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Tom vs the Volcano God

Page 12

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  She said, “Part of the promise. From now on, we only wear undies if you tell us to.”

  We buckled into our seats and Sondra hit the microphone button on her ear-piece and said, “Cabin secure and ready for landing.”

  We were about fifteen minutes from the runway. What was happening? I’d just agreed that I was in love with three women that I’d just met and promised to somehow marry them and work out a life together. Crap. And there was no way to take it back and I didn’t even want to. I didn’t know who Honey was, but the easiest thing to do was to go along with whatever this prophecy fantasy was and just let it happen. I really did love them. It was crazy but I did.

  When we were all settled and had taken a minute to breathe, Sondra said softly, “What’s happening?”

  I said reassuringly, “Sondra, there’s no real way to know. We are in Wonderland now. I expect that when we land, a pumpkin coach will meet us at the side of the plane and a white rabbit with a giant pocket watch will tell us that we’re late and he’ll take us to a crazy tea party. But somehow, we’re going to make things work out. I feel like we can do this. But listen, we have to trust each other.”

  She said quickly, “I trust you!”

  I said, “I know. But here’s the thing. Sarah and I just got engaged, and we haven’t hardly even kissed each other. We had a brief moment of very intense intimacy, but we haven’t even slept together. We’re getting married this evening, but beyond that, we might need a little time to work everything out.”

  Sondra said, “Are we all really going to be secretly married or something, or are we just girlfriends, or what?”

  Sarah said, “Sondra, why would it be a secret? Well, it has to be sort of a secret, but you’ll be married, the same as me. Isn’t that what you want?”

  Sondra said, “Well, of course, but how?”

  Sarah said, “Tommy can do anything. Robby will show him how. But I have a question too. What about tonight? And Sondra and Diane and Ashley? Sondra, I kind of want at least one night of a honeymoon by myself.”

  Sondra said, “Oh, gosh yes! Of course! Um, the girls and I can go to the hotel and stay there, and you can tell us when we can see you again. Um, it won’t be so bad. We can do that. Marilyn said that we could stay at least a week this time. We’ll just go to the hotel and wait.”

  I said, “OK, but you won’t have to wait very long. I’ll at least call you no later than tomorrow night, and probably come and see you and maybe I’ll have a plan worked out. I have to talk to my brother.”

  Sarah said, “We have a poodle in a hat box. It’s all going to be fine. When we open the trunk, the poodle will be right there ready for us. This is wonderful.”

  Sondra said, “Diane’s a virgin.”

  I said, “What? I mean, that’s great, I guess, but the way she talked…”

  Sondra shrugged and said, “Yeah, surprising. I think she just went crazy. But she might feel shy when she calms down. I’m not. I wish I was. Does that make a difference?”

  I said, “You aren’t a virgin? I didn’t have any expectation that you would be. Aren’t you the same age as Ashley and Diane?”

  She said, “I’m divorced. It was a long time ago. Does that make a difference?”

  I said, “Sondra, I’m in love with you already. Do you want to be with me?”

  She said very quietly, “I do. I need to. I can feel it.”

  I said, “Then be patient for just a little while. We’ll work everything out. I need you, too. I feel like I know somehow that we are part of each other. Like when we are together, that missing parts of us will be put together and we will find out that we have always been looking for each other.”

  She said, “Yeah. Like that.”

  The plane touched down and the brakes went on and we taxied toward the parking area for private jets. We stayed in our seats until we came to a stop. I could see a car waiting for us outside the window. Ashley and Diane unbuckled quickly and rushed back to where we sat.

  Sondra said, “Put your dresses on!”

  Ashley said, “Oh crap. I forgot. Nobody could see us, I’m sure. Where’s our underwear?”

  Sondra said, “I gave it to Tom. I assumed that we don’t wear any unless he tells us too.”

  Ashley said, “Oh! That’s a great idea.”

