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Page 10

by Sammy King

  As Ada reached the top of the water she could see another door wedged tight in the cliff face. Ada pulled herself out of the water and onto the rocks. Her body felt instantly dry and her white silk wrap clung to her body as if it had suddenly changed shape. She looked up at the door that stood at the foot of the cliff face, as she slowly began to climb over the rocks and head towards the door.

  When Ada reached the door she looked around to see if there were any clues as to where she was about go. For as far as she could see was ocean and rocks. The door the only oddity in her sight, she reached out and touched the door and was surprised to feel that it was made from a heavy steel, she ran her fingers over the cool steel towards the door handle that sat prominently in the centre of the door. Slowly she turned the door handle and stepped into the room.

  In the centre of the room was a large high-backed wooden chair covered in green velvet. In the wood was carved pictures of wildcats and forests. She noticed that in one corner of the room was a large bed, blood dripped from the legs and seeped onto the floor. Ada frowned and squinted to see where the blood was coming from. It seemed like the bed itself was bleeding.

  Ada shook her head and turned her attention back to the chair. The only two pieces of furniture in what seemed to be a stone room, the only door was the one she entered from, there were no windows and if it was not for her Vampire eyesight and a small candle that flickered beside the chair, she wouldn’t have been able to see anything. Ada stepped towards the chair when she saw there was someone sitting there, his dark hair hung down over his face, his knees were drawn up to his chest. She recognised him immediately. Dane.

  Ada cleared her throat and Dane’s head shot up and his eyes grew wide as he recognised her. Around his throat was the amulet, it didn’t hold its shine, instead was dull and broken.

  “Ada? How did you find me here?” he asked suddenly looking panicked.

  “Dane, what did you do?” she asked slowly stepping towards him.

  “Ada you need to understand. My Father is powerful. He held me under his power. But I’m so torn. I love you Ada. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you” Dane spoke, standing from the chair and walking towards her.

  He reached out his hands towards her. Ada instinctively took a step back. She felt disgust build in the pit of her stomach. She hated liars, she hated being betrayed, she hated that she gave her body so freely to someone who took her trust and trod on it.

  “I need you Ada. Together we can take down my Father” Dane spoke stepping closer still.

  “Your Father? So you are Abaddon’s son?” she asked.

  Dane dropped his eyes and nodded.

  “But we can defeat him, with this” he said holding the amulet up.

  “It has no power for you” she said.

  Dane nodded as he reached out to her again and this time pulled her into an embrace. Ada had to admit that his arms felt good around her body, he began to kiss her neck and Ada felt herself back in her bedroom being covered in his kisses and the scent of his body deep in hers. She shook her head and stepped out of his embrace.

  “You betrayed me. You made me believe that you actually cared” she spat.

  “I do care Ada. I was under the spell of my Father, he held me here” Dane said waving his hand around the room. “He killed my Mother. He never loved her, he never loved me, he never wanted either us. He took her from the coven, stole her in the depths of the night and impregnated her, left her underground in this pit” Dane said.

  Ada shook her head.

  “The records said that she left with him that she fell in love with him” Ada said.

  Dane’s face contorted with anger, his eyes flashed red and face blushed.

  “That’s not true” he roared spinning on his heel and going to the bed plucking the sheet.

  “See this. He fucking left this for me to find. This is her blood. My Mother’s blood. He fucked her and then he killed her” he manically roared waving the sheet around.

  Ada nodded her head and held her hand up.

  “Dane he is the devil. Did you expect any more from him?” she said shaking her head.

  Dane fell to his knees and began to sob.

  “She promised me that he would come back and free us. That we would live normally, that we wouldn’t be stuck in this fucking lightless room” he said through hiccupping sobs.

  Ada stepped forward and placed her hand on his shoulder, she felt pity for him as she stroked his back.

  “He was arrested and put into banishment; he couldn’t have come back for you. If you and your Mother were trapped here, how did you get out and free him?” Ada asked.

