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Tom vs the Volcano God

Page 19

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I said, “You really already know what it is?”

  Dee said, “Yep. And it’s perfect and it makes me shiver. Just do it before I start yelling for you to you know what like I did on the plane.”

  I smiled and turned to the girl at the counter and said, “We want three of those silver anklets with black pearls.

  Dee smiled and said, “I knew it!”

  Sally said, “Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh yeah.”

  Ashley said, “I’m not going to make it. No way I’m holding out till Cupcake gets here. Not if it isn’t really soon.”

  I said, “Is that all we need here? Or do you want something else?”

  Dee said, “Nope. That’s all. Except for putting it on.”

  I paid the shop girl using a debit card, and Dee announced that we were going to use the changing room for a minute and dragged us all to the back of the shop where two small curtained dressing rooms stood. She stepped into one, and without closing the curtain, because there was no one in the shop and the girl at the counter was out of view, she pulled her top all the way off and fastened the chain around her hips. She was gorgeous. The pendant hung down half way between her navel and her sex.

  She said, “Put the anklet on me.”

  I stepped forward and attached the small chain to her right ankle. Then I stepped back and admired her. She was entirely naked, except for a chain at her hips and another on her foot. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. And the fact that it had been her idea, because she wanted me to find her sexy, was very enticing. I felt loved and desired.

  Dee pulled her top back on, and I saw that the other changing stall had Ashley already inside. She was already naked, but she had waited to put the chain around her waist until I could watch. I smiled and attached the anklet, and she put her top on as well. Finally, it was Sally’s turn and we repeated the process one more time.

  We thanked the disinterested shop girl and left the little store. The girls clung to me and led me to a little strip mall next door.

  I said, “Girls, you look amazing. That was really exciting.”

  Ashley said, “Now swimsuits.”

  We went to another shop, this one a nice beach and swim wear store that had better suits than the previous one.

  Ashley said, “Tom, pick out things for us. Then we can tell you if you got it right or not. Swimsuits are harder to get right but take your best shot. But the resort is kind of a family venue, so we shouldn’t wear anything too racy here. Probably one-piece suits. High cut is fine though.”

  Dee said, “One-piece suits won’t work with the belly chains.”

  I said, “I have an idea. What about this? Is this stupid?”

  I looked around the shop until I found what I was hoping for. I don’t know what made me think of it, but I liked it. I found some retro Hollywood style two-piece suits with polka dots. Something a nineteen forties starlet might wear. The bottoms were pretty full cut, and the tops were modest and had straps over the shoulders. They weren’t tiny bikinis by any means, but I thought that they were really cute. I pointed to them, hanging on the wall in several colors. All were white but had different colored dots on them.

  Ashley smiled and said, “You like those?”

  I said shyly, “Well, yeah. They show, you know, your middles and stuff, but well, I think they’re cute.”

  Ashley said, “I think they’re absolutely fabulous. What do you girls think?”

  Sally said, “I would never have even seen that. Tom, you have a good eye. I like it.”

  Dee was already finding one in her size with green dots on it.

  Ashley said, “Tom, these will make us look like, well wait and let us put them on first and you’ll see.”

  All three chose a matching suit, except for the color, and went to a dressing room. I waited outside, but when the door opened and the girls showed me what they looked like, I was very pleased. Seeing my reaction, they closed the door again and took them off and opened the door a minute later.

  Ashley said, “I love it. I absolutely love it. Tom, it makes me feel like a woman. I’m not eighteen years old. I’m thirty-eight. And you dressed me like a sexy thirty-eight-year-old.”

  I said, “Well, a sexy twenty-eight-year-old, maybe.”

  Sally said, “I love it too. And yeah, somehow it makes me feel grown up. Tom, it’s perfect. What do you say, Dee?”

  Dee smiled and said, “It’s perfect. For the pool at the resort. We’ll look great. Three real women and the most fascinating man alive. Guys won’t even be able to look at Tom because they’ll know that he’s so out of their league that they’d never have a chance with women like us. Yeah, I want to send a message. And the message is, get your crap together losers. This is what a stud looks like, not little boys who think being a man is anything like what you are. But we need bikini’s too. These are great for the pool, but we need something for under our tops so that when we go lay on the beach, there’s not much covering our bodies. We won’t wear them walking around unless we have our tops on, but when we lie down for some sun, out on the sand, we’re as undressed as possible.”