  Ashley quickly pulled on her dress and straightened it. Diane seemed very subdued and refused to look at me. Sondra went to open the door and let down the stairs and I grabbed both girls’ hands and had them face me.

  I said, “Girls, this is all very intense and a bit scary. But I love you. I fell in love with you today, but in a way, it was like I always loved you. When I made you promise me not to give yourself to anyone but your Chosen One, deep down I knew that I wanted that to be me. Somehow, I knew that it was me. That it had to be, because I had a gut-wrenching knowledge that I never ever wanted you to be with anyone but me. I couldn’t believe that we could do that because I didn’t think that you would ever really want to be with me that way. It was easy to ask you to promise me to let me approve of who you would be with, because I wanted that to be me.”

  Ashley said, “And it was easy to promise you, because we wanted that too.”

  Diane said, “I’m a virgin.”

  I said, “Not for long, kitten. I love you. And if you want to do this, with all of us together, we will. Diane, I committed to you first. But I have to take care of things with Sarah tonight. Sondra says that you girls can stay at the hotel for tonight and I’ll see you somehow tomorrow, and we’ll start working all of this out. I do want us to have a ceremony before we make love though. Can you wait for me?”

  Ashley said, “For a day or a week? Of course. I said that I would wait a lifetime if necessary. Is this real?”

  I said, “It really is. Sarah and I are going to make it real. All of us are. Did you get in trouble with the authorities or something? Do I need to get us a lawyer?”

  Ashley said, “Oh, no. That was fine. They were late. They didn’t even know we weren’t in the cockpit. And there’s no real law against flying in the nude, I guess.”

  Diane said, “So it’s really real?”

  I said, “Diane, do you still want it to be?”

  She said, “Yes. More than anything. I was awful. I said things that just came out.”

  I said, “Can I have a kiss?”

  Diane looked up in surprise and I kissed her. On the mouth. Then I kissed Ashley and called Sondra over and kissed her. Then I put my arm around Sarah and kissed her as well.

  Sarah said, “See? This is perfect. My best friends and all of us in bed together. That’s perfect. What now, oh Master”

  The other girls looked shocked at each other, but then looked back at us.

  I said, “What? Is something wrong?”

  Sondra said, “Oh, no. It’s nothing. Um, yeah, this is really perfect.”

  I said, “OK. The car is waiting. We better go. I’ll call you no later than tomorrow night.”

  Sarah and I walked down the stairs, and before we reached the pavement, a driver opened the back doors to the car and my brother Robby, and two stunning women got out.

  Sarah exclaimed, “Oh, it’s Alice and Honey!”

  I heard one of the girls at the top of the stairs behind us exclaim, “Oh, no! It’s Lily! What’s she going to do when she finds out? We’re dead.”

  I ignored that as we walked down to the last stair and stepped to the ground.

  Sarah whispered to me, “You were so lying though. You acted like you know exactly what to do, but I don’t think you have a plan at all. It’s cute and it makes me love you even more, knowing that you committed to make us all happy and you don’t even know how to start. It’s perfect.”

  Robby and the two women stepped forward and shook my hand and then hugged me.

  He said, “Tom, this is Honey, my wife, and this is Alice. We know Sarah, of course.”

  I went to shake the women’s hands, but they hugged me warmly instead.

  I said, “Robby, we have to talk.”

  Chapter 12 - Into the Jungle

  Robby looked surprised and put his arm around me and walked me a little distance from the others. He could tell from my tone of voice that something was truly bothering me and that he needed to pay attention to it.

  He said, “Tom, what’s up? You look like you’ve been in a car wreck emotionally. Is everything OK with you and Sarah?”

  I said, “Yeah, Sarah and I are fine.”

  He said, “Did you ask her to marry you?”

  I said, “Yeah, and she said yes, and that’s all great.”

  He said, “Then what’s wrong? I can fix it. Or Honey or Alice can. Are you sick?”

  I said, “Robby, I don’t know exactly what happened, but I kind of asked all four of them to marry me. And they all said yes, and Sarah is all in favor of it and so are they, and I’m screwed.”

