Tom vs the Volcano God

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Tom vs the Volcano God Page 9

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Sondra said, “That’s so romantic. I never heard of that before, but that’s the most romantic thing that I’ve ever heard of. Robby seems to have a very special relationship with his, um, people. Sarah, are you saying that you do too?”

  Sarah said, “Dear, Tom doesn’t have any people, but I’m sure that we don’t mind that you felt a desire to ditch the undies.”

  Just then, two women stepped up to the table.

  The taller, a blond said, “Mr. Jensen, please don’t get up. I’m Ashley. I’m your Captain today. This is my copilot, Diane.”

  Both women shook my hand and I said, “Please, call me Tom. This is my fiance, Sarah.”

  Sondra said, “This is all a surprise for Sarah. She doesn’t know where we’re taking her, and we aren’t supposed to tell.”

  Diane said, “Oh, that’s fun!”

  Sondra said, “And they didn’t bring any luggage, or a carry-on, or even a purse, and just the clothes you see them in,” and she winked.

  Sarah said, “Yep, we’re traveling light. We aren’t even wearing undies.”

  Diane said with a smile, “So, you want us to ditch our undies to lighten the plane so that we get you to your secret destination faster? We could do that, I guess. What do you say, Ash? Ditch the unnecessary weight?”

  Ashley smiled but said, “Mr. Jensen, I’m sorry. We don’t know you. We get carried away sometimes when your brother flies with us. It gets very casual. Diane just forgot. You do look a bit like him.”

  Sondra said, “No, it’s fine, right? Sarah? You kind of said we should be comfortable, like with Robby, right?”

  Sarah said, “I sure did. I don’t know everything that means, but now I kind of want to find out. I promise, we won’t get anyone in trouble. I’d really like to know just how comfortable you get with my soon to be brother-in-law.”

  Sondra said, “Really, like the whole way?”

  Sarah said, “The whole way.”

  Sondra looked at Sarah and then at me and then back at Sarah and then at Ashley and said, “We’re on auto-pilot.”

  Sarah said, “Oh, then let’s all sit down and get acquainted. Tom, you’re finished with your lunch, and there’s those nice chairs and a sofa. We could all sit and talk, couldn’t we? We have time to kill, don’t we?”

  Ashley said, “We will be on auto for at least three hours. The plane doesn’t actually require two pilots, so we can both sit back here for a while, if you want us too.”

  Sarah said, “Good, let’s move to more comfy seats. Well, these are comfy, but not for all five of us.”

  We moved into other seats, all facing each other.

  Diane said, “Do you really want to know what it’s like? When Robby flies with us? We can’t tell you, because of confidentiality, but we could act the same way, if you want us to.”

  I said, “Wait, nobody wants you to act in any particular way. I want you to feel comfortable, and I have no problem with you being as casual and even familiar as you want to be, but I don’t want or require you to act in any particular way, and I am not asking for any favors outside the constraints of your jobs.”

  Diane said, “Wow.”

  Sondra said, “I know. He sounds just like Robby.”

  Ashley said, “That’s exactly what Robby would have said.”

  Sondra said, “And Sarah talks just like Honey. And she did a perfect impression of Miss Tiffany. It was uncanny.”

  Diane said dramatically, “Sondra, are you saying that he is the Chosen One?”

  Sondra said, “Priestess, the Prophecy seems almost certain. We will have to wait and look for the signs.”

  Ashley said, “Um, don’t mind them. It’s a joke. It’s nothing. But what do you want to know about us?”

  Sarah said, “I want to know how you would treat us if we were Robby and Honey.”

  I said, “Who’s Honey?”

  The girls all looked at Sarah and Sarah said, “Honey is still a secret. You have a secret adventure for me and I’m going to keep Honey a secret for now, too.”

  Diane said quietly, “Um, Honey is the most beautiful woman who ever lived. I love her.”

  Ashley looked like she was going to get tears in her eyes, but said, “Well, if that’s what you want.”

  Sondra said, “We don’t get naked and stuff and there’s no touching or anything, but we do…”

  Ashley said quickly, “We can’t say what we do. We can only act like we want to act, and it has nothing to do with another client either real or fictitious. So, if we act a certain way, to pass the time, it’s up to our guests to interpret that how they want to. Understood?”

