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Page 5

by Sammy King

  “Travis, what are you doing?” Ada asked gently.

  Travis lifted his head, his cheeks wet with tears. His shirt was dirty and torn and he looked like he hadn’t slept since she had healed him.

  “I need you Ada” he said.

  “Oh Travis” Ada spoke quietly.

  Frankie seemed to understand what had happened and stepped in. He leant forward and pulled Travis up to standing.

  “What is going on?” Dane asked.

  “He was attacked by a Demon two nights ago and I healed him, but he has been somewhat smitten ever since. I don’t know what’s happened, but I’ve never had someone I heal fall in love with me before” Ada explained with a shake of her head.

  Dane nodded and stepped forward. Travis flinched as Dane reached up his hand to Travis’s face.

  “Don’t be afraid” he said gently.

  Suddenly Dane’s aura became a bright and glowing blue, it was almost blinding in its beauty. He caressed the side of Travis’s face gently and Travis closed his eyes, leaning back onto Frankie’s chest. Dane reached out for Ada’s hand, clasping it in his. She could feel his power surge and her groin clenched. Ada cried out as pleasure flowed through her. Her nipples stiffened and her eyes blurred. It was too much, she felt her eyes threaten to black out and felt as if her knees were about to buckle underneath her when suddenly the feeling ceased. Ada wobbled and Dane caught her in her arms.

  “What did you do?” she crooned. Her eyes were still blurry and her groin pulsated in a way she had never experienced before.

  Dane pulled her close and she became hyper aware of every touch, his scent, his erection that prodded into her side, the way his hand caressed her back, the breath on her neck as he held her up. The pleasure surged, she felt the fluid begin to drip from her groin and the nerve bundle at the centre of her core twitch with a need for release.

  Suddenly she felt herself being lifted into the air, the weightlessness of her body filling her with a freedom she had never experienced before. Ada wanted to open her eyes, she wanted to see the whole event that she was experiencing for the first time, but her eyes were so heavy, she couldn’t open them no matter how much she tried.

  Her pleasure began to turn to fear as she felt herself losing control of the situation and the logical part of her brain began to function. Ada frantically tried to build up her barriers, to push Dane from her. But he was too strong for her, he held her mind open, he searched her memories of pleasure, she saw her sexual partners flood her mind, every orgasm she had ever had, it was like watching a movie, starring Ada. She cried out and shook her head. Suddenly she felt herself drop and the pleasure was gone.

  Ada opened her eyes, looking around her, the sun was bright and beating down on her back. Travis lay curled in a ball in front of her car. Frankie stood beside her and Dane held her hand. She looked into Dane’s face. His face distorted for a moment, but it happened so fast she couldn’t be sure that she could trust what she had seen.

  “What did you do to me?” she asked.

  Dane frowned at her and Frankie looked at her confused.

  “What do you mean?” Dane asked.

  “You didn’t just fill my body with a pleasure that was unbearable? You didn’t search my memories? You didn’t lift me into the air?” she asked looking between Dane and Frankie.

  Frankie shook his head.

  “Ada you’ve been standing here for no more than thirty seconds after getting out the car. Did she hit her head?” Frankie said, asking Dane, reaching towards Ada and touching her neck and forehead.

  Dane shook his head.

  “I don’t think so, but maybe I should take you home just in case” he said to Ada.

  Ada shook her head, fear creeping into her soul. She didn’t know who Dane was, but she was suddenly very afraid that he wasn’t who he said he was, she was afraid that her instincts were leading her into danger. She didn’t want to be near him. She didn’t want to be near anyone. All Ada wanted was to lock herself away and pretend like nothing was wrong. She wanted to pretend that her Mother was still at the home she shared with her Father and none of this sorry mess was happening.

  “No I think I’ll take myself home. Maybe I just need some sleep” she said.

  “I’ll come with you, your parents would never forgive me if something happened to you too” Frankie said turning to Dane. “Will you be alright to sort this mess out” pointing to where Travis lay sobbing.

