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Page 19

by Sammy King

  As they entered the dining room Ada saw Kade and Travis standing smiling at her. Travis stepped forward and planted a deep and passionate kiss on Ada’s lips. Ada pushed her body tight against his and felt his erection begin to protrude against her belly.

  “Um hello?” the male voice spoke behind them.

  Ada pulled away to look around Travis to see where the voice came from. She smiled when she recognised Travis’s brothers Markus and Julien standing with their Mother Mae between them. She went to them and gave them each a kiss and hug greeting them warmly.

  “What have you done to my son?” Mae said with a sad laugh.

  Ada could read her energy which said the laugh was a cover-up. She wasn’t happy. But then who would be? Ada thought.

  “I’m sorry Mae. I couldn’t let him die” Ada said holding Mae’s hand.

  Mae dropped her eyes to the ground and Ada could see the tears that welled and threatened to overflow.

  “I would have done the same thing Ada.” Mae said looking back up at her.

  Ada pulled Mae into an embrace. She felt strong arms surround her and looked over her shoulder to see Travis.

  “My two favourite women” he said with a smile.

  Ada and Mae smiled back at him, but Ada couldn’t help but worry for Mae.

  “Come now you lot, eat” Morrigan called.

  Ada’s stomach growled in response as she took the plate piled high of food.

  “How the hell do you not get fat?” Julien asked watching Ada devour the food.

  “Its hungry work being a Witch” Ada replied. “And we have super-fast metabolisms”

  They stayed and enjoyed each other’s company until the sun was threatening to greet the earth celebrating together. Mae seemed to visibly relax during the evening. Julien and Markus loved the idea of Travis being a Vampire and had what seemed like a million questions for him, they talked his ear off. Julien was more interested in his sex life than anything else. They all bid their farewells to one another and headed back to her childhood home. Ada felt light. She could feel the love that oozed from Travis and she matched it.

  “Travis?” Ada asked on their way home.

  “Yeah?” he replied.

  “I want a baby” she said.

  Travis choked out a laugh.

  “Well that’s sudden” he said turning his head to glance at her.

  Ada turned and looked at him as they pulled into the garage of their home and Travis turned the car off.

  “I know it is. But this whole war has shown me that even for Paranaturals life can be short. Even though we are immortal we aren’t indestructible. I don’t want to die or have you die before I get to know what it’s like to be a Mother” she said.

  Travis smiled and his eyes twinkled in the darkness of the garage.

  “Well I think I could stand to have a little girl or two that look like you” he said with a smile.

  Ada smiled and leaned her head against the car seat.

  “So when do we start?” Travis asked with a grin.

  Ada sent her feelers out to him and filled his body with an erotic pleasure.

  ‘Now’ she spoke into his mind.

  With the speed of a Vampire he was out of the car, had Ada in his arms and in the bedroom. With a grin he flopped her onto the bed and licked his lips.

  “So a baby it is” Travis said closing the door and ripping his shirt from his body.

  The End!!




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