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Remember Me

Page 41

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  “Go on.” he urged, then glanced at Cynne'.

  “The condition of that place was awful, but I found it odd that the only other patient who got good care there was a young African American woman about Karen's age. She lived in the cottage with Doctor Santos, on the grounds of the facility. And another thing is, every time Brett would come near that girl she would freak out, which was quite often. I think the sick creep actually enjoyed frightening her. One day I asked why she stayed with Doctor Santos, and man, was that a big mistake. Brett came completely unglued and actually threatened to kill me if I ever asked anything about that girl again. And I think he tried to make good on that threat, or at least send me a message that he meant business. Later that evening, when dinner rolled around, he served me some wine. Ten minutes later I was sick as a dog, for days.”

  Raidon believed the other woman had to be the real Karen Washington. Although he knew the general vicinity of the facility, he asked her anyway. “ Lottie, where is this facility located?”

  Closing her eyes and searching her memory, she replied in a listless voice, “About twenty minutes outside of Zihualanejo Bay Mexico. If you go there, be careful, Dr. Santos has a lot of pull in that town. And I mean, a LOT.”

  Convinced she had told them all she knew, he turned the tape recorder off, thanked her for her help, and gave her his card, just in case she later remembered anything important she had left out.


  Getting in the Blazer, Cynne' buckled up and said, “So, I guess we're on our way to Mexico now? I still can't figure out what part I play in this Scooby Doo mystery, though.”

  Smiling at her and leaning close, he gave her his best smile. “When we get south of the border, my lovely little angel, you're going to play the role of the concerned sister, who has been looking for her missing sister, Karen Washington.”

  Smacking his hand away when he reached out and caressed her face, she did her best to affect a look of irritation. “Well, I suppose I can subject myself to your insufferable flirting a few more days, if it's for the cause.” she replied in a nonchalant voice while trying, but failing, to ignore the way his touch had made her insides quiver.

  Chapter 34

  Watching her daughter and son-in-law exchange intimate looks and touches during breakfast in their suite, Jocelyn smiled contentedly. “So, what are your plans for today honey?” she asked Cassandra, then took a sip of orange juice and thought about how much she was looking forward to her old friend Tate Redford's impending visit.

  Tearing her gaze from her husband reluctantly, Cassandra turned and faced her mother. “Well, I thought I would go visit Sister Katherine and the children before my doctors appointment. Since I'm leaving soon, I want to talk to the children and explain to them why I won’t be working there anymore.”

  Placing a large hand over hers, Granger smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Sure honey, but I want you to use our chauffeur, Ok? He'll take you anywhere you want to go.”

  Returning her husband's smile, she agreed, then excused herself to go get dressed.

  “Granger, are you sure even that's safe? I mean, that Parker fella seems unstable, to say the least, there's no telling what that nut bird could try to pull off.” Jocelyn asked once she was certain her daughter was out of earshot.

  “Well, actually I did think of that, so that's why I had Malcolm hire a body guard who doubles duty as a chauffeur as well. He came highly recommended, he used to work for the Lieutenant Governor. Anyway, needless to say our regular chauffeur is enjoying a paid vacation in Hawaii. Well, I'm gonna go check on her before she leaves.” he finished, then rose to his feet and kissed her on the cheek.

  Touching his arm, she said, “Granger, hold on just one sec. Listen...I'm really happy you two are back together again, like you should be, but son, this time around you really need to keep your mother out of your marriage. Granger, I won't allow her to walk all over my baby again. I hope you can understand that.”

  “Don't you worry, I'm going to set the record straight with her right from the get-go. I'm buying us another home, a whole lot of things are going to change.” Thinking about the possibility of him being charged with his father's death, he cryptically added, “No matter what happens to me, the woman I love, and our child will never want for anything.”

  Sensing the man had much more on his mind than his troublesome mother, she simply nodded, deciding not to press the issue at the moment. “Well, I'm glad you're putting Cassandra's needs ahead of everything.” she said, then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Besides, it's time I start to live my own life inner voice whispered as her thoughts drifted to her old friend Sheriff Tate Redford, who was now retired.


  Zihuatanejo Bay, Mexico

  Relieved that they had finally made it to their destination, Hotel Avila, which was located in the old, downtown section known as El Centro, Cynne' sighed. Kicking her shoes off, she wiggled her toes, trying to work out the cramps and get the blood circulating again. Dreamily, she thought of her short term plans, which included a long, hot shower, crawling into a comfortable bed for a nap, and then eating a hearty, authentic Mexican meal. Looking around the room, she had to admit that Raidon had picked a very nice Hotel. Well, why wouldn't he? After all, it's on Granger's dime...she thought in her usual pessimistic fashion.