  Robby said gently, “Are you having second thoughts?”

  I said, “Second thoughts? Are you…what? It sounds like you aren’t surprised.”

  He said, “I’m surprised that you did it already. I thought we would have to have you at least hang out for a week and get to know them and get to know my family, and that you and I would have to talk about a lot of stuff, but then again, I thought that it would take you at least two weeks to get to this point with Sarah. It sounds like I greatly underestimated you. In the last six hours, you bonded with four women and they all agreed to marry you and none of them are at all bothered by you having all of them together? I greatly underestimated you, big brother. But one question. You weren’t supposed to bring any luggage. I know it’s not much, but what’s in the bag?”

  I glanced at the little plastic bag that I was holding and said sarcastically, “Oh that? That’s just their bras and panties. They say they don’t where any now unless I tell them to!”

  Robby said, “That’s cool. Good job. Hey, I know. You’re freaking out. We can’t talk in the car yet, but I’ll explain really quick. First, Alice is a NORG. You know that. Honey isn’t. And neither is Buttercup, Peach, Flower, Cupcake, or Lily. All of my wives, except for Alice, are human. It’s all been done legally, but carefully, and we all love each other, and it’s all great. Here’s the thing that you need to understand. I did not need seven wives. I was happy with just Honey. She was the first. But she couldn’t be happy unless her dearest friends were happy. The only way that she thought that could happen was if they were with me too. No one else would do. I didn’t need them, but they needed me, and they needed each other. Each time one of them was ready, I just knew that I couldn’t turn them away.”

  I said, “That’s what happened to me! Exactly!”

  Robby said, “Just like we hoped it would. We know those girls and we love them. But I’m not the right one for them. We hoped that you were. We gave this a lot of thought. Now remember, you made all of your own decisions. We didn’t tell you to do anything. My girls wanted me to find a way to make those girls in the plane happy, like we are. So, I needed to give you the chance to meet them. There were several factors. I couldn’t let you come meet the family until you had a relationship of your own that would let you accept what I have. I wanted you to be happy and you were lonely, and Sarah would be a great comfort to you. Sarah is absolutely comfortable with the lifestyle we have and would help you prepare for it. Sarah was sort of made to be predisposed toward the girls on the plane. She had never met them, but she was given the background to recognize them as people that she and you might really like. But you can’t accuse me of manipulating you at all. I gave you choices. You made a choice to get to know Sarah. You made a choice to ask her to marry you. And to bring her out here and to do whatever led you to get to know the girls in a way that you all decided to make a commitment to each other. And they made their choices. If you remember how it all went down, I’ll bet you didn’t even ask them for anything. They made choices. Whose choice was it for them to stuff their panties in a bag and say that they couldn’t wear any unless you said so?”

  I said, “Theirs. It’s like they suddenly made up this rule and said that’s how they were going to do things. It was weird. They can’t wear underwear unless I tell them to because they told me that I have to tell them when to wear underwear.”

  He said, “Exactly. It was their choice to take away that choice. But you don’t have to do that, do you? You can accept that rule or not. If you accept what they want you to do, then you can choose to make them wear underwear or not, because they choose to let you make them or not. But they don’t have to, do they? No. You are all just doing what makes you happy. But Dude, like I said, you took the red pill and there’s no going back now. But you know that. You just have to accept what you already know.”

  I said, “I told them to go to the hotel and that I’d see them tomorrow.”

  He said, “Good plan. Come on, let’s go tell Honey the good news.”

  Robby led me back to the car, and the tall girl, Lily apparently, opened the doors and we climbed in. Robby had Lily join us in the back and we got comfortable.

  Robby said, “Well, good news, everyone. Oh, Tommy boy, this is…”

  I interrupted and smiled and said, “This is Lily. The girls on the plane are terrified of her. I’m really glad to meet you. All of you. I spoke to Alice on the phone. And you’re Honey. All of you, I can’t express how thankful I am for everything. Thank you so much. I’m sorry I was so flustered when I got off the plane. I had to talk to Robby for a minute. And for whatever part you had in introducing Sarah and I, thank you. I’ll try to be worthy of her.”

