truth. No doubt, he was about to give her another dose of condemnation for whatever lapses there were in her present situation. Leaning back, she pointed to the chair beside her desk. "Alright, let's get this done. Have a seat, Mr. Benson."

  He shook his head and clasped his hands behind his back again. "I prefer to stand, and please call me River. We are going to be spending a lot of time together so we should at least be on a first-name basis. Now, the pros - your property rests on a cul-de-sac in a gated community with limited access. The wall is solid stone, eight feet tall and capped with iron spikes. This creates a barrier that will discourage intruders from scaling it. Your property is situated back from your neighbors with a good easement between the parcels. There is an electronic alarm system in use. It's antiquated but functioning." He pursed his lips a moment gathering his thoughts. "There aren't many cons but they will need to be addressed. The security connects via a hard line and can be severed easily. I'll need to get you a better option, possibly GSM wireless with motion detectors and offsite record storage. I would suggest installing cameras inside the dwelling as well as outside. The existing recording system is not adequate. The definition is much too low and the camera housings are entirely too big. If someone tries to infiltrate here, they can see the cameras and avoid them. The back and side yards are too dark. We need to connect a lighting system. I'd prefer static low lights coupled with motion sensitive halogen floods and battery backups. Th
e bushes around your house are thick and high. They need to be either removed or trimmed to eighteen inches. Same goes for the garden on the south side of your property. Even though it's still early in the season, those vines are already heavy and once they fill out on the pergola, it will become a blind spot. Also, the climbing roses on the trellises need to be trimmed back. The live oak tree limbs extending over the wall have to go."


  The surprise on his face was comical and she would have laughed if she hadn't been so angry. Standing slowly she leaned forward and braced her hands on the smooth top of her desk. Taking a deep breath, she counted to five mentally and let it out. "No, River, the tree will not be cut. It is almost two hundred years old and its existence is one of the selling points for the house. There's a reason the wall has no cap back there. It's to allow the tree limbs to grow. I will agree to trim the bushes because they are getting a little too tall. I'll contact my lawn service in the morning. However, another hard "no" to the trumpet vines on the pergola and an "absolutely not" to the rose bushes. I had those transplanted from my parents' house in Florida. Nobody is touching them." She saw his jaw tighten as she denied his requests. Hoping to ease the sting a bit, she added, "I'll agree to a new security system; whatever you feel I need. As for security cameras inside the house, that is not happening. I don't want anyone recording me when I'm relaxing. The last thing I need is to become another viral YouTube star."


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