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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Joselyn (Kindle Worlds)

Page 18

by Melissa Kay Clarke

  Chapter 25

  Hold it together. Don't upset him. Wait for the police. Stay alive. Help is coming.

  The words circled around and around in Joselyn's rattled mind. If she was honest with herself, she was not nearly as calm as the voice pretended. McClane activated the silent alarm when he came in so Detective Jameson and the New Orleans Police should be arriving at any moment. That is if he didn't know the new code. She mentally slammed the door on the thought. There was no way he would know it; she had to believe it. The monitoring company would wait one minute for the code to be turned off in case it was an accident. When the minute passed, they would notify the police. Given the traffic this time of day, it would take between twelve and eighteen minutes for them to arrive, another minute to get through the gate and then on to her house. Twenty minutes... she had to stall him for twenty minutes. Glancing at the clock again, she bit her lip. Eleven minutes had already passed. She hoped she could last another nine but she wasn't sure she could. Already he was undressing her, touching her, licking her skin as it became visible to him. She thought of Betty downstairs in her little box and silently cursed one of Maddox's favorites. Cleaned or not, she should have kept the weapon with her, loaded and ready to go as he had taught her.


  Crippling agony slammed into her at the memory of seeing his still body dangling from her wall. At first, she hadn't been able to understand what McClane was showing her. Then realization dawned on her and she shattered. Maddox was dead? No! He couldn't be! He was too strong, right?

  Her attention snapped back to the present moment as cool air caressed the bare skin of her back. Crossing her arms over her chest she drew a ragged breath. "Please... please don't do this."

  The chuckle sounding in her ear sent ice cold daggers of terror straight to her heart. "You beg so prettily. I can't wait to hear your cries of terror. I'll drink each one from your lips like the finest of wine. There will be seven in total, one for each letter of our perfect names." He tugged her arms free, releasing the dress to fall at her feet in a puddle of deep amethyst. Grasping her chin, he held her face as he pulled her lips to his. Smashing them together, he forced her lips apart, thrusting his tongue deep inside. Her whimper of repulsion turned to a scream of pain. White-hot agony slammed into her as she felt something warm gush along her shoulder and arm. Ripping herself away from him, she gasped to see a long ragged cut mar her left shoulder. Crimson welled up between her fingers as she tried to staunch the flow dripping over her breast and splattering on the carpet.

  "Exquisite," he moaned, reaching down and starting to unzip his pants.

  One moment she was staring in horror as his hand on his zipper and in the next, she saw a blur as she was flung onto the bed. Bouncing once, she scrambled over the soft surface leaving red handprints behind until she slid off the other side. Curling against the wall, she fought off a wave of dizziness and nausea which threatened to swamp her. She gritted her teeth, grabbed a handful of tissues from the box on her nightstand and shoved them to her shoulder. Holding her palm against the bone-deep cut pouring blood, she looked for McClane to see why he had not pounced on her.

  She blinked. Surely the blood loss she was suffering was playing tricks on her eyes. On the other side of the bed, two men fought and grappled. The larger one, the one on top was as familiar to her as her own name.

  Maddox, oh dear God, her Maddox was alive and he was currently beating the living crap out of Douglas McClane.

  River hurt. His head ached, his throat burned and his fingers were almost broken but he was alive. Thank God and Uncle Sam for his training. Throwing his hand up to grab the cord and keep it from crushing his windpipe had saved his life. Waking several minutes later with a horrible headache and blood dripping along his jaw from McClane's kick was better than the alternative. The same wouldn't be true for Joselyn's assailant when he got his hands on him. Movement caught his eye and he stiffened as Joselyn's terrified face appeared in the window of her bedroom. Behind her, he could make out another shape.


  Feigning death, River remained perfectly still and focused on breathing shallowly. Regretting the pain he knew this was causing her, he forced himself to stay motionless. McClane needed to think he was no longer a threat. Catching the murdering rapist off guard was his only hope.