  Walking to the balcony door, she looked out at the breathtaking view of the bay. If they weren't here on such an important business, she would love to go sightseeing. Turning away reluctantly, she began to undress, letting her clothing and underwear fall to the floor. Going to her suitcase, she put it on the bed and opened it, pulling out her toiletry kit and robe.

  Making her way to the bathroom, she wasn't surprised to see such a large jacuzzi there, but what did surprise her was the large assortment of scented candles that were surrounding the tub. A large basket containing dozens of tiny bottles was sitting on the sink, and looking inside, she discovered they were bath salts of every scent imaginable. Grabbing vanilla and jasmine, her favorites, she turned the hot water on in the tub, letting it fill while she lit all the candles carefully. Switching the bathroom lights off, she grabbed a hair band she had brought in with her and pulled her braids off her shoulders. Stepping into the tub, she moaned out loud with delight as she sat down and felt the tub's jets massaged her aching, tired muscles.


  Opening the door that connected his own room to Cynne's, Raidon frowned when he didn't see her. Making his way to the balcony, he saw it was empty, and his irritation began growing by the second. I made it clear to her not to leave this damn room without me.... he thought, beginning to grow worried as well. He didn't like the idea of her walking around alone in a place that was foreign to her, it wasn't safe. In his career, he himself had been hired to search for a surprising number of female college students who vacationed in places such as this, then vanished into thin air.

  Turning, he spotted her clothing piled up on the floor at the foot of the bed, then heard the faint whir of what sounded like hot tub jets. Grinning suddenly, he was torn with indecision as he stared at the closed bathroom door. Whooooo doggy, if you even THINK about it that little spitfire will fuck your entire world up! His mind screamed, only to be drowned out one second later by his inner horn-dog. Maybe I can offer to wash her back! Yeah, that's it! Pops Bishop always told me to be a gentleman and help a lady out whenever I can!

  Walking on tip-toe, he opened the bathroom door as quietly as he could, then stepped inside, hoping the noise from the tub would drown out any noise he may have made. The scent of vanilla and jasmine tickled his nose, and he felt his body react immediately as he drank in the sight of her. She was stretched out, nearly on her back, with her head thrown back against the top of the tub, wearing nothing but an eye pillow/blinder. The candles made her ebony skin seem to nearly glow, and he was transfixed by th
e sight of her full breasts, which were partially concealed by soap suds. Feeling like a randy schoolboy, he thought, Oh Lord, I just wish I could hop in the tub and show her how much fun doing it in a tub can be! Sweet Mary, the woman is hot!!!

  Then, much to his surprise, she began singing an old Tom Jones song, but very much off- key. “What's new, pussssssy catttttttt whoooowooo oooo!”

  Cringing, he had to fight the urge to laugh at the stark contrast between her physical beauty and her dreadful singing.

  She shifted suddenly, then blindly groped for a loofah that was resting on the edge of the tub. Sitting semi-erect, she never took the eye pillow off, then lifted one arm and began scrubbing her side.

  Spellbound like he had never been in his life, his breathing became erratic as he watched the soap suds slide off her breasts slowly, exposing them in all their magnificent glory.

  “ Pussssy cattttt...pusssy catttttt...I....looooooove you...whattttttts new pussssy cat whooooooo oooo ooooo oooo.....!” she continued to wail as her breasts bobbled back and forth fetchingly.

  He didn't know what was new with the pussycat, but he knew he was definitely sporting a raging hard-on now. Oh Lordy, never in my life have I wanted a woman this badly....he thought, then sucked in his breath loudly.

  Suddenly falling silent, she ripped the eye pillow off with her free hand and turned to stare at him in stunned, outraged silence.

  Wincing, he knew the damage was already done, so he decided to take a calculated risk by standing his ground.

  “WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!” she screamed suddenly, so completely outraged that she scrambled to her feet.

  “Oh, you're a Goddess.” he moaned as his eyes roamed up and down her wet body, drinking in the sight as if it would be his last. “I came in because I couldn't resist your beautiful siren song, and to top it off, you gave me a nice peek at that hot body.” he winked, then blew her an imaginary kiss.

  Seeing the hunger in his eyes, she glanced down as if realizing for the first time she was standing before him completely nude. With a tiny yelp, she dropped the loofah and covered her nether regions with both hands. Flopping back down in the tub, she grabbed the loofah again and hurled it at his head. “OUT! OUT!” she screamed.

  Ducking, he laughed as the loofah sailed over his head and struck the bathroom mirror behind him with a loud 'SPLAT'. “Your aim is almost as good as your singing, my little hellcat!” he mocked.

  Biting her lip and nearly growling with frustration and shame, she was beyond amazed to find herself suddenly excited, unlike anything she had ever felt. It had been a very long time since any man had looked at her that way, and as much as she hated to admit it, Raidon Bishop wasn't just 'any man'.


