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Remember Me

Page 61

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Swallowing a lump of fear in his throat, the seriousness of her voice made him worry more than ever.

  Chapter 49

  “Welcome back to the United States, Mrs. Kilian. How was your stay in Italy?” the middle aged customs agent asked as he checked the elderly woman’s luggage for any contraband that may have been brought into the county.

  “Oh, my grandchildren were a joy to spend time with.” her soft voice quavered with excitement. Touching her frail chest, she spoke eagerly. “We went to Florence! If you've never been, you simply must go some day! Basilica di San Miniato al Monte has such a breathtaking view of the city. It's situated on a hill, you see.” she finished, then began coughing furiously. Pulling an oxygen mask back over her face, she took several deep breaths, and the coughing fit ceased after a moment.

  The agent looked at the sweet old lady patiently, with a sadness he hoped she couldn't see. The way she wheezed and coughed, he thought the trip may very well be her last. Pain lanced his heart at the memory of his own frail mother, who had left this world and had gone on to her reward, as the result of cancer. Not wanting to hold the old lady up, and suspecting she needed rest, he quickly closed the suitcase and placed it in the cargo area of the motorized cart the woman was riding in, forgoing the check on her other luggage. “Have a wonderful day, ma'am.”

  Nodding her gray head, she smiled sweetly, then, with a wave of her frail hand, made her way out of the small, East Tennessee airport, to a waiting limo.


  Settling in the back seat, Mrs. Kilian checked to make sure the dark, sound-proof privacy window between her and the driver was all the way up, so he could neither see nor hear her. Satisfied, she threw her head back, then began clapping her hands with child-like delight as she squealed with laughter. “Fools! That was just too easy! If I wasn't pressed for time, I'd go back and try it again. No one can catch me, I'm just too smart for them.” she crowed to herself.

  Martina smiled wickedly, causing the latex skin that gave her a wrinkled, aged appearance, pull uncomfortably tight. Touching her face and rubbing the irritated area, she mumbled, “But DAMN, don't this latex itch after a few hours! Oh well, just need to wear it a little longer.” Frowning, her thoughts suddenly took a dark turn. She didn't care what she had seen and heard on the news, the FBI claiming her cousin was a fugitive on the run, in her heart, she knew he was dead. That's how close she and Brett had always been, since childhood. She just knew. If he was still alive, he would have found a way to get in touch with her by now. Never in his life had he ever gone this long without speaking to her. He was dead, and it was all because of that bitch Cassandra.

  Several tears slid down her temporary latex face, and she croaked, “Oh, my dear, sweet Brettie. I swear I'll make everyone pay. Especially that...that BITCH.” Wiping the tears away angrily, she thought, Granger, I still love you, but you must pay for your betrayal too. And the only way to make you suffer as I have would be for me to kill Cassandra and Regan. Then, then you'll see I've always been there for you....


  Leaning back against the leather seat wearily, Nicola groused, “Brother, we've been sitting here in this car with our thumbs up our buns for half an hour.” In truth, he was astounded that his brother was acting as if he was on his way to face a firing squad, rather than seeing his wife.

  After leaving Satin's office, Granger had decided to drive to the estate and surprise their grandparents. Once there, they had told him that Cassandra had left them in charge of the place until his return. After a little emotional arm twisting by Gianne, she had managed to talk him and Nicola into staying for dinner. They had all enjoyed an authentic Italian meal, while Edoardo regaled them with tales of how well Regan was doing in school and in sports.

  Granger had asked several times about Cassandra, but they had suddenly became just as evasive as Satin and Malcolm had been in his earlier conversations with them. Gianne had finally shushed him and replied in a voice that was soft, but final, “If you love your wife, be patient. She'll tell you all you need to know, it's her place to do so, and no one else's. Go to her, and beg her for forgiveness.”

  “Your grandmother is right. You left your family, now you must face your wife yourself, and pray you can make up for the pain you caused. Our great grandson needs his father.” Edoardo said, patting his shoulder. Even though he was disappointed when Granger had left like a thief in the night, he still loved him dearly, and wanted to see him happy. He did, however, sympathize with the fact their grandson had to have been hurting and confused at the time, because of his mother's suicide, and all the secrets they had concealed from him. It had to have been a devastating emotional blow. “We love you very much, Granger.” he said, then turned to face Nicola. “We love you both. It does my old heart good to know you two are finally together as brothers, as you should be. It gives me a sense of peace you can't possibly imagine..” he finished in a choked voice. “I can now die happy.”

  Now here they sat, him and Nicola, outside the mansion he had planned to start a new life with Cassandra and Regan, months before. He could see a lot of work had been done on the outside, and he was equally certain she'd done a wonderful job inside the old mansion as well. Outside, the flower gardens were beautifully done, and the lawn well-manicured.

  With a sigh of impatience, Nicola finally threw the limo door open and stepped outside. Leaning over and looking inside the vehicle, he said, “Well, when you finally tire of cowering in here like a scared virgin on her wedding night, come on along. I'm going inside to meet my sister-in-law and my nephew for the first time.”