  Ada had forgotten all about Travis.

  “Oh Travis” she said kneeling beside him and pulling him to her. “What were you doing?”

  “Ada. I’m afraid, I can’t seem to stay away from you and I feel like I’m being pulled to you. I don’t know what it is. You’re in danger, I feel it looming Ada. It’s coming.” Travis said through tears, his eyes begging her to listen, to hear his words.

  Ada frowned, she had never experienced something like this before and she really needed her Mum. But his words terrified her to the very core of her soul. She wanted to ask him who she was in danger from. Was it Abaddon? Was it Dane? She knew that Travis wouldn’t know. A thought struck her that maybe he was still somehow picking up on her emotions that somehow he had managed to sense what she was feeling towards Dane. The gnawing reached into the pit of Ada’s stomach like an ice cold hand gripping at her tight. Her Father was right, she didn’t know who to trust and at that moment she needed to keep her guard up higher than ever before.

  “Put him in the car will you please Frankie? After I go home, will you take him to the coven? Morrigan will know what to do.” Ada said.

  Morrigan was Merza’s sister, she was as strong as Merza and if anyone was going to be able to help Travis, she would know what to do. Frankie nodded and lifted Travis to his feet, leading him to the car. She stood and looked towards Dane who watched Frankie leading Travis to the car.

  “Ada I’m not sure that I trust Travis. He seems to be infected by more than just a Demon” he said.

  Ada nodded, she had to agree, she didn’t know what it was, but she was starting to see that it was more than a simple Demon bite. However, she didn’t think that she could trust Dane either. She didn’t know how to explain what she had experienced; she didn’t know whether it was just a tired delusion or perhaps concussion. But there was something strange about him and the way her Father reacted to him made her nervous. She knew that she had to keep her distance from him. Suddenly Ada didn’t want him to teach her about the power she contained. She didn’t feel comfortable to be that vulnerable around him.

  “I will go with Frankie to the coven, I’m not sure that he should be left alone anywhere” Dane said.

  Ada’s exhaustion started to set in, she was so tired that she felt like she could barely put one foot in front of the other, let alone argue. After all Karla would have checked his background, not anyone could join the Aje Authority. Ada tried to shake off her nerves and tried to explain it away as just being tired and paranoid. She nodded and turned back to the car.

  “Will you drive please Frankie?” Ada asked.

  Frankie nodded sliding into the driver’s seat. Dane moved into the back seat next to Travis and Ada slid into the passenger seat. They had no longer started the car down the dirt road and she felt her eye lids close. She didn’t even feel Frankie carry her into her home, or pull her shoes off and slide her into bed. There she lay in a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  “There’s so much God damned weight on my shoulders. All I’m trying to do is live my Motherfucking life. Supposed to be happy, but I’m only getting colder. Wear a smile on my face, but there’s a demon inside” Five Finger Death Punch

  Ada awoke to the incessant buzzing of her phone; she reached out a hand and slammed it about her bedside table looking for the annoying little piece of equipment that was pulling her from her slumber. When she couldn’t find it she opened one eye a crack and focused on where the ringing was coming from. Just as she found her phone tucked under her pillow it stopped ring

  “Fuck it” she swore, pressing the button to see who was calling.

  It was an unknown number. Ada pushed her head back into her pillow and growled. She jumped when her phone began to buzz again. It was the same unknown number; she pressed on the answer button and abruptly greeted the rude awakener.

  “Nice to speak to you too” the voice spoke with a laugh down the line.

  Ada sat up and rubbed her face. She recognised the voice, but couldn’t place where she knew it from.

  “I’m sorry, I was asleep. Who is this?” she asked.

  A chuckle came down the line as Dane introduced himself again.

  “How did you get my number?” Ada asked with a frown.