  Sally said, “She’s right. Dee you’ve changed. Tom, pick out some suits for sunning in.”

  I went to a rack with bikini’s and held something up that seemed nice. Dee frowned and made a sign with her fingers that it should be smaller. I found a display with even smaller bikini’s, and once again, Dee rejected them. Finally, I went to a small, more extreme rack in the corner of the store and held up an outfit that was just a very small Brazilian cut bottom and a top that had cups small enough that they wouldn’t fully cover the girls’ breasts. Dee approved with a smile and an OK sign. When I pointed out that the color selection wasn’t great. Dee said that just like the anklets, these would all be black. The colors were for each of the girls, but black was my color and these suits were to show that they were mine.

  I asked if they wanted dresses, or other cover-ups or anything. They said that the tank tops were fine for cover-ups, but that they should have a dress for meals. This time, they picked the dresses, not me. They were yellow, green, and magenta, and very attractive. They were a bit longer than knee length and wouldn’t show much leg at all.

  After paying for the clothing, we went to one more shop to get the girls some sandals. They were still barefoot and walking across the parking lots hadn’t been that comfortable. What they picked out was pretty on them, and comfortable for walking.

  We needed to get back to the hotel. It had been about an hour, and Dee’s appointment was in thirty minutes.

  As we walked, Dee held my hand and said, “Tom, we have to believe. We said yesterday that we belong to you. We told Lily that we are committed and there’s no going back. And you said that you know that we have to be this way. So, we have to believe it. That means that you need to believe it. For what it is. None of us have done this before. The only one who ever has is probably Robby. What believing it means is that you need to tell us what is going to happen. Don’t ask us. I want to just stop worrying about it. So, let’s make a new rule. You just tell us what we are going to do, and if we don’t want to do it, we’ll just tell you, and then, and only then, you can say OK and ask what we want to do instead.”

  Ashley said, “We trust you. And if we trust you, and you know that we trust you, and if you trust us to tell you if we are uncomfortable with it, then since we know that you love us, we can just say what we think and not tiptoe around. Please.”

  I looked at Sally, and she nodded in agreement.

  I said, “OK. I will. I guess. And if I get it wrong, you promise that you won’t be offended, and you’ll just tell me and we’ll straighten it out.”

  Dee said, “Yeah. We won’t have to worry about things that way. And everything will happen so much faster because we don’t have to be all careful and afraid.”

  I said, “Then here’s the first thing that I want you to do. From now on, when you want something, just tell me to get it for you. Like Dee did today. No matte
r what. And if it isn’t right, I’ll say so.”

  Ashley said, “Right. Just like that. That’s how we need you to be with us. Just tell us what we need to do, and we’ll tell you what we want. And we only negotiate if we have to.”

  I said, “How far does that go?”

  Dee said, “As far as you want.”

  I said, “Dee, go grab that palm tree and spread your legs.”

  Dee said, “I would. I really would. And you just saying that makes me really happy. If you say that’s really what you want, I probably will. If you say strip naked first, I might. But I know that you are testing things to see what I’ll say and how I’ll react. If I knew that you were really offering me that opportunity right now, I would do it. That’s it, isn’t it? If you tell me to do something, it’s an opportunity. I can choose to do it or not. But I want to be told what my options are and not have to guess.”

  We walked a few more steps and Dee said, “Tom, I think I’m going to like it like that. It sounds really exciting. I’ve never had intercourse, but the idea of you holding my hips, fucking me from behind is really exciting. Oh, and Honey explained to us all about what that word is supposed to mean, and that’s really the only way I ever used it anyway. Buttercup talked to me and she made it sound really fun and I think that’s something I really want to try.”

  That’s right. I remembered that Honey had said this morning that Robby was with Buttercup when we arrived and that she expected that Buttercup was on her knees with Robby between her legs. That must be what Dee was referring to.