  Groaning inwardly, Granger reflected briefly on the fact that although he and Nicola hadn't actually grown up together, the man already seemed to relish the role of the older, supposedly wiser, pain in the ass brother. Watching him stroll up the stone steps that led to the front door, he finally climbed out of the car, all the while trying to think of a way to get back at his older brother for rushing him to meet his uncertain fate before he was ready.


  On her way to the family room, the doorbell chimed, and Cassandra stopped, turned around, and headed to the front door, expecting it to be some paperwork about the daycare center.

  Opening the door, her smile quickly vanished when her eyes came to rest on the two men standing outside. It was Granger, and he was standing next to a man who could be an older version of himself, and she quickly guessed this was the brother he had found out about the night Grace had killed herself. It can't be! How could he just show up without any warning? She thought as she felt herself go numb with shock, and watched as he shifted from one foot to the other nervously. Leaning against the door jamb, she willed her upset stomach to calm down, fearing if she didn't, she would lose her lunch. Watching him in stony silence, she thought he certainly looked different from the polished businessman that had left months ago. He had let his dark hair grow down to his shoulders, but to her, it made him look younger. His skin tone, always dark, was even more deeply tanned, giving him a healthy glow, and to her he seemed to be a bit more muscular than she remembered, the kind of look a man could only get from lots of physically demanding manual labor. To top it off, he was dressed casually, in jeans and a white tee shirt that fit his muscular torso and arms like a glove. As much as she hated to admit it, even to herself, she liked the new look.

  Granger didn't know what to say as she stood there staring at him with that blank look. He hadn't expected her to answer the door, and he was unprepared. Instead of saying something to express the love he was feeling for her, that he had always felt for her, he simply stood there with his mouth open, feeling lost and awkward. Looking back at her, he felt his heart accelerate, she was the same vision of loveliness she had always been to him, and always would be. But there was something different about her too, something he couldn't quite put his finger on, but vaguely familiar at the same time. She seemed to have the glow of motherh
ood, and suddenly it hit him. Her hand was resting on her swollen stomach, and his knees nearly buckled. She's pregnant! He thought, absolutely stunned. His eyes grew even wider as they traveled down her voluptuous body. He noted the pregnancy gave her more curves, and seeing her that way made his chest swell.

  Cassandra blinked, feeling light headed as dots swam in her vision. Blinking rapidly, she finally spoke. “Granger?? What...” she stammered, then grabbed the door frame as she felt her body sway.

  Snapping out of his trance, Granger moved quickly, sweeping her up in his arms, preventing her from falling as her legs gave out.

  Stepping inside quickly, Nicola closed the door behind them. Glancing at his brother, he couldn't help but notice how the man looked down at his estranged wife with both worry and adoration stamped on his handsome features. Trying to lighten the mood, he quipped, “At least she didn't slam the door in your face. No, all you had to do was show your ugly mug, and all the fight went right out of the poor darling.” Glancing at his pregnant sister-in-law, he chuckled ruefully. “Well, I guess now you know the big secret everyone was keeping from you.”

  Doing his best to ignore him, a huge smile spread across Granger's face, and a feeling of euphoria washed over him. He forgot the fact that he'd just showed up unannounced after five long months, she was carrying his child, that was all that mattered. He was going to be a father again.

  “What are you doing? Put her down!” Cynne' demanded as she suddenly appeared at the end of the hallway, glaring at Granger with open animosity. “And who the hell are you?” she demanded of Nicola, turning her attention to him.

  Not the least bit perturbed by the woman's animosity, Nicola stepped forward, grasped one of her hands uninvited, then kissed the back of it. “My name is Nicola De Luca, and this two-headed monstrosity is my brother. Could you please get a damp cloth for my sister-in-law?” he said smoothly, then released her hand.

  Eyes narrowing suspiciously, she almost refused, but looking into the man's crystal clear blue eyes, she saw no arrogance, deceit, or deception, and that, coupled with his disarming smile, tipped the scale in his favor. Turning, she went to do as he asked.

  Walking down the hallway Cynne' had blocked only moments earlier, Granger carried Cassandra into the sitting room and carefully laid her on a plush blue chaise. Crouching beside her, he pushed a lock of hair from her forehead.

  “Here.” Cynne' said with a hint of irritation as she returned with the requested cloth, and a glass of juice.

  Taking the cloth from her, Granger patted Cassandra's clammy face carefully, taking note of how tired she looked now, as opposed to just moments earlier, and a sharp stab of guilt accompanied the thought. Unnoticed before, he saw there were bags under her eyes, no doubt from taking care of their son, and from her tireless work with the different charity organizations she was involved with. Knowing her, she had probably been neglecting her rest. I should have been here! She should have only been concerned with Regan, and our child growing inside her! Not our family business, and running this place...he berated himself. Putting his hand on her round belly, he guessed she was about five months along, maybe longer.