  Sondra smiled and said, “Yes, Captain.”

  Diane said, “So, Sondra, did you really ditch the undies?”

  Sondra said, “Well, we’d been talking, and they went to the suite while I got lunch ready and they got uncomfortable.”

  Diane grinned and said, “Did you go to the restroom, or just do it out here?”

  Sondra said, “Well, they were in the suite, and I wanted to hurry, so I just pulled them off and stuck them in my purse.”

  Diane said, “Mine are getting a bit uncomfortable too, but I’m only doing this because we were asked to get our passengers to their destination as fast as possible. It was my decision, and I just want to do anything that could possibly lighten the plane.”

  Diane didn’t get up but pulled the hem of her dress up her thighs and reached under and squirmed out of her underwear. She didn’t expose her crotch, and I was happy about that.

  Ash groaned and said, “Mr. Jensen, this isn’t what we do. I swear. We aren’t some strip club in the sky. We don’t even cater to anything like that. And I can’t say what we do when Robby flies with us, but I swear we don’t do anything like this with anyone else. Not ever. Not even a little.”

  Ashley looked around the cabin and then frowned like she was in a little bit of pain and slid her own panties off and set them beside herself where she sat.

  I wanted to see if I could increase their comfort, thinking back to the confusion and frustration described for Sarah at a certain level. I didn’t know if it would be the same for these girls, but why wouldn’t it?

  I said simply, “Those are pretty.”

  Ashley smiled a bit and said, “Thank you.”

  I said, “All three of you are very attractive women. Um, but if I shouldn’t say things like that, just let me know. I don’t mean anything weird. At least I hope I don’t. I’m a man and all and I have a caveman brain sometimes, but I don’t mean to.”

  Ashley said, “He sounds so much like Robby, I can’t stand it.”

  Diane said, “Oh, I can’t stand it either. Let’s just go for it. Look we’re going to be really comfortable eventually right? Let’s just get it over with. Let’s just go for it. And if Sarah’s like Honey, let’s just go for it.”

  Sarah exclaimed, “Yes! Let’s!”

  Diane looked at Sarah and said, “Sarah, does he have a nice penis?”

  Ashley said, “Well, that’s a question that would come up eventually, but shouldn’t we ease into it? Or when he’s not actually sitting right here?”

  Sarah laughed and said, “I don’t have a single girlfriend where we live yet. Now I have the three of you, and I’m happy. Tommy, if you get to embarrassed, go lie down. Me and the girls are going to talk. And you might get teased, and if you really love me, you’ll let us have some fun. Yes, he has a very nice penis. It’s kind of big. Like really manly. He wants to wait to have intercourse until we have a ceremony and all, but I’ve had a little taste of it already”

  Sondra asked, “A taste?”

  Sarah said, “Yep, and it tasted really good. Really, really good. Oh, he didn’t make me, and he didn’t even ask me to. I just jumped him. I really liked it. I never did that before, but I liked it so much that I can’t wait to do it again. Do you girls have boyfriends?”

  They all shook their heads.

  Sarah said, “No? None of you? I’m not surprised.

  I said, “What? Why not? They seem wonderful and any guy would be lucky to be with them.”

  Sarah grinned and said, “But they know better. They don’t want any guy to get lucky to have them, do they? They want that nice special guy. I bet that knowing Robby sets the bar pretty high, doesn’t it?”

  Ashley said, “Um, kind like that, yeah. It kind of makes you look at men differently.”

  Sarah said, “That’s why I’m with Tommy, and nobody else. Nobody else could measure up. I really hope you three find that one guy who you all love exactly the same way I love Tom. I think you will. Hey, after we get where we’re going, where do you go next?”

  Ashley said, “Well, lots of times, when we fly for Robby, he lets us spend a few days of vacation playing afterward. He has us in a hotel near the airport for a little while. He’s really generous.”

  Diane said, “Well, he doesn’t have us.”

  Ashley said, “Everyone knew what I meant. He pays for us. No, he doesn’t, I mean, he arranges things at the resort for us to stay there on him. On his account. Oh, shut up!”