  Dane looked confused and shook his head.

  “I didn’t free him” he said.

  “Then who did?” she asked folding her arms in front of her.

  Dane shrugged his shoulders before standing and walking to the chair; he sat down and brought his knees up to his chest again. Ada didn’t see the strong warlock she had been with only the night before. In front of her was a scared little boy. She wanted to be angry, she wanted to be disgusted but at that moment all she felt was pity. Dane looked up at her as he chewed on his lip.

  “I was kept here with my Mother from the day I was born. I’d never seen daylight. Then a few months ago he turned up through the same door you just came in. My Mother and I never even knew there was a door there. He said he was my Father. He bedded my Mother and then killed her. And then he put me under his spell” he explained, his voice cracking.

  Ada felt her heart break for him. But she didn’t know that she could believe him.

  “Then why not say something. The two days and nights we spent together while your Father was in the house next to mine. Why not tell me then? Why take the amulet?” Ada said.

  Suddenly Ada could feel another presence beside her. Ada spun around to see a wild cat slinking up beside her.

  “Frankie” she said.

  Frankie transformed and smiled at her, before turning back into a wild cat. Ada heard Dane scream before she saw Frankie lurch forward. She watched as the amulet dropped to the floor. Ada fell to her knees and scrambled forward grasping the amulet in her fist. She began to chant and watched as the amulet started to glow again. Ada looked up and saw Dane cornered against the chair, Frankie towered over him in the shape of a bear.

  The roar that came from Frankie’s throat was deafening and rocked the entire room. Ada stepped forward and put her hand on Frankie’s shoulder. Frankie shrunk back to human form and stepped aside. Ada reached out her hand to Dane, who tentatively took it and stood in front of her.

  “Ada? You didn’t let him kill me” he said.

  Ada shook her head.

  “No Dane I didn’t, I wouldn’t” she said.

  Dane smiled and leaned into her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

  “I love you Ada.” Dane said.

  Ada smiled weakly at him.

  “We can make a great team, we can take out Abaddon and then the world is ours. My Father wants to make human’s slaves. I don’t want that. I want to kill them completely. This world can be ours Ada” he smiled and his eyes began to glow red.

  Ada pushed herself out of his embrace.

  “I would never let Frankie kill you” Ada said materialising a dagger in her hand. “Because then I couldn’t do it” she roared as she brought the blade of the dagger into his throat.

  Dane gurgled dropping his arms from her waist and clasping at his neck. He stumbled backwards and hit his legs on the chair, flopping down onto the seat. His mouth moved in silent words; his eyes bulged as blood oozed from his fingers and dripped down the front of his bare chest. Ada turned away in disgust as Frankie took her hand.

  Suddenly the room became a blinding white light and she felt herself being shot through time and space. She hit the ground with a thud. Her nostrils were filled with the scent of the forest, the chants of the coven filled her ears and clasped in her hand was the amulet. Ada opened her eyes and saw Morrigan
standing next to her; she reached out a hand and helped Ada stand. As Ada stood Morrigan pulled her into an embrace and kissed her third eye.

  “You did it child, your Mother would be proud” Morrigan said.

  Ada smiled weakly and caught the eye of Karla who stood her mouth ajar and her face pale. Ada smiled at her with a comforting smile and Karla nodded understanding that soon she would explain everything.

  “Right let’s go eat and drink” Morrigan said.

  They closed the circle and got dressed silently before heading back to the home where Morrigan had organised a large feast.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “War does not determine who was right, only who is left” Bertrand Russell.

  As they were about to sit, Ada spotted Kade as he entered the room with Frankie. He locked eyes with Ada and she could feel the feelers being sent over her to make sure she was alright.

  ‘I’m fine’ she said to her Father’s mind.

  Kade nodded and came to her and pulled her into his chest. Ada closed her eyes, feeling exhausted and wanting to sleep. Karla came and stood beside them.