  The cool cloth against her face slowly roused her, but Cassandra didn't open her eyes as she heard Cynne' ask the question that was foremost in her own mind. “Granger, why are you here?” she heard her friend ask in a semi-belligerent voice. “You up and leave without warning, and now you come waltzing back in here like you don't have a care in the world. How can you even show your face?”

  Men think they can do any damn thing they want! Cynne' thought, her anger growing by the second as she thought about her one and only disastrous date with Raidon. He had taken her to dinner at a small, but romantic restaurant, and while they ate, they were approached by a blond who acted as if she had caught Raidon cheating on her. And the look on Raidon's face told her he had been busted. After the angry, hurt woman had left, she had flatly refused to listen to his lame excuses, that the woman was just a jealous acquaintance who had had her sights on him for a long time. She herself had left in a huff, catching a taxi home, but not before she had made it perfectly clear to him that she planned on never seeing him again. Afterwards, she had refused to answer his daily calls and messages, still not wanting to hear his lies. Later that week, she had accepted the job from Cassandra, and moved in with her.

  Looking away from Cassandra and up at her angry friend, Granger replied in a low, composed voice, “I'm here because this is where my wife and son are. Right where I should be.”

  Crossing her arms under her full breasts, she snorted derisively and rolled her eyes. “Oh, well, that's different, pardon me! Did you have a long, tiring vacation from responsibility? Poor dear!” she mocked.

  Groaning inwardly at her friend's well-meant, but inflammatory remarks, Cassandra felt Granger's long fingers lightly stroking one cheek. Opening her eyes slowly, she saw his handsome features hovering over her, concern on his face. Her love for him suddenly made her chest ache, and although she was still uncertain what to do or how to handle the situation, she knew she could never hate him. She struggled to keep herself from melting and throwing herself in his arms, and weeping with joy at his return. But pride won out in the end. Barely.

  “Cass...?” he asked in a soft voice that made her insides quiver.

  Using her hands, she scooted herself up to a sitting position as he helped her, treating her like she was a fragile China doll.

  Cynne' stepped forward, then quickly sat next to her, blocking Granger from doing the same. She was determined to make any effort for him to return hard, if not impossible. She felt he didn't deserve Cassandra, at least not until he proved he was going to treat her right this time. Touching her friend's arm, she asked in a soft voice, “Are you alright, do you need me to call the doctor? You know he said you have to watch your glucose levels,” she finished as she took her friend's wrist and checked her pulse.

  Nicola crouched down next to her, his handsome face showing a rare emotion, one of concern. Taking his newly found sister-in-law's hand in his, he asked, “Bella, are you in pain? Would you like for us to take you to the hospital?”

  Smiling warmly at the man, Cassandra shook her head, amused by the man's obvious concern, concern she sensed wasn't normal behavior for him. But she was touched, and gave his hand a gentle squeeze to reassure him. “I'm fine, thank you. I had these fainting spells with Regan. I was just surprised....” her voice trailed off as she looked at Granger again, then frowned.

  The tension in the room made the four of them fidget uncomfortably for a moment, then Granger decided to do a formal introduction, after which Cassandra hugged Nicolas tightly and welcomed him to the family.

  Liking him instantly, Cassandra began asking him about his restaurants, how long he planned on staying in the states, all the while giving Granger the cold shoulder.

  “DAD! DAD! YOU'RE BACK!” Regan tore into the room excitedly, followed by Malcolm. The boy's blue eyes shone like new pennies, and the smile on his face stretched from ear to ear. At the moment he didn't think about his father leaving, all he cared was that he had returned, and hoped he would stay.

  Tears of joys suddenly blurring his vision, Granger engulfed his son in his arms, picking him up from the floor and swinging him around. Holding him tightly, he buried his nose in his hair. “Regan...oh little man, I missed you so much.” Closing his eyes, he rubbed his son's back, feeling he didn't deserve such a wonderful son or wife, but hoping and praying that he would be given just one more chance.

  Always quick to regain his composure, Malcolm smiled warmly and greeted his friend. “Granger, good to see you, I'm so glad you're back."

  “Thanks, old friend.” he croaked, then set Regan down and made another round of introductions.

  Afire with curiosity, Regan walked up to meet his 'new' uncle, and immediately took it him upon himself to begin telling Nicola every detail of his young life.

In stony silence, Cynne' watched as Granger did his best to keep his attention on Regan, adding a comment here and there as the boy talked, but his attention kept drifting back to Cassandra. Making eye contact with Malcolm, Cynne' suggested, “Why don't we go see if the cook started dinner? And Regan..” she said, looking at the young boy, “You can show your uncle all your sports trophies, I'm sure he would love to see them.”

  Taking the hint, Nicola draped his arm over Regan's small shoulders. “I would love to see your trophies. I'm bit of a sportsman myself, yes! You should see me race!”

  “Wow, uncle Nick, what do you race, dragsters?” Regan asked with wide-eyed innocence.


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