  When the two disappeared from the window, River pulled his leg up, dug under the cuff of his jeans and removed his Ka-bar. From there it was only a couple of swipes against the cord and he was on the ground, tugging the rope from his throat and gasping breaths. Not taking the time to find his sidearm, he curled the Ka-bar in his fist and sprinted for the front door. His bruised fingers didn't want to hold his keys and he almost dropped them twice before he could get the door open. Glancing at the panel, he saw the amber light indicating the silent alarm had been tripped. Good. The police would be here soon. If McClane was lucky, they may even get here fast enough to save his life. For everything he had put Joselyn through, Douglas McClane was going to die tonight if River got his way.

  Leaving the door open, he crossed the entry, hurried past her office and took the stairs two at a time. Moving silently, he slowed as he reached the landing and listened. Inside, McClane was explaining how he was still alive and Donovan was not. Brothers? Huh, he sure hadn't thought of that little twist. Pressing himself against the wall beside the door, River reached over and slowly turned the knob. It wasn't locked. Too damned easy.

  He listened to the conversation a few more minutes and fury colored his vision a deep red. Taking several breaths to clear his head, he forced himself to remain calm. Don't go in there half-cocked, Benson. Hold it together. You lose your shit and Joselyn will pay the price. Keep it together.

  All the wonderful advice he gave himself vanished the moment he heard her beg the bastard to stop. The callous reply from McClane had him shaking. Calm. Stay in control. Wait. Wait.

  Every little pain racking his body disappeared when he heard Joselyn's muffled scream. In an instant, he was through the door. Taking in the scene for a split second, River registered the shocked look of disbelief on McClane's face and Joselyn's pale face as she slapped her hand over her bare shoulder. His body tensed like a coil when he realized she was completely naked and bleeding. Streams of blood welled between her fingers and splashed to the carpet beneath. His vision turned as scarlet as her blood. With a roar of rage, River slammed his shoulder into McClane, knocking him to the floor. In one smooth motion, he picked up Joselyn and tossed her on the bed out of harm's way. Whirling around he snarled. Maddox knelt over the man who dared to touch his woman and commenced to, as Uncle Aaron would say, 'Stomp a mudhole in his ass and walk it dry'.

  Fists rained upon the body caught under him. Ignoring the flairs of pain from each slam of his injured hand, he reveled in the blood flying from McClane's nose and lip. He knew he should stop as his opponent lay unconscious but all he could see were the looks of terror on Joselyn's face, the words written on the side of the barn... her creamy shoulder as blood welled forth. Her naked body being touched by this madman. His fists flew faster and harder as the thick stench of blood filled the air.


  He ignored the sound of her voice. As long as McClane drew a breath, she was in danger. His knife, he needed the Ka-bar. Stopping a moment, he looked around the floor for his blade. Movement caught his attention and he zeroed in on Joselyn huddling in the corner.

  "Please? Maddox..." she whispered as her eyes rolled back and she slumped over. With the loss of pressure on her shoulder, the soaked paper she had used fell away and warm blood ran sluggishly over her breast to land on the floor in fat red drops.

  "Joselyn!" He bolted to his feet and flew to her. Gently he laid her prone on the floor. Grabbing the blanket off the end of her bed, he draped it over her bare body. He gathered a handful of the fabric and pressed it to her shoulder. "Joselyn? Honey, wake up. Please, I can't lose you, not now, not when I finally know what I want with the rest of my
life. It's you, sweetheart. Everything else doesn't matter. I need you because you are the best part of me. I love you, honey." He pushed his head against her chest, holding his breath to listen for her heartbeat. Relief slid through him as he detected the faint slow whom-whom signaling she was still alive; still here with him.

  There was a sound behind him. River threw himself over Joselyn to partially cover her body and protect her from whatever was coming their way. Looking behind him, he saw a monster stalking toward them. Fury etched on Douglas McClane's battered face as he lurched forward with River's Ka-bar clenched in his fist. Spittle flew from his lip as he snarled.

  Beautiful dreams in restful sleep,

  but never to wake or repose in peace.

  My beautiful rose, the day has come,

  for you and your soldier's lives are done.

