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Seduced by the Fae

Page 9

by Laxmi Hariharan

  “I am not angry, Doc.”

  I raise my hand to his cheek, and to my relief, he doesn't move away.

  He lets me feather my fingers over that hard jawline.

  “You’re not?” He frowns. “So you didn’t hate it?” The cords of his throat move.

  “I didn’t love it.” I peer up at him from under my lashes. Uh, how is he going to react to that?

  “Sometimes what you love is not what you need.” He angles his hips, and his shaft chafes against my pelvic bone.

  “That…you being so deep inside of me, Doc…it’s just…so different.”

  My hand falls to his shoulder and I dig my nails into his skin.

  “I am different. A Fae with the blood of a dragon running through me. I am the kind of monster you should have run from as soon as you saw me.”


  He frowns again. “You are a strange woman.”

  “Look who’s talking.” I snicker.

  “I am still knotted inside of you, woman.” His eyebrows lower.

  Not only.

  He’s stripped me of all defenses, torn away that semblance of protection I had worn around me and exposed what I am. A woman who likes depraved things, flawed things, men who can hurt me and make me come and give me the most incredible orgasms of my life. Yep, I confess that. I drag my palm down between us and brush it over where his dick joins us.

  He growls, and his shaft thickens. “What are you doing to me, Red?”

  “Making the most of the fact that I can still speak.”

  “I am going to shut you up next time, and it won’t be with a gag.”




  Did she just say that?

  Her eyes gleam. She is going to be the death of me. “Don’t bait me, Red.”

  “I wouldn’t dare.”

  “You do realize I am going to punish you again, right?”

  I move inside her, and she stutters. Her pupils dilate, and she moans. Moisture pools between her legs, and fuck me if I don’t want to come right now.

  This is not how I want it to be. She is not the one in control. I am. I cup her breast, and squeeze the trembling flesh. Her nipple pebbles and she groans.

  “Do you have any idea what you just did?”

  “Wha…what?” She pouts, and my gaze drops to her lips.

  “You can’t bait me that way.”

  She frowns and inches closer.

  "Not without facing the repercussions."

  She pushes her breast into my palm. Her flesh thrums with an inner fire. She’s vital, this woman. I need her fire, and I am the one with dragon blood, go figure. I drop into myself to tap into my telekinetic energy, but I am still empty.

  I need to recoup my energy to get us out of here. And she...she needs to rest. I let go of her flesh and drop my elbows on either side of her shoulder. “You need to recover from my ministrations.”

  I move away and she snakes her arms around my shoulders, "Don't go." She flicks out her tongue to wet her lips. My gaze falls to her swollen mouth, down to where streaks of red mark her creamy skin. "You are not used to being used so harshly.”

  "I... I have a confession."

  My shoulders lock, my muscles tense.

  She blows out a breath. “You hurt me and…I”—she squeezes her eyes shut—“I...I want more.”

  “What?” I blink.

  She swallows, then opens her eyes and locks her gaze on mine. “You asked me to take what I need from you Doc. This...this is what I need. The pain, it pushed me to the end of my tether, into a zone I have never been before.”

  “The high that comes from the endorphins released by the pain.” I firm my lips.

  “I felt completely in my skin for the first time." Her breath quickens and her pupils dilate as if she's reliving the climax. She doesn't need to. As long as I am here, I intend to bring her to orgasm again and again, until she begs me to stop, and even then, I'll wring more pleasure from her body. But first, “You need to get back your energy, Red. I should leave you alone for a little while.” My dick throbs inside of her.

  "Uh...but your...your..."

  "Cock?" I supply helpfully.

  Color flushes her cheeks. It's the single most enticing thing I have seen. My dick thickens, stretching her further, and she gasps.

  "Say it."

  She shakes her head.

  I glare at her and her breath hitches.

  I raise an eyebrow and she gulps. "Cock" she sputters, and the color flows down her neck, spreading over the trembling skin of her breasts.

