Dangerous Redemption: A Single Parent Forbidden Romance Novel (Paths To Love Book 4)
Page 27
“Me next. Me next,” Gabriel said, running back to us, this time the puppy behind him.
I scooped him up, whirled him around, and set him back on his feet, Firecracker running circles around our legs.
“Let's go get Aunt Mulaney and Uncle Easton. Then we're taking a field trip.”
“How do you feel about bringing Firecracker's sister home?” Holly asked.
“Two puppies?” The wonder in his eyes was one of the reasons I lived.
“Two,” Holly confirmed.
“Can they both sleep with me?”
“I don't see why not.”
“Then we should go get her. She probably misses Firecracker.”
“Did you hear that, Firecracker? We're going to get your sister,” he said to his new best friend. Then he reached for Holly's hand, tilting his head back to look at her. “Thank you, Mama. I promise I'll take the best care of them.”
“I know you will, baby.”
“We'd better get going then,” I said, gesturing to the door.
“This is the best day ever,” Gabriel shouted, throwing a fist in the air.
The puppy took off, and Gabriel ran behind him, the leash slack. His face was bright. Holly's mirrored his happiness. Gabriel was completely right.
Best. Day. Ever.
Ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.
Beauty will rise in the wake of the destruction.
* * *
“It’s red and green.” Gabriel’s curious eyes took in the scenery below.
Holly was as interested as our son as she took in the place I never thought I’d see again.
The evidence of the ruins I’d left the Calderón compound in was nowhere to be found. Instead, the first crop of quinoa covered the landscape. In actuality, it was the second. The first didn’t grow as expected, but we didn’t give up.
Coffee, bananas, and cotton had also been planted. Local farmers who were capable but didn’t have land at their disposal were running the new operation. It was still hard to trust, but this was something I’d only be hands-on from a distance. Eduardo hadn’t helped with my trust issues, but as soon as I’d discovered his deception, I’d commissioned a man who grew the coffee beans I bought when I lived here to oversee the project. It was too important to me to let it die because I’d been double-crossed.
So far, it was functioning well. The people in the surrounding areas supported the idea once they realized I wasn’t to be feared. From what I’d gathered, some were still skeptical of my motivation. In time, they’d see that, though I owned the property, what came of it was theirs.
“Is this . . .” Holly didn’t finish the question.
She knew what I’d done. Knew my struggle. It was difficult for me to see this place, but also hard for me to leave the day-to-day operation to others. This had to be done right.
For Mama.
For Camila. Muriella.
For the people.
And to infuriate my father. I hoped he was in hell, angry that his land was being used for a good purpose.
I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to entirely let go of my thirst for retribution when it came to him, but Holly had helped tremendously. Revenge was no longer the meaning of my life.
“Yes,” I finally said.
“Your mama would be so proud.”
I surveyed the land below. She was right. Mama would be pleased.
I veered the plane toward the coast without looking back. The shoreline came into view, and I descended, scanning for the landmark.
“Can we go to the beach?” Gabriel asked, rubbing Firecracker’s ears.
I wasn’t certain I’d ever set foot on this sand again, but one day it would Gabriel’s to do as he pleased.
The malinche tree came into view. The blooms were bright orange and beautiful.
“That tree.” Holly gasped. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
I smiled. “I planted it for Mama. It was her favorite. I like to think this is her place of peace.”
Her returning smile was wobbly. “You are the sweetest soul.”
“You and Gabriel and our unborn children have me beat by a mile.”
“The Jacobs way of talking is rubbing off on you.” Her face grew even more radiant. So maybe I’d picked up a few of their sayings along the way.
“Daddy, am I getting a sister?” Gabriel perked up. His radar ears never missed a thing. I still couldn’t get used to what that one powerful word did to me every time he said it. “I’d be okay with a brother too.”
“How about both?” I asked.
Holly gripped her knees. “How about we slow down?”
“When are they coming?”
Firecracker let out a sharp bark as Gabriel bounced in his seat. Lucy, Firecracker’s sister, peeled her eyes open from where she lay at Gabriel’s feet to see what the commotion was about. Once she decided it wasn’t worth getting up for, she went back to sleep.
“If it were up to Daddy, soon,” Holly said in mock annoyance.
I smirked. “I haven’t heard any complaints.”
Gabriel tilted his head, trying to decipher what this conversation meant. “Like tomorrow soon?” he asked.
Holly coughed, and I chuckled. “Not that soon,” she said. “Maybe later this year. Or next.”
“That’s forever away,” he complained.
While I intended to try my hardest to expand our family, if it never happened, I had everything I needed. My entire purpose in life had been to avenge the wrongs against my sister. In doing so, I’d found the reasons I breathed.
“Forever isn’t as far away as it seems,” I said.
“Maybe eight months or so,” Holly said casually.
I nearly jerked the controls as I stared at her. “Are we?” Words escaped me.
She nodded, and it took everything I had not to bolt up from my seat. She unbuckled her seat belt and snaked her arms around my neck. Her lips were warm as she pressed them against my cheek. “Think you can wait until Christmas?”
“No. But I will.” I kissed her with everything I had before she returned to her seat.
When I’d left this country, there’d been nothing but death and hopelessness. I took in my beautiful family. They’d given me life and a future I hadn’t known existed.