  Petersburg Virginia, 3hours from Windsor Virginia

  Dropping his bag in the dusty hallway, Brett looked around at the old hospital he had inherited from his parents. The hospital was but one of three hideaways he had always used for his 'recreational activities'. The Windgate Private Hospital had been shut down in the early sixties, when sweeping changes had been made in the care and treatment of psychiatric patients. While it had long ago fallen into a state of disrepair, he decided it would still suit his purposes.

  As he walked the halls, carefully avoiding the debris that littered the floor, his disjointed thoughts drifted to his long-dead parents, whose plan it had been to open this facility to treat children with psychological problems. Imagine that, they were going to betray me, their own son, send me to some nut house, but then turn right around and help a bunch of useless brats they didn't even know! He thought as the old familiar bitterness and anger began to resurface. His parents had never suspected he was aware of their plans to have him institutionalized, after he had been diagnosed by the both of them (privately, they had thought) as a dangerous sociopath. But thanks to his loving Grandmother, who had alerted him of their plans, he had poisoned both of them for their deceit and betrayal. “Now, Cassandra, you too shall pay.” he muttered.

  Stepping into the room he planned on using, he could see it was undisturbed, everything in place just the way he had left it the last time. The last young lady he had brought here hadn't died by his hand, but she would never be in her right mind again, nor tell any tales. Smiling unpleasantly, he felt himself grow hard as he remembered the whimpers, screams, and pleas for mercy that had went on for days behind these walls. He had used torture to control the woman, to get what he wanted, until he finally grew bored with her. “I should have did the same thing to you, my Cassandra, while I had the chance. That night I drugged you in your own apartment?” he muttered as his gaze turned vacant for a moment and his left eyelid began to twitch.

  Shaking his head, a shred of sanity returned to his gaze, and he approached the cold, steel hospital bed in the middle of the room. Testing the stability, he shook it for moment. Satisfied that it was still in sturdy, usable condition, he checked the four-point restraints attached to it.

  “Now, where did I hide my special toys?” he muttered as he looked around the room for a moment. “Ah, yes.” he hissed, then made his way across the room. Pulling a loose concrete block from the wall, he dropped it on the floor and reached inside the hole carefully, hoping he wouldn't get bit by something. Pulling out a rolled up black cloth, he made his way back to the bed and placed it there. Unfolding the material reverently, he touched the dental pliers, scissors, scalpels, and his personal favorites, the arrow pointed probes. “Still in mighty fine shape, not a speck of rust on them.” he muttered.

  Frowning suddenly, he checked his watch. “Now, to find some out of way place to stay and lay low a few days.” he muttered. You treacherous Jezebel, I'm going to have more fun with you than the last tasty little morsel I brought in here. I'm going to make that pussy husband of yours watch while I have my way with you, and when I'm done, I'll make YOU watch while I castrate him. After he bleeds to death, you and I will have a loooong time to play.....he thought.


  Paul walked through the opulent Flagstone Inn, unable to tear his thoughts away from his late, former partner Jeanine. Why didn't I go back after the divorce? Why didn't I give the relationship a chance? He agonized.

  Arriving at the elevator, he punched the button much harder than necessary, and the door opened immediately. Pressing the button for the eighth floor, he stared blankly ahead as the doors closed and he felt the lift. Cursing softly, he wondered for the hundredth time how Jeanine could have been so careless, going after the man with no backup, then felt a keen stab of guilt.

  Arriving on the eighth floor, he stepped out, made his way to Granger Mortensen's suite, then rang the buzzer.

  After several seconds a tall, muscular African American man answered the door, eying him suspiciously. “Yes?”

  Pulling his badge that was clipped onto his waist, he identified himself. “Lieutenant Paul Marshall, homicide detective, state police. I need to speak to Mr. Mortensen.”

  Satisfied, Malcolm took a step back and motioned for him to enter. “Mr. Mortensen is on a business call, it may be a few minutes. You're welcome to make yourself comfortable in the meantime.” he finished, motioning to the large leather sofa.

  “Thanks.” he grunted as he took a seat and glanced at the tall man white man who was pacing the room, talking on the phone in an agitated voice.

  “No, I want THAT property. I'll pay two and a half million for it, but that's my final offer. My aide has checked the place out, along with the surrounding property, and to be honest, it will cost me twice what I'll be paying for it to make livable. Now you tell the seller I’m not going to wait much longer. Matter of fact, if I haven't heard from them by the end of the business day, my offer will be withdrawn, and I'll simply wait until he forfeits the loan and the bank forecloses.” Granger growled, then hung up the phone.

  Must be nice to be able to throw money around that way....Paul thought.

  “Granger, this is Lt. Paul Marshall, a state police homicide investigator.” Malcolm said when Granger turned to face the stranger inquisitively.

  Going to the man, he offered his hand and gave him a firm handshake, but skipped the pleasantries. “What can I help you with Lieutenant?” he asked as he took a seat across from him.


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