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Red Roses For My Love

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by Edgar Holmes

  red roses for my love red roses

  for my love

  poetry by

  edgar holmes


  edgar holmes (c) 2019 Edgar Holmes

  red roses for my love CHAPTERS

  Chapter One

  The Soil

  Chapter Two

  The Rain

  Chapter Three

  The Sun

  Chapter Four

  My Lovely Rose


  edgar holmes dedicated to my wife. as long as i write for you, my pen could never run dry.

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes Chapter One

  red roses for my love The Soil


  edgar holmes even

  the most beautiful of flowers

  beginning as a seed will never


  if it is not planted in loving soil

  red roses for my love the problem

  with writing

  about you

  is that

  there is nothing

  more poetic

  in this world

  than the wordless way you look at me

  in those small,

  small, loving moments


  edgar holmes you give

  so much love

  to everything

  and everyone

  on this earth

  except yourself.

  red roses for my love i like to think

  there have been many times we have met before and not realized it our fairy tale

  is too perfect

  not to include

  some foreshadowing


  edgar holmes often times

  the simplest things in life

  and in love

  are the most beautiful singing as a choir a harmony of one

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes there will always be those in your life who want to convince you that you owe them a piece of yourself despite the fact

  that they give


  in return

  red roses for my love a cherished smile the sun shines

  and there you are


  edgar holmes there have been

  many tears


  over the years

  over past lovers

  who never understood your true worth

  red roses for my love my darling,

  you bring the light with you

  wherever you go


  edgar holmes the places that ache with pain will one day be filled with a wondrous joy the places that rain with sadness

  will shine again

  do not lose hope

  do not despair

  life waits for you.

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes some people

  will always feel entitled to your time

  never let someone lay claim

  to any part of you that you do not want to share

  red roses for my love when i met you

  i instantly realized why some men

  claim to see angels walking about

  the earth


  edgar holmes a song i sing

  the simple things my love for you

  goes on

  in cloudy skies

  i realize

  the sun

  was always you

  red roses for my love i begun to count

  the scars

  as they added up

  on my flesh

  over the years

  it began to seem

  like they would never fade away

  love was the salve that showed me

  there was still



  edgar holmes by the light

  of that fire

  in your eyes


  love showed me


  you are.

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes i remember the time i found

  one of your earrings left at my place

  hope struck me

  that you

  would leave

  more and more

  of your things

  and yourself


  until eventually

  almost by serendipity the life

  i imagined with you would slowly

  become reality

  red roses for my love i have never promised you anything

  but honesty

  and so i would never hide from you

  the truth

  or the pain


  edgar holmes nothing makes a man believe in god

  quite as quickly

  as being blessed

  with the woman

  of his dreams

  red roses for my love sometimes

  new life

  comes disguised

  as death

  do not forget

  that the winter

  must die

  for the new life

  of spring

  to take root


  edgar holmes as you

  blow on your coffee taking in the smell i look upon

  the mountain peaks all around

  and think

  i couldn’t have been more lucky.

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes the paint

  the canvas

  the brush

  all my art

  leads back to you.

  red roses for my love as statues of angels come from blocks of granite you saw in me

  a redeeming beauty i never even saw



  edgar holmes excitement

  isn’t the only thing that matters, you know.


  are fun, once in a while but i would never want to live on one.

  red roses for my love your last man

  never listened

  when you talked to him about your day at work or the drama

  between co-workers i always wanted

  to make a point

  of showing you i care about even these

  smallest of details.


  edgar holmes the waves crash

  do you hear them?

  or do they fade into a roar as they accumulate?

  and so i wonder

  in my life

  if all i am will be lost to the noise of humanity

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes Chapter Two

  red roses for my love The Rain


  edgar holmes do not forget

  though it is cold and drenches your clothes there would be no beautiful flowers without the rain

  red roses for my love have you ever bought a notebook with a beautiful design

  and almost didn’t want to write in it

  for fear of ruining it?

  loving you

  was kind of like that.


  edgar holmes the smell of a candle greeting you

  as you walk through the door


  will be made

  of unforgettable memories

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes even the pain

  of being

  stuck in traffic

  is assuaged

  by your lovely presence

  red roses for my love
i have never seen a girl looking so innocent be so enthralled

  with serial killers and catastrophes


  edgar holmes nervous, stuttering unsure

  new love

  can be like that sometimes

  red roses for my love i wish

  that i

  was a better


  so that i

  could write you


  of love


  edgar holmes it wasn’t just about the sex

  there was just something about the way

  she laid there


  when we were done that made my heart melt a little more

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes sorrow proceeds

  as if it were invited to be there

  demanding its due taking the season as its own

  red roses for my love eyes closed



  the wind

  breezing through my fingers a peace

  a simple, simple peace.