  She's a fresh canvas spread out before me and I want to mess her up so badly. She'd take every single depraved thing I do to her and reflect it back to me. She is the culmination of everything I have faced in life. My redemption. My salvation. My mate. Not that. Everything except that. I can't allow my darkness to taint her. But I can take her to heights she's never experienced before.

  She jerks her chin toward my crotch, "Your cock has other plans."

  “What can I say? I am an alpha Fae. My sexual appetites are beyond that of humans. Mix in my dragon blood and that makes me needier than shifters…and I am horny for you, Red.” So not a good idea to say that aloud. My dick thickens further, tightening in the tiny space of her channel.

  Her pussy clamps down on my flesh in reflex.

  My hips jerk and my shaft slides deeper into that sweet heat of hers. My groin hardens; my balls draw up. “Ah, fuck, I am coming, Red.”

  I drop my forehead to hers, and my cock twitches with such force that I wince. My flanks contract and I shoot streams of hot cum inside of her.

  Her arms come around me, and I am aware of her holding me, rocking me. How strange. I am the Dominant, the one supposedly in control, the one who caused her pain, yet here she is soothing me. She runs her delicate fingers down my spine, and I shiver.

  What is Red doing to me? My thigh muscles uncoil, my shoulders relax, and just for a second, I allow myself to taste what she is offering. Unrestrained comfort. Softness. A delicate sense of warmth. It’s like coming home…and the thought constricts my heart. She is everything I need, and I shouldn't get used to it.

  My knot loosens, and I move back, sliding out of her.

  The mixture of my cum and hers gushes out from between her legs.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up.”



  He rises to his feet and pulls me into his arms. He carries me as if I don’t weigh anything…and while I am human, I have curves. Baby fat, I’ve always thought. Maybe it’s the kind of extra pounds that will come off when I get older? To my dismay, the curves have only rounded out, given me an hourglass figure that has attracted male attention. It's the bane of my existence. And my breasts…they seem almost too big for my body.

  I hunch closer to him, trying to support the ample roundness against the planes of his chest.

  “Whatcha doin’?”

  I sense him peering down at me as he walks toward the door at the far end of the room. “Ah, nothing.” Blood rushes to my cheeks. It was almost easier when I didn’t have to talk. It took away the onus of having to justify my tastes. It took away choice. My shoulders sag. I want to hand over control of my body to him. Let him decide what I want, what I like, what brings me pleasure, how much pain I can take.

  Maybe that’s why he wants to gag me next time? So I can simply focus all of my attention on him?

  “I can hear you think, woman.”

  “Right,” I grumble under my breath.

  There’s no hiding anything from this man, and strangely, I don’t mind. I mean, I should be angry, right?

  I should, at least, put up a token protest at how he’d simply taken what he wanted from me, commanded my body into the positions that best suited him, inflicted the kind of pain I had never experienced before, only to deliver the kind of orgasms which…uh! My body still remembers.

  I rub my thighs together, and liquid pools bet
ween my legs.

  “Hmm, you curious about what else I can do to you? How many orgasms I can wring from you before we leave here?”



  “No. Of course not.”

  “Liar.” He chuckles, and the sound is so rich, so male, so damn confident that it’s a turn-on.

  My nipples pebble and my breasts are squashed against his chest so I am sure he feels it. He grasps me closer, then steps through the entrance of what turns out to be a bathroom. There’s an old-fashioned tub under a large window, a shower cubicle on the other side, and in between, a large sink. Oh, yeah, and towels and soaps line the shelves. “Do the Fae Corps have many of these safehouses?”

  "We have eight of them spread around the world in strategic locations."

  "And we are definitely safe here, right? You did say that there's a security net around the space, but what if he manages to infiltrate that?" A shudder runs down my body. Boris had snatched me from a gathering where most of the Fae Corps were in attendance. Then he'd almost sold me. My throat closes.

  "Look at me, Alice."

  I raise my gaze to his.

  “He can't get through the security system without my being aware of it."

  Doc lowers me to the side of the bathtub. I can’t stop staring at him. The fact that he’d almost died sinks in. The thought of losing him… My shoulders tremble. He makes to straighten, and I grab hold of his arms.

  “Hey.” He squats in front of me. “You are safe with me.”