  I said, “Girls, who do you work for? From a corporate entity standpoint? Some of this seems a bit shaky.”

  Sondra said, “Oh, that’s the thing. We don’t work for any company, so we can do what we want. We have our own Limited Liability Company, just the three of us. We’re independent. That’s why we aren’t afraid of getting in trouble. The only rules are our rules.”

  Chapter 9 - Landing in Wonderland

  Ashley cleared her throat and said, “To a point.”

  The three girls seemed subdued suddenly.

  Diane said, “Yeah. Um, we make our own rules, except for rules that get made for us.”

  Sondra said, “By Lily.”

  Ashley said, “If Lily were here, or even Robby, we wouldn’t be sitting here with our panties off.”

  Sondra said, “No we would not.”

  Ashley said, “Then how come we are? Sondra, what were you thinking?”

  Sondra said, “I wasn’t. But Lily isn’t here, and Robby isn’t here, but it’s like he is and she isn’t and Sarah is so much like Honey that I just did it.”

  Sarah said, “So, you don’t do this with Robby?”

  Sondra said, “No. Because of Lily.”

  I said, “Who’s Lily?”

  Sarah jumped in and said, “Girls, we’re having fun. Like you said, you make your own rules. Whatever Lily says or does, she can’t right now. Tom is here and he can just tell Lily to back off and leave you alone; that he likes you and she better be nice.”

  Diane smiled a bit and said, “Yeah. She’s not here and Tom says we’re fine, so she can just sit herself down and be nice.”

  Sondra said, “Well, to a point.”

  I said, “Who’s Lily?”

  Ashley said, “One of Robby’s staff is this tall chick named Lily. She’s his quote, driver. But she’s more like his enforcer and bodyguard. She says she takes care of his housekeeping.”

  Diane said, “She’s actually really sweet and I like her, but she scares the crap out of me.”

  Ashley said, “But as long as we mind ourselves, she’s great. But if we did this with Robby, she’d frown at us.”

  Sondra said, “And make us disappear.”

  I said, “Oh, it can’t be that bad.”

  Ashley said, “Lily says that she takes care of family. And we are contractors. We come under her protection too, but like two steps down from family. Nobody messes with Lily’s family and that means nobody tries to get friendlier with Robby than they are supposed to.”

  Diane said, “She’s almost seven feet tall.”

  Sondra said, “Well, she’s only maybe five eleven. We’re going to have to put our underwear on before we land.”

  Diane said, “Why? I like this new uniform.”

  Ashley said, “She’s right. A car is going to meet them at the airport. Who do you think will be driving?”

  Sondra said, “Lily.”

  Diane said, “Oh. Yeah. We’ll put on underwear before we land. But you know what? I might not wear any at the hotel.”

  Sarah said, “Oh, maybe we could all have dinner together. Me and Tommy could come and take you out to dinner. But girls, I can fix it with Lily. I don’t know her yet, but I can fix it. We’ll talk about it later.”

  After that, things got a bit more comfortable again. We chatted about their jobs and places that they had been, and things like that until we were all back to normal.

  Sondra said, “Marilyn said this was a Code Black Picnic. When she called, she said, ‘Girls, I have a Code Black Picnic’.”

  Sarah said, “A picnic?”

  Sondra said, “That’s what we call something like this. That’s why we are staying at the hotel instead of leaving again right away. We call it ‘A Jensen Family Picnic’. It means that we don’t know what to expect. That anything could happen. It’s a code that Marilyn made up. Code Black is top secret, no time for planning, just make it happen and don’t assume anything. She said, ‘Sondra, this is Marilyn. We have a Code Black Picnic. The package will be at the plane in an hour and a half. Two passengers. Rush delivery. Diamond service level. Five days minimum. Extended dates possible, with multiple destinations. This one’s special’. So, I said we’d take it, no questions asked, and we grabbed our bug bags and got the plane ready. And here we are.”

  Sarah said, “What’s a bug bag?”

  Diane said, “We keep a bag packed all the time. Everything we need. We grab our ID and the bag and we’re ready to roll. We can literally be out the door in under one minute when necessary.”