  “Karla” he said. “Anyway I’m ringing because I thought I would see if you would like to head into the woods today and practice some magic”

  Ada stretched and felt her back clunk. She looked out the window and could see a full moon rising high in the sky. The truth was all she wanted to do was stay in bed and do nothing, forget everything and stay in the safety of her blankets. Dane wasn’t going to allow that, she could feel that he was only asking was out of courtesy.

  “Alright, let me get showered and dressed and I’ll meet you where?” she asked.

  “I’ll come pick you up.” He said. “Oh and the thought of you in the shower; very enticing”

  “Hmm” she said “wait; how do you know where I live?”

  “Karla” he said again before hanging up.

  Ada stretched again while she mumbled to herself about Karla needing a piece of her mind giving out her personal details to strange Warlocks. No matter how sexy they might be. She threw her clothes off as she headed to the shower, catching sight of herself in the mirror. She had bags forming under her eyes and her skin was pale. The stress was starting to affect her. Ada made a mental note to pick up some multivitamins to help her get through. The last thing she needed was to be sick. Ada had just finished getting her shoes on when there was a light knock on the door. She sent her feelers out.

  “It’s Dane” he said through the door, obviously sensing her trying to reach him.

  She swung the door open and nearly lost her breath. He stood over six feet tall, his shoulders were broad; his shirt was tight and showed a muscular body, poking under his shirt sleeve was a tribal pattern tattoo. The tattoo looked familiar, but she couldn’t place where she had seen it. His eyes seemed to have darkened overnight. To say he was sex on legs would be an understatement. Ada couldn’t peel her eyes away from Dane.

  “As much as I’m enjoying being your eye candy, we should probably go” he said with a laugh.

  Ada felt her face instantly blush at being caught so brazenly checking him out. She shook her head and followed him out the door locking it behind her. Ada could hear Dane chuckling all the way down to the car. She continued to scold herself on being dumb enough to get caught as she climbed into the passenger side of his car. Which of course was a big fuel guzzling beast, he bought the car to life with a roar and Ada felt the g-forces as he sped off down the road in the direction of the woods.

  When they had reached the dense edge of the woods, Dane turned his car off and swung the door open, reaching into the backseat to grab a torch and a bag.

  “Are you going to bury me?” she laughed nervously.

  Dane frowned and looked her up and down, before he noticed Ada looking at his bag, he laughed and shook his head.

  “No, I’m not going to bury you. These are some elemental pieces to help us along” he said as he began to lead the way into the forest.

  Ada had no problem seeing in the dark without the torch, it was one of the perks of being the daughter of a Vampire. She was able to see what a lot of people couldn’t. Dane however, seemed to be having trouble seeing even with the torch. As he would stumble and swear now and then over a tree root, on the fifth stumble, Ada flicked her wrist and lit the forest in front of them. Dane stopped and spun on his heel to stare at her.

  “How did you do that?” he asked.

  “Light worker magic, it’s kind of 101 Witch stuff” she said with a shrug.

  “And you didn’t think to do it before now?” he called out to her.

  Ada shrugged her shoulders again.

  “I’m part Vampire, I can see in the dark with no torch. And besides you seemed to want to lead the way” she replied over her shoulder as she moved past him to lead the way.

  Ada heard Dane chuckle behind her as he jogged to catch up. He threaded his fingers with hers. She glanced over at Dane, who winked in return. She couldn’t help but let the smile creep its way across her face; he was adorable in a cocky, arrogant kind of way.

  Eventually they arrived in a small clearing in the forest and Dane dropped the bag and torch onto the damp mossy ground. He knelt beside the bag and began to pull out lamps, candles, matches and stones. Ada watched with interest as he lined the different things up.

  “Well I was going to start by showing you how to light the lamp. But you proved that you already know that one” he said turning his head over his shoulder.

  Ada smiled and nodded her head.

  “So what else can you do?” he asked as he stood and stepped towards her.

  Ada crinkled her nose in thought. She then flicked her wrist again. All around them a wind began to whip up. The leaves on the trees began to rustle and the grass danced in the breeze. As Ada continued to flick her wrist in a circular motion the wind blew harder, until it was difficult to stand. Dane clasped Ada’s hand and watched her intently, as she dropped her hand to her side, the wind died down, the tree’s stopped their shaking and the grass became still.