  I nod. And that’s the problem. I feel safe only with him. Everything that happened in the last few days has brought home the knowledge of just how woefully inadequate I am. How weak I am…a human in this world filled with Fae and shifters and monsters like Boris.

  He snaps his fingers, and my gaze darts to his face. “You are not listening to me.”

  Hell, that dominating tone of his voice. So commanding, so sure of himself, I want to throw myself at him and ask him to take care of me and protect me always.

  Does that make me weak? Maybe.

  Am I wrong in thinking this? Probably, but for just the time we have here, why can’t I give in to him? Let him command me, allow him to protect me, and I want that. So badly.

  I take in a deep breath.

  “Yes, Alpha.” I bow my head.

  I sense him start. Huh? He’s the one who told me to call him that, right? And it felt correct to do that just now. It felt good to acknowledge that he is my Master. And it doesn’t feel degrading to acknowledge that. It is I who give him permission to be in that position of power. I place my trust in him and wait…wait. The moments tick on. A drop of water plops from the tap, and the sound echoes around the space, tugging at my already stretched nerve endings.

  I don’t dare raise my eyes, don’t want to break whatever this is that has us cocooned in its heart. This strange intimacy formed in the aftermath of what he’s done to me. Taken me and slapped me into submission, knotted me and made me come. I had fallen apart in his arms. Had responded to the dominance in his voice, his need to see me break, to mark me, claim me...and he had. The wounds at the base of my neck tingle, and I sneak up a hand to touch the furrowed flesh. Ow!

  “It hurts, eh?”

  Of course, it does… Only I don’t mind it. The pain keeps me anchored, allows me to focus on myself, on him, on his touch that feathers over my skin. Every part of me vibrates with a strange energy. Every single pore on my body is open to receiving him, to sensing him, to him. Just for him. I take in a deep breath, and that dark, edgy scent of his fills my nostrils. My head spins, and I sway.

  “Hey.” He grips my shoulder, and I tremble. “You’re shaking, Red.”

  No kidding.

  He hasn’t expressly forbidden me to speak this time, and yet I prefer not to. I can say ‘No’ to him anytime, but I haven’t. I don’t want to resist him…or refuse him any longer. The fact is, the way he had taken me had surprised me. He had used the pain to get through all of my defenses and give me the singular most intense orgasm of my life…all of that crashes over me.

  I am not ready for this.

  Not ready for how vulnerable it makes me feel. Like I have exposed myself, stripped of all my defenses, to him. Shown him what I am. Someone who wants to be possessed. Owned. Broken by him. Joined to him. My thighs spasm. My shoulders jerk. No way. I choose now to have a meltdown? I open my mouth, and a gasp escapes me. Tears knock at the backs of my eyes. What’s wrong with me?

  “Hey, babe, stop.” He rises on his knees and wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

  He tucks my head under his chin, rubs my back in slow, soothing circles, and I hiccough. He’s big and massive and solid.

  His heat curls over me, the touch of his skin so soft. The planes and muscles that coil under it so hard. I bury my nose in the crook of his neck. The scent of mint and cinnamon, laced with an edge of darkness that is uniquely Doc, fills my senses.

  He drags his fingers over my hair, tugging at the strands. My scalp tingles, and a wave of lust coils in my belly. Damn. All of the emotions come crashing over me again, and I sob in earnest. Nice one. I am falling apart in his arms, conforming to the stereotype of an ex-virginal, weak, helpless, human female. Everything I have striven not to be.

  Maybe I fought too hard.

  Maybe what I am inside is someone who wants to be taken, protected, fucked, and knotted.

  Maybe that’s what I have been fighting—my true nature. Another sob wrenches out of me.

  I curl my fists against his sides, wrap my legs around his waist, and let the tears fall. I cry my heart out, and he lets me. I am not sure how long we stay that way. When I stir, he loosens his vice-like grasp from around me. “Feeling better?”

  His voice rumbles up his chest. The vibrations sink into me, soothing, calming. His rubs his cheek over my head, and his touch is so gentle that my heart stutters.

  I nod, not trusting myself to speak. If I do, I might have another breakdown, and that’s not what I want, not right now at any rate.

  “Let’s get you in the bath then.”

  He shifts his weight back, and I refuse to let go.

  He rises to his feet and carries me with him. I cuddle closer, allowing myself to bask in his warmth. In that secure feeling that comes from being carried.

  This man had caused me pain, he’d torn into me, penetrated me, knotted me without telling me exactly how different that experience could be, and now he’s the only one who can soothe me.

  He places me in the bath then leans over, supporting my weight with an arm around my waist. He reaches out with the other, and I hear the water run in the bathtub. He straightens and hums under his breath. The vibrations that resonate through his chest warm my skin, heating my blood. The steam from the water shimmers against my back. Some of the tension drains from my shoulders.

  “I am going to step in.”

  He slides into the tub behind me, in a smooth move that leaves me blinking. His entire body submerges into the tub and some of the water spills over the side. He lifts me up and turns me around then settles me over him so I am straddling him. Then scoops water over my back, whispering his touch over my arms, my hips, the curve of my butt. His fingers brush against my aching core, and I groan. My muscles clench.

  My pussy quivers.

  I am still sore.

  He'd split me into two and put me back together again. It sounds really sadistic when I put it that way, but I enjoyed it. The thought of Nolan taking me and knotting me again…a shiver of anticipation tugs at my nerves.

  Moisture pools in my core.

  Yep, he was right. I am more masochistic that I thought. Apparently, my body likes the pain he can inflict on me and craves the pleasure that is sure to follow. I am getting addicted to him, and it’s wrong. He’s going to spoil me for anyone else, and I am going to worry about that later.

  His fingers brush the cleft between my butt cheeks, and I shiver. He drags his palm to my pussy, swiping the edge of it ove
r my folds. A lick of fire sears my core. Another moan wheezes out of me.

  “That whine of yours, Red… I could almost forget that you are human.”

  Is that a compliment? Not sure. And honestly, I don’t care. Just as long as he touches me, caresses me, smacks me again.

  I rub my melting core into his groin.

  His muscles tense, then he takes a breath, and his shoulders relax. “I know what you want, Red, and I am going to give it to you.”

  Please. Please. My chest heaves.

  “Just not yet.’

  What the hell? I try to turn, but his arm is heavy around my shoulders, holding me in place.

  “When you are ready, that’s when you get what you deserve.”

  Huh? I am hurting inside already. I am sore yet needy. I am horny and aching and—

  “Not enough, Red. If I always give you what you want, as soon as you ask for it, it just spoils you.”

  So what’s wrong with that?

  “That’s not what we want.”

  There is a hushed tone to his voice, that tinge of dominance that makes goosebumps pop on my skin. That alerts me that he is back in his Master mode and I am his slave. His property. His to take. And he’s right. I don’t deserve it yet…but I want it, I do. I whine, not caring that the sound that escapes me is closer to that of an animal in heat. Maybe it’s him, his presence, his nearness that brings out every primal instinct in me.

  I tighten my thighs around his waist, and he lifts me with his arm under my hips. Cold air hits my butt. A second before he slaps my ass.

  “Ow.” I cry out. What was that for?

  He spanks my left butt cheek, then the right, the left, the right.

  Ow, ow, ow. That hurts. My skin tingles. The moistness of my skin only amplifies each touch. Makes each slap singe and sizzle and—oh! So that’s what the bath is about? Taking it up another notch, is he? And I’d thought he was being considerate for my welfare—ouch! He smacks me again, and my belly flutters.

  Moisture gushes from between my legs, and I moan. I can’t possibly find this exciting; I mean, it hurts, all right? So there’s no way it should turn me on, but tell that to my body, which writhes in his arms. Tell that to my pussy, which quivers and weeps to be filled by him. Tell that to my heart, which yearns for his touch, his kiss. Is it possible to want someone to ravish you so completely? To have him break you even as he tenderly soothes you? Please. Please. I say the words over and over in my mind, drop my neck until my forehead is pressed to his chest. The water level laps up between us to wet my breasts, and I shiver.


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