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Remember Me

Page 39

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Nodding, she pushed the appropriate number on the speed dial, holding her breath. The phone rang only once, and he was on the line.

  “Hello mom!” his eager voice sang.

  “Regan...” she croaked, then cleared her throat. “Regan, is it really you?”

  “Yes ma'am, I'm your son, Regan Dardanus Mortenson.” he replied in a sweet voice. “Thank you for calling, mommy, I've been real excited.”

  Nearly overcome, she walked to the couch on shaky legs, trying not to cry. “I'm excited too, hon. I'm your mother. I'm Cassandra.” she said as she finally broke down and wept tears of joy.

  Sitting down on the sofa beside her, Granger kissed her brow and pulled her to him.

  “Don't cry, mom. It's ok that you don't remember me, I understand.” the young boy replied, trying to comfort her the best way he knew how.

  Resting her head on her husband's shoulder gratefully, she barely managed to compose herself, wiping tears from her face with her free hand. “Oh, honey, I never forgot you. I may have not known your name or where you were, but you were always in my dreams, calling to me. Always in my heart, somewhere. I just didn't know where to look.”

  “Really? You really dreamed about me?” he asked with such wonder and happiness that she began sobbing again quietly.

  “Yes, really!” she sniffed. “When your grandmother and dad showed me your pictures, it made me so happy to know the beautiful boy I had been dreaming about was really my son.”

  “Ummm...geez, mom, I'm a boy. I'm handsome and stuff, but not beautiful. Only icky girls are beautiful. If you said that in front of any of my friends, they'd razz me to the dogs and back.”

  “Ok, you're handsome, like your dad!” she laughed happily.

  Standing, Granger made his way to the large leather lazy boy, sat down, then watched as his wife reconnected with their son, and every time she laughed, his heart soared even higher. The two of them are all I want, all I need. My wife and our child. If I were to lose every material thing I own in this world, it wouldn't matter, as long as I have them. Thank you Lord, thank you for hearing my prayer... he thought as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

  Two Hours later

  Cassandra couldn't stop smiling as she listened to Granger end their phone call to Regan. She had spent the past two hours talking to him, listening to him tell her about everything he liked, everything he didn't like, and all the things he wanted to do once she returned home.

  As soon as Granger hung up the phone, she got up and went to the chair he was sitting in. Bending, she threw her arms around his neck and gushed, “Thank you, thank you so much for not telling him I didn't want him. You know, when you thought I had left on purpose.”

  Pulling her down onto his lap, he gathered her in his arms and held on to her as if for dear life. “Well, don't thank me just yet honey.” he hesitated, not wanting to broach the subject, yet wanting to be completely honest with her, too. Lies would be no way to restart their new life together. “I...I never actually defended you either, when others told him, uhhh, things.” he replied softly as he bowed his head in shame.

  Turning, she straddled his legs and cupped his face in both her hands. Tilting his head up until their eyes met, she whispered, “Honey, you could have filled him with so much hate, but you didn't. That's all that matters. You had absolutely no control over what other people said.” Leaning close, her gaze never faltered as her mouth descended on his, kissing him deeply, yet tenderly.

  His heart beating like a trip-hammer, he returned her kiss with equal fervor as he ran his hands slowly up her legs, then underneath the silk skirt she was wearing. Running both his hands behind her, he began gently caressing and kneading her panty-clad buttocks, making her moan.

  Panting, she slowly began unbuttoning his shirt, then leaned forward and nibbled on the side of his neck and earlobe. Giving him a saucy smile, she moved her hips in rhythm with his groping hands.

  Suddenly grabbing her hips to hold her still, he croaked, “Baby, if you keep moving like that I won't be responsible for what happens.”

  “Malcolm won't be interrupting us this time, will he?” she breathed into his ear, making him squirm even more.

  “Already thought of that. He flew back home this morning, had to....ahhhhh, that feels nice.....had to take care of some family business.” he managed to wheeze, then began unbuttoning her blouse with both his hands, which were trembling with excitement. Pulling the garment off her shoulders, he unhooked the back of her lacy, silk bra, pushed the garment up, then pulled her close and began to suckle one taut nipple, then the other.

  Arching her back, she moaned with pleasure as his tongue and mouth nibbled, nipped, and teased, sending waves of pleasure undulating up and down, and through her voluptuous body. “Ohhhh baby, it's been so, SO long....” she nearly sobbed as she felt his hands working underneath her skirt again, this time tugging her panties down as his fingers found their way inside her, probing, exploring. “Oh God, I need you, Granger, I need you inside me soooo bad.” she whispered as she grabbed his hair in two fists and kissed him almost savagely.

  Trembling with excitement and pent-up desire, he never broke the kiss as he stood, lifting her in his arms as he did so, then practically ran with her into the bedroom.

  In a frenzied whirlwind of lust and emotions, everything seemed to blur, and Cassandra neither knew nor cared how he had laid her on the bed and undressed her so quickly. She didn't even know how they had wound up in the bedroom. All she knew or cared about was her need for him to be naked and making passionate love to her. Rising up on her knees, she grabbed his partially unbuttoned, six-hundred dollar shirt and ripped it open, not caring when buttons went flying in every direction. Admiring his muscular chest, she ran her hands up and down, and around his shoulders and chest. “Take off the rest of your clothes, I want to see what my man looks like.” she commanded in a voice that brooked no delay. “I want to see if your body is as beautiful as I think it is.”