  “Well that was cool” Dane said with a smile.

  Ada shrugged and put her hands in her jeans pockets.

  “Do you know what the amulet does?” Dane asked.

  Ada reached up and fingered the amulet, she shook her head slightly.

  “I was reading about it. My Mum was going to be teaching me, before all this happened” Ada said as she waved her hand around the air. “But I know that it contains the power of all my ancestors. Thirteen generations in all. I know it’s powerful”

  Dane stared at her intently, nodding his head and chewing on his lip. Ada felt herself so distracted. Even chewing on his lip in thought was sexy. Dane moved around behind Ada and placed his hands on her hips. Ada instantly felt herself becoming hyper aware of him. She could sense his body lightly touching hers, the way he smelt and his breath close to her ear. Dane leaned forward and lightly kissed her neck. Ada closed her eyes and leant back into his chest. He moved his hands down to her hips and pushed her back into him, she could feel his erection against her back.

  “Let’s try using the amulet” he said, his voice gravely and thick with lust.

  It took all Ada’s power not to turn around and pounce on him; instead she nodded and took the amulet in her hand. She closed her eyes and continued to lean back into Dane.

  “I don’t know what to do” she said, her voice a barely audible whisper.

  Dane moved his hands around to the front of her, holding her stomach and pushing her back into him. She couldn’t hold the moan in that escaped her lips and felt him smile against her neck.

  “Let’s fly” he said.

  Ada frowned, not sure that this was something that she could do. But she concentrated on the amulet. Ada felt the jewellery begin to warm up in her fingers. Through her closed eyelids she could see the golden glow of the amulet shine out. Dane started to stroke Ada’s sides, lightly brushing his hands over her breasts. She leant her head back against his shoulder.

  She felt a surge of energy leave her body and felt the electric zap that buzzed between her body and Dane’s. Ada opened her eyes and could see her white aura dancing in ribbons; Dane’s aura was like blue fireworks that sparked in between the ribbons. He pulled her body closer into his still, turning her to face him. She looked up into his eyes that seemed to glow the most iridescent blue she had ever seen
. He gave her a small smile, before burying his face into her neck.

  Ada felt her feet begin to lift from the ground. Her heart rate began to speed up as panic gripped her.

  “Relax, I’ve got you” Dane said, lifting his face from her neck and watching her face intently.

  She looked into his eyes and felt an instant calm wash over her. Ada leant her head back and began to float in the air. As she looked around she could see that she was being carried along on the waves of her aura. Dane’s aura had turned to threads that helped to suspend her legs and arms in the air. Once Ada was able to overcome the fear of not being on solid ground the feeling of exhilaration flowed through her body. She smiled at Dane and watched around as they floated higher into the air.

  Soon they were reaching the canopy of the trees and bursting through to the awaiting sky. As the two stood embraced floating on their aura’s Ada looked around at the night sky. The full moon kissed the stars. She had never seen the earth in such a way. It was the most beautiful and perfect moment. She looked at Dane who hadn’t taken his eyes from her.

  “It’s beautiful up here” she said breathlessly.

  Dane smiled and nodded his head.

  “You are beautiful” he said.

  Ada dropped her eyes and smiled. He reached up and touched her chin, lifting her face to his. She felt a surge of energy as his lips touched hers, his tongue gently darting into her mouth, exploring. Ada opened her lips to allow him deeper access, moaning as he pulled her closer still. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he pushed his hand up through her hair. Ada ran her hands up and down his arms, feeling his muscles tense with his movements. Dane slowed their passionate kiss and they began to lower to the ground.

  “Well. That was unexpected” Ada said once she had her feet planted on the ground.

  Dane smiled and kissed the top of her head. Behind them Ada sensed a presence and instantly sent her feelers out. Dane realised her alarm and frowned.


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