  I bent to Dee’s ear and whispered, “So that’s OK? I’ve always wanted to try that more than I had in the past. You don’t think you’ll mind?”

  She said, “I think I’ll love it. It just feels right. We’ll see.”

  We made it down the walk, along the beach and back to the pool area.

  Suddenly Dee said, “Oh no! I forgot we have to shave! I’m going to run up to the room and do it. I have to run. I’ll buy a razor and leave it in the shower for the rest of you. Bye,” and she ran off, taking what we had bought with her.

  Sally, Ashley, and I found a table in the sun between the poolside grill and the water and sat down together.

  I said, “Girls, Dee’s right. This will be easier if you are ready for me to just tell you about things and not ask if you really mean it all the time. We can bring Dee up to speed when she comes back. Like I said, Robby offered me a new job. For now, we’re going to stay with him wherever he goes for a while. Right now, that means staying here. We are going to sell my house. We can’t live together in my neighborhood. Where do you live?”

  Sally said, “We have an apartment near the airport. Lily told us about how she got rid of her whole apartment when she married Robby. That sounds good to us too.”

  I said, “I have to go back and clean a few things out of my house, but then I’m turning it all over to people who work for Robby to clear it out and sell it. We probably start with some history. Girls, I was married until eight months ago. I was married for almost twenty years. Eight months ago, my wife was killed in a terrorist bombing. She was on a trip. It wasn’t even overseas. Some wacko had a homemade bomb in a suitcase. It went off and she and two other people were killed. They were walking into a store. That’s all. Totally random. They caught the guy and he killed himself before they could take him into custody. I love you girls, but I loved her too. So, there might be a few things at my house that I still want. I’ll probably put them in storage. Her name was Linda.”

  Sally said, “Sweetie, I’m so sorry. Oh, that’s awful. I’m so sorry.”

  I said, “Yeah, me too. But I love you all and I don’t want anything to get in the way of that. I’ve grieved quite a bit, but she’s gone. I miss her sometimes, but I’m in love again, and I think it’ all going to be OK. So, we’re going to stay here for a while. Then we can either live on one of Robby’s estates or at one of his resorts, or just about anywhere we want.”

  Ashley said, “What are you going to do for him?”

  I said, “Well, it’s crazy, but as I understand it, I’m going to do some kind of special projects helping people who need it. And you girls are my team. It sounds crazy but I think we’re secret agents who go around and fix things for people. But our first assignment is this guy and these three girls that he’s in love with. We have to find out all about them and see what can be done to make them happy. We have to find out about their finances and any past entanglements that might be holding them back and see if we can make their dreams come true. Especially the three women.”

  Sally smiled and said, “That sounds fun. Do we know anything about these people?”

  I said, “Not much. The guy is a handsome software engineer and the three women are mysterious. They work as pilots and fly executives around the world, but there’s a lot we don’t know yet. We’re going to start interviewing them today. We need to get financial information right away, if they’ll give it to us.”

  Ashley said, “Oh, can we consolidate our bank accounts and junk like that? I hadn’t thought of that. So, we don’t all have to have separate money and everything?”

  I said, “Absolutely. Our team has access to all kinds of people to take care of stuff like that for us. We make a phone call and it happens.”

  Sally said, “Do it now. I mean it. Right now.”

  Chapter 19 - Straightening Things Out

  I said, “Right now?”

  She said, “Yeah. Right now. Why wait?”

  I said, “Well, I guess we need to get started sometime. I’ll make a call.”

  I got Alice on the phone and told her that we wanted to get started on the finances for the girls and she switched me immediately to Sarah.

  Sarah said, “Tommy. I’m having so much fun. What can I do for you? I want to do something for you.”

  I said, “Well, we need to make sure that the paperwork for the girls is all in process, I guess. And we need to consolidate their finances with ours and see if they have any debts or credit cards or anything like that.”

  Sarah said, “Oh. Let me see. We have most of their information already. I will get started. I can work with Alice and she can get Marilyn to help if we need her to. You want basically one bank and accounts that we all can draw from, right? I’ll get right on it.”

  I said, “And we’re going to sell my house and get rid of their apartment.”