  edgar holmes never entertain

  the doubts that reach up towards you

  from the depths


  you are worth loving you are beautiful you are worth it.

  red roses for my love fuck the odds

  against us

  fuck the possibility of failure

  i need you.


  edgar holmes fuck mozart and beethoven fuck van gogh and rembrant the most beautiful art is your face

  on the brink

  of satisfaction

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes the gentle perfume of the ocean

  the world

  at peace

  with itself

  red roses for my love even if you fall

  even if the rain

  threatens to drown you do not forget

  that you

  are strong enough to rise above

  the waves


  edgar holmes every










  red roses for my love your











  edgar holmes there is nothing

  quite like

  the simple pleasure of enjoying a cocktail on the beach

  with the person

  you love most

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes all

  the things

  we ever lost

  before this time

  will one day find their way back to us

  red roses for my love think of the effortless way a freshly planted flower not needing to be told grows without a care and so also it is with you


  edgar holmes sometimes

  even though i have seen it a million times

  i catch a glimpse of that ring

  on your finger

  and smile involuntarily every day

  i grow more grateful that you are mine

  red roses for my love true love

  never takes you

  for granted


  edgar holmes it is only human

  to struggle

  with letting go

  red roses for my love y o u .

  [(the world turns to slow motion)

  d e s i r e .

  (burn my luck, it’s you or nothing)


  edgar holmes though i love

  the convenience

  of a smartphone picture nothing compares

  to the raw moment that comes through in a polaroid

  red roses for my love nice


  edgar holmes though you pursue escape

  you can never

  get away

  from the thing

  deep within you

  that makes you want to escape

  red roses for my love the strongest branch is not the one

  that holds fast

  rigid and unmoving the strongest branch is the one

  that flows with the wind flexible, at ease


  edgar holmes i

















  red roses for my love there is such

  an anxiety




  the space

  between them is filled with my doubts & insecurities


  edgar holmes the true test of trust in a r e l a t i o n s h i p i s n o t t h e vulnerability of leaving your phone unlocked around them the true test of trust in a relationship is being alone with their unlocked phone and not looking through it.

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes existential crisis looms questions

  of what it means

  to live life

  suddenly you

  pull me back

  from the edge

  you make everything real

  no matter how


  i feel

  red roses for my love i was never too good at mathematics

  i found it confusing and unhelpful

  but you did it

  so effortlessly

  and even though

  i once despised it entirely;

  even math


  a piece of you

  is beautiful



  edgar holmes you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  you are loved

  red roses for my love once upon a time

  there was a man

  who didn’t yet

  know himself

  but the moment

  you entered his life suddenly everything made sense


  edgar holmes Chapter Three

  red roses for my love The Sun


  edgar holmes it’s okay

  for your dreams

  to change

  it’s okay

  for what you want to change

  do not be afraid

  of the changes

  of life

  because that’s

  what makes it


  red roses for my love i never knew

  what it was

  about seeing you

  smoking a joint

  off our hotel balcony in hawaii, at night the stars in full view i never knew

  exactly what about seeing you do this was so sexy

  to me


  edgar holmes reaching around

  with my hands


  in the dark

  not seeing

  where i wanted

  to go

/>   i was lost


  were the light

  that showed me

  the way

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes you and i

  were pulled together irresistibly

  and oh so naturally magnetic

  the way

  we fit together

  red roses for my love take your burdens those heavy rocks from your shoulders lay them down

  at your feet

  for just a moment breathe in

  and out


  you deserve

  to feel the peace of this moment


  edgar holmes bravery

  does not prevent



  emerges from fear speaking out


  you will not be moved

  red roses for my love i wish that i

  could watch

  the dreams you dream in the night

  i wish that i

  could come along with you and fly among

  galaxies and aliens with your innermost spirit


  edgar holmes i love thinking back to those moments

  two college kids

  not knowing

  a goddamn thing

  but thinking

  we knew

  what life

  was all about

  smoking away the days oh what a ways we have come from then

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes just because

  your life

  includes sad chapters doesn’t mean

  it’s a bad one

  the lovelies stories are composed of ups and downs of challenges and trials your story

  though it may

  include sad chapters will have

  the happy ending

  you always wanted

  red roses for my love the simplest days spent inside

  with you

  watching netflix

  and just relaxing the simplest days with you

  the simplicity

  of us

  immeasurably beautiful.


  edgar holmes everything passes eventually

  do not forget

  that even

  the longest night will eventually

  give way

  to sunlight

  red roses for my love


  i am obsessed with you.

  i didn’t want to say it to freak you out

  or scare you

  but i must

  tell you

  the truth

  i am obsessed

  with you.


  edgar holmes you are a rosebud there is immeasurable beauty waiting

  within you

  even if you can’t see it just yet.

  red roses for my love


  edgar holmes life

  before you

  was dark

  and dead

  you were the sun


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