  He lurched forward and River threw up an arm to deflect the blade. Ignoring the searing bite of pain, he jerked when the loud report of gunfire echoed in the room. Douglas McClane's one unswollen eye widened in shock as he fell forward to land on his knees before toppling forward onto River.

  "Violets are blue, roses are red, guess what asshole, now you're dead. And, by the way, he's a SEAL, not a damned Army grunt."

  River would have laughed at Bull's impromptu poetry but he didn't have the strength. "Bull, she's hurt," he croaked.

  Bull pulled Douglas McClane's body off his friend and kicked a long black blade away. "So are you," he hissed and yelled over his shoulder to get the paramedics in here immediately. "Don't move. Stay still."

  Looking down in confusion, River saw more blood pooling under his hip. Shock registered when he realized from where it originated. The hilt of his Ka-bar was sticking out of his side. McClane must have fallen on it as he died, pushing it into River's body. Funny, River didn't even feel it.

  Until now.

  Chapter 26

  The irritating sounds of a television program dragged Joselyn from the dark arms of unconsciousness. Opening her eyes, she quickly shut them again. "Too bright," she whispered.

  There was a click and a hand took hers. "Joselyn?"

  Cracking her eyelids again, she winced to see her mother's face, worry etched deeply into the lines around her eyes. Smacking her lips together, she tried to smile. "Hey, Mom."

  "Oh thank God, baby." Mom lifted Joselyn's hand to her lips and kissed it. "We were so worried. Thirsty?"

  She nodded so Mom picked up a cup and placed the straw between her parched lips. "Sip a little bit. You've been out a while."

  Taking a few sips, Joselyn laid back on the incredibly thin hospital pillow. Looking around she frowned. Someone had placed a crystal vase full of roses on a small shelf on the wall. After everything she had been through, Joselyn was sure she would never be able to stand the sight or smell of the once favored flower again.

  Catching her gaze, her mother smiled. "Aren't they beautiful? They are from your publisher."

  "Please, can you get rid of them? Give them to the nurse's station or throw them away. I don't want to ever see another rose as long as I live."

  Understanding dawned on her mother. "Oh, of course, baby. I didn't think about it." She snatched the vase and walked out of the room. In a few moments, she was back. "There. Better?"

  Joselyn nodded. "Have you met Maddox yet? Where is he? Getting coffee in the cafeteria I suppose." The look on Mom's face made her stomach drop. "What's wrong? Where is he?"

  She pulled a chair beside the bed and sat. "Honey, he was hurt, pretty badly. When they brought you both in last night, they couldn't get the bleeding to stop. I talked to his mother, Sarah, I think it was? She dropped by to check on you a bit ago. She said he has two dislocated fingers, lots of bruises a deep cut on one arm and a pretty bad stab wound. The knife punctured a kidney and severed the vessels. They tried to repair it but it was too far gone so they removed it."

  Joselyn pulled the blanket off herself and threw her legs over the side.

  "Wait, where do you think you are going?"

  "I have to see him."

  Mom shook her head. "You can't, baby. He's in ICU. Nobody can see him until at least ten am this morning."

  "Then I'll go wait until visiting hours. Mom, I have to go, please. I can't lay here waiting to hear how he is from someone else. Maddox is my life. He is everything to me. He came for me when I needed him most. If..." She swallowed and forced the words out. "If something happens, I have to be there. Please, Mom."

  Mom studied her a moment and gave in. "Alright but I'm getting a wheelchair. You're still weak and you don't need to pull your stitches open." She pulled a robe from the back of the door and grabbed Joselyn's slippers. Helping Joselyn to thread her good arm through the robe, she draped it over her shoulder and tied the waist. Sliding Joselyn's feet into the slippers Mom stood. "I can't believe you talked me into this," she mumbled and left the room in search of the required transportation.

  Against her mother's better judgment, a chair was located and she was carefully loaded into it, being mindful of her one arm still resting in a sling. One of her nurses, a romantic young woman who also happened to be a big fan of Joselyn's, helped her get settled and spread a light blanket over her lap. "Good luck," she said and opened the door.