  “That was the most amazing thing I have ever been a part of. I feel so invigorated” she said bouncing up and down on the spot.

  Karla looked like she could run a marathon whereas Ada felt like she had been socked in the guts by an energy Vampire. Ada giggled and hugged Karla.

  “I hope you never have to be a part of something like that again” Ada said. “But I need to tell you, Dane was Abaddon’s son, we were right.”

  Karla looked shocked and looked between Frankie, Kade and Ada.

  “Was?” she said.

  Ada nodded.

  “He’s dead” she said.

  Karla pointed at Ada, who nodded in answer. The image of Dane’s blood oozing from his throat caused her to shudder.

  “Did he say anything to give us any more information?” Kade asked.

  Ada shook her head and shrugged.

  “Not really. He told me that the room that I found him in; Dane and his Mother had been locked in before he was born. He said that he didn’t let Abaddon out, but that Abaddon had arrived in the room and introduced himself to Dane.” Ada rubbed her eyes and yawned. “He said that Abaddon had taken Irza and hidden her there. And then he killed her while they had sex before he put Dane under his spell”

  Kade frowned and ran his hand through his hair.

  “So if Dane didn’t let him out, who the hell did?” Kade said frowning.

  “I don’t know. I don’t think I would have been able to find out from him either” Ada said.

  “Come you lot, eat. Ada you need to eat. You need your strength. It’s not over” Morrigan called from the other side of the room.

  Ada turned and gave a weak smile to Morrigan. That was what she was worried about. It wasn’t over and when Abaddon found out that his son, his only child died at her hands, only God knew what he would do. She stepped forward and took the plate piled high of food that Morrigan offered her. As they sat and ate, Ada felt the depths of exhaustion setting in. She stood wearily from the table and excused herself.

  Ada headed upstairs for what used to be her Mother’s room and climbed onto the four poster bed that filled the room. She sat and looked around at the fabrics that draped the room and the beaded lamps that were dotted around the place. Her Mother always had a bohemian heart, Ada thought. She could feel tears begin to prickle at her eyes at the memory.

  Ada’s heart ached with loss and with guilt. Ada didn’t know how much of this she could do on her own. Sighing she pushed the covers down the bed and climbed under. No sooner had her head hit the pillow did sleep envelope her. Her dreams were mixed with Dane’s dying face, the love they made and her Mother. Her sleep was spent tossing and turning, something churned at her.

  It was stirring in Ada’s spirit. Something in the voice of her Mother that she heard. It didn’t feel right. It felt like her Mother was right there beside her. It was like Merza wasn’t dead. Yet Kade had said he had seen her body, he had tried to revive her. Why would her Father lie to her? He had no reason to. When Ada awoke she rubbed her eyes and stretched, instinctively reaching out and petting the black cat curled up beside her, it purred and nuzzled under her hand.

  “Frankie. I don’t think my Mother is dead” she said.

  Frankie materialised into human form and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Why would Kade lie?” he asked.

  Ada shook her head and shrugged.

  “I don’t know. But why couldn’t he heal her. He is Nephilim. He should have been able to heal her with his blood” she said.

  Frankie frowned and edged closer to her.

  “You’re right. But your Father is a good man. He wouldn’t work for Abaddon. He wouldn’t lie unless he thought it was a way to protect you” Frankie said.

  “I know. But you heard Dane. He didn’t let Abaddon out. I believe him. He looked shocked when I asked him” she said.

  Frankie nodded and scratched his chin.

  “I saw that too. Leave it with me. I might be able to do some undercover work to find out who it was” Frankie said.

  Ada sighed and put her head on Frankie’s shoulder. He had been her protector since the day she was born, he was only twenty years older than Ada and he would be there until the day either he or Ada died. She just hoped that it wouldn’t be soon. Her stomach growled in a mix of hunger and a feeling of unease.

  “We better get you fed” Frankie said with a smile pointing at her stomach.