  Sarah told me to have a good time and we discussed when I would be back, but she told me to stay as long as it seemed to be the right thing to do.

  I turned back to the girls and said, “Um, you guys maybe should put on some swimsuits, since we are sitting out here. I am afraid that we might forget, and people will notice if there’s a slip up.”

  Ashley said, “Oh, I really did forget. Yeah. Dee took all our stuff to the room. Hey, I’ll run up and put mine on really quick, and Sally, you stay here and I’ll bring yours back and you can go put it on in the changing room. When I come back.”

  She got up quickly and rushed away toward the room, leaving Sally and I alone for the moment.

  I said, “Sally, thank you for all of this. If it wasn’t for you, none of this would be happening. Yes, I know, if it weren’t for me it wouldn’t be happening either, but that’s true for all of us. If any one of us had done something different, none of this would be the way it is now. So, in a way, it’s you that made this happen for me. And I’m so glad and grateful.”

  Sally said, “Tom, I was married once. When I was twenty-four. I was in the military and already working what we’ll call ‘assignments’. It was stressful. I didn’t know Ash or Dee yet. I met this guy at the bar on base where I was stationed temporarily. It was always temporary. He was an OK guy, and we started dating I guess, and after a few months, we got married. He worked at a desk. I think that’s what I was attracted to. He was pretty boring, and that’s what I felt I needed. I had this idea that I would do my time as a um, what I was, and then I’d settle down and have a job on base t
he way that he did.”

  She paused and I reached for her hand and held it until she started again, saying, “So, we both wanted to wait to have sex until we were married. We had fun, and everything seemed fine while we dated, but here was no sexual spark. But we had fun, you know? He was a good friend. We got married, but even on our honeymoon there was no sexual chemistry. We talked about it beforehand. I thought it had to do with the stress of my job. I thought that he had an amazing amount of self-control and was being super sensitive to my feelings. We had sex, but it was barely comfortable, and not at all exciting. It was kind of boring truthfully. I thought that it was because I was damaged psychologically. I felt kind of sorry for him and like we had made a mistake. I felt guilty and thought that I should give him a divorce and let him find someone else.”

  She paused again and squeezed my hand.

  She said, “Sex was boring for me and he had other ideas about what he wanted. He always seemed to want oral sex from me. That was OK. After six months or so, when I would be home from an assignment, he started asking about anal sex.”

  She paused and took a breath and I wasn’t sure what was coming next. Was she going to say that she enjoyed that, or that she hated it? I wasn’t drawn to it, myself. Yeah, the idea of rear entry was a turn on to me, but not anal. It was supposedly pretty painful at first and caused health problems after a while, not to mention the hygiene aspects. I guess, if that’s what she wanted, I could do that, but I kind of hoped not. Of course, I also hoped for an end to this story that didn’t conclude with Sally never being able to really enjoy sex at all.

  She continued, “I didn’t want to, but I tried it. And I hated it. And it hurt. And the thing is that he didn’t even like it. But that’s what our sex life became. Me giving him oral, him wanting anal, and me giving in to it every couple of months. We probably did it maybe three times total. Throughout that time, he would bring up the idea of a three-way every so often. No, wait, before you get afraid that I’m saying that I’m not comfortable with us making love with Ash or Dee, or Sarah, or whatever, I’m not saying that at all. He brought it up, and I thought he was sort of joking about it, but our marriage got so bad that I asked him what he had in mind. He said that he just really got turned on by the idea and that he knew someone who would be into it. Tom, are you with me so far? Well, the friend he had in mind was a guy named Bruce. And it wasn’t that he wanted to share me with the guy. Nope. And I’m glad by the way, because that’s a deal breaker. You and me and the girls is great, but not me and two guys. But that wasn’t even what turned him on. He wanted a three way where the other guy would have sex with him. Supposedly, I’d end up just watching or something. That was kind of the end of that marriage. It lasted a year and a quarter and then we got a divorce. He and the other guy became a couple. It wasn’t really accepted in the military at that time, so they kept it quiet until they left the service, but apparently there were parties where the two of them got involved with several others at the same time.”


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