  The ICU waiting room was filled to capacity. Aaron, Shaun and Mr. Benson were standing in a corner talking quietly with Hannah leaning against Shaun's hip. Shaun had his hand buried in Hannah's auburn tresses, stroking her gently. Celia, Sarah and all four of Maddox's sisters were sitting in a group. When Joselyn was pushed into the room, Sarah jumped up and flew to Joselyn's side. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

  "I'm fine, Sarah," she said and bit her lip when the woman's hug caused a slight tug on her arm. "How is he?"

  "He hasn't come too yet. He lost a lot of blood but the doctor said he should be fine." She drew her arms around herself. "He looks so pale."

  Bull crouched down beside her. "How are you doing, Joselyn?'

  She gave him a tight smile. "I've been better. McClane?"

  "Gone. He'll never bother you again."

  The relief was so profound she felt the weight lift from her shoulders. "Really?"

  He placed his hand on hers and gave it a slight squeeze. "Really. No trials, no more hiding, no more fear. It's all over."

  "Thank God," she whispered and closed her eyes.

  At 10:00, a chime sounded through the room. "Visitors are now allowed," a dulcet voice announced from a hidden speaker.

  Everyone looked at her. Sarah stood and grabbed the handles of the chair. "Ready to see your man?" she asked and started to push her toward the door leading back to the unit.

  Joselyn nodded. "More than anything on this earth."

  She gasped as they entered his room. Tubes and wires connected him to monitors and machines recording every minute detail of his body's functions. Sarah held Joselyn's hand as they talked quietly to him, asking him to open his eyes and talk to them. The allotted ten minutes passed quickly. With a heavy heart, Joselyn raised his hand and kissed his palm, promising to come back soon. She had tears in her eyes as Sarah returned her to the waiting room.

  "Come on, you need a rest. You've lost a lot of blood. Let the others go see him and you take a nap," Mom had insisted.

  Joselyn didn't want to leave but her body was so exhausted, her hands trembled. "Just a nap but I'll be back." She looked at Sarah. "You'll let me know if he wakes up?"

  Sarah pressed a kiss to Joselyn's cheek. "Of course, honey. You go ahead and rest now."

  Later that night, she was once again in the waiting room, watching the clock until time for the final visit for the evening at seven. The nap had done her good as did a shower and clean clothes. Her doctor released her by three, but she returned to ICU. She would not leave him. When visiting time was announced, she dutifully walked through the door again.

  Returning from his side ten minutes later, she saw Detective Jameson talking with Aaron. Next to him stood three large men she had not seen befo
re. Wrinkling her brow she approached him.

  "Hello, Detective Jameson."

  "Joselyn, after all we have been through, you have the right to use my given name. Please call me Henry or even Bull." He glanced at the door behind her. "How is he?"

  She shrugged. "The doctors say he's stable and improving but he hasn't awakened yet. They say his body needs to heal and he will wake up when he is ready. I wish he would open his eyes if only for a minute so I can see for myself."

  "River is strong, he'll be fine, you'll see. He'll be aggravating your socks off in no time."

  She chuckled and glanced at the strangers behind him.

  Catching her glance, he motioned for them to come forward. "Joselyn, I'd like you to meet Bruiser, Toad, and Cowboy, also known as Grayson Titus, Reese Harkins, and Alcide Montgomery. They are all members of River's team.

  She stared at them. Obviously, the medications she was on loosened her tongue because she just came right out and said what went through her mind. "There's no such thing as an ugly SEAL is there? You are all big and sexy."

  The room burst into laughter and she blushed. "Oh crapadoo, I'm sorry," she apologized, chagrin making her face turn a bright red. "Medications," she admitted sheepishly.

  "It's alright, Ma'am," Bruiser said and gave her a wink. "Bull called and told us about River. We got a few days leave so flew down to check on him. Unfortunately, Finch, Hick, and Railroad couldn't leave but they are with him in thoughts."

  She looked at the men who had been closer than anyone besides Shaun to Maddox and said with a watery smile. "Thank you for your service."


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