  I said, “That sounds really cool, in a way.”

  Ashley said, “It really is. We don’t bring much with us. Just essentials. Three changes of clothes, toiletries and makeup, and a swim suit. We do laundry if we need to. If we have more information and more time, we pack and plan, and usually Marilyn gives us plenty of notice.”

  Sondra said, “But when she says, ‘Code Black Picnic’, we get kind of excited.”

  Diane said, “That’s probably why we aren’t wearing panties.”

  I said, “Why? What do you mean? I thought that you said that this was unusual.”

  Sondra said, “This is unprecedented. But what I think she means is that those three words mean that we are in for some kind of adventure. So, we were kind of all excited and keyed up and ready for playtime. And since it was for you, and you are Robby’s older brother, and because we don’t know you, I think we felt kind of tingly. And when Sarah said that you just got engaged, it felt really romantic, so maybe we kind of gave in to some little fantasies, you know?”

  Sarah said, “Fantasies? That sounds fun. Like fairy tales? Um, I’m kind of naive. Like I said, I don’t have any girlfriends yet. And I was raised in a really small private school, and I don’t know anything about world politics or normal girl stuff. In a lot of ways, I’m a lot younger emotionally than I seem, because of how I was raised. It wasn’t like really conservative, it was actually really pretty free and open, but it was like living on a tiny island, so I don’t even know exactly what you mean about fantasies.”

  Sondra said, “A tiny island? Did you really, or is that just a simile? Or was it really on a tiny island? Robby has access to plenty of them. Are you like Miss Tiffany?’

  I said, “Um, in what way?”

  Sarah said, “You know about Miss tiffany? Being an Elf girl?”

  Sondra said, “Well, she’s maybe like an elf, I guess, but I meant where she’s from. She’s like from some tiny place in Latvia or something, right? From some region where people are like her. You know, short and beautiful, and sort of eccentric. Is that where you’re from too?”

  Sarah said carefully, “You could say that. Yes. Miss Tiffany and I have common ancestry and relatives and I was raised in the same region that she was. I’m taller than she is, and I don’t really know why. And I don’t think that I’m quite as eccentric, if that’s what you want to
call it, and I don’t know why that is either. But I came here, and I was kind of a good match for Tom, so Robby set it up, and we love each other very much and I’m really happy.”

  Ashley said, “That’s so wonderful. I’m so happy for you. I do wish that we could be like that. We talk about it and that’s where the fantasy comes from.”

  Diane said, “And the Prophecy.”

  Ashley said, “Yeah, but we don’t talk about that. Diane, you’ll totally embarrass me!”

  Diane said, “Sarah, so how do you feel about nudity?”

  Sarah said, “I never really did it much. But I think I like it. I let Tom see me naked and it was really exciting. I think it would be fun to be at a beach and not wear any clothes at all. Like Honey.”

  Diane said, “Would you feel like jealous or anything? If Tom saw other girls naked? If you were at a pool party or something? Or with Honey? She’s his sister-in-law, but I think she walks around their house naked a lot. And the other girls seem like Robby sees them naked and it’s no big deal at all. So, how do you feel about stuff like that?”

  Sarah said, “Oh, I think that’s fine! We’re beautiful. As long as everything is all at the right level. When I first met Tom, it was just the very first level, and I was really shy about him seeing me, because we didn’t know each other at all. I wanted to peek at him if I could, because you know, I was curious, and I figured that he was curious about me, but we had to get to know each other and feel comfortable and get to the right level. I would never want another man to see me though. I belong to Tommy, and nobody else. Maybe Robby would be OK, if we were all together and Tommy was there with everyone and all of Robby’s ladies, then that would be OK, maybe.”

  We sat quietly for a moment and then Sarah narrowed her eyes and said, “Diane, do you want to take your clothes off?”

  Diane looked at Sarah and slowly said, “Well, yeah. I do. You know how you do and you don’t and you have to but you can’t and you don’t care so you will but it’s complicated and you can’t and it’s just what you want and it doesn’t matter because you can’t have it because the world is all screwed up and if it weren’t then you’d just be able to do it but it doesn’t work the way you think it should?”


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