Second chances did happen even to the worst of us. And I was living proof.
I’m not as bad as they make me out to be. I’m worse.
* * *
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Book Stuff
We should’ve learned early on that when it comes to the Paths to Love series, we are definitely not in the driver’s seat. There was only supposed to be one book, yet here we are on the fourth.
The second Carlos showed up in Three Dates outside Muriella’s apartment we wanted to know more about him. And the scene with the two of them at the Jacobs Ranch in Texas
. . . that’s when we fell in love with him. Who wouldn’t have a soft spot for a dangerous man with a sweet side he doesn’t even know he has?!
We told you before that we thought Carlos and Mulaney were going to end up together. Whoa we were wrong. That’s what we meant about not being in control of this thing. These characters are pretty opinionated and not afraid to tell us when it comes to their lives.
In an early draft of Heartbreaker, we met Holly in the first chapter. There was a quiet strength about her and seeing her through Mulaney’s eyes intrigued us. After all, Mulaney doesn’t give respect easily and it was obvious Holly had hers. It didn’t take long for us to figure out there was a lot more to Holly than the reserved single-mom we’d been introduced to.
And Gabriel . . . hearts officially stolen. He’s just such a good kid and has an incredibly positive attitude about life. The scene where he and Holly run into Carlos in the elevator makes us cry every single time we read it.
Just any man wasn’t going to be good enough for the two of them. They were fine on their own. If someone was going to be part of their lives, he’d have to be pretty special. A man who would love them the way they deserved.
What was really fun for us with this story was that neither Holly nor Carlos saw each other coming. They certainly weren’t looking for love, but they found it and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
Holly taught us that it’s okay to want the fairy tale . . . whatever that may look like. It doesn’t have to mean glass slippers and Prince Charming. Sometimes it’s clean laundry and a cartel king.
This story wasn’t always pretty. It started out graphically violent. But life isn’t all the pretty illusions we try to show the world. Carlos wanted you to know the real him, not the sugar-coated tip-toe around version. His life is ugly. The things he he’s done and seen are horrific. But that doesn’t make him a terrible person. We feel so privileged he let us in to see his beautiful heart.
If you haven’t had enough of Carlos, Holly, and Gabriel (we haven’t!), don’t worry. You’ll see them again in Thick As Thieves. You might have figured out Drew’s story is up next. We’ll all find out if the irredeemable can be saved.
Thank you so, so much for being on this journey with us.
Grahame Claire
We’re really fortunate to have unconditional support from our families. They sacrifice along with us. Cheer us on no matter what. And show us every single day what love looks like.
Since we started this journey, our families have grown to include people who were strangers only a few years ago. Without them, we couldn’t do this. Alessandra Torre, you have supported us from the time we had a mess of a book on our hands. We’re incredibly grateful for your guidance. Tia Louise and P. Dangelico, thank you for being such bright stars in the book community. SueBee, your friendship is such a gift. We’re lucky to have you on our team.
Claudia Burgoa, you do too much for us. You’re one of the most giving people we’ve ever known and inspire us to be better humans. We’re keeping you forever.
Catherine Cowles, it’s hard to remember the time you weren’t in our lives. Your text messages make us smile. The way you keep things real and positive helps us stay sane.
Emma Renshaw, do you know how much we adore you? We admire your strength and are so glad to have you to lean on.
Sue Grimshaw, you make editing fun. We’re wowed every time you touch our words and thank you so much for your willingness to experiment.
Marion Archer, we love our chats and how you treat our stories as your own. Thank you so much for taking us on. But you need to move closer . . . or either we’re coming to Australia. You pick!
Karen Lawson and Janet Hitchcock, you two are the dream team. Thank you so much for seeing things we don’t and answering our endless questions.
Jenny Sims, thank you so much for your flexibility and being a pleasure to work with.
Our fabulous reader group, Grahame Claire Reader Hangout . . . your enthusiasm and encouragement keeps us going. You answer our questions, even if they’re strange. We love getting to know you (no pantyhose for most of us!) and appreciate you more than we can say. Without you, we wouldn’t have known if kindergarteners have homework!
Patricia Carlisle, your bright spirit makes us smile every single day. We don’t say it enough, but thank you for everything you do.
Our beta readers Jessica, Christy, Diane, L. Duarte, Sonia, and Sabrina . . . we struggle to put into words just how much you mean to us. These books wouldn’t be what they are without you. Thank you for all the effort and support.
And to you, our fabulous readers, we cherish each and every one of you. If we could, we’d come and hug you. Not a side hug, but a big, squishy bear hug. Without you, this dream doesn’t happen. Without you, we have no reason to write. You have embraced these characters as your own family. And you have no idea how excited we get every time we get a message from you. Thank you for taking a chance on these stories.
Also by Grahame Claire
It’s Not Over
Three Dates
Righting Our Wrongs
Dangerous Redemption
Thick As Thieves
About the Author
Grahame Claire is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance.
A writer. A blogger. United by our love of stories and all things romance. There was definitely some insta-love. Hello? Books involved. A little courting. A lot of writing. The result . . . Grahame Claire.
Soulmates. Unashamed of our multiple book boyfriends. Especially the ones that rooted in our heads and wouldn’t leave us alone. Don’t worry. We’ll share.
Pleased to meet you.
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