  Honey said, “Tom, you’re upset. It’s all going to be fine. I promise. Did you have a difficult flight? But first, what’s in the bag?”

  I looked sheepishly at Lily. She raised an eyebrow as if she didn’t know what I was about to say and why I seemed to be about to say it to her.

  I said, “Um, it’s bras and panties.”

  Honey said, “For Lily? Well, that’s sweet…I guess.”

  Lily suddenly laughed and said, “I’m going to kill them!”

  I said, “Um, please don’t. I kind of really like them.”

  Lily said, “I think I kind really like you. This I have to hear.”

  Honey said, “The girls on the plane? Already? You’re kidding me!”

  Robby grinned and said, “My big brother’s more of a stud than we realized. I better let him tell it.”

  I said, “We didn’t have sex, I swear.”

  Honey said, “Why not? The only reason not to would be if you were just playing around and didn’t have real feelings for them. But knowing Robby, I think you wouldn’t do that.”

  Lily said ominously, “Not twice, he wouldn’t.”

  I said, “Lily, no, I totally fell in love and Robby said that you would all understand and that you have a pretty special relationship yourselves, and I love them, and they want to love me, but I didn’t make them do anything, because I never would, but it all just kind of happened, and well, I guess I’m engaged to them and to Sarah too. Please don’t kill them. And don’t kill me. I have too much to live for!”

  Lily laughed and imitated the actor Mr. T and said, “OK, this time I’ll let you live.”

  Then in a softer voice, she added, “But let me at least scare the pants off of them just one more time.”

  I opened the little bag and showed it to Lily and said, “They aren’t wearing any pants.”

  Then we all laughed. I explained very briefly what had happened without going into any details, and they all laughed at me at several points. At the end, Alice and Honey asked Sarah what she thought of all of it.

  Sarah said, “That’s what I was supposed to do, right? Wasn’t I? I thought I was. You didn’t tell me to, but it just needed to be like his. And now, I can take care of all of them and do a lot of laundry and we will all be really happy, won’t we? They are all so pretty and so nice and they need Tommy so much and we love them and they are my best friends, so they have to be
married with us. They really liked Tom’s penis, so it’s just right, isn’t it?”

  Honey smiled and said, “Well, if they like Tom’s penis, then how can it be any other way?”

  Sarah said, “Only one of them touched it and they didn’t get to suck on it or put it in their pussies yet. But I just know they want to.”

  Honey laughed and said, “Then, I guess it’s settled. What now?”

  I said, “I told them to go to the hotel and that I’d see them tomorrow”

  Honey said, “Oh, that won’t do at all. Aren’t we having a beach wedding this evening? They have to at least be there. Here’s what I think. I think we should all go to the residence and go to the beach and have a ceremony for just Sarah and Tom. The bungalow is only set up for two lovers right now and I think Tom needs a special night with each one of them. I wish Cupcake were here.”

  Robby said, “She could be here by morning.”

  Honey said, “Alice, will you arrange it? Tell her what’s going on and that we need her special magic for this. She’ll want to come. So, tonight we have a special time for Sarah and Tom, and they stay in the bungalow, but afterward, the other girls go to the hotel and stay the night. Then in the morning, Tom can go and play with them at the hotel where they can get to know each other in a more public and less intimidating setting. It’s the right thing, trust me. Then Cupcake will tell us what to do when she gets here. How does all that sound?”

  Everyone agreed that it sounded great. Lily grinned and asked if she could call the girls. She opened the door and stood on the pavement facing the plane. The door to the plane was still open, and the girls would be able to hear Lily if she called them loudly. I assumed that they were still watching anyway.

  Lily poked her head back in the car and said, “Tom, you and I are going to be good friends. I just know it. OK, Here goes.”


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