  Ada smiled and flung the blanket from her body and stepped out of bed. The familiar waft of pancakes cooking aroused her hunger further as she padded along the carpeted hallway to the kitchen. As she walked into the bright room she could see Morrigan bustling away over the stove. Kade was sitting at the table watching Morrigan work with a sly smile on his face. When he heard Ada come into the room he looked up and grinned.

  “I’m in trouble. I told her how to cook pancakes” he said.

  Ada snorted out a laugh.

  “How do you know how to cook pancakes? You don’t eat” she said.

  Morrigan turned around and laughed putting her hands on her hips.

  “See, that’s what I said” Morrigan shouted with glee.

  Kade laughed and threw his head back.

  “I watched. I see how it’s done” he said laughing.

  “It’s a bit late for pancakes though isn’t it? It’s ten at night. God my body clock is so messed up now” Ada said.

  “There is never a right or wrong time for breakfast.” Morrigan exclaimed.

  Ada went to the table and poured herself a glass of juice, her stomach growling with growing hunger.

  “Oh my; sounds like someone is famished” Kade said.

  Ada rubbed her belly and her eyes lit up with joy when Morrigan set a huge stack of pancakes in front of her, covered in maple syrup. She didn’t wait and dug in; ignoring her Father’s barking laughter at the eagerness of which she ate. She polished off the last pancake and burped behind her hand feeling completely full.

  “Anyone could mistake you for eating for two” Morrigan said with a raised eyebrow.

  Kade and Ada stared at Morrigan with their jaws ajar.

  “Don’t even joke about that Aunt” Ada said shaking her head.

  “No let’s not go there” Kade said with a frown on his face and eyes that bored into the side of Ada’s face.

  She couldn’t bring herself to look at him; she knew what he was thinking. She didn’t want to think that she could possibly be carrying Dane’s child. Ada shook her head. It wasn’t possible; she had a pregnancy protection spell over her.

  ‘Could you be pregnant?’ Kade asked into her mind.

  Ada shook her head.

  ‘No. I have a pregnancy protection spell over me. I couldn’t be’ she returned.

  Ada heard Kade groan quietly before he stood up from the table and excused himself.

  “I have to go to the authority” Kade

  Ada nodded absently; she had her mind on Dane and the possibility that she could be carrying his child. Of course it was too early to tell. She would have to wait a few more weeks at least before it could be confirmed but she couldn’t control the gnawing in her stomach. Surely not.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Don’t acknowledge right, just dwell on wrong; this spot in hell’s where I belong” Avenged Sevenfold.

  Later that night she was sitting in the library going through the books of spells. Ada’s mind was reeling. She knew that Kade and the Authority couldn’t kill Abaddon without her help. But in order to help she needed to understand the amulet and the power that it held. Disappointment settled in the pit of her stomach at the thought that Dane was going to be the one to show her how to work the piece of jewellery and control the power of her magic, but not only did he betray her, Ada had killed him.

  Ada sighed, feeling the frustration ebb through her entire soul as she sat furiously reading everything she could find about the amulet and the power it contained. Ada realised just how little she knew. She knew that the amulet was a powerful piece of jewellery but didn’t realise just how much could be done. She needed to come up with a plan. A plan that would help defeat Abaddon was what she ultimately needed. He needed to die. He would continue to escape and the only way to end his reign was to kill him.

  The knock on the door shook her out of her deep thought. Ada looked up to see Travis standing in the doorway, a sheepish smile on his face.

  “Travis?” she exclaimed standing and embracing him.

  “Hey Ada” he said returning her hug.

  She saw that he looked good. His hair shone and still hung about his shoulders, his skin was clear and his brown eyes seemed full of life. Ada took his hand and brought him into the room, guiding him to sit next to her on the couch. She looked him over. He didn’t seem to have any Paranatural in him. But for a human he looked good.

  “How are you? How did you know to find me here?” she asked taking his hand in hers.


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