  Stunned, he was nevertheless both pleased and excited by her assertiveness, her eagerness. The old Cassandra, however passionate she had been, had never actually initiated love making, and had never been so aggressive. Her boldness was an invitation, a passionate challenge, and he was more than willing to take her up on it. “Baby, keep looking at me like that and I'll give you any damn thing you want.” he growled as he quickly shed his trousers and underwear.

  When he finally stood before her completely nude, her eyes roved over his toned body slowly, smiling seductively as she saw his swollen manhood standing at rigid attention. Beckoning to him, she whispered, “Come, make love to me...husband.”

  Crawling onto the bed, he pushed her back down on her back, then ran his strong hands up her calves to her knees, then parted her legs eagerly. “Do you know how much, how long I've dreamed for this day to come?” he asked in a husky voice as he slid his fingers into her wet passage. “I wanted to do this soooo bad this morning. All day long I could think of nothing but Regan, and making love to you, my darling.” he finished as he lay flat on his belly and began teasing her swollen clitoris with his tongue, as his fingers continue their work, sliding in and out of her wet passage slowly.

  The things he was doing to was almost too much for her. Grabbing his head and closing her eyes, she arched her back and began bucking, grinding his face forcefully into her throbbing center. Suddenly she felt his fingers slide out of her, and she screamed as she felt the delicious sensation of his tongue taking their place, licking, teasing, probing. “Oh God!!!! Oooohhhhh....ohhhhhhh.” she moaned as she felt her juices gush. “Ohhh Granger, it's been soooo long...too long....” she panted, and nearly screamed with frustration as she felt his tongue leave her area of need.

  Crawling on top of her, he whispered frantically, “You're so tight, so wet, I need to be inside of you, right now.”

  “Yes, give it to me, GIVE IT TO ME.” she nearly sobbed, then screamed with delight as she felt his thick manhood slide into her decided
ly, not to be denied. Oh...yessss...yesssss, that feels soooooo good....” she whimpered as his powerful thrusts settled into a rhythm. Wrapping her arms around his back, she raked her nails down his back and nibbled on his neck as she felt her second orgasm quickly building. “Baby, I need to feel your hot seed inside me again, please.” she moaned as his thrusts picked up speed.

  “Cass....ahhhhh....I love you...I love you so much...ahhhhhhhh!!!” he panted as he felt the explosion of his own orgasm, one so intense he felt for a moment that he would surely lose consciousness. Thrusting even more frantically, even in the throes of such passion, he marveled at the intensity and longevity of his release, one that felt as if he were pumping gallon after hot gallon of his burning seed inside her.

  “Yes, give it to me, GIVE IT TO ME!!!” she begged again as she raked her nails down his back even more forcefully, then reached her second climax, matching his still-gyrating hips thrust-for-thrust.

  Finally spent, they both collapsed, and lay there gazing at one another in silence, panting, both feeling as if their souls had connected again. Forever.

  “I love you, Granger.” she whispered after a moment, then began caressing his face. She was shocked when he suddenly broke down and began to weep. “Granger, what's wrong?” she asked in a bewildered voice, then tried to sit up.

  Reaching out to grab her, he pulled her back to him, and kissed her lips lovingly and tenderly. “I thought I had lost you forever, Cassandra.” he said in a soft voice as he finally broke the kiss. “Without you and Regan beside me, I would be nothing, Cass. You two are priceless, nothing or no one could ever replace either of you. And I'll thank the good Lord every day for the rest of my life, for reuniting us. I need you both, so very much.”

  Reaching out and caressing his face again, she felt on the verge of tears herself. “I'm sorry I ever doubted you.” she whispered. “Now hold me, and don't ever let go.”

  Chapter 33

  Granger sighed as a tide of joy washed over him, content with the turn his life taken. He looked down at Cassandra, who was sleeping peacefully, head resting on his bare chest. Smiling broadly, he pushed a fat curl off her face, wanting to make love to her again, but he knew that she was both exhausted, and most likely sore, because there wasn't an inch of her lovely body he hadn't rediscovered as they made passionate love throughout the night. It was six in the morning, and he was aching with desire. He couldn't help but want her again, she was in his system like a drug.

  His smile faltered a bit as he thought about how he had manipulated her when they first met. Slipping his free hand behind his head, he fixed his gaze on the ceiling, and with the other gently caressed her as he thought about the first time they had made love:

  Snowshoe Bluefield West Virginia

  Cassandra kicked off her boots, then removed her wet jacket, draping it over a chair near the lodge door. Making her way to the roaring fireplace, she sat down and held out her hands to warm them. “Brrrrrrr, it's cold.” she shivered, then giggled. “I still can't believe I let you talk me into to trying skiing. I spent more time trying to stay on my feet than learning! Shoot, the four year olds were doing better than I was.”

  Chuckling, he knew she was right, most of their time on the slopes had been spent with her falling and him helping her up. But for him, hands down, it had been the best time he had ever had skiing. Up till that point, the few women he had bothered to bring only wanted to go where they could be seen, or spend countless hours shopping and complaining about the cold, about how it was ruining their hair styles. But she was different, and seemed excited, even, to be out in the snow. She never got frustrated with falling, and instead had made a game of it with several children, by falling down and playing injured. The children would come to her aid, helping her up, and trying to share their limited knowledge. Just watching her, he knew she would be a great mother. In fact, several parents had voiced the same thought as they watched their children laughing and carrying on with her.

  For three months he had been seeing her, under the pretense of talking about stopping the development of 'Roaring Branch'. He had used it to his advantage, knowing it was wrong, but knowing also it was the only way he could be sure she would keep seeing him.

  He watched as she wrapped her hands around a hot mug, sipping some Russian tea. Although she was still smiling, it didn't quite touch her beautiful honey eyes, and he knew her well enough by now to know something was bothering her. “Sweets, something on that lovely mind of yours?” he asked causally as he took a sip from his drink, then took a seat next to her.

  With a heavy sigh, she placed her mug on the coffee table and looked him in the eyes. “Are you still going to go through with your plans to develop 'Roaring Branch'’?” she asked.

  He knew it would be impossible to keep stringing her along, and decided to be honest with her, and gamble that perhaps she had developed at least some feelings for him by that point. “Cass, commitments have been made, but I'll hire someone to make certain our development goes above and beyond all environmental standards the state mandates, and I'll personally see to it large areas will be protected for the wildlife and their natural habitats.” he replied, amazing even himself with his need to please her. He had never felt this way, not even with his own mother.

  “Granger, you never planned on stopping development, did you?” she asked in a quiet, disappointed voice.

  Not knowing what to say, he gave her a sheepish, hang-dog look.

  Disgusted, she shot to her feet, grabbed her boots, and struggled to put them on, mumbling the entire time about how foolish she had been.

  “Where do you think you're going? It's snowing heavily out there. You can't go down the mountain in this kind of weather. Listen, you can stay mad from now till doomsday, but I won't allow you to leave here right now, not with the chance of you getting hurt or lost. Or both.” he said in a panic, fearing that if he let her walk out he would never see her again. Putting his own mug down, he stood and rushed to her, grabbing her arm.

  Snatching her arm from of his grasp, she looked at him and spat, “This is nothing but a game to you. What was it, Granger? Were you getting your jollies making the little eco-nerd look stupid? Guess you can go back to your trust fund buddies at that fancy country club of yours and laugh about how you strung me along!”

  “I...I just wanted to spend time with you, that’s all!” he babbled. “I know what I did was wrong, but it was the only way I felt you would even give me the time of day! Please don't leave!” he begged. Haven't you enjoy our time together, at all? I know I have, it's been wonderful. Don’t you want to be with me ?”

  Looking him in the eyes for a moment, she sensed the desperation in them, and his voice, and felt a firm tug at her heart strings, in spite of herself. “Yes, I admit spending time with you was nice, but I don't like the fact you lied, and never had any intention of changing your mind.”

  Knowing they could go back and forth all night, he decided to go for broke. Stepping forward, he reached out and pulled her into his arms roughly. Locking two hands in her hair, he leaned down and gave her a lingering, aggressive, possessive kiss. At first he didn't think she would respond, but much to his delight, she closed her eyes, moaned softly, and relaxed in his arms. After several moments he broke the kiss, then cupped her lovely face with both hands. “Cassandra, I want to make love to you, and believe me when I say I'm not lying about that.” he breathed.”

  Reaching up, she touched his face, knowing there was no way she could leave, not now, not after the way his touch and kiss had set her vibrant young body on fire. “Ok, I'll be honest. Yes, I want you too, but it can only be this one time, alright?” she murmured.

  That night he made love to her, and his heart swelled with pride when he learned he was the first man she had ever given herself to, the only man she ever even considered. Later, as he lay beside her in bed while she slept, he glanced at her and knew there was only one way to keep her.

  Getting up, he quietly left the bedroom
to make a phone call. Picking up the phone in the kitchen, he dialed. When his aide answered, he simply said, “Granger here. Send out a notice to everyone involved that the 'Roaring Branch' project is off. I've discovered a more suitable location.”

  Shaking his head, he knew he had taken Cassandra for granted, and the knowledge made him vow for the hundredth time to do the right thing by her. If it was the last thing he ever did, he would see to it they made it through this nightmare.

  At that moment she sighed contentedly, then slid her bare leg up his and nuzzled closer to him.

  Leaning down, he kissed her forehead, and felt himself stiffen. Cupping one of her breasts with his hand, he tweaked the nipple playfully.

  Yawning, she slapped his hand away and turned over. “ Don't even think about it. No more, at least not now, too sleepy.” she mumbled as she closed her eyes and smiled. But much to her dismay, she felt him slide closer, then felt his raging hard-on pressing against her back.

  “Oh baby, come on! I have three years to make up for! I'll do all the work, it'll be like Greyhound! You just relax, and let me do all the driving!” he half